Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 603: Flame Demon Appears

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Early the next morning, there was a noise from outside the cell. Lu Chen opened his eyes and saw a large group of demon fairy soldiers walking towards his cell.

This is going to the execution ground.

Sure enough, someone opened the prison door and escorted Lu Chen out, "Let's go."

Lu Chen was surrounded by a group of people and pushed out of the dungeon.

The square outside was already full of people.

"Is it going to be executed today? I heard that guy has a very good reputation on the human side."

"It seems to be a little bit strong, isn't it true that the Four Seas Expeditions are very optimistic about him."

"Expedition to the Four Seas! It was he who made us lose the battle one after another! Killed the madman!"

It was the first time Lu Chen experienced this kind of scene, which was far more real than seeing the execution on TV.

I checked my condition, and I was in the best condition now, Xiao Mao Tuan was hiding under Lu Chen's sleeves, ready to eat at any time.

Lu Chen was first escorted to the sidelines, where there were good wine and food, and a Zhongtian general was sitting there.

"I'm the only one crazy, good wine and food are ready for you, and you can go on the road after this meal."

"Can the shackles be opened? It's awkward to eat so much."

Zhongtian smiled slightly, "What are you thinking about? Of course, I was wearing it and eating."

"Then I refuse."

Zhongtian poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, "Are you sure you don't want to eat it?"

"Don't eat." Lu Chen was afraid that the little hairballs in his sleeves would be discovered by them. "Hurry up."

"Hey, I really haven't seen this kind of thing and I am in a hurry." Zhongtian smiled slightly, "Don't worry, our purpose is not to kill you, we are to boost morale."

Having said that, Zhongtian will put down the wine glass, and walked up to the execution platform.

"Everyone, everyone knows who we are going to execute."

"This man was wanted by the whole server during the time of the third heaven. No race can catch him! He singled out sixty top masters of twelve martial arts! In the Human League United Tournament, he killed the current champion in seconds. , The famous tribes of the human race alliance, known as the strongest race of the same period."

"It only took him a year and a half to break out of the whirlpool world!"

"This person, who has won the respect of the Four Seas Expedition, was given to the Great General Order! He was even more scrambled by the Eight Branches of the Human Race Xian Army in advance, which is unprecedented!

Lu Chen listened to the side, and was counted by that guy's record, how could he feel that he was quite good...

"However, he was caught by us!"

Well, sure enough, this is the point. The more you talk about yourself, the more powerful you can finally catch your demon!

"Today, we are going to execute the solitaire here, so that the expedition to the world will lose talents and let the people lose their powerful combat power!"

"Fighting with the human alliance, we have repeatedly defeated, but we just want to let them know that our demons will never retreat half a step!"

"There is no way to survive against my demons!"

"The blood of the enemy paved the way for us to move forward courageously, and our will and determination are the copper walls and iron walls that guard the home behind us! We will surely become the only overlord of the Four Heavens!"

There was thunderous cheers in the audience, and Lu Chen didn't expect that his death would be so significant.

"Push him up! This time I will execute the sentence myself!"

Lu Chen was taken to the execution platform.

Then Zhongtian will draw a special tiger-headed knife from the side, needless to say, it must be a weapon with special effects of physical attack.

Hey, after helping a demon clan, Lu Chen was also depressed when he sent himself to the guillotine.

The Mozu Zhongtian general is creating the atmosphere, like a DJ, holding a tiger-headed knife, walking around on the stage, asking everyone in the audience to interact with him.

As he said, their purpose was not to kill Lu Chen, but to restore morale, and these rituals were of course indispensable.

At this moment, Xiao Mao Tuan was already quietly gnawing at the shackles on Lu Chen's wrists. Once unlocked, it was when Lu Chen violent.

"Kill him! Raise my magic power!"

"Let Four Seas Expedition know how good we are!"


Lu Chen whispered, "Little hair ball, hurry up!"

With a click, Lu Chen felt the yoke on his wrist loosen!

Great, done!

The Demon Zhongtian general stood behind Lu Chen again, raised his tiger-headed knife high, and shouted angrily, "Kill!"

However, when Lu Chen was about to burst into flames, a cloud of black mist suddenly shot towards Lu Chen from a distance.

For an instant, Lu Chen was directly picked up by the black mist and fell to the side.

The black mist gradually condensed the entity, Lu Chen glanced intently, it was the Flame Demon!

"Blazing Demon, what are you doing!"

"Crazy Blade, you can't kill him!" The Flame Demon stood in front of Lu Chen, "I have told you countless times that he is my friend of the Flame Demon, and no one can touch it!"

There was a commotion in the audience.

"Isn't that the flame demon who just made the next level of battle? He, what is he doing?"

"How can he be friends with Human Race? Flame Demon, do you know what you are talking about! How can Human Race be our friend!"

"Blazing Demon, you are against military regulations! Are you going to betray the demons?!"

The Flame Demon refused to move for half a step. He turned around and looked at Lu Chen with a bewildered look, "Brother, I'm sorry, I've made you wronged."

"But don't worry, even if you fight for this life, I will protect you from the Flame Demon!"

The Flame Demon looked at the audience, "You only know that the Eight Divisions of the Human Race Immortal Army recruited me to be crazy, but do you know that he didn't agree to any of them? He is not a member of the Human Race Immortal Army!"

"In the big human race, he distributed his food to me so that I could recover part of my physical strength. If it weren't for him, I would never have escaped!"

"He said he didn't want to invade other worlds, and we also promised to come to our demons world if there is a chance in the future. He said he didn't want to obey the destiny, he would do what he thinks is right!"

"Perhaps we can't defy Jiutian's will, fate makes us have to become enemies, but that is definitely not now!"

Zhongtian will slightly squinted his eyes and looked at the Flame Demon, "Follow Demon, don't think that you can act recklessly if you make a military exploit. He is a human race. No matter whether he is an immortal army or not, what he has done cannot change this fact! You too! Having said that, you may still be enemies in the future, and we absolutely cannot keep this kind of person."

"If you stop my execution again, don't blame me for treating you as a traitor!"

The Flame Demon smiled slightly, "Traitor? I am willing to live and die to protect my home, but I am not willing to do things that go against my heart!"

"He is a friend whom the Flame Demon recognizes. Since I guarantee his safety, I must protect him to the death. If this makes me bear the name of a traitor, I will not regret it!"

"Flame Demon, you are a judge!"

"I just want to be myself like I'm alone!"

"Well, since you don't listen to advice, don't blame me! Come here, kill this traitor!"

The Flame Demon immediately drew out two black scimitars. He stepped back and approached Lu Chen, "Boy, run if you have a chance, and leave me alone!"

"Brother Flame Demon, your injury hasn't fully recovered yet."

"Since I'm here, I never thought about going back alive! Brother Mad, even though we were in prison for just a few days, you made me admire me. It was a sentence that I just wanted to be myself. Although it was just a sentence, there were a few people. can do it?"

"Just one thing, you must promise me! If one day you join the Human Race Immortal Army, don't embarrass my Demon Race..."

Lu Chen was stunned.

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