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There was a commotion at the human viewing stand.

"You dare to insult the great general! I can't bear it anymore!"

"That beast buddha, you deceived people too much. Our Xianji Sect treats you as guests, but you are so vicious, you are simply beasts!"

"You took a physical attack, almost killed a person, and destroyed the Lonely Flying Immortal Tool. You are too much! Let's go together and kill the beast!"

The Beast Buddha looked at these people with disdain, "A bunch of trash, just clamor, come down with the ability, believe it or not, I will kill you on the spot!"

Lu Chen in the other place narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to get up.

A figure suddenly appeared on the court.

The Alliance Great Heaven will expedition all over the world!

"It's all quiet!" He said to the spectator stand of the human race, "this joint competition is hosted by my human race. The Xianjimen is a new sect. I placed it at the Xianjimen. The purpose is to make the Xianjimen. His name resounded in the league."

"If you are on stage now, you want others to mention this league, is it just a joke?!"

With a cry from the Four Seas Expedition, everyone was stunned.

After the Four Seas Expedition, he scolded the human race, turned around and walked to the Beast Buddha, smiled slightly, "Congratulations."

The Beast Buddha said with disdain, "Cut, I thought you were going to come down to fight with me. It turned out to be a show of weakness, and the human race is indeed a scumbag."

But the elders of the beast buddha rushed to the stage, grabbed the beast buddha, and whispered, "Anyway, he is a great general. Let's go to rest first."

The Beast Buddha finally left the venue, and the Four Seas Expedition also returned to the podium. The competition in this ring continued.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly. This expedition to the four seas is too weak, right? Is it really like the beast Buddha said, it is a vain name?

On the rostrum, Nan Tian stood behind the Four Seas Expedition, watching the person in front of him watching the game carefully, hesitated several times, and finally couldn't help stepping forward.

"Great general, I..."

"Are you angry in your heart?" Before Nan Tian finished speaking, Da Tian Jiang went on to say what he was thinking.

"Yes! That beast Buddha deceives people too much and talks nonsense, can this be tolerated? Doesn't it mean that everyone else is watching human jokes? Also, why do you want to say to him, this, this is showing weakness. !"

Datian sighed and turned to look at Nantian.

"What you care about is the face of Human Race, and I only care about one thing-the survival of Human Race!"

"Although the Beast Buddha is too much, it has not broken the rules of the game, hasn’t it? If we relied on the home court to attack in a group, it would make the Alliance think that our human race has nothing to say, and will only be arrogant. It is fatal."

"Da Tian will..." At this time, Nan Tian realized that Da Tian will not show weakness, but see further!

"Nantian, I've heard of your ambitions, that phrase is so good for everyone to fear foreign enemies!" Datian said.

"I can't make a decision on the Alliance United Front Work Department alone. I can only arrange for you some capable newcomers."

Nan Tian's eyes widened, it turned out that these powerful people who were flying alone were arranged by Datian!

"Those who make big things don't just shout slogans, they must take action, and they must have a wrist to make things happen."

Datian will smile slightly, "I think it's a good thing that this time the beast Buddha's provocation and arouse public anger, let these young people understand the weakness of the human race, instead of sitting on the well and watching the sky, they will be complacent with a little bit of strength."

"The Beast Buddha is right about one thing. I really need someone to be able to stand up to my position."

For an instant, Nan Tian suddenly felt that he and Da Tian would not be of the same grade at all, not the difference in strength, but the difference in vision.

It was at this moment that Nan Tian no longer doubted the abilities of the great heavenly generals. His ability to rank among the four great heavenly generals was by no means in vain!

"Great general, I understand, I was short-sighted before."

"Don't blame you, who has never been young and vigorous, I am envious of your kindness, unlike me, who always think about this and that."

"The big sky will occupy the position of the sky, so naturally we have to take the overall situation into consideration."

"Go, let's take a look at the situation of Lone Fei. This fiasco should have dealt a great blow to him."


United Competitiveness is still continuing to compete. Today, the top 16 was decided, and the next day the top 8 is a coincidence. On this day, the only seedling of the human race "Miao Qingfeng" once again met the primitive beast buddha!

In this battle, Miao Qingfeng, who is also the Human Race, carries the hope of Human Race's revenge.

If you can't resolve grievances and defeat the Beast Buddha on the stage, then others will have nothing to say.

Miao Qingfeng is strong and strong, and he is the number one human in the same period. He also has extremely strong means, which is a rare double cultivation of tactics!

As we all know, it’s okay to have double cultivation under the same occupation, but Miao Qingfeng is a martial artist and a prophet, and if it involves two major occupations, it will definitely get a chance!

Miao Qingfeng is not weak in melee combat, so he is not too afraid of melee combat. The seven-second "ears and ears" effect of the Buddhist chants is not a threat to him.

But "the group of demons chaotic heart" is really annoying, the 12% chance of failure of the exercises, its impact is by no means limited to this 12% chance.

In each set of exercises, the effects of the various levels of exercises are different, and they are often related to each other, controlling, severely wounding, or superimposing the opponent's negative state, and the last type of killer moves to control the enemy.

If there is a problem in any of these links, it is very likely that a set of tricks will be invalidated!

And in such a high-intensity battle, if one's own skills cannot be connected, that is to give the opponent a chance.

In view of this, Miao Qingfeng was very cautious in the game, and this also led to his damage not being fully displayed. On the contrary, it was the Beast Buddha, who had a fierce offensive and cooperated with ears to play a series of injuries.

After 20 minutes of fierce battle with the Beast Buddha, Miao Qingfeng's close control of the "Five Sacred Mountains" failed at a critical moment!

The Beast Buddha seized the opportunity to launch the "Reincarnation of the Relic Buddha" rebound skill, and finally defeated Miao Qingfeng with the 42 extinction palms!

The Beast Buddha grabbed the void with his bare hands, and sucked Miao Qingfeng's fairy weapon spear into his palm, "Relic Buddha Smasher! Break it to Lao Tzu!"

With a bang, Miao Qingfeng's fairy artifact was broken!

"You, you!" Miao Qingfeng furiously attacked his heart, severely injured, vomiting blood and fainted.

The Beast Buddha raised his head and laughed wildly, "Hahahaha, I said earlier, your human races are all rubbish! The strongest? Sorry, in front of Lao Tzu, killing you is like killing a dog!"

All races stared at the Beast Buddha.

"Damn, I just hate my poor strength, or I will have to kill him personally!"

"Too much bullying!"

"Could it be that no one of the human race can fight with it?! I am really angry!"

Three days later, the championship has been produced. What makes the race collapse is that the championship is the primitive beast buddha!

Insulting the great generals, seriously wounding two strong human races, smashing their fairy-level weapons, and letting the great generals personally award him awards, and joining the fairy army in the future, even sitting directly from the Tianwei!

"This kind of beast can be treated like this, it's totally unreasonable!"

"Made, thinking about this, I'm going to be blocked."

However, joint sports is joint sports, and the award ceremony is very grand.

On the temporary high platform, the human race will expedition to the world to personally award the first primitive beast buddha!

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