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Nan Tian didn't change his principles because of Lu Chen, and instead made Lu Chen take a look at him.

After contacting a lot of people in the past nine days, Lu Chen found that the people here have their own persistence and dreams, which also made him feel even more that these people are living individuals.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "You are the head, you have the final say."

Nan Tian was a little embarrassed, "Well, brother Du Kuang, which school are you going to go next?"

"Which school? I will continue to be my outer disciple."

"Ah? This... won't you go? Even the Luoxia faction has invited you. I have never seen them invite male disciples before!"

Lu Chen frowned, "The female disciples they came here, although they look pretty good, but they are not particularly stunning."

"The great one may not be the most beautiful."

Lu Chen looked at Nan Tian, ​​"I said the head, is it appropriate for you to be the head of you staring at someone else's female disciple all day?"

"I... hey, brother Du Kuang, stop making fun of me, I'm just afraid you will change your mind."

"Don't worry, I see a lot of beautiful women, so I won't be unable to walk for women."

"That's great. In this case, the outer disciple is not suitable for Brother Du Kuang. How about you being the elder of the Xianji Sect, you can keep the Xianji Sect alone, even if I give you the position of the head What would people say."

"Head, don’t scare me. I’m used to being a free disciple. It’s just a change of resources. The elders have to teach. I can’t bear to teach you combat experience anymore. The head is even more troublesome. Don't transfer it to me."

"Oh, brother Du Kuang, you still don't call me the head. Jiutian always respects the strong. During the game, you didn't try your best. The damage has reached such a terrible level. Brother Du Kuang called me Nantian brother. , I can't afford it anymore."

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Others looked at strength, but he never looked at strength.

Nan Tian gave him the feeling that he is also a person who insists on his heart, and Lu Chen also supports his views. This is the real reason why he is willing to stay.

"When I associate with people, I only look at my character, not my strength. I think it's better. I call you the head of the people before the people, how about I call you Big Brother Nantian in private?"

Nan Tian looked at Lu Chen in amazement, but I was the only one who took the initiative to make friends with him. This was something he wanted.

"Okay! How about I call you the lone crazy brother?"

"it is good!"


Returning from Neishan, Lu Chen saw a large number of people outside his residence from a distance.

These were Xianjimen's outer disciples, who surrounded Lu Chen's cabin with three floors and three floors outside.

"Why hasn't the senior madness come back yet?"

"I don't know, I won't be promoted directly to the disciple."

"It's very possible. Have you seen the situation at the time? The heads of the various martial arts rushed to ask him. Even the Luoxia Sect had spoken. Entering the Luoxia Sect is my ultimate dream!"

Brother Wrist and the others saw Lu Chen with a bewildered look at a glance, and hurriedly rushed over to protect Lu Chen in the middle.

"Everyone gave in, my elder brother is back! Brother, slow down."

Lu Chen is also a black line. The task of these guys is only to help him with daily tasks. Why are they still part-time bodyguards now.

Applause suddenly sounded around.

"Crazy God, thanks to you for keeping the fairy gate!"

"The crazy **** blood abused 60 top powerhouses, and helped us Xianjimen out of a sigh! Thank you crazy **** for taking action."

"Crazy God, are you leaving the outer door?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "I won't leave here for the time being, you all go back, I want to rest."

"Won't leave? Mad God, are you still here?"

As soon as Brother Wist heard this, he hurriedly called up the manpower, "Don't ask, don't ask, the boss said that if he doesn't leave, he won't leave, let everyone go, the boss should rest."

"Yes, everyone is gone. Crazy God has played sixty games and he must be tired."

Under the urging of a group of people, the disciples gathered here dispersed.

After finally getting quiet, Lu Chen returned to the room.

Brother Wrist helped Lu Chen pour water and move chairs, working very hard.

Lu Chen gave him a white look, and drove away along with a few old brothers.

Finally, the world is quiet.

"Little Green, come out and have a look."

After coming out of the Headquarters, Lu Chen's first place to go was the tribute exchange shop.

There are a lot of props in the martial exchange shop, which is more complete than the quartermaster items in the triple sky, and the level is higher.

Among them are the "Spirit Condensation Pill" with +100 points of spiritual power, which is far less effective than the Immortal Spirit Pill, but the exchange price is 3000 points of tribute.

Lu Chen had been busy for a month and a half before he could exchange six Lingning Pills and add 600 points of spiritual power.

In the end, Lu Chen was not willing to change the pill directly, but changed the material of the Lingning Pill.

The price of a material is 600 tributes, and it requires an eighth-level alchemist to refine it, and the success rate is only 30%.

"Unexpectedly, the price of the pill with spiritual power is too expensive, ten times higher than the one with Sanwei!"

"Little Green, can you make a Lingning Pill with these materials?"

"Boss, no problem! But the success rate is not very high."

"about how much?"

"About 60% success rate."

"Sixty percent is already pretty good. Even if it's only 50%, two materials can make a condensed pill, which means that I can get one for only 1,200 tributes, which is more cost-effective than direct exchange. Little green is good."

Lu Yiyi was a little embarrassed to receive praise from the boss, lowered his head and smiled.

"It's a pity, I didn't see the materials for refining immortal spirit pills."

Lu Yiyi thought for a while and said, "Boss, maybe the materials of the immortal pill are not available at all. How can there be unlimited supply of such precious materials? I think it is possible to collect them by myself. And it should only be available in certain special places. Collected."

Lu Chen nodded, "It is indeed possible that the quartermaster did not have it at the beginning. I thought it would only be available in the Fourth Heaven. I asked Xia Nantian just now. He said that regardless of the size of the school, the exchanged items are the same. , If there is no martial art store in Wujimen, there will be no other martial art."

"The spiritual power of Lingning Danjia is too small. If I exchange one in two days, I will increase my spiritual power to 100,000 points and eat 270. That is... I rely on, 540 days!"

"Boss, maybe my success rate will be higher when my refining level is increased."

Lu Chen shook his head, "This is not your problem. Even if you are 100% successful, it will take 270 days. It takes too long. Also, the price of attributes and items is higher, so it is a bottomless pit."

"What should I do?" Lu Yiyi asked.

Lu Chen thought for a while, and said, "The tribute that relies on the daily tasks is not shown. Some tributes must be done."

"Is the boss going to participate in an arena game?"

"No, there's something to fight with these kids, and the first place only pays 100 points a month. It's meaningless." Lu Chen touched his chin," said Brother Nantian. Mission, that mission is to help the most."

"Several elders of sects will lead the disciples to explore the Barrens. The larger the area to be explored, the higher the sect's points, and the more tributes the explorers will get."

"Okay, let's go?" Lu Yiyi was looking forward to it. "It's been a long time since we've been here for a long time. We have been here for a long time, and we haven't found this three-square-meter land yet."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and it seemed that Xiaolu was also suffocated.

"I want to go too, but Nan Tian said... The exploratory death rate is over 70%, so I must be cautious." Lu Chen frowned when he said this.

The mortality rate exceeds 70%! This number is not a joke.

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