Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 550: How much damage is appropriate?

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Backed by big trees to enjoy the coolness, Xianji Town has developed to some extent.

There are various shops, medicinal materials, refining tools, refining symbols, etc., everything.

Living in the town was quite pleasant. During the day, Lu Chen went to buy some medicinal materials. The disciples of Xianjimen would exchange some rare medicinal materials for low-level medicinal materials, which happened to be bought by Lu Chen.

Wander around when it's okay.

There are also several arenas and training grounds. Usually this is the most lively place in the town.

People compete here to prepare for the acceptance of Xianjimen.

Lu Chen hasn't earned gold coins for a long time. The gold coins on his body are used quickly, mainly buying medicinal materials for Luyiyi to refine alchemy.

Sometimes I saw some new weapons and bought them without hesitation.

Lu Yiyi wanted to refine alchemy to improve her level of refining medicine, Xiao Mao Tuan needed pills, and Promise Sword needed equipment, local tyrants like Lu Chen almost couldn't support this group of guys.

Within two days, Lu Chen moved from Tianzihao guest room to Dizihao...

"I'm going, there are more than 2,000 gold coins left, my 200 million gold coins!"

Fortunately, under Lu Yiyi's conditioning, Lu Chen finally recovered.

One day later, the largest competition arena in the town was crowded with people. The shop made samples in advance, and all the pedestrians gathered near the arena.

From a distance, I saw dozens of people descending from Xianji Mountain. These people were dressed in white robes. Among them, four or five of them had white robes studded with gold rims.

The leader was dressed in a long gown with a purple bottom and gold rim. From a distance, with his hands supported, dozens of people had already reached the open space in front of the ring.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "What kind of displacement skill is this? Group movement?! A bit strong."

Lu Chen noticed that these people seemed to use different weapons, including swords, guns and sticks, but also crystal balls, talisman paper, firearms... Maybe the so-called Xiu Xian in the nine days is not exactly the same as the "Xiu Xian" in Lu Chen's impression. same.

The various professions of Nine days seem to have various possibilities in the later development, and I am afraid that the strength is not weak.

The middle-aged man in purple and golden robe stepped forward and said Hong Sheng, "Today is the day when Xianjimen recruits disciples. Seeing that there are a lot of people present today and there is not much time, then let's not talk more nonsense. Old rules , Based on the test results."

After all, the man took out a strange rock from his backpack and let his disciple move it to the ring.

"If you want to test, you can come up for the test. Remember, use your strongest blow in the strongest state. Don’t think that Sanzhong Tian is so powerful. You still want to save your strength here. Go back because the test results did not correctly reflect yours. If you can't enter the fairy gate, don't blame me for not reminding you." After that, the man folded his hands and stopped making a sound.

Lu Chen is a bit nervous now. He said that Jiutian is a game with a fairy tale background, but this is the first time he has such a vivid feeling.

In other words, did Mu Xuan and the people in the mountains, including Ling Tian Xianzun, who played against the sky and left the Tianwei chess game, started from here?

The stone didn't know what it was testing. Naturally, Lu Chen wouldn't be the first one to go up. He would look at other people's tests first.

Someone soon took the stage.

The one who came to the stage was an alien tribe who held fists and saluted the people of Xianjimen, "Hello senior Xianjimen, I entered the fourth heaven 5 years ago, the rank of the third heaven, the marshal of heaven!"

The fairy nodded to him, indicating that he can start.

Then the man turned to face the test stone.

"Beastmaster Possession!"

"Beast blood evolution!"

"The king of beasts·wild power!"

"Battle roar!"

"Mad Beast Enchantment!"

Lu Chen stared, the guy faced the stone, and before he made any moves, he first added a bunch of buffs to himself, and the connection world was used.

"Could it be that all the states that can be added have been added." Lu Chen said in shock.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the guy in front turned his head and looked at Lu Chen in surprise. This person is surprisingly sending Brother Cai.

"Brother, it's you!" The younger brother pulled Lu Chen forward, "Of course he has to add the status that can be added, do you think it is easy to enter the fairy gate? It's a good test on the spot. Ten thousand people, let me tell you that the final selection may not exceed 20 people, and most of them are outer disciples who enter the inner door directly. I have been here for 13 years and I have never heard of any one."

"You have been here for thirteen years?"

"Yeah! Otherwise, can I be so poor as to be a second-hand in the shop?"

When Lu Chen thought about it, it seemed to make sense. He already had more than 2,000 gold coins, but he could still live in a large-scale room for a few months.

At this moment, the guy in the test made a move.

"Thousand Beasts Pentium·Beast Tide!"

With a bang, the man hit nearly a hundred punches in a row, the whole ring rumbling, and the ground trembling slightly.

"This damage should be pretty good. The result of the test stone is that each attack can hit 200,000, and 100 punches is 20 million!" Lu Chen nodded, that guy is very strong.

20 million damage in 10 seconds, even in full state, plus a layer of enchantment, but such damage is already rare in the third heaven.

Not long after, the test stone gave the result.

[Total damage 20.98 million physical damage. 】

[Additional debuff: severe injury, delay in casting spells, and weak battle favors. 】

【Test result: unqualified. 】

This test stone is quite powerful. It can detect attacks and debuffs.

Lu Chen almost spit out old blood.

20 million injuries have never happened? Xianjimen's requirements are too high.

The second one on stage, the damage was not as high as that of the Ten Thousand Beasts, so he was naturally eliminated.

Lu Chen was really curious, and said to the little brother, "Hey buddy, how much damage can you pass?"

Brother Sangcai frowned and shook his head, "This...hey, in fact, 20 million total injuries. If it used to be, this should be able to get an outside disciple, but... I heard that Xianjimen sent to Xianji recently. Several consecutive batches of the army’s disciples performed unsatisfactorily. Xianjimen was scolded several times by the head of Xianjimen. The head of Xianjimen became angry and demanded to raise the threshold... Now it seems that 20 million in 10 seconds Total damage, the three debuffs can't even enter the outer door!"

"It is really difficult to enter the fairy gate!"

Lu Chen was a little depressed, how come he came to such a sect at random... How much damage can he successfully enter the fairy gate?

"Oh, by the way, brother, remember to use this multiple attack technique. They only look at the total damage, not a single damage. As much damage can be done in 10 seconds, don’t hide. Hold it!"

In the morning, the strongest player, who caused 28 million damage in 10 seconds, was still eliminated!

The group of people who were still eager to try, after determining the new standard of Xianjimen, they could only shake their heads.

The little brother sent Cai said with a crying face, "I have been paying for 13 years, and all the money has been used to buy pills to improve attributes. I thought it would definitely pass this time, but now... Xianjimen is really too much, 28 million. Hurt, you can't be an anonymous outer disciple?! Hey, do I really have no fairy fate!"

Lu Chen shook his head, he couldn't help this matter either.

No one has been on stage for a long time, and Lu Chen knew that he couldn't delay it anymore.

The Fourth Heaven is not his destination, he must enter the fairy gate if he wants to go to a higher heaven!

"Is there anyone else to test?" Xianjimen walked out and said to everyone.

There was a discussion in the audience.

"2800 damage, this, this damage has been eliminated, Xianjimen regards itself as a top school!"

"I heard that Xianjimen's supplies are already scarce, and I don't want to recruit new people. I don't know if it's deliberately embarrassing us."

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense, their people are still there!"

Seeing that the people below are only one round but no one is on stage, the Xianjimen disciple shook his head, "Sure enough, all the good ones have entered the martial arts, and the rest... hey..."

At this moment, someone squeezed out from the crowd, "I'll try it."

Everyone looked at it, and saw a man in red stepping onto the ring.

Lu Chen shook his head as he walked.

Lu Chen didn't want to join any sect. Since he couldn't get around this step now, it would be a good choice to be an anonymous outer disciple.

But the problem is that he doesn't even know a standard now, so how much damage is appropriate for him?

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