Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 551: Ordinary attack or trick?

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Lu Chen thought in his heart that 30 million won't be enough...If you are safe, it should be about 40 million.

When he first arrived in the third heaven, Lu Chen's physical attack was about 300,000, but now his level has reached full, and the Promise Sword has also swallowed a lot of equipment.

Now without any state blessings, Lu Chen's physical attack has reached 900,000+, one step away from a million physical attacks.

When the time comes, make a rapid onslaught and flash fire, just hit more than 40 punches.

People from Xianjimen saw the guy on the field and took two steps back.

Lu Chen was about to hit a test stone when he went up, and was hurriedly stopped by someone, "Boy, don't you know the rules? Report yourself first!"

Only then did Lu Chen remember that before others had introduced himself before testing.

He turned to look at the rostrum, "I have seen the predecessors of Xianjimen, I have been here for six days, and my rank is militia."

Someone nearby laughed.

"Puff... the militia? Hey, don't talk nonsense, you kid, we are all from the Triple Heaven. The militia don't even have the qualifications to break into the Tongtian Tower."

Lu Chen said, "I was jointly recommended by the two-star forces and participated in the competition... and then just came up with a strong team." Lu Chen randomly made up a reason.

"Luck so good! Sanzhongtian is now even recommended by the militia? No wonder no newcomers have come to the fourth heaven recently!"

"Boy, don't you know what your strength is? It won't be the medicine that you smashed and you want to get through it! I tell you, the test stone can measure the proportion of your force. Once it exceeds 100%, You will be disqualified forever!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, I wiped it, is the Four Heaven's test stone so advanced? It can also measure the force ratio!

Wouldn't it be useless to adjust the force ratio by yourself?

The man in the purple robe said lightly, "Xu Sheng, don't waste time, let him take the test quickly, and go back after the test."

"Yes, Uncle Master. Hey boy, hurry up and test, don't waste our time."

Lu Chen could only test his scalp, "God of War! Devil transformed! Put it to death! The dragon's blood is boiling!"

When others came up, they slammed a lot of boosting skills, and Lu Chen also wanted to do it, using four boosting skills.

With the addition of these four skills and a crazy passive, Lu Chen's current physical attack soared to 1.6 million.

This state is obviously far from Lu Chen's strongest form. He still has three lives without reincarnation activated, and the strongest six transformations of the gods and demons are not used...

But even so, Lu Chen's current injury is still a bit scary.

As the Promise Sword swallowed a lot of new equipment, Lu Chen’s blast damage increased a lot. His double crit, the actual damage was about 4 times the damage, and the triple crit was about 6 times the damage. It’s even more exaggerated if it’s five times higher, which is equivalent to 15 times the damage...

A fierce tiger descends the mountain, 10 physical attacks, 100% crit. Even if it is the lowest double crit, it must be more than 64 million. But the problem is that his attacks cannot be double, triple or quadruple. The odds are not low, a few critical strikes, hundreds of millions are possible...

The most important thing is that it takes less than a second for a tiger to go down the mountain. Forty to fifty million is Lu Chen's second injury, not a test result.

Is it possible to stand stupidly with 9 seconds remaining?

So annoying, I can't adjust the force ratio, what should I do if the damage is too high!

It seems that I can only turn off the combo talent and use normal attacks to slowly play for 10 seconds.

After thinking it through, Lu Chen began to punch.

A punch, a loud bang!

The whole test stone squatted back more than one meter, and a fragment fell from the stone...

-31 million (five times the critical strike)

Lu Chen almost collapsed.

Five times with one punch? 1% chance, what is it doing so hard! Daguai never saw you so diligent!

Seeing the fragment that fell from the rock, Lu Chen felt a panic in his heart. What should I do? Only after a second, he was already 31 million...

It happened that near the ring, which had always been very noisy, was surprisingly quiet now, and the whole audience heard the sound of the falling stone.

Snap... Extraordinarily clear.

This Nima, isn't this test stone able to withstand tens of millions of damage, why was it split by one punch?

Lu Chen glanced at the crowd of Xianjimen with a guilty conscience.

Not only the people from Xianjimen, but the onlookers in the audience now have the same expressions of 80 adults. All of them have long mouths, almost able to lay two eggs...

"Me, my god... 31 million punches? What the **** is this!"

"Break the test stone..."

"The test stone, isn't it, it broke in the beginning..."

The chin of Xiao Cai almost hit his foot, "Isn't it, this guy, he caused 30 million damage in one punch? One punch is more damage than a hundred punches!"

The test stone can withstand a lot of damage, but the difference is that others are the sum of their attacks within 10 seconds, and Lu Chen is a punch!

The purple-robed man took a deep breath and finally slowed down, "Don't get excited, he just had good luck and made a five-fold crit..."

"Uncle Master, I've seen people triple crit the highest. Where can they get a five-fold crit? Besides, even if it’s a five-fold crit, if you push back, the blast damage is 200%, so other physical attacks are also possible. Millions!"

The purple-robed man thought for a while, and soon thought of the answer, "It should be some kind of stunt. If I guess it is right, this is a powerful single attack skill. Others make a lot of punches, and he will just attack many times. Integrated into this attack, it produces amazing explosive power!"

As expected of Master Uncle, he could see the reason at a glance, and it made everyone feel a little bit stunned.

"Well, I have also heard of this skill. Certain single attack skills that consume a lot of money have a high total damage. It's just that this type of attack skill is actually very tasteless. The attack is high. To dodge, then it would be a waste of all previous efforts.

"It turned out to be like this. If it were me, there would be two skills. One would be a continuous attack skill, and the other would be that guy’s skill. I would definitely choose the former. Not only would a large number of attacks have endless changes, but the attacks would not be continuous. Absolutely, it causes more negative effects, and the actual combat effect is much stronger than this desperate skill."

"The nature of gambling is too heavy. You can hit your opponent in seconds. If you don't hit yourself, it's a dead word. This kind of trick is definitely not suitable. I think at most Tian-level low-level skills are incredible."

"Junior brother, you can't get to this level of skill! You should have seen his lore. There is no change in the moves. It's just like an ordinary attack. Just hit it with one punch. Who do you think will stand and hit him? Ah, this trick can also be used as a test stone. If in actual combat, I can play it so that he can't find North!"

"At first glance, he was really amazed by him, but after listening to the analysis of the uncles and senior brothers, I was also amazed."

The more people think about it, the more so.

He accumulated his whole body strength and hit a fatal punch. As a result, he was easily dodged. In actual combat, this kind of trick is completely unusable.

"No wonder you dare to come to power. It turns out that there are special tricks to deal with our tests. Che, militias are militias. They have not experienced the baptism of war and learned some useless skills."

"But, Master Uncle, he has reached our standard, you see..."

The purple-robed man shook his head, "There are always people who take advantage of the loopholes, but after all, the score line is drawn by the master. If you don't recruit, others will say that our fairy gate is unfair."

"Hey, this loophole really let him take advantage of it!"

"Hey boy, don't fight, you are already qualified, and now you are an outer disciple of our Xianjimen." After all, the man in the purple robe didn't even look at Lu Chen. He waited for the apprentice to retrieve the test stone and bring it with him. The crowd returned to Xianji Mountain.

Before leaving, the man in the purple robe left a word.

"The Xianjimen disciple is going to go to the battlefield. Although your trick is high in damage, it is useless. If you enter the Xianjimen with a speculative method, you will only end up doing it for yourself! Let's do it for yourself!"

"You report back to Xianmen yourself."

Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, anyhow he entered the fairy gate.

It's just that the guy said "trick" and not "trick". When did I use the skill?

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