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Hundreds of immortal demon army quickly surrounded Lu Chen and the Flame Demon.

"Own one!" Flame Demon explained loudly.

"Are you... Balrog?"

"It's me!"

"Come here, tie that human captive!"

Lu Chen almost collapsed and finally escaped from the human prison. Now he is caught by the demons again. What kind of luck is this!

"No, he, he is..." The Flame Demon stood in front of Lu Chen. He wanted to say that Lu Chen was his friend, but found that if he admits this at this time, it would be even more difficult to explain.

"That's not a captive!"

"Blazing Demon!" The headed Tianwei-level general frowned, "You assassinated the great celestial general of the human race is indeed an amazing thing. It is precisely because of this that you should figure out your stand!"

"That guy is a human race, so there is no reason to let him go! Are you going to resist orders!"

The Flame Demon looked distressed. He was different from Lu Chen. He was in the fairy army. How could the military order be violent.

"Hey, this...hey, let him go. In the Human Race prison, it was he who gave me his food, so I have enough energy to run out."

"Maybe he just wants to get close to you? Besides, since you are a human race, then you must know some news about the human race! Flame demon, if you are a warrior of the demon warrior, obey the order and tie him up personally!"

The Balrog's face showed pain, "No, I can't betray my friends."

"If you are not my race, their hearts must be different! Balrog, obey orders! Any negligence may cause bad luck to the world behind us!"

"If you don't obey the order, military law will deal with it!"

When the Flame Demon was in a dilemma, Lu Chen suddenly spoke, "Brother Flame Demon, tie it up."

The flame demon's eyes rolled around, suddenly turned around, and clasped Lu Chen's hands, "Then don't blame me, you're welcome! Go, and we will meet the Demon Fortress!"

When the Flame Demon grabbed Lu Chen's hands, Lu Chen felt that he had secretly stuffed something into his hands.

"Devil servant order!" The Flame Demon whispered, "Don't resist now, there must be many demon immortal army nearby, you can't deal with it, dude mad brother, I will definitely save you!"


Lu Chen did not resist and was taken to the dungeon again.

"I really took it, and I was locked up again!" Lu Chensheng leaned against the wall of the dungeon imperceptibly, and now he is well, he is also in shackles.

It turned out that there was no life-threatening life in the human race, but it is hard to say now.

Hard to break? The formation of the demon boss seems to be more powerful than that of the human, and Lu Chen is not sure if he can break out.

Spreading out his palm, Lu Chen saw the token that Yan Demon had given him.

Demon servant order.

"Forget it, it's more reliable to dig tunnels. Use the Demon Servant Token!"

Five little demons jumped out and stood neatly in front of Lu Chen.

"Dig a tunnel, be concealed, don't be discovered."

The five little demons could not speak, and immediately disappeared into the ground.

"It's a bit powerful." Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction.

That night, Lu Chen enjoyed the reception of a first-class cooking "master". The guard threw in a few things that he didn't know. It looked as hard as a rock, and Lu Chen had no appetite.

Later, several guards came to interrogate Lu Chen.

When he came to a room, Lu Chen couldn't help taking a breath as he saw the surroundings.

The blood stains on the ground had not been cleaned up yet, and several demon clan immortal soldiers dragged a prisoner who could not see any race, dragged them all the way back to the cell.

The guy was covered in blood and had lost consciousness.

To be honest, Lu Chen had seen torture on TV before, and Lu Chen felt terrified when he thought about it, but now he actually wants to experience it in person.

The demons looked fierce, and the torches on the walls made the faces of the executioners even more distorted, like **** ghosts.

The other party is packing up a pile of execution equipment, tongs, props, steel wires... Carefully wiping blood stains on the cloth, looking very serious.

No, if they tortured themselves, Lu Chen would definitely do it!

"Are you the human race that the Flame Demon brought back?"

Lu Chen looked at the questioner coldly, "Yes."

"Why are you approaching the Balrog?"

"I was locked up in the same cell."

"Because you refused to join the Human Race Immortal Army?" The other party seemed to know something, it should have been heard from the Flame Demon.


At this time, the execution officer also cleaned up the punishment, sitting in front of Lu Chen, formally looking at Lu Chen, "It said that we should not execute you for the time being, it should be Yan Mo's power to protect you."

"I'm the only one who is crazy, right? The Flame Demon doesn't know your identity, but I do know it! You killed the champion of your Human Race United Competitive Tournament in a second, so you have that personal strength."

Lu Chen sneered, "The investigation is quite clear."

"That is, it is impossible for us to listen to the one-sided words of the Balrog. Naturally, we have to investigate you thoroughly!"

"The situation you told the Flame Demon is basically the same as the facts."

"However, you are unlucky. We suffered a defeat in the Four Seas Expedition a few days ago. We lost thousands of people. The assassination of the Si Hai Expedition was unsuccessful. At this time, the demons resent your human race very deeply. At this time, we are in need of motivation. Confidence of the people."

"What about you, it's impossible to let you go, that's letting the tiger return to the mountain!"

"It just so happens that you have been appreciated by the Four Seas Expedition. If you are put to death in public, it will not only damage the confidence of the human race, but also boost the morale of my demons!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "I saved your hero, are you doing this to me?"

"Well, I can only say to you, thank you, and then... I'm sorry."

"So, you are going to put me to death in public?"


"Don't abuse me? I think Human Race beats the Balrog every day." Lu Chen was also speechless. He didn't even give him time to dig tunnels.

"Hahahaha, you saved the Balrog, we will not torture you, we will definitely find a master when executed, one blow will be fatal, so that you will not feel any pain."

"Damn, that's...thank you."

"Tomorrow we will invite the best cooking master, please enjoy the last meal, and execute the execution at 8 am. By the way, you don’t have to worry about escaping. Your shackles are special. Block the spiritual core, whether you are No matter what level of practice, it is impossible to use the spiritual power of the spiritual core, it is useless."

"Okay, go back and have a good rest."

Lu Chen was pressed back.

Looking at the shackles on his hands, he tried to use the exercises, which was really useless.

"Little hairball."

The little mouse kept jumping to the position of Lu Chen's wrist.

"Can you eat it?"

Xiao Mao Tuan sniffed the shackles and nodded to Lu Chen.

As expected, there is no small hairball in this world that cannot be eaten.

Once the shackles were lifted, Lu Chen was confident to retreat all over.

The defensive array around the cell is a bit troublesome, and the best time is to slip away when he is taken to the execution tomorrow.

"If you say that, you have to take a good rest today. There may be a fierce battle tomorrow."

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