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Lu Chen didn't expect that he would be able to exchange himself into the prison car once he went to the exchange shop.

He himself is not afraid of Xianjun, but Xianjimen is different. This is all the hard work of Nantian, and there are many people he knows here.

Really want to do it, unless he destroys the fairy army, there will be endless troubles.

In the end, Lu Chen chose to be arrested.

Seeing Nan Tian at a loss, Lu Chen smiled at him, "It's okay, they won't do anything to me." After that, Lu Chen leaned close to Nan Tian's ear and whispered, "The big deal, I just pretend to join them."

These words gave Nan Tian a reassurance. Although the Xianjun was tyrannical, but in the final analysis it was only to force Lu Chen to join the Xianjun, and there should be no life-threatening.

"I'm going to find the Great General of the Expedition!" Nan Tian said.

Lu Chen nodded.

Soon, Lu Chen was pressed into a prison vehicle. His prison vehicle was fixed behind a huge flying dragon. A special formation was arranged on the prison vehicle to restrict the skills of the prisoners in the prison vehicle.

Not long after, Lu Chen left with the Eight Immortal Army.

"Madan, when can I redeem the cash coupons!" Lu Chen sighed while sitting in the prison cart.


When Gu Fei and the others rushed to the living room, Lu Chen had already left.

"What, the Xianjun forcefully took away the lone mad!"

Nan Tian shook his head, "I can't stop it. After all, the school is a subordinate of the Xianjun... At that time they said that if I alone dared to resist, they would deal with the Xianjimen, so he went with them."

"This is too much!"

"In fact, most people who reach a certain level of strength are rushing to enter the Xianjun. This also makes the Xianjun feel full of superiority. This time, they met the Du Kuang brother, and they couldn't accept it for a while, so they took it away with force." Nan Tian Said, "There are a few of you, the Xianjun gave a time, you must report to the Xianjun within a year!"

"Brother Du Kuang didn't say not to go to the fairy army, are they so anxious!" Mo Ran shook his head, "Master, what shall we do now?"

"I am looking for you, just to ask you to find the great expeditionary general. I am afraid of the bad temper of Du Kuang's brother, and will not compromise when I reach the fairy army. Only Da Tian will be able to handle this matter."

"Okay, let's leave now!"


Following the Xianjun flying all the way, from a distance, Lu Chen saw a huge fortress ahead.

The fortress is stuck between two high mountains, with four entrances behind it, and a thick black defensive wall in the front, which is said to be made of black mysterious iron and is indestructible.

This is the southern branch of Xianjun, Heixuan Fortress.

After returning to the fortress, the eight Zhongtian will watch Lu Chen, "I am the only one who is crazy, as long as you agree to join the fairy army, we will release you immediately, and will entrust you with important tasks!"

Lu Chen leaned against the prison car with a look of indifferent expression, "It's very comfortable here, I don't want to come out."

"You! You are so stubborn! Okay, you like to stay inside, right, come here, put this person on death row!"

"Give you seven days, think carefully, if you still refuse to compromise, it will not be used by me, no matter how strong it is, it will be useless!"

Lu Chen was sent to the ground by a group of immortal soldiers. After descending three floors, Lu Chen was pushed into a dark prison.

The formation around the prison is very strong, it is actually a heaven-level mountain protection formation!

After all, it is the prison of the Xianjun. I don't know how many masters will be locked here. If the formation is not strong, it can't be controlled at all.

Lu Chen shook his head and found a corner to sit down.

"I said that I can't be too famous...this is too memorable, and I suddenly became a prisoner."

"Human?!" In the darkness, a voice suddenly rang, which shocked Lu Chen.

"Damn, who?" Taking a closer look, Lu Chen saw a ragged "monster" sitting opposite him.

"Devil Race?"

"God demon? Those things with impure blood can be compared with my demon clan? Boy, are you insulting me!" There was a rustling chain sound on the other side, and the other party seemed very angry.

Fortunately, there are chains locked, otherwise the guy is probably going to rush over.

"Don't get excited, I don't know you, how do I know what race you are." Lu Chen said leisurely, leaning against the wall.

"By the way, you belong to the demons? I haven't heard of this race."

"How old you are, naturally you have never heard of the demon clan's name! We are the purest demon clan, we are born with magic power, in fact, your human clan is comparable to the lowly microbes."

Lu Chen disdainfully said, "You are so strong, haven't you been locked up here?"

"If it weren't for my injury, could I be captured by the Four Seas Expedition? Even so, I guess the Four Seas Expedition will not get any better. I don't know where to recuperate now."

Lu Chen looked at the dark shadow on the opposite side in surprise. The Four Seas Expedition was injured when he fought against this guy? He was really right. The Four Seas Expedition has not been able to fully recover until now, which shows that he was seriously injured.

"When my injury is healed, I will razed this place to the ground!"

Lu Chen frowned and looked at the guy, his tone was not small. Looking at his current injury, he didn't have a pill, and he didn't know when he would heal.

Speaking of it, Lu Chen is not hostile to this guy, perhaps because he also possesses magic power, which is also considered a half magic.

"Hey, why didn't I meet your demons in the third heaven?" Lu Chen asked.

"Three Heavens? What are you kidding? Our demons all entered the Nine Heavens directly from the Fourth Heaven. Only the low-level races like your Human Race need to slowly climb up from the First Heaven."

"Let me go, this is a bit too much, starting directly from the fourth heaven? Are you very strong in reality?"

"Of course!" The Demon Prisoner's voice was with unconcealable pride, "We are any Demon Race, in your eyes it is a destruction-level existence!"

"Then what are you doing for nine days?"

"You don't even know why you entered Jiutian? Only when you enter Jiutian can you protect our world... No matter how strong the Demon Race is, it cannot compete with Jiutian!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is even a powerful race like the Mozu subject to nine days?

Is their purpose only to protect their own world?

In this way, what is the difference between them and themselves!

"You want to protect your world, why should you be an enemy of our allies?"

"Joke, either you die or I die in nine days. What's wrong, boy, is your brain abnormal? Listening to your questions, you don't look like a traitor."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Your mind is not normal. They asked me to join the fairy army. I didn't agree, so I was locked up. You see if you have chains, I don't."

"Well, isn't this brain abnormal? Everyone will join the fairy army of their own race, why don't you join?"

Lu Chen was a little speechless.

However, the small talk with this guy enabled Lu Chen to grasp several important information.

First, this guy was seriously injured in the Four Seas Expedition. Whether there was anything tricky in the Four Seas Expedition, it is very likely that some information could be drawn from this guy.

Second, the truly powerful races in the nine days were not the ones he had seen before.

On the contrary, the truly powerful races are races he has never seen before!

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