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Nine heavens, one heaven and one heaven.

It was only in the Fourth Heaven, and it was already a melee of the nine races, and human lives were like weeds.

Is this still a game? At least it is no longer an online game in the traditional sense.

In this torrent, you can still meet people like the flame demon.

They stand in different positions, but they have become friends of life and death to rob the field for their friends.

"Slay the traitor!"

A large number of immortals surged from the audience, and a large number of skills blasted the flame demon.

Being able to ambush the Four Seas Expedition and cause heavy damage to it, the Balrog's strength is absolutely strong enough. Only when he fought the Four Seas Expedition, he himself was seriously injured and was captured by the Human Race.

In the prison, he was abused for a long time. Since escaping from the cell yesterday, it has only been a day off.

The flame demon is in a terrible state, but he doesn't care about that much, and put Lu Chen on his back, "Go, brother, I will take you out!"

A steel puppet stood in front of the Balrog, opened its abdominal cavity and shot a series of hidden weapons,

The flame demon sacrificed the flame shield and slammed directly into it.

In front of countless swords and shadows, battle pet puppets, firearms and Taoist talisman, Balrog dodged with a displacement.

"Want to run, Demon Enchantment!"

Countless ghost hands stretched out from the ground, and they would be caught as soon as they landed.

"Lava Path!" Flame Demon stepped on fire under his feet, forcibly breaking through the enchantment of the Demon Realm!

"Cryogenic barrier! Give me icicles!"

"Holy Demon Slash!"

"Lock the shot!"

"Target mark, ask the sky arrow!"

Countless skills smashed over, plus a large number of barriers superimposed, stronger than the Balrog, but also instantly suffered heavy losses, difficult to move.

"Brother Yanmo, let me down!"

"No, I said take you away, I will send you out! Don't force me! Doppelganger!"

As a result, everyone found the flame demon's true body, because only this true body was behind Lu Chen...

But what surprised Lu Chen was that the Flame Demon did not rely on the clone to disrupt the enemy's judgment.

The 80 clones are evenly distributed beside the Balrog and are preparing to activate a certain skill.

The Mozu Zhongtian exclaimed, "Be careful, everyone, it is the Motian Burning Soul Formation! Quickly kill the clones, don't let them line up!"

The defenses of these clones were very strong. Lu Chen estimated that it should have exceeded the defense of the body, but those clones would not dodge, they should be clones specifically for the formation of formations.

Even though the clones had amazing defenses, in the face of thousands of people being besieged, every one of them was a powerhouse of the Demon Clan's Immortal Army. Suddenly, half of the clones were destroyed.

The Flame Demon forcibly launched the Demon Heaven Burning Soul Array, and for a while, the entire array violently sprayed out fire from the ground and went straight into the sky!

"Don't touch those flames, burn the flesh directly!"

Grilled meat directly? Lu Chen was shocked. This Demon Sky Burning Soul Array could be forcibly launched in such a short period of time under the siege of nearly 10,000 people, and it was so powerful that even the Zhongtian general was extremely jealous.

The strength of the Balrog is evident!

At this moment, the Balrog suddenly vomited blood.

His blood was green, but Lu Chen could feel the flame demon trembling all over.

Seriously injured, fighting is the most taboo, and at this time, the flame demon is facing the encirclement and suppression of nearly ten thousand demon immortal army!

puff! The flame demon knelt on one knee, trembling violently, but he still stood up trembling forcibly and walked towards the fortress gate.

Within the Demon Sky Burning Soul Array, the ghost hands on the ground did not dare to appear, but the footsteps of the Flame Demon were getting heavier and heavier.

The individual skills that traversed the Burning Soul Array could no longer be avoided, and directly hit his body.

After vomiting several mouthfuls of blood, in addition to maintaining the burning soul formation, the flame demon was already unable to fight back, his eyes fixed on the front.

"I will send you out! I will definitely send you out! Go out, don't avenge me!"

Lu Chen was silent.

In fact, he had some complaints against the Balrog in his heart. If it hadn't been for the Balrog to quietly say that he would guarantee his safety, he would never be arrested.

He even suspected that the Balrog had deliberately set up a situation to insult him.

Lu Chen's hands have been liberated, but he hasn't made any moves until now because of this reason.

But now, Lu Chen believed that the Flame Demon regarded him as a brother. He could not influence the decision of the Xianjun, so he took his own life and fulfilled his promise to his friend.

"Brother Flame Demon, stop."

"No, I can't stop. I'm afraid I can't walk anymore if I stop. One more thing, go back and tell Si Hai Yuan Zheng, I regret that I have no chance to fight him again!"

Three consecutive arrows pierced the calf of the Balrog, and the Balrog shook his body, but tried his best to control himself not to fall and continue to move forward.

"When will the war between the human race and the demons end... I feel a little homesick..."

"Nine days are endless, and the war is endless." Lu Chen sighed, "You do the other things by yourself, but I promise you that you will stop all of this!"

Lu Chen patted the Flame Demon on the shoulder, "Sorry, I didn't trust you completely. I watched you were seriously injured."

The flame demon looked at Lu Chen's hand in surprise, the shackles on it did not know when it had fallen off.

"You, where's your shackles?"

"That thing still can't hold me." Lu Chen jumped off the back of the Balrog and turned around in front of him, lifting his tall body on his back.

"Don't worry, I won't destroy the flesh of your people, I just want to break out of the siege, and I must let them die in the game." Lu Chen said, "Now, I will take you out!"

"Death! The dragon's blood is boiling!"

"Six changes of God! Unlimited gift liberation!"

Lu Chen picked up the Flame Demon on his back, and his figure shuttled between the demon fairy army.

Seeing this, the surrounding fairy army showed incredible expressions.

"How is it possible, that human race broke free from the shackles!"

"Attack so fast! It is difficult to lock his figure!"

"Infinite skills? If this goes on, he will run! Quickly use the magic sky lock shadow formation!"

Lu Chen already felt the flame demon behind him, with a weak aura, his head drooping on his shoulders, dying!

Seeing a kind of immortal army still trying to stop him, Lu Chen was furious, and a green mist appeared in his eyes.

"All give way to Lao Tzu. If the Flame Demon has any shortcomings, I will remove your Demon Race from Nine Heavens!"

"Broken Void!" With a punch, I don't know how many enchantments were broken, and directly smashed a hole in the Motian Mountain Guardian formation!

"Triple door!" Lu Chen quickly rushed out of the gap. Looking back, there were still a large number of immortal soldiers chasing out.

"Juque swept!" Lu Chen turned back and swept out hundreds of sword qi, blocking the pursuit!

"Nine Wings!" Calling out the mount, Lu Chen jumped on the back of the Nine Wings and went straight into the sky.

As soon as the Nine Wings came out, the mounts of the immortal army suddenly languished, and only four or five mounts could fly.

Four Heavens, the deterrent power of Nine Wings is not effective for all mounts.

The four or five people are still going to chase, the Demon Race Zhongtian will suddenly flash in front of a few people, wave his hand, "Don't chase, the outside is no longer our control."

"From the perspective of that guy's means, it may not be a solo opponent if he catches up with you."

"Able to punch the Motian Mountain Guardian formation into a gap, his attack power is at least 2 billion!"


Zhongtian will look at the two black spots that are gradually disappearing in the sky, and narrow his eyes slightly.

Flame demon, I am the only one crazy... the next time I meet you again, I must not leave these two evils!

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