Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 560: Stubborn Nantian

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With Lu Chen's strength, fighting against these "disciples" is not a level at all.

With the successful case of "click to stop brother", the people below follow the same pattern, and come up with three chapters.

No physical attacks are allowed, it's almost enough, no small hairballs are allowed!

"Senior, Xuchu at the online Yanhu Gate, I just saw Senior and the Master of the Fairy Sword Sect fight, there is something unclear, I want to ask the senior."

Lu Chen shook his head. What do you mean? Isn't it a martial arts competition? This group of people is really getting too much, and they want to learn the operation for free!

However, he didn't hit the smiley man with his hand, and he humbly asked for advice, and he didn't have a good meal.

"Hey, tell me then."

"Senior, just now, the Master of the Immortal Sword Sect first used the Holy Sword Enchantment to seal Senior's displacement skills, then used the Seventy-Two Route Swords to seal all the way out of Senior, and finally attacked with the Ultimate Breaking Sword. How did you dodge? At the same time, did you kill the big brother of the Fairy Sword Sect?"

Lu Chen recalled for a while and said, "It's not as mysterious as you said."

"The Seventy-Two Route Sword Jue's attack is relatively weak. I used the strongest bow to continuously delay the speed of two swords in the Seventy Two Route Sword Jue. A loophole appeared in the entire system."

"In less than half a second, I can smash Huashan with triple-door coordination, control the opponent, and completely block him from continuing to control the Seventy-two Road Sword Jue and the Potian Sword, and finally successfully dodge and kill at close range. ."

"Of course, the position is very important in the process. At first, you need to pretend to retreat and lead the 72-way sword to chase and kill, and then continue to shoot arrows, tear the gap, dodge, and counterattack in one go. You can't give the opponent too much reaction time. ."

"It turns out that the initial retreat was to lure the Seventy-Two Route Jianjue... Seniors can still maintain such a clear mind during the fierce battle, leading the opponent's thoughts, and admire it!"

Lu Chen was also depressed, so he would compete with each other. Why did he ask for advice?

These guys don't play cards according to their routines!

The game is still going on, but the nature has changed. A group of people seem to have grasped Lu Chen's temper.

You are polite to him, and he won't embarrass you too much. If you provoke all kinds of provocations, then Jiuli's end is the best example.

After more than three hours, the 60 masters of all factions were all defeated without exception.

Lu Chen let out a long sigh of relief, and finally got it done.

"Does anyone have to challenge?" Lu Chen looked at the audience.

Now where there are disciples who dare to challenge Lu Chen, the audience is silent.

Lu Chen nodded and looked at Elder Chen Xi, "Then Xianjimen shouldn't be merged."

Only then did Elder Chen Xi come back to his senses, "Since we have said it before, you have already won, naturally you don't need to be merged."

Lu Chen nodded and jumped off the stage to leave.

"Wait!" Suddenly someone called Lu Chen, "Please stay!"

Lu Chen looked back and saw that Elder Chenxi teleported to the ring, "Excuse me, what is your name?"

"Only I am crazy."

"I'm the only one who is crazy... It's really crazy enough..." Elder Chen Xi seemed to be talking to herself. After savoring the ID of this guy, it really deserves the name.

"By the way, little brother, would you like to enter the fairy army? With your strength, it is enough to join the fairy army and fight against foreign enemies with us."

Lu Chen shook his head, "I have just arrived in the Fourth Heaven. You want me to go to war? I don't want to go now. I will talk about it when my strength improves."

"Strength improvement? Can you still improve?"

Lu Chen frowned, "Elder Chenxi, what you said, why can't I improve?"

"No." Elder Chen Xi hurriedly smiled, "I mean, you are already very strong now, how can you improve your strength as an outer disciple in Xianjimen?"

At this time, the head of the Immortal Sword Sect quickly rushed to the ring, "Little brother, we don’t know each other. Elder Chenxi said well, how to improve your strength as an outer disciple, if you are interested in joining our Immortal Sword Sect, we Definitely tilt your resources and ensure your development first!"

The head of the Luoxia Sect was unhappy, and rushed to the ring in two steps. "Young man, although we only recruit female disciples, the Luoxia Sect is full of beautiful women with beautiful faces, but we are willing to admit you in an exceptional manner. If you are willing, we I will never let you be an outside disciple."

The head of the Luoxia faction seemed to be charming, and there were indeed several online girls in the Luoxia faction. At this moment, Lu Chen was quite moved.

"Where are you all beautiful women?"

Seeing Lu Chen's reply, the head of the Luoxia faction opened her eyes and smiled with extreme enthusiasm, "Definitely all beauties! Young man, if you are still single, let me tell you that our disciples are particularly enthusiastic, and you know, everyone sees it on weekdays. Those who arrive are all senior sisters and younger sisters. If a younger brother comes, everyone will definitely spoil you."

This condition is quite attractive!

"Little brother! Just now when you treated Jiuli, I saw that you were merciful!" Qingyunmen could not sit still, and squeezed out of the crowd. "Now we Qingyunmen are planning to implement a key support The disciple’s plan, we plan to train some of the strongest disciples. If you come, this place is definitely yours!"

"Everyone!" With a low voice, interrupted everyone, "He is a disciple of our Xianjimen, I'm still here, you guys are pulling people in front of me, isn't it a bit too much!"

The visitor was Nantian, the head of the Xianji Sect, and he finally squeezed in and hurried to Lu Chen's side.

"Little brother Du Kuang, you are willing to fight for Xianjimen, it shows that you still have feelings for Xianjimen, right."

Lu Chen blinked his eyes. Actually, he didn't have feelings. He had feelings for his tribute.

However, Nan Tian had just been betrayed by his apprentice, and judging from the rules of Xianjimen, Nantian should be good. Lu Chen thought about it and nodded reluctantly.

Nan Tian breathed a sigh of relief, "Let me say, everyone, the little brother Du Kuang is from our Xianjimen. I can understand you only if you love it, but after all, this is my Xianjimen. Please take your own self!"

After all, this is the place of Xianjimen, and Nantian's personal strength does not seem to be weak, and other leaders can only shut up because of the lack of reason.

No one thought that in the battle of Xianjimen, an outer disciple would rewrite the result on his own.

Xianjimen has not been annexed!


Nanshan personally made a cup of tea for Lu Chen in the head courtyard of the inner mountain of Xianjimen.

In view of Lu Chen's strength, this guy obviously came to Xianjimen to relax. The head Nantian knew that although he was a disciple of the Xianjimen, he was not qualified to be the head in front of him, so he had to call Lu Chen. "Brothers alone".

"Little brother Du Kuang, thank you for your shot this time, otherwise... I'm really frustrated."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "The head has made a serious statement, how can I say that I am also a disciple of Xianjimen now."

"Brother Du Kuang, I don't dare to say that, but why on earth do you want to come to Xianjimen?"

"I just came to the Fourth Heaven, and it happened to be near the boundary of Xianjimen, so I joined Xianjimen." Lu Chen took a sip of tea.

"It was so, but it was a coincidence before, but in the end Brother Du Kuang chose to stay at Xianjimen!" Nan Tian said as if he had made some major decision, "It's just that after today's events, logically speaking, I should be like other schools and concentrate resources to train strong people, but I thought about it carefully, maybe the rules of Xianjimen will not change."

"Little dude, there were so many bosses who robbed others before. I was so excited that I left you behind, but I have thought about it carefully, maybe a strong man like you will develop better in their sect. If you want to leave, I believe Any school will still rush to you."

Lu Chen glanced at Nan Tian in surprise. This guy was so stubborn and planned to stick to his principles.

However, this stubbornness reminded Lu Chen of an old friend's words.

Do not forget the original intention, always have to go!

Perhaps in the future, this person will be the key to changing the human dilemma...

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