Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 613: Cross-space live broadcast

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"Old mad!" The Flame Demon looked back, now his heart was extremely complicated.

It should be rejoicing, this guy really came, or should be angry, he is a human race, and ran to the demons' site to find death!

The Holy War Demon Lord stared at the man on the wall, with a look of excitement in his eyes, "I'm the only one crazy! I didn't expect that this time not only caught the flame demon, but also attracted this kid."

"Very well, let the human race escape the fortress, finally there is a story!"

After all, Demon Lord took a pill, and the physical damage caused by the flame demon was quickly healed, and one blood returned, and the blood volume was also full.

In an instant, Lu Chen was already on the execution stage. He saw that the Flame Demon family was still under the butcher's knife. He scratched it with one hand and said, "Listen!"

Aisha, Divine, including the already **** Balrog, were all sucked by Lu Chen.

"Little hair ball." Lu Chen called out the little hair ball, letting it bite off the shackles of the mother and child.

As soon as they regained their freedom, the mother and the son threw themselves beside the Flame Demon and wept bitterly.



"Help me up." Flame Demon said.

With the help of his wife, the Flame Demon stood up tremblingly, "Old Kuang, why are you here! I didn't mean to tell you not to come?!"

"Don't you know that this is the Demon Fortress! Didn't you know that the Demon King will be here! There are 8 people here in the Zhongtian General! You, you are here to die!"

Lu Chen didn't look back at him, he really couldn't bear to see what the Flame Demon looked like now.

"Even if it is to die, I must come!" Lu Chen's tone was flat and firm.

"You, you are really mad at me!"

"Be angry and wait until I take you out to regenerate. I won't watch the brothers die tragically!"

"Want to take them away?" The Holy War Demon Lord looked down at the human beings in front of him, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Don't look at where this is!"

"Last time I let you escape by a fluke, but this time, the eight great generals and I personally supervised the scene. Do you think you can escape?"

"What's more, it's getting late outside now. I believe you should know what's in the war zone at night!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Today, I am the king of heaven and I am here, I also want to take them away!"

"The tone is not small! I am the only one who is crazy. I have investigated you. Your original world is a place called the earth, right! In a world that can't even be regarded as a low Wu, how many of you can actually walk here? Split the skill."

"In your world, there should be countless people who consider you the **** of war."

"It just so happens that I have an item here that allows them to see how their God of War was smashed into mud in the Fourth Heaven! Moreover, I want to show them that you were killed for the Demon Race!"

"That way, even if you die, you won't be regarded as a hero by them, but will only treat you as a spy in collusion with foreigners! Hahahaha, for this day, I have been preparing for a long time, and I specially sent someone to the second heaven. Engage with your Terran leaders!"

After all, the Holy War Demon Lord took out a crystal stone, "Shadow stone, project the picture to the second heaven!"

Lu Chen frowned, the Holy War Demon Venerable actually has such a prop? Broadcast directly across the two heavens!

The earth player has not heard from him for a long time, and I am afraid that he will not understand that he is fighting for a demon. With a live broadcast, even if he is killed in battle, he will not enjoy any honor or even be vilified!

Holy War Demon Lord’s intentions are quite sinister!

In other words, have the Demon Race and the Iron-Blooded Great Wall contacted them?

The shadow stone flew into the air, covering the current area, and the screen was teleported to the second heaven.


Double Heaven, the Earth United Front Alliance.

In the backpack of the Jagged Great Wall, an item changed, and he hurriedly checked the backpack.

Just three days ago, a mysterious man gave him the name Shadow Stone, which can transmit images across up to three heavens.

What is still fresh in the memory of the Jagged Great Wall is that the mysterious man wore a black cloak and a mask on his face. His strength was even more unfathomable. Under the circumstances of heavy guarding, no one noticed that he had reached his side.

Fortunately, he was not malicious, otherwise killing the Iron and Blood Great Wall would be as easy as trying to get something.

After the man gave the shadow stone to himself, he exhorted, "If there is any change in this shadow stone in the future, it means that there is a war report that is so mad. Don’t you really admire him? The shadow stone will automatically put the video on your earth official website. Live broadcast, take a good look, I believe it will definitely be big news for you!"

Now, Shadow Stone finally had a reaction, and the Jagged Great Wall quickly conveyed the news.

"Go to the official website live broadcast room, there is a live broadcast of the crazy gods!"

"The mad **** is in the third heaven right now, wow, the battle of the third heaven is really looking forward to it."

"The triple heavens can extract attributes. I always want to go to the triple heavens in my dreams. Quickly see what intensity is the battle of the triple heavens?"

Only a handful of people know that the soloist is not in the third heaven at all. As early as two years ago, he had reached the fourth heaven!

Kuang Lang Guild is organized by an unknown mysterious organization master, repeatedly running through the skills and cooperation of the dual universe. At this time, President Leng Nuo sent a guild message, and all members went offline to watch the leader’s battle live.

"Master's live broadcast of the battle? Oh my god, then, isn't that cross-space?"

"Brother..." Lu Yi is a little strange. She understands that Lu Chen, her brother is not a person who likes to be pushy. Although he is always the focus every time he appears, it is not his intention. How could the low-key brother suddenly broadcast live? The battle video is out.

"Cross-space live broadcast, that should be Shadowstone!" Several mysterious masters glanced at each other, "That thing is not easy to handle, at least it must be in the fourth genius!"

"Ten steps, your God of War has reached the fourth heaven?"

Kneeling at ten steps, one person was confused, "I don't know this too well, anyway, let's take a look offline."

The strongest guilds in various countries are also offline and log on to the official website as soon as possible.

EDS Guild, Xiaoyaofeng and the team members sat in front of the LCD screen in the lobby.

"Everyone is here now. Take a look, everyone. This should be a battle of the Triple Heavens. It will be of great help to us in the future."

"Pay attention, pay special attention to the on-the-spot reaction of both parties, as well as the differences between skills and the current skills, blood volume control, skills connection and other details. In the battle between masters, details often determine success or failure."

"Slash, Tianlong, pay special attention to the two of you. In terms of fighting skills, you are not too far from the mad god, but the details need to be strengthened."

"Yes, captain."

Everyone still doesn't understand what this battle means. They don't even know that from the beginning of the third heaven, nine days have introduced a new concept "physical injury!"

The triple sky damage, a huge part of the impact is the game body, and the fourth sky, the damage extends to reality!

In the Fourth Heaven, if the opponent lays a dead hand, he will die!

At this moment, the official live broadcast room from No. 001 to No. 300 live broadcast room, and at the same time, the picture came out.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the situation in the picture.

"This, what's going on!"

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