Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 579: Gods and Demons

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How abnormal is the psychic method of the gods and demons? Lu Chen took 70 celestial pills before and after, and his spiritual power attributes had just been qualified to start cultivation!

And what is the immortal pill? You must know that even in the fourth heaven, there is only a condensing pill with 100 spiritual power, and there is no exchange for the immortal pill, and there is no material!

Holding "God and Demon Hun Yuan Xin Fa" in his hand, Lu Chen was as excited as holding the only three-good student certificate of his life.

Suddenly moved.

"I've worked so hard! Is there anyone like me in this world?! Who is qualified to practice if I don't practice!"

For a moment of narcissism, Lu Chen was very reluctant to learn the first layer of the God-God Hunyuan Mind Method.

[Ding, you have learned the first layer of the Hunyuan Mind Method of Gods and Demons——"Hunyuan Lingdan"]

Lu Chen immediately checked the mental method explanation.

[Your spiritual pill has been advanced to Hunyuan Lingqi, and all the pure auras extracted after that will be converted into more primitive Hunyuan aura]

【Explanation: Hunyuan Lingdan is the aura contained in the beginning of Chaos, the most primitive, pure, but the most complex, all-encompassing, and inclusive of all things. 】

[Effect 1: All attack types will be changed to chaos attacks (can be changed to other attack types through skills, special effects, or not changed), this attack type will not be suppressed by any effect, restrained. 】

[Effect 2: Improve chaos spiritual power by 1 point per minute of practice]

[Effect 3: Based on the skills released by the Chaos Spirit Pill, the special effects are not suppressed by any effect, and the attack ignores 50% of the opponent's resistance (the defense against chaos attacks is the average of all element resistance). 】

[Special effect 4: The effect of the blood of the gods and demons is increased by 50% (the detection currently affects the blood of the "Kui Niu blood", and the attack comes with a 10.5% life limit soil element attack.)]

[Effects (exclusive "exclusive" special effects): In the state of the symbiosis of gods and demons, you will gain 4 additional chaotic spiritual powers per minute of cultivation, and the domain "Chaos Realm" during battle. 】

[In the chaos domain, any professional astral body fails, and at the same time swallows all the domains of the same level and below the same level, the enchantment turns into chaos aura, and the mixed element spirit pill is introduced. 】

[Effects (exclusive "exclusive" special effects) (cannot be activated at the current mind level): After activating both "Fengtian Divine Power" and "Fengtian Demon Power" simultaneously, the attributes increase by 100%, and the weak state time is reduced by 50%. 】

[Other exclusive special effects have not yet detected the corresponding items and cannot be displayed. 】

Lu Chen was a little confused at this time.

"Damn, this, this... this seems a bit too strong!"

The previous elementary mental method of the monster beast increased by 1 point of pure aura per minute. According to the current demand for pure aura, it is estimated that no spiritual power will be added in this life.

But the "spiritual power" directly added by the heavenly mental method! Adding 1 point per minute is already very scary!

And the exclusive "exclusive" special effects that circumvent people, plus 4 extra points of pure spiritual power, which add up to 5 points per minute!

Equal to a condensing pill in 20 minutes! One immortal pill in 200 minutes!

Because "the symbiosis of gods and demons" itself is an exclusive special effect, nowadays the God-God Hunyuan Mind Method is an exclusive technique for the symbiosis of gods and demons, so it is an exclusive "exclusive" special effect, double exclusive, and the effect is naturally terrifying.

In addition to the amazing increase in cultivation speed, the most terrifying thing about the Hunyuan Spirit Pill is another special effect.

Will not be suppressed!

Nowadays, there are more and more elemental attacks from the Four Heavens, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, lightning, wind, lifelessness, darkness, heavenly power, etc. In short, there are various types of elemental attacks. There is also a restraint relationship between elemental attacks and the level of power. There is also a restraint relationship, which is extremely complicated.

The Chaos Spirit Pill is quite individual, it doesn't restrain others, but others can't restrain it either!

Without being suppressed by any special effects, the enchantment field is also included! Other people's enchantment field can no longer affect themselves, but his enchantment can affect others!

"Too tough, this, this is completely beyond the nine-day setting!" Lu Chen was shocked.

"Chaos attack is too difficult to defend. The average value of all element resistances is very low. It is estimated that no one can raise all element resistances to a high level, and ignore 50%. How much resistance can there be?! "

Lu Chen calculated an account in his heart.

It’s like a person’s pursuit of the ultimate, holding up the water element resistance to 100%, and the fire element resistance is also considered 100%, but the darkness resistance is only 10%, the death resistance is only 10%, plus other types of Elemental resistance, the last average, may be 50%, half of which is ignored by Chaos Attack, so in the end his resistance to Chaos Attack is only 25%.

But how many people can achieve an average of 50% of all attribute resistance? At least Lu Chen hadn't seen such a great person.

The tank profession is estimated to have an average of 20 or 30%, which is very good. If you make a half-fold, it is only a dozen resistance.

"By the way, there is no mention of chaos resistance, which means that this type of attack has no corresponding resistance!" Lu Chen became more frightened as he thought about it.

Finally, in the state of symbiosis between gods and demons, they also gain the Chaos Domain...

Lu Chen didn’t know much about professional astral bodies. It seemed to be the ultimate skill of all major professions. It could combine the physical body with the cultivation profession, and also had elemental attributes, just like the poison of the Poison Master Tuxian, the wind of the Demon Beast Marshal. System stars.

In fact, it is still a bit difficult to deal with.

But now it's alright. In the state of symbiosis between gods and demons, all stars are invalid!

Enchanted by people, the realm can become its own continuous chaotic aura. A concise sentence of "swallowing the same level and below" has proved that this chaotic realm is the strongest realm standing at the top of the food chain!

"A strong comparison!" Lu Chen sighed, "It is truly the treasure of the Heavenly Punishment Pagoda guarded by a Sanxian-level powerhouse! It's worth noting that I have been born and died a few times before I got the power of the gods and demons together, the gods and demons infinite sword, The six changes of the gods and demons, the gods and demons mixed with the original mind."

However, the God and Demon Hunyuan Mind Method is now only one layer, with only one exclusive special effect. Although the special effect of the other God and Demon Shuangtianwei showed the effect, it did not take effect. It should be the second layer to unlock it.

This doesn't matter, if the weak time is not cleared, Lu Chen will not use the innate power as a last resort.

It was the line behind Lu Chen that was lost in thought.

"The corresponding item was not detected... In other words, the gods and demons have other sets?"

In fact, these few gods and demons items were made by Lu Chen unconsciously. If these gods and demons items were regarded as suits, the gods and demons Hunyuan Heart Law was like the engine of the Gods and Demons suits.

Only when Lu Chen learned the God and Demon Blending Elemental Mind Method did he activate the special effects of the suit.

"There must be other magic sets!" Lu Chen frowned. If he couldn't get it, Kong had so many powerful exclusive effects, but it would be too wasteful to not activate.

However, looking back on these gods and demons, Lu Chen still dispelled his thoughts about moving around.

None of the magic sets are easy to get...

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