Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 565: Whirlpool world

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"Yong Ye!" Lu Chen had already used all of his strongest moves, and rushed at the man like a mad, "gift liberation!"

However, the man just glanced at Lu Chen, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a strange smile appeared on his dark face.

He raised one hand, grabbed Lu Chen in the blinking state, and stuck Lu Chen's neck with one hand!

Lu Chen's eyes were full of shock. When he was in a flashing displacement state, the man actually grabbed him!

"Want to kill me? You are too far away!" After speaking, the other hand behind the man pierced Lu Chen's chest with one claw.

There was severe pain, and Lu Chen almost fainted.

The man let go, and Lu Chen fell from a height of 10,000 meters.

Between life and death, Lu Chen was exhausted physically and mentally. Looking at the battleship overhead, the cries of human beings remained, and the whole world was like a **** on earth.


I don't know how long it took. When Lu Chen opened his eyes, he found that he was in the jungle and a girl next to him was busy.

The girl was familiar, but at this time Lu Chen couldn't remember who she was.

The girl spit out some herbs from her mouth and applied it to Lu Chen's chest. She inadvertently glanced at Lu Chen and found that he was opening his eyes.

"Great, you woke up!"

"Me, where am I? Where are the intruders?"

"They slaughtered the entire city, and the large army left. I waited until they left and saw you still breathe in, so I secretly rescued you."

Lu Chen only felt a splitting headache, "Is this the real world?"

"Yeah, of course this is the real world."

Lu Chen's heart jerked. Is this the real world? ! Not an illusion, not a dream? Did the vortex teleport itself to the earth?

Wait, this earth is the real earth, or the earth in nine days.

If it is true, then Lu Yi is really gone?

These questions are too circumspect, and Lu Chen feels a headache after thinking about it for a while.

"Don't move around. Your injury is too serious. I didn't have any hope. I didn't expect you to really come back to life."

"Hey, what's your name, my name is Xiaobei."

"Hey, don't be crying, I know that your relatives and friends have passed away, everyone is the same, even if they are gone, but those of us who survive must live well, otherwise how to defeat the Shadow Demon!"

Lu Chen finally reacted, "Shadow Devil? Where did they come from?"

"The earth has been exposed to nine days. In the final battle, our human race was defeated, and the price was... you saw it."

Lu Chen remembered that the shadow man had said that he was willing to bet, and since you lose, you have to pay the corresponding price... So, he seems to have a clue.

"Wait, Xiaobei, what did you say about the final battle? Human race hasn't lost yet."

"Long lost, don't you know that the top ten human races were defeated in the final battle?"

"Ten humans?"

"Yes, Wu Ji Xian Zun Xuan Ji, Penglai Xian Zun Feng, False Xian Zun is bitter, undefeated Xian Zun Chi Wu, Pan Gu Xian Zun Li Yuan... All died in battle, the human race was defeated, the price is the reality, the human race All the planets are occupied and slaughtered, and our earth will naturally not escape this disaster!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened.

He hadn't even heard of the top ten.

Although his body was in terrible pain, Lu Chen didn't care about his life or death at all, his mind was still spinning wildly.

Could it be that when they were on the exploration mission, the final battle was over?

But it's impossible for people on earth to have such a strong body so quickly, and they generally have skills!

Then there should be only three possibilities.

One, this world is unreal, and two, is this some parallel universe? Three, this is the real world, but the timeline is different! In other words, this is some time in the future.

After a calm analysis, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what kind of possibility, Lu Yi shouldn't really die!

"Xiao Bei, how many years is it?"

Xiaobei looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "No way, your brain was hurt?"

"tell me!"

"In 2045."

Lu Chen was shocked. Although he was in the game for a long time, Lu Chen would sometimes forget the date, but the year would never be wrong.

This year should be 2028!

Here, it should be the earth 17 years later!

Seventeen years later, the human race was defeated in the final battle, and then the shadow race invaded and slaughtered humans around the world!

Yes, he was too sad when he hugged Lu Yi before. In fact, thinking about it carefully, Lu Yi seems to have not changed much, but he is still a bit older than before.

In 17 years, the people on earth may have entered the high-level heavens, and their appearance has changed a lot after being exposed to Xiuxian.

It is as if Zhen Guo Qiufeng is over 40 years old, but in fact it looks like he is only 27 or 28 years old.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen finally felt better.

But it is only temporary. If this is the future, Lu Yi and Li Muhua will still die, and the earth will still be slaughtered.

In 17 years, is the earth only 17 years old? Is this true, or is it an illusion that Maelstrom showed him?

In any case, Lu Chen chose to believe that there is nothing wrong with Lu Yi!

Lu Chen suddenly thought of a question, "Xiaobei, among the top ten, is there anybody called Sole Crazy, um...or nameless, or Lu Chen?"

"I don't know the three you mentioned, but I'm the only one who is crazy. I've heard of it before. In the Fourth Heaven, it fell into the whirlpool of the Barrens."

"What!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, he died in the whirlpool?

"Oh, I don't know whether he died or not, but he didn't come out anyway. He was originally very strong and hopes to represent the human race in the final battle. It's a pity..."

Lu Chen just breathed a sigh of relief, and now he felt heavy again.

Didn't you get out?

If he can't leave here, then he can't change the fate of the earth, Lu Yi and the others!

I don't know if I can get out of here if I defeat that shadow man.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen opened the character panel. His skills and attributes have not changed, but the battle pet, ghost pet, and legion are not displayed.

"Damn, what the **** is going on here. There is also rhubarb, I must go out, I want to save it!"

Xiaobei looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "If you can't go out, you can't stay in the city now. We can only hide in the mountains and old forests, find more people, and try to fight back."

"Hey, the leader of the Shadow Legion is too strong. Actually, I don't know if we have any hope, but...hey, at least we have to resist. I want to avenge my family!"

Lu Chen thought of the Shadow Man, that guy defeated him with one hand, and he had never seen him before.

In his heyday, he is no match for him. What's more, he is still seriously injured now. When he is delayed, live first!

Now, Lu Chen has determined that this is the vortex. If his estimate is correct, the vortex sent him to the earth 17 years later.

"I must go out!" Lu Chen secretly made up his mind.

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