Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 609: Fragment of God and Demon Lotus Heart

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Although Shattered Void had the highest damage in a single time, the total damage of the Tiger's descending mountain was not inferior to Shattered Void, and it was nothing to kill the elf woman.

After killing the leader, the other elves were shocked.

This guy could easily kill their leader in seconds!

"What kind of burst damage is this? One billion damage!"

"He, is he really a human race? This strength is probably the least zhongtian general level!"

"Wait, didn't it mean that he was seriously injured?"

Naturally, Lu Chen wouldn't explain this, and quickly shot, "Infinite Three Thousand Instant Kill!"

The single damage of the gift of liberation is high, but the number of attacks of the three thousand instant slashes is large, and if the opponent unit is killed in the attack, the remaining number of attacks can jump on other people, and the attack will not be wasted.

Time was pressing, and considering the damage backlash of the Tyrant Pill in the later stage, Lu Chen chose the most suitable skill and launched a continuous attack.

The red figure was beating among the people, wherever it passed, corpses were everywhere!

This scene, even if the Flame Demon saw it, was frightened.

"This guy hurts so much?"

Ten seconds later, the rebelling elves were already defeated, and some of them fled. Lu Chen didn't chase, pulling the Balrog, and a triple door flashed out far away.

"Old Yan, take me back to Mercenary City!" Lu Chen just finished speaking, vomiting blood, his face pale, presumably the Tyrant God Pill hurt back.

"Hold on, I will take you back!"


Back in the Mercenary City, the Flame Demon first settled in Lu Chen, and then went to the entrusting office to collect the remaining 70 spirit stones.

"Old crazy, are you okay?"

Lu Chen's face was pale, and he shook his head, "It's not a major problem, but the proportion of physical damage has increased again."

"We should run directly, so that it won't hurt so much."

Lu Chen grinned reluctantly, "They won't let us run away so easily. Since they didn't plan to give us a way out, we can't just sit still."

"But why did you **** their things? I think you didn't use the physical damage skills. After they live, even for this thing, they will definitely find us by any means."

Lu Chen looked at the wooden box, "I have to get this thing."

Immediately, the two opened the wooden box.

"Old Yan, do you know what this is?"

"The God and Demon Lotus Heart is a legendary piece of equipment... I didn't expect it to be there."

Lu Chen touched the **** and demon lotus heart and obtained the item information.

【The Fragment of the Heart of God and Demon (1/9)】

[Properties are ominous]

[Special effects are ominous]

From the prompts given by the system, it seems that nothing can be seen.

"Old Yan, you said this is a legendary equipment? What else do you know?"

The Flame Demon thought for a while, and said, "It is said that this piece of equipment has the power to destroy the world, its level is ominous, and the attributes are also different. And I heard that in each of the nine camps, there is a fragment of the heart of the gods and demon. , When the nine pieces are collected, the lotus heart of the gods and demon can be reorganized."

Lu Chen frowned, and it seemed that this piece of equipment was most likely part of the God and Demon set.

However, if each of the nine camps retains a piece of fragment, it will be extremely difficult to obtain the heart of the gods and demon.

Sure enough, none of them is easy to get!

"Old crazy, what do you want this thing for, if you can't collect all nine pieces, it's a piece of rubbish."

Lu Chen looked at the Flame Demon and said firmly, "Then gather nine pieces!"

After finally getting the news of a **** and demon equipment, Lu Chen had no reason not to fight for it.

"Old Yan, don't worry about this. If those elves find you in the future, just push it to me."

The Flame Demon looked solemn, "You kid regards me as someone. We have been born to death several times, and we have long been deadly friendships. Besides, we shouldn't be separated now. You have to get the lotus heart of the gods and devil, and I will help you!"

"Those elves should be night elves, although we have robbed them, but I guess they are also doing things that are not visible, at least they dare not come to us blatantly."

"Now we can only stay in the Mercenary City. As long as we both recover, with our strength, at least don't be afraid of them!"

Lu Chen nodded, the flame demon's thoughts coincided with him.

Those elves looking for mercenaries from the demons were definitely not righteous. It was precisely because of this that he dared to directly kill people and win treasures.

"Old mad, 70 spirit stones, let's keep 10 of them to spend, and for the rest, you should heal the injury first."

"I was healed last time. Let's change you this time." Lu Chen said, "It's not that I am modest. The point is that employers simply look down on Humans. You are a demons. If you get better, you can make money faster."

The Flame Demon thought for a while, this is the truth, "Okay, then I will get the medicine."


Flame Demon's business is not very good, after all, they are a mercenary group, he is alone, and his body has not fully recovered.

Occasionally there is a task, which is also a spy task and miscellaneous task with low pay.

In one month, the Flame Demon had earned more than fifty spirit stones, which was just after healed his physical injuries.

Within this month, the elves did not come to them.

Lu Chen and the flame demon have combined this matter. The most important goal of the elves must be the **** demon lotus heart fragments. Lu Chen grabbed the things, so even if they secretly come to Mercenary City, they will not do anything without seeing Lu Chen. .

Lu Chen simply didn't show up. Every day in the inn, under the guidance of Xiaolv, he healed and controlled his injuries by himself.

On this day, when Lu Chen had nothing to do, he cultivated the spirit of the gods and demons.

"It's a pity that you can't open the symbiosis between gods and demons. Now there is only 1 point of spiritual power per minute." Lu Chen sat cross-legged and let Xiao Mao Tuan help guard the door.

As soon as he entered the cultivation state, Lu Chen suddenly noticed that the fragments of the lotus heart of the gods and demon were abnormal.

"Huh?" Lu Chen immediately took out the fragments of the **** and demon lotus heart.

A cloud of smoke emanated above the debris, forming a floating map.

"This is? The energy is very unstable, it should not last long!" Lu Chen hurriedly synced the map to his personal map panel.

The **** and demon Lianxin then recovered his calm, Lu Chen put away the Lianxin and opened his personal map to check it carefully.

Zoom the map to the maximum scale, there are a total of nine red dots on the map.

Five of them are in six of the nine camps, and four are scattered everywhere.

One is located in Mercenary City, one is located in the Wildlands, and the other two are located, surrounded by a cloud of mist.

"Is this the location of the Fragment of the Demon Lotus Heart?" Lu Chen frowned, "The Mercenary City should be the one in my hand!"

"Lao Yan said that each of the nine camps collected a piece of fragments, but I don't know how many years ago it was. The piece in my hand has been used for secret trading. It can be seen that in some camps, the remaining fragments may have been lost. ."

"There is a piece of wild land! I happen to have a key...I rely on it, this key was obtained from the world of Asura, that is to say, if you can't enter the world of Asura, you will never get the lotus heart of the gods? "

"The remaining two pieces are in the fog area. It is estimated that the difficulty is not normal. It is too difficult to get the lotus heart of the gods and demon."

Lu Chen looked at the fragment of the lotus heart of the gods and demon at Guard Mountain. When he was just cultivating the **** and demon's Hunyuan Heart Technique, this fragment showed him the whereabouts of the rest of the fragments. It seemed that it had some connection with the **** and devil's Hunyuan Heart Technique.

This made Lu Chen even more sure that the lotus heart of the gods and devil was part of the set of gods and demon!

"Well, since you also want me to restore you, no matter how difficult it is, I will try!"

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