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The Luoxia faction can be regarded as a martial art faction, and its strength is similar to that of Qingyun Mountain and Immortal Sword faction.

Hundreds of people rushed out of Luoxia Mountain, and the Luoxia faction was indeed a female disciple.

Lu Chen was a little dizzy at first glance. Among these female disciples, there are many outstanding female disciples, of all types.

Royal sister type, loli type, fashionable type, classic type, gentle type, pungent type... Suddenly, Lu Chen felt that he was a bit of a good value for money!

Hey, if I hadn't been fascinated by Nan Tian, ​​I should have joined here.

What kind of experience is it like to have a girlfriend every day? ! I'm a little drooling thinking about it.

"Bold **** ruffian, dare to break into my Luoxia faction, today I will help you out!"

I don't know who said something, Lu Chen's dream suddenly woke up.

Chuangluoxia faction is going to endure! This is too cruel!

"Everyone, please listen to my explanation!"

"No need to explain. Just now, the three senior sisters and I had a good word to persuade him to leave. Not only did he not listen, but he rushed into it! He hadn't seen anything in the world, and I didn't know that Luoxia sent him to protect the mountain."

"No, I actually came back to hand in a task."

"Stop talking nonsense, the Luoxia faction did not give the male disciple a task, sister, come on!"

Lu Chen completely collapsed. It is absolutely unclear to reason with the woman. Hundreds of people from the other party have already rushed over. Should he fight?

Forget it, give it a lesson.

"Xian Wu Jian Luo· Luo Hua Jian Jue!"

"Heart of the Beast·Battle Pet Strengthening! Little Taozi, go!"

"Meteor Arrow·Rapid Scattering!"

A lot of skills came in an instant, Lu Chen shook his head, "Nine steps to the void!"

Lu Chen stepped directly over several tens of meters in one step, floating in the air, using thin air as his feet.

As soon as this step was taken, the surrounding air quickly rotated to form a vortex around Lu Chen's feet.

Suddenly, a strong wind blows, and the surrounding forest trees are directly uprooted, and they are instantly sucked into the void vortex.

The attacking skills of hundreds of people were all distorted and sucked into the void at the same time!

One more step!

This time it was even more ruthless. Hundreds of Luoxia Sect disciples couldn't help but were forcibly absorbed.

Although they were not sucked into the void, the powerful attraction made them involuntarily.

"My god, what's under that person's feet, I, I'm going to be sucked in!"

"It's terrible, he has eaten all our skills, and he wants to eat us!"

"Hurry up and notify Uncle!"

"Dragon's blood is boiling! Infinite spider silk entwined!"

Biubiubiu, Lu Chen trapped all these women with spider silk.

Unexpectedly, Void Nine Steps was so overbearing. These disciples were also from the Fourth Heaven. Although their strength might be a little weaker, they should be the outer disciples of the Luo Xia faction, but Void Nine Steps could force them to pull them over.

No wonder it can absorb skills, the adsorption power is too strong!

Seeing that many people were struggling, Lu Chen walked to the woman with big eyes guarding the mountain, in front of everyone, swallowed that woman...

When a group of women saw this scene, their eyes almost didn't fall out.

Lu Chen wiped his mouth and hiccup deliberately, "Well, it's a little fatter, but the meat is quite somersault."

When the Luoxia School disciples heard this, their faces paled in fright.

"You, you ate the younger sister... you really ate her..."

"What devil are you! You cannibalize!"

"Junior sister! You, you are a spider spirit!"

Lu Chen said coldly, "Don't bark, it's so noisy! Whoever barks, I'll eat whoever! Don't struggle, whoever breaks my cobweb, I will eat one bite at a time!"

A group of people suddenly stopped.

After finally getting these women done, Lu Chen's ears finally became quiet.

Looking at the silent women, Lu Chen shook his head. It seemed that his dream of finding a girlfriend in the Luoxia faction was about to be shattered.

A few female disciples just ran away, they should go back to the head elders, as long as they wait here for a while.

At this time, Luoxia sent in the fairy pavilion, and three disciples ran in in a panic.

"Head, elder, someone from the foot of the mountain forcibly broke through the gate!"

"He, he has arrested a lot of senior sisters and sisters, and he has done something wrong with them!"

"What!" The head of the Luoxia faction patted the armrest of the chair and snapped it off. "There is still such a thing! Sisters, let me take a look!"

A few minutes later, more than a dozen figures shot out from the Luoxia School. Before Lu Chen arrived, there was an angry shout from the sky!

"Who would dare to trespass into my Luoxia school, even a disciple of my school!"

Lu Chen was so depressed, he rushed to the gate of the mountain and he recognized it, but when did he send a disciple for his frivolous Luoxia? Could it be that the people who went back to report the letter added more fuel?

In a blink of an eye, those people had already arrived in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen glanced at the visitor. The head of the Luoxia faction was still so charming. Fortunately, there was no change, otherwise it would really be unclear.

When the head Yuhua and the elders saw Lu Chen, their brows furrowed, and they tried to remember in their minds.

But those female disciples, when they saw the head and the elders coming, it was like seeing a savior, crying for help one by one.

"The head is coming! The head, he, he ate Senior Sister Liufang in front of us!"

"The head, come and save us."

"Head, kill this pervert!"

To say that Lu Chen's appearance is actually not too handsome. Unlike Dongfang Ji or Beixue Gufei, whose appearance is beautiful and graceful, he can only be considered a middle-to-average appearance.

But the most special thing about Lu Chen is his temperament.

No matter who you are facing, you are neither humble nor overbearing, and when you get serious, you feel a little daunting.

Finally, Yuhua remembered.

After thinking about it, Yuhua was even more surprised. She snorted first, "Shut up!"

All the disciples were shocked, but the head actually told them to shut up? What's happening here!

Yuhua looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Are you... the outer disciple of Xianjimen?"

Lu Chen was very unhappy. "The head is really an honorable person who forgets things. You even invited me to join your Luoxia faction. Why did you forget it in a blink of an eye?"

Yuhua's eyes widened.

It's not that she has a bad memory. She only met Lu Chen three times. After a year and a half, everyone said that I was alone in the vortex with the exploration team, and she naturally wiped this person out of her mind. went.

"It's really you! You, why are you back?"

"I'll come over to hand in the task, and then I can return to the martial arts to exchange tribute."

"No, I mean, didn't your army be wiped out?"

Lu Chen sighed, "We were indeed caught in the whirlpool at the time. The Void Beast's methods were too powerful, and I couldn't take care of myself, even the few companions in my sect could not protect..."

"That is the void beast, there is no weakness, you naturally can't protect them."

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "It's not that they have no weaknesses, but their weaknesses are not here! In the whirlpool, they are their true bodies. After killing them, the void beasts will no longer exist."

"You mean... you came out of the whirlpool!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked.

Only the legendary super power can come out of the whirlpool!

And this person came out in just a year and a half!

"I remember you called me the only one crazy."

Lu Chen nodded.

"Quick, please come inside! You see it's too early today. Now we have a rest for the Luoxia faction and don't worry about going back."

"You are not lustful... er, no, you are not looking at our disciple, why not, which disciple do you really like, I can help you match up."

A group of captured disciples looked at the head with incredible expressions. The head was not theirs. In a blink of an eye, she actually wanted to introduce the male spider spirit!

Lu Chen's eyes widened!

This master, this trick again! Beauty tricks!

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