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In the evening, the Mozu brother was caught and tortured for a while, and when he returned, he was covered with bruises.

This guy is also a tough guy, and the guards didn't get any useful information from him.

"They beat you every day?"

The Mozu brother sipped his blood, "I'm not afraid that I will recover. The beasts have learned some torture skills. They won't kill me, and it won't make me better!"

Lu Chen didn't know why, but he felt a little sympathetic to this guy.

Regardless of the race, being able to remain silent and not reveal any information under this torture is worthy of respect.

The only difference between them is their position.

When eating at night, Lu Chen's food was obviously better than that of the guy. There were fish and meat, and the Mozu brother was holding a cold steamed bun, probably something made by first-class cooking, and it was delicious.

While there was no one, Lu Chen pushed his rice bowl over, "Hey, I will be beaten tomorrow. Eat mine."

The Mozu brother looked at Lu Chen in surprise, then looked at the fish in the rice bowl, and took it up and ate it without saying a word.

In the evening, Zhongtian would come over to confirm Lu Chen's situation again, but was driven away by Lu Chen's love.

When the people of the fairy army left, the Mozu brother looked at Lu Chen strangely, "Why on earth did you refuse to join the fairy army?"

Lu Chen leaned against the wall and played with a piece of withered grass. "I didn't say not to join, but they came hard with me. If I have to join the fairy army immediately and threaten my sect, then I am not happy."

"Actually, the fairy army is not the fairy army, I don't really care, I just want to experience more, and then go to the fifth heaven."

"Boy, the triple heaven is a melee of various races, but they are all spontaneously organized. When the fourth heaven is a militarized battle, the fourth heaven is the most important and scarce resource is almost all in the hands of the fairy army. You are not mixed with the fairy army. Your growth rate will be slower than others."

"This is the nine-day rule. Why do you squat in jail and suffer for this bit of trouble?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Who makes the rules? Why should I live according to the rules set by others?"

"In my opinion, the various races are fighting for hegemony. In my opinion, there is no real victor. Why should I participate in such a meaningless war."

Brother Mozu has a pair of purple pupils, and Lu Chen's eyes are getting more and more weird, "You guy...it's interesting, you have my appetite!"

"What are you doing, you still want to eat me?"

"Don't be mean, I said your temper, I like it very much. If you have a chance to go out, I will take you to the world of the demon to play."

Lu Chen laughed, "Can the game really go back to reality?"

"Yes, but that's a matter of higher horizons."

"Forget it, they won't let you leave alive."

"Cut, don't worry, I have a way to go out, I will take you with me when the time comes."

"No, you tell me this, you are not afraid of me telling the news?"

"What are you afraid of? It's a big deal! When I assassinated the Four Seas Expedition, I didn't intend to go back alive. What's more, I believe that with my eyes, I can feel a touch of intimacy in you. It is also very strange, why in a human being, Can feel like a family."

This Mozu brother is quite refreshing.

Lu Chen wondered, should he tell the Xianjun this important information, their prime culprit could have a way to escape? After all, he is also human.

What's more, this guy is still the key culprit in the assassination of the Four Seas Expedition.

"Hey, Human Race boy, when the time comes, I will let you be free. It doesn't matter whether you join or not join the fairy army in the future. People will change. Today I see you pleasingly. Maybe you will become my strong enemy in the future. Why don't you care about so much."

"If we don't meet on the battlefield in the future, I don't care if you are a human race or not. Let's have a good drink. If we meet on the battlefield, then we will have a good time, and we will die and live!"

It was the first time Lu Chen met such a refreshing person. This Mozu brother is really a demon of temperament!

"By the way, who instigated you to assassinate the Four Seas Expedition?"

"I can't say this, kid, you have to ask more about these things, then I didn't say anything before, I will only treat you as they sent me this set of information."

Lu Chen nodded, this guy was straightforward, but not mindless.

Take yourself away? Perhaps the reason why he dared to do this was his full confidence in his own strength.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen decided to help the Mozu brother to keep a secret and escape first.

Brother Mozu is running out of time, and will be executed in public in about four or five days.

Until the last day, Lu Chen actually didn't know what method he was going to use to escape.

On the last night before his execution, Lu Chen was sleeping by the wall when he heard a small click.

"Boy, don't sleep, go!"

Lu Chenyouyou woke up, "Ah, where are your shackles? How do you go?"

Brother Mozu waved his hand, and there were two little demons in his palm. The little demons turned into him and Lu Chen, leaning against the wall.

"My servant has dug the tunnel, follow me!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened and he became nervous.

To escape from prison, this is the first time in my life to do such an exciting thing!

Just under the weeds under the Mozu brother, there was a secret road, and the Mozu brother took the lead to get in, and Lu Chen followed closely.

The tunnel is much more spacious than expected, although it has some peculiar smell, it can be tolerated.

Lu Chen touched the demon brother's hind paws, and the two of them crawled forward one after the other.

"Boy, follow up, wherever you go, the demon servant will bury it again."

"How far is it?!"

"Two to three kilometers, don't use any skills, otherwise you will be detected by the spiritual power detection array and climb with your bare hands."


Half an hour later, Lu Chen felt the air flowing in front of him, pouring into the tunnel. After a while, Brother Mozu said, "I will be here soon."

After finally getting out of the tunnel, the two of them were in a jungle.

"It's not safe here yet, follow me."

Lu Chen followed the Mozu brother and left the dense forest quickly.


The sky was so slight that Lu Chen didn't know where he was now, anyway, he had been following the Mozu brother.

After walking for a long time, Brother Mozu finally stopped and looked back at Lu Chen.

"We have escaped, boy, here, we will also be separated, and we will be in the territory of my demons, which is very dangerous for you."

Lu Chen nodded.

Brother Mozu took out a map and handed it to Lu Chen, "This is the main distribution map of the battlefield. Don't run to someone else's territory stupidly."

Lu Chen smiled and took the map and synced it to his personal map.

On the big map, Lu Chen could see a nine-star figure, each of which marked the control areas of the major allied forces. At present, the area where they are located is the three-regardless zone.

"Thank you for your food these days, and we will see you later! Oh, by the way, what is your name? My name is Yan Demon."

"Only I am crazy."

"Only I'm crazy...it's kind of narcissistic, well, I remember it, there will be a period later!"

However, at this moment, several voices suddenly came from the direction of the Demon Race's territory.

"There is an enemy!" A loud bugle sounded, completely breaking the peace of dawn.

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