Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 612: Black Gu Pill

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The two super powers simultaneously offered the demon's top domain, and for a while, the demon fortress was in the dark.

"Blazing Demon, want to beat me? You are just about to ignite! I want your wife and children to see how I killed you!" The Holy War Demon Lord took out his weapon, a three-meter giant axe.

When this battle axe appeared, everyone's weapons buzzed.

Everyone's eyes widened and looked at the tomahawk that was shining with white light incredibly.

"Yes, it's a semi-sacred weapon!"

"The top five weapons in the Quadruple Heaven!"

"Axe out of the sky can break the world! Unless there are four other semi-sacred artifacts, ordinary fairy artifacts are hard to match."

The Flame Demon stared at the Holy War Demon Sovereign, with twelve points of spirit.


The sky gradually dimmed, and the rhubarb rushed ahead, Lu Chen followed closely behind.

To avoid the Celestial Boss, you must rely on the rhubarb, and Lu Chen cannot use unlimited displacement.

There are still a dozen miles away from the Demon Fortress, but from a distance, there are dense clouds over there, which is obviously different from the surrounding environment.

It seems that there are masters fighting over there, and they have all developed domain skills!


Rhubarb told Lu Chen that the Tianyu boss seemed to be nearby, and he had to detour to avoid it.

Lu Chen frowned, "Damn it, why this guy is just around here! It's too late to make a detour, Rhubarb, come back, I just rush over!"

Recalling the rhubarb, Lu Chen turned to the death ground to boil with the dragon's blood, and quickly jumped towards the demon fortress.

After less than a kilometer, the familiar scene appeared again, the ground began to roll, the mountains rose and fell at a visible range, and something was moving underground.

"This guy!" Lu Chen can't take care of that much. Now is the time when every second counts. As long as he takes a half step, it is very likely that he can only guard the body of the Flame Demon!

Rumble and rumbling, the underground guys broke through the soil and chased, this time it was faster than last time!

A voice that seemed to come from the abyss said in a low voice, "You can't run away this time!"

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, this guy recognized himself, and he seemed to be worried because he escaped from his hand last time!

Lu Chen took nine steps out of the void, but as soon as he reached the next landing point, the surrounding soil layers instantly bulged, forming four walls.

Lu Chen also had a DEBUFF on him.

Sleepy Beast: Increase the cooldown of displacement skills for 20 seconds.

All Lu Chen's displacement skills are in a cooldown state and cannot be used!

Lu Chen just wanted to turn pure aura into mixed origin aura so that his skills would not be suppressed.

However, in a short period of time, dozens of soil walls were erected on the periphery of the soil wall.

In other words, even if all Lu Chen's displacement skills can be used, he must break these dozens of soil walls.

This earth wall is not an ordinary earth wall. Lu Chen had learned it last time. He shattered the void five times before breaking through an earth wall!

Lu Chen was in a state of anxiety, but he happened to be entangled by the Celestial BOSS...

Suddenly, Lu Chen stopped and stood in the center of the earth wall.

As Lu Chen stopped, the guy under the ground also stopped, but Lu Chen could feel it right under his feet.

"Did you give up struggling?" The voice sounded again.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't have much time now. Come out, let's make a break!"

"Stop? Just because you don't have the qualifications yet, the reason you are still alive is because I like to play prey."

Lu Chen let out a cold snort, and directly activated the god-devil symbiosis form, "Eternal Night Enchantment!"

"Chaos Realm!"

"Huh? Chaos Realm? You actually have Chaos Realm! Interesting."

Lu Chen single-handedly drew the God and Demon Promise Sword from the void, "Stop talking nonsense, I will kill the Tianyu boss ahead of schedule today!"

However, the Tianyu BOSS did not show up, and the surrounding soil walls descended by themselves and reintegrated into the ground.

Lu Chen looked at the surroundings in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"Human kid, you aroused my interest, but unfortunately you are too weak now, even if you kill you, it is very boring."

"This is not the Tongtian Pagoda. It is my duty to guard the Tongtian Pagoda, but in the wild, I have the right to live and kill. I can choose not to kill you!"

"Aren't you in a hurry? Take this poison pill and I will let you go."

A black pill was paid from the ground and floated to Lu Chen.

"This is the Black Gu Pill, I will give you one year, and the Tongtian Pagoda will find me one year later. If it exceeds this time, the Black Gu Pill will erupt and the gods will be hard to save!"

Lu Chen frowned, thinking in his heart.

Although the Tianyu BOSS did not really make a move, he could feel the strength of the opponent. Even if he wins a battle with it, it may not be too late to save the Balrog.

But just to take the Black Gu Pill like this, it is to bet your own life!

"What? Afraid that I will poison you? I want to kill you, why use this method!"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly and was about to reach out to pick up the pill. Lu Yiyi's voice came from his head.

"Boss is cautious! Black Gu Pill level is too high, my Gu technique level is too low, I can't solve it in one year! If you get to the Tongtian Tower, it won't solve the Gu, then it will be impossible to win it."

The stone wall fell, and Lu Chen looked into the distance. The black mist over there seemed to have faded, and the battle seemed to be over.

The words that Balrog once said sounded in his ears.

"For their mothers, I am willing to give everything..."

However, in order to save himself, the Balrog put his most cherished person in danger.

He didn't go back to rescue them until he got the spirit stones to heal himself!

How many such friends can you have in your life?

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, "Lao Yan, Lao Yan, I'm really sorry."

For a hand, Lu Chen grabbed the Black Gu Pill, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

"You made me be careful, but I... I kind of disappointed you!"


"Little Green, don't be stressed, it doesn't matter if you can't solve it, let me watch the old Yan family die tragically, I absolutely can't do it!"

"Boss... I know, I forgot that you were such a person..."

After taking the Black Gu Pill, Lu Chen said coldly, "After one year, I will go to the Tongtian Tower to find you."

"Very well, I hope you at that time, not so weak, otherwise the game will be too boring, you go, don't die there."

Without saying a word, Lu Chen reflexively used the infinite triple door, and in a blink of an eye it was already a thousand meters away!


On the execution stage, the Holy War Demon Lord had a Motian blade inserted in his chest, and his breathing was short at this time.

"Flaming demon, flame demon, I still underestimated your strength, and you can hurt me!"

The flame demon fell in a pool of blood, his body was already unable to move, his arms were directly cut off by the sky-breaking axe, his hamstrings were cut off, dozens of shocking wounds on his body, bones can be seen!

The Holy War Demon Lord pulled out the Demon Heaven Sword from his chest, his expression gloomy, "How dare you hurt me, I want you to watch the tragic death of your wife and children! I want you to die in despair!"

The flame demon lay on the ground, looking weakly at his wife and children not far away.

"Aisa, Devine, I'm sorry..."

"Divun, it's useless to be a father, and he couldn't protect his beloved, I..."

The tiger-head knife is raised high and falls quickly!

"No! Don't!" Flame Demon roared heartbreakingly.

At this moment, on the horizon, two black feather arrows, tearing through the space, came through the sky!

Dangdang twice, two tiger-headed knives were instantly broken!

Everyone looked in the direction of the arrow in shock.

On the wall of the demon fortress, a black robe stood on the wall, and his black cloak was flying in the wind.

Under the hood, a pair of eyes that are different from the red eyes of the normal demons are a pair of eyes with billowing green mist.

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