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"Dare to insult my human race, don't blame me for making heavy moves later!" Beixue Gufei's eyes were already burning with anger.

But the Primitive Beast Buddha still didn't care, "Hahahaha, boy, the tone is not small, but unfortunately, you are not worthy! I like the smell of gunpowder a little bit more, so that it will be exciting!"

"It doesn't mean anything! The fairy army doesn't want monkeys who can only play tricks!"

On the stage, Lu Chen was so angry that he shouted loudly, "Luo Fei, beat that gorilla! Beat him! Beat his mouth, beat his teeth!"

Lu Chen was surrounded by natural elites. He was the only one who was cheering for Gu Fei. He was so excited that he suddenly attracted a lot of eyes.

"How come we got a human race here?"

"He has been sitting there for several days, and he doesn't know how Xianjimen arranged it and why he dropped a disciple with us."

"Neurotic, the primordial beast buddhas strength is strong, then there are arrogant capital, it is estimated to be a silly."

Lu Chen's fire was splashed with cold water around him.

Lu Chen was also depressed. Who made him unable to squeeze into the human race? Among a group of foreign races, he was indeed a different person.

No one responded after calling for a while, and Lu Chen could only calm down.

The game will begin immediately.

At the beginning of the game, the Primitive Beast Buddha folded his hands together, and suddenly a golden light burst out all over his body.

With a bang, the entire ring was illuminated brightly.

"Buddhist chanting enchantment!"

There is a faint voice of monks chanting in unison, sacred and solemn.

Lu Chen hurriedly checked the status of Gu Fei.

Earnestly listen: Every 5 seconds is forced to be pulled in front of the opponent, and the displacement skills cannot be used within 2 seconds.

Group Demon Chaos: There is a 30% chance that the attack technique will fail during the release process.

"Damn!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, this enchantment is too unreasonable.

This was the first time Lu Chen heard that he was forced to activate the displacement skill, and the destination of displacement was actually running in front of the enemy...

Yu Jian's weakness is that he is afraid of being close, and dragging his life in front of him, how can Gu Fei operate!

The group of demons is also very strong, with a 30% chance that the skills will fail. That is to say, Lone Fei has finally managed to get away, but he has accumulated power for a long time, and there is a 30% chance of failure!

"I'll go, no wonder that the Primitive Beast Buddha is strong, it is indeed strong. He is highly resistant to high blood, good at getting close, and pulling people over to beat him. No one can afford it..."

"No, it's too repressive, I'm afraid Gu Fei can't break it!"

Gu Fei's kendo enchantment was only the effect of accelerating the attack, and it couldn't handle the two abnormal abilities of the Buddhas chanting.

The two enchantments are superimposed, each attenuating by 40%.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "The quality of the kendo enchantment is not inferior to the Buddhist chants. After the effect is attenuated, Lone Fei will be pulled over once every 7 seconds, and the probability of failure of the exercise becomes 18%, but it is still too difficult."

The moment the two great barriers collided, Beixue Gufei had already moved.

"Jian Sheng Jian Jue·Sword Intent Freely!"

The Beast Buddha narrowed his eyes slightly, "He knows the sword intent, hum, it's interesting."

"Boy, I won't give you a chance to show off, what I want is to beat you in 10 seconds!"

The Beast Buddha gave a low cry and took off the relic Buddha beads from his neck.

"The third style of the relic prayer beads, put down the butcher knife!"

With a bang, the golden light exploded and directly flooded the ring.

Beixue Gufei suddenly realized that his Seven-Star Sword was directly pressed to the ground by a powerful force.

Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng, the Seven Star Sword was inserted into the ground.

"This...get me up!"

The blades of the seven long swords trembled violently, as if two forces were wrestling with each other.

The Beast Buddha smiled slightly, "I didn't expect it, your sword can still be disarmed by me? I said earlier, your human race is a waste!"

"Without the sword, your imperial sword is just waste among waste!"

The level of the relic Buddha beads was too high. Although Beixue Gufei tried her best, even with the strongest blow with the Sword Saint Sword, she was still unable to pull the Seven Star Sword from the ground.

The two sides held a stalemate for several seconds. Suddenly, the corners of Beast Buddha's mouth raised, and the killing intent was already in his eyes.

"Seven seconds have come, and your death date has come!"

Gu Fei fiercely felt an irresistible force, and then, he was forcibly pulled directly in front of the Beast Buddha.

"All the Buddha's chants, you naturally want to listen with respect! Hahaha."

"Forty-two Death Palm·Vajra Cracked Mountain Seal!"

There were dozens of golden lights in a row, unable to capture its trajectory, and directly blasted on Bei Xue Gufei who was forced to get close.

Beixue Gufei's blood volume crazily collapsed, and every time he was bombarded with a Buddha seal, his body almost collapsed, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

"That guy added a physical attack to the attack!"

"The contest requires that as long as it does not kill people, because sometimes if you are at a disadvantage, you can make a desperate move to hit the opponent's flesh and abolish some of the opponent's skills. It is just that the beast Buddha clearly has the advantage, but deliberately joins the flesh attack..."

"A total of forty-two chapters, that human race is afraid that it will get rid of half its life if it is not dead."

Forty-two palm hits, Gu Fei's blood strip has only black blood left, and the whole person is like a puddle of mud, falling to the ground, dying.

The Beast Buddha condescendingly looked down at the lone flying on the ground, "Trash, do you see the gap between you and me!"

After all, with his bare hand, the Seven Star Sword was sucked into his palm.

"Leaving you a trace of blood is to make you look desperate!"

"Relic Buddha's broken weapon!"

Bang bang bang, with a few crisp noises, Gu Fei watched the Immortal Seven-Star Sword be shattered!

He almost stared out of his eyes with blood.

Since childhood, he has practiced swordsmanship with the Seven-Star Sword.

The first time I can use the sword, I use the Seven-Star Sword. The first time I use the Seven-Star Sword, I use the Seven-Star Sword, the first time to kill monsters, and the first time against the enemy... The Seven-Star Sword is not only his weapon, but more like a deep sword. Beixue Gufei's dear relatives and beloved who are in simple language and pursue kendo...

However, the Beast Buddha not only injured himself severely, but also deliberately left a trace of blood to let him witness the scene where the Seven-Star Butterfly Sword was broken.

"You...you!" Beixue spit out blood violently. This was not only caused by serious injuries, but also heartbroken.

"Beast Buddha, it's okay, come down." A half-orc in the audience said calmly, "The people of Xianjimen, hurry up and drag your people down, don't really die here."

The southern sky flashed here, glaring at the man, "Why are you making such a heavy hand!"

The half-orc frowned slightly, "Sorry, the head of Nantian, our half-orcs have always regarded every battle as a battle of life and death. Moreover, United Competitiveness was originally to screen the Celestial lieutenant of the Celestial Army to prevent these children from seeing the cruelty of the battlefield. , I am afraid it will not be good for them in the future."

"But after all, it was a martial arts competition seen by our alliance. I won't say anything if you severely inflicted my Xianjimen disciple, but why do you even break the sword!"

"Broken sword? Everyone loses. What's the use of the sword?" The man smiled, "The head of Nantian, although you are the host, we have not violated the rules of the competition. I understand that you are eager to protect the calf, but the sword has no eyes. , This is inevitable."

"Hey, it deserves to be a new school that has won a few newcomers, and there is no such thing as grandeur."

"You!" Nan Tian couldn't bear it, but looked back at Bei Xue Gu Fei. He was injured too badly and must be treated quickly.

In the audience, the nature elves are discussing the game just now.

At this moment, the natural elf girl sitting next to Lu Chen secretly looked at the human race next to her.

As a result, she was taken aback.

That guy's eyes... a faint green mist is pouring out!

"Well, what happened to this guy..."

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