Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 610: Man's role

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Although the first month had a difficult time, after the Balrog recovered, making money was no longer difficult for him.

"Old crazy, see what I bought back today!" The flame demon returned to the residence happily, "I bought the dishes from the eight-star cooking master, don't you say you like to eat barbecue."

Lu Chen hurried over, "Oh, it's so sweet, you're rich."

"Hey, I took an assassination mission today, 70 Lingshi! With this money, your kid doesn't need me to serve!"

"Come on, I also made a little wine, let's have a good drink."


This meal is definitely the best meal for two people. There are a lot of fish and rice wine, and it is even more delicious, and the little hair **** are drooling.

After two months of getting along, Lu Chen and Yan Demon have become friends who talk about everything.

"Yan Demon, what do you say in reality now?"

"Hey, I'm just wanted. I don't have anything to do with my mother-in-law and my little boy."

"Didn't you last time that they were okay?"

"Nothing big, but it is unavoidable to be pointed out."

Lu Chen sighed, "Hey, if I shot directly at that time, you wouldn't have fallen into this situation."

"Don't talk about it, if I were you, I would keep my eyes on it and say yes to ensure your safety, but I almost made you die in the demon clan." The flame demon tore a mouthful of the barbecue. "Speaking of which, you are my demon. The only friend outside the clan."

"Unexpectedly, I would become a life and death friend with a human race."

"Sometimes I wonder if I have killed people like you before. This is the case with the human race. As for other races, among our demons, there are no **** people!"

"Hey, old mad, if you can really go against the sky, my flame demon is really willing to follow you!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "If you follow or don't follow, you can go with like-minded people. Okay, let's not talk about these and none, drink!"

"Well, if the wine tube is enough, just drink, I'm afraid you won't make it!"

There are a thousand cups of wine every confidant, and the two of them drank until late at night, and fell asleep.


The next day, Lu Chen woke up in a daze with a headache, but when he started to do it, he found that the Balrog was gone.

"I went to the street so early? Not so diligent?"

Lu Chen looked at a mess of the table and was about to call the inn Xiaoer to clean it up. Suddenly, the small hair ball rushed to Lu Chen.


"What? The Flame Demon returned to the Demon Race?" Lu Chen looked shocked. Now that the flame demon returns to the demon clan, isn't that going to die!


Lu Chen hurriedly followed Xiao Maotuan's reminder and opened the mailbox.

There was only one letter in it, left to him by the Balrog.

Crazy brother, I'm sorry, I'm going back to the Demon Race, they arrested my wife and children, I can't just watch their mothers suffer.

Fortunately, I have earned enough spirit stones. With these spirit stones, your injury should be able to recover.

Don't come to me. Datian will personally supervise the scene this time. If you come, I'm afraid you will never return.

I really want to work with you to change this world, to go treacherous, and to go against the sky together.

But there are some things that I cannot let go of responsibilities. As a man, you have to take responsibility. You also have someone to protect, so I believe you can understand.

The night elves have been investigating us. Some of them have infiltrated the Mercenary City. Be careful!

If one day, you can change the nine-day rule and don't let the major races kill each other, there will be enough blood in our hands, and the killing and hatred will only be endless.


There is also an attachment in the email, which contains a set of fashions and a book of exercises.

"Your kid's fashion is too irritating, my set is much better than yours, and if you give it to you, you can definitely catch up with beautiful women!"

"This is the Demon Heaven Burning Soul Formation. I don't know if you can learn it. If you can't learn it, sell it for money. It's still worth some money. Don't be fooled."

"I won't leave the equipment to you. If they dare to hurt my family, I still need it when I work hard."

The last signature seems to be the real name of the Balrog. Few people in the game will tell the other party their real name, and the friendship between the Balrog and Lu Chen has surpassed the game.

Lu Chen closed the mail window, his eyes widened, and a faint green mist came out.

The letter of the flame demon is a farewell letter. The conviction for a felony of the family is a felony of decapitation in any camp, and he will never return when he returns!

The Mozu Datian will personally supervise the scene, and the Mozu master is like a cloud, I am afraid that even the Flame Demon will not be able to escape again.

"Old Yan!" Lu Chen frowned!

"Little Green, follow me to the medicine store!"

Lu Chen bought a lot of medicinal materials with the spirit stones left by the flame demon, and returned to his residence to let Lu Yiyi refine it.

"Boss, don't you want to go to the Demon Race?"

Lu Chen looked solemn, "I must go!"

"But the Demon Race is very strong, and there are also big sky generals present, and the big sky generals are gone. I am afraid there are still many middle sky generals. You are alone..."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "Lao Yan should have known that his family was caught. He never told me that he wanted to make enough money for me... this guy!"

"If I hadn't made the shot in time, he wouldn't be where he is today!"

"Boss, but you also saved him."

"It's not the same. If he dies in a human prison, then he is a hero of the demons and his family will enjoy generous treatment. But now, not only has he become a traitor from the demons, his family may not be much better. ."

"Even if it is a sea of ​​fire, I must go this time!"

Lu Yiyi also understands Lu Chen's temper. Since it was decided, he will not change.

Relatives and friends are the biggest weakness of the boss!

As a ghost pet, what Lu Yiyi can do is to fully support the boss.

"Boss, do you have any chance of winning?"

"I don't know how strong the Demon Race Datian will be. The strength of the Demon Race is the most powerful race I have ever encountered, but if the Four Seas Expedition can defeat the Demon Race, then I may not be able to!"

After two hours, Lu Yiyi handed the last pill to Lu Chen. After taking it, Lu Chen's physical injury had healed.

"Boss, the conditioning during this period of time seems to be very effective. Only this can cure the disease."

"It's just the boss, it's getting late now, I'm afraid I will encounter that thing before I reach the Demon Race territory."

Lu Chen shook his head, "I can't take care of that much, if it dares to stop me today, I will kill it!"

Recalling Lu Yiyi and Xiao Maotuan, Lu Chen called out rhubarb, "Rhubarb, see if you can help me avoid the Heavenly Boss."


Lu Chen nodded, "Just do your best. It's really not easy to avoid it completely."

When Lu Chen was about to go out, he suddenly stopped and took out the outfit that the Balrog gave him.

"The Devil Comes"

[The top fashion with its own aura, it is said that the demon king once wore this costume to dominate the millions of demon masters! 】

【Special effect: Can be suspended in midair without consuming aura. 】

After replacing his Blood Mad Sword God, Lu Chen came with this set of Demon Lord.

The whole body of this fashion suit is jet black, with golden water ripples, a large cloak, and a hood.

Lifting the cloak, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Rhubarb, let's go!"

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