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Now that the problem is very clear, the head of Yuhua also approved several disciples of Shoushan.

Lu Chen kindly spat out Junior Sister Liufang and untied them for others.

After knowing Lu Chen's identity, he just took a bite of a bit of a stubborn Luoxia school disciple, and Lu Chen's eyes were different.

"This person is the only madman? It is said that his strength crushes the direct disciples of various factions!"

"A year and a half ago, he fought against 60 top masters of 12 martial arts. At that time, I was in charge of taking care of the living of the senior sisters, so I was in Xianjimen. You couldn't think of that scene."

"Have you ever seen an outside disciple teach the strongest disciples of various sects? I tell you that even the masters of the Immortal Sword Sect humbly ask him for advice."

"Really? The Master of the Fairy Sword Sect is not a genius for decades. Is this guy really an outside disciple? It seems that the more he looks, the more handsome he looks."

"It must be an outer disciple. Many people say that he is the strongest outer disciple in history."

Those who haven't heard of Lu Chen have heard of Lu Chen's legendary experience at this moment, and Lu Chen's eyes are slightly different from before.

Worship, curiosity... Many people say that feelings sometimes stem from curiosity. When a girl is curious about a boy, it is already very dangerous.

Seeing that Yuhua was still scrutinizing the guards, Lu Chen stepped forward, "Yuhua is in charge, they are also responsible."

Lu Chen actually helped Luo Xia send disciples to intercede, and his score in everyone's hearts rose again.

The head of Yuhua wanted Lu Chen’s thoughts, so he couldn’t speak directly. Although Lu Chen wanted to talk about life with these seniors and sisters, he just thought of what he saw and heard in the whirlpool. Dispel this idea.

In more than 15 years, it is time to decide the fate of the earth.

Finally came out of the whirlpool, he didn't come to fall in love!

"The head of Yuhua, I have been out for too long this time, and my colleagues must be worried about my safety. I must go back and give them a letter."

"Xiao Kuang, you really don't want to stay in the Luohua faction?"

Lu Chen shook his head.

"Then, then all right, push your personal map out, I'll check it"

The head of Yuhua also launched his own personal map.

Lu Chen's map of the Barrens is different from everyone else, and his entire Barrens has been explored.

After the comparison, the difference was quickly discovered.

Head Yuhua looked at Lu Chen in shock and said, "Have you explored all the Barrens?"

"Well, just when I have time, I will explore together." Lu Chen asked, "Head of Yuhua, look at the map. What are my points for this exploration?"

"The total points for an area is 1,000 points. You have explored 85 areas in total and earned a total of 85,000 points."

"By the way, the head of Yuhua, how many tributes can be exchanged for a mission point?"

"I don't know this. In our place, a mission point can be exchanged for 30 points. I don't know exactly how your Xianjimen stipulates."

According to the exchange rate of the Luoxia faction, Lu Chen could exchange 2.55 million points!

The exploration mission is really fat, this huge sum of money is enough for him to use it for a while.

Lu Chen took a sigh of relief, this time the vortex finally did not come in vain, it was worth the money!

After handing in the task, Lu Chen earned 85,000 points, and then Lu Chen hurriedly left the Luoxia faction.

"Oh, by the way, I'm the only one who is crazy, if you want to return to the school as soon as possible." Yuhua warned before leaving.

"Why? What happened to Xianjimen?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

"That's not true. Although you saved the Xianjimen last time, it is also true that the Xianjimen disciples did not perform well in the Xianjimen. This time Xianjun specially sent someone to investigate the fact that the Xianjimen were not merged. I think maybe they need you."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, he didn't stay, but the head of Yuhua was still upright and told him about the incident.

"Okay, thank you Yuhua for the head."


Lu Chen hurried to the Xianji Mountain in two days.

Before returning to the school, Lu Chen saw from a distance that there seemed to be heavy guards outside the Xianji Gate.

Lu Chen felt strange, but this time he did not force it.

He found the little brother sent food at the inn where he had lived and asked about it.

"Brother, don't you know what happened to you from the Xianjimen? The Xianjun is here. It seems that I am dissatisfied with the decision of the United Front Alliance and want to remove the Xianjimen!"

"Huh? Does Xianjun have this right?"

"Of course there is the Xianjun. All the schools serve the Xianjun." The little brother said while drinking a little wine, "Oh, yes, but it seems that there are several super masters from the Xianjimen, temporarily defeating them. Xianjun’s test officer."

"Huh? Super master?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"Well, it is said that they are very powerful. Those few people have just come to Xianjimen for two months and have swept the arena!" The little brother said more and more vigorously, "The people of Xianjimen said, these people are more crazy than that. The guy is amazing."

The little brother is not from Xianjimen, and I don't know what Lu Chen is "what kind of madness". Many of his information is also hearsay, and Lu Chen needs to filter effective information by himself.

"That's not bad, it seems that the rise of Xianjimen is promising."

"Isn't it, Xianjun originally came to remove Xianjimen, and now all three test officers are defeated."

Lu Chen nodded. He didn't expect a master from the school to come during his absence.

This is also a good thing.

"By the way, Xianjun will take advantage of this opportunity to host various martial arts competitions. It is said that the masters of the Xianjun will come over. We have been busy for this these days."

Lu Chen didn't have much interest in any competitions. Since Xianjimen was all right, he could go back and be his free and happy outer disciple.

Lu Chen was a disciple of the Xianji Sect, and there was no problem in entering Xianji Mountain, but when he returned to his residence, he found that the houses around him no longer knew anyone who came and went.

Brother Wrist, they don't know where they are going.

"Is it an inner disciple?"

In the evening, when many people returned to their residences, Lu Chen realized that something was wrong.

Those who came back had the words "Xianjun" in their ID prefix, and they were all soldiers of the Xianjun.

Being able to enter the Immortal Army, the strength is naturally extraordinary. Each of these people seems to be proud. When they see Lu Chen, they can't wait to see him with their nostrils.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, and it seemed that the accommodation area here was temporarily given to the soldiers of the Xianjun.

But his house hasn't been moved yet, it may have been specially ordered by Nan Tian.

The martial arts suspended their daily tasks, and everyone was busy arranging the Kuamen style competition in Neishan.

Compared with the previous 12 martial arts, this time it is said that hundreds of martial arts are coming, and the momentum is huge, including other races of the alliance.

In short, this time Kwamenist competition is definitely a grand event.

Lu Chen was not interested in these, he went to the exchange shop alone.

"I'm going, no one is coming here?" Lu Chen shook his head, "Yes, for such a big event, it is estimated that the martial arts are busy preparing for the competition."

The points were exchanged for the tribute, and the tribute was exchanged for 30 immortal spirit pills, and Lu Chen returned to his residence.

"God and Demon Hunyuan Mind Method... Hey, I can finally practice!"

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