Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 566: The Earth 17 years later

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During the more than a week when Lu Chen was recovering from his injuries, Xiaobei took Luchen and moved several times, and the Shadow Race had not let go of the jungle, and had to be vigilant at all times.

There are too many shadow races on the earth, cities have been slaughtered, and the number of humans has dropped sharply.

Every time I think that this is the earth 17 years from now, Lu Chen's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Xiaobei was seventeen years old. In this catastrophe, he performed better than an adult and took Lu Chen several times to escape the hunt.

In about ten days, Lu Chen's injury was almost recovered. I didn't expect that such a serious injury would be able to recover. It seemed that it was related to Lu Chen's physical strength.

There was a lot of food in Lu Chen's backpack, but unfortunately they couldn't take it out, so they could only rely on hunting for a living.

On this day, the two were camping by the stream. Lu Chen was already much better, so he helped light the fire while Xiaobei was busy handling raw fish.

"Xiao Bei, did you play for nine days before?"

"Of course I played it. Now nine days is a compulsory course for everyone, how can I not play it."

Lu Chen nodded, "Yes, people nowadays are different from before, and the whole world has changed so much."

"Hey, you haven't told me your name." Xiaobei looked at Lu Chen strangely.

"I..." Lu Chen didn't want to conceal his identity, but considering that Xiaobei said that the only one was dead, he changed his words, "Call me nameless."

"Anonymous? This name is used by many people. It is said that more than ten years ago, there was a person named Wuming who was very strong."

Lu Chen shook his head mockingly, "Is it strong? Even the earth can't be protected, even his own relatives can't be protected, it's utterly weak."

"Cut, it's as if you know him, nameless is not good, I'll call you Muzi."


"Well, look at your silly look, like a log."

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head.

Speaking of it, Xiao Bei hadn't been born in his own time, otherwise he really wanted him to join the Wild Waves Guild.

"By the way, have you ever heard of the Wild Waves Guild?"

"Brother, what age are you? Crazy Waves Guild is the strongest guild on earth. How could you have never heard of it. Almost all the strongest people of all races come from Crazy Waves. Now we want to find Crazy Waves. Only they can organize a counterattack."

The guild that he created casually has become the last hope of mankind? Lu Chen couldn't help but feel good luck.

Xiaobei's craftsmanship is not very good, but in this situation, some foods are good.

The next day, Xiaobei and Lu Chen headed northeast together. Xiaobei said that some cities in the north were not occupied. The cities had dozens of layers of formations. All the surviving human beings guarded the formations over there. The guild is there.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. If the man made a move, he might not be able to hold on to him for long.

Must be over as soon as possible!

On the way, they passed many cities, and there was silence in the city. Those shadow races dragged the bodies of many people back to the battleship.

"Xiao Bei, do you know what those people do with human corpses?"

"They use corpses to improve their strength. I have seen a shadow clan soldier sucking on the dead energy of dead corpses... Everything in the world has auras, and they seem to use special auras."

Lu Chen frowned. Could this be the reason that man beat him with one hand?

"Wood, I will go to see in the city, and if there are survivors, I will bring them out."

Lu Chen was a little worried, "I will go with you!"

The two went through the ruined streets and alleys, looking at the bodies as much as possible, but in order not to be found by the patrolling soldiers, the two of them could not search the whole city again.

"Forget it, let's go, the time has passed for too long, even if there was still a breath at the beginning, I can't live now." Xiaobei shook his head, "Wood, let's go straight to the Crazy Wave headquarters."

The two rushed during the day and tried to hide in the suburbs at night.

After a month and a half, the two saw a metropolis from a distance, perhaps because the defensive array was too heavy, they could actually see the city protected by a semicircular arc with the naked eye.

Two or three warships hovered above the city, but they did not launch an attack for the time being.

"There should be Kuanglang headquarters!" Xiaobei said excitedly, then pulled Lu Chen's hand and hurried over.

Just in the suburbs one mile away from the city, thirty or forty Shadow Soldiers suddenly emerged from the surroundings.

"Haha, is there really a fish that slipped through the net?! What an idiot, but fortunately, we lie in ambush nearby, otherwise we will really run away for you!"

A shadow soldier sneered, "Neither of you want to run!"

Xiaobei's face was pale, he didn't expect that he was caught only a step away from the last hope.

"Xiao Bei, stand behind me!" Lu Chen grabbed Xiao Bei, and he stared at these shadow soldiers, with a faint green light in his eyes.

Perhaps it was one of them who killed Li Muhua and Lu Yi! Even though this world is the earth of the future, this move still angered Lu Chen.

"Wood, it's over, we can't beat...Quick, you run, you run fast."

"Don't talk, we must fight quickly, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome for reinforcements to come."

"Death! The dragon's blood is boiling!"

"The Six Changes of God!"

"Unlimited gifts of liberation!"

To deal with these little soldiers, Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless, and directly sacrificed the strongest moves!

No harm emerged from these people's heads, confirming that this is the real earth 17 years later.

However, although no damage was seen, Lu Chen still killed all these people in seconds.

Xiaobei was stunned when she saw from the side, she didn't expect the dying person she saved to be so strong.

"Wood, you are so strong!"

Lu Chen returned to Xiaobei and ran her towards the city, "We have been found, hurry up!"

Sure enough, several small fighter planes appeared above their heads, and a large number of soldiers jumped from the fighter planes.

These soldiers, Lu Chen, were not afraid, but what he needed to consider was the one who defeated him.

The more I was afraid of something, the more it would come. When the two of them were less than two hundred meters away from the defensive array, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in the sky.

A sharp sword blasted directly in front of Lu Chen, who was moving quickly. If Lu Chen hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would almost be penetrated directly.

"Boy, I really didn't expect your life to be so big!" A dark shadow was suspended in the air, his clothes fluttered, and his white eyes made people fearful.

"200 meters, hahahaha, you are only two hundred meters away from temporarily escaping, aren't you reconciled?"

"Unfortunately, in front of my Devil God of Death, you will never have a chance."

Lu Chen's eyelids throbbed. This was probably the first time he would be afraid of someone since he entered nine days.

That guy is too strong!

"Damn it, unless I can practice the Hunyuan Mind Method, it's impossible to beat him!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth.

"Wood, run!" Xiao Bei suddenly yelled, "Humans need a strong man like you, I will hold him!"

"Xiao Bei, come back!" Lu Chen yelled.

After all, Xiaobei flashed over to Motian Death God, "Wood, I forgot to tell you, my parents, my two-year-old brother, died in his hands!"

"If you can survive, please... avenge them!"

Xiaobei turned his head and glared at Motian, crying and cursing, "Asshole, return my brother!"

Lu Chen's eyes were splitting, he was scared! He was scared!

Do not! Even if it is death, he must not just watch Xiaobei die in front of him.

"Six changes of gods and demons, symbiosis of gods and demons!"

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