Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 617: Eight days will be the strongest

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Lu Yi can't wait to run to her brother's room right away, but the last time her brother was in a coma, she knew in advance the cruelty of Gao Zhongtianyu, and her appearance might affect her brother's performance.

Obviously there is only a wall apart, but I can't visit my old brother, which makes Lu Yi sit on a pin cushion.

"Brother, what kind of monsters are you encountering now! Make sure nothing happens!" Lu Yi prayed silently.

The earth players first saw the battle of the four heavens, which has completely exceeded their understanding of the "powerful".

"My God, this is no longer a human-reachable ability! Every opponent is like a god!"

"Thor? Is that guy a prophet transfer? Is the prophet so strong in the late stage!"

"In the late stage, the mad **** has only reached the fourth heaven, and he hasn't arrived in half of the nine days, at most it is considered the early stage. However, the prophet can use the force of nature, which is really terrifying."

While the players were talking about the battlefield screen, I alone moved madly.

"Nine steps in the void!" As soon as he took a step, a whirlpool formed under his feet, and the surrounding electricity was directly forced into the whirlpool.

"What, is that... the whirlpool!" The Holy War Demon Lord's eyes opened wide.

At the same time of displacement, it absorbs the opponent's skill damage, dodge and damage offset take effect at the same time, he has never seen this kind of displacement skill!

In the second step, when he stepped on the void, Lu Chen had already risen into the air, "Listen to the ears!"

Lu Chen grabbed to the void with one hand.

"You Lei, be careful!"

Although the prophets have huge long-range output and group attack ability, their close-in ability is weaker than that of archers, and they have no recovery ability.

Lu Chen had already demonstrated the effect of listening respectfully, forcibly pulling the opponent in front of him, quite domineering.

To cooperate with his terrifying melee damage, being close by him is by no means a wise choice.

At this moment, several long-range attacks had arrived. Lu Chen didn't even turn his head. He stepped on the third step of the void nine steps, causing these skills to shift seriously, and at the same time he was closer to You Lei.

"Did he open his eyes behind his back? Why can he dodge so accurately?" The audience watching the battle was puzzled.

Lu Chen now uses not the eyes of the dark gods, but the magic weapon of the immortal rank stronger than the eyes of the dark gods, Guantianmu!

Avoiding those long-range attacks is naturally a matter of course.

"Don't play magnetic levitation with Laozi, come down to me!" Lu Chen gave a low voice and grabbed You Lei.

"Only I am crazy, don't think that I am a vegetarian! Do you really think that I am afraid of you being close? You are tricked!"

"Thunder and lightning forbidden zone!" Suddenly, Lu Chen was squeezed by two huge forces, and his body was temporarily unable to move.

At the same time, You Lei was caught by Lu Chen's ears, and quickly shot towards Lu Chen.

"Is it true that the demon **** is to eat dry rice? Let you taste the power of melee mage!"

"Thunder attribute star body! Sky thunder perfusion!" Countless lightning bombarded You Lei violently, and that person had been directly bombarded by hundreds of lightning bolts. His back seemed to bloom with a thunder and lightning flower.

Even the demons were shocked.

"My God, what is he doing! Someone can withstand such a terrifying thunder infusion?"

"There are already more than 100 sky thunders, and his thunder system star body has reached two stars! As far as the body's combat power is concerned, You Lei is already the well-deserved first person in the middle of the sky!"

"I can already imagine that You Lei Tian will attack next time, and the damage will reach unimaginable levels!"

Thunder and Lightning had already destroyed Youlei Flame Demon, at this time his body gradually lost its physical form, and his white eyes were staring at the prey like death.

"I'm the only one crazy, go to hell!"

"Thunder and Divine Slash!"

You Lei's whole body turned into a thunder light, and then the pulling force he was captured, the speed increased sharply, and he shot towards Lu Chen.

Bajia furrowed his brows, "You Lei, this fellow has actually become a thunder system star body, combined with Thunder and Extinguish God Slash, it's terrifying!"

"It seems that You Lei is already a strong competitor for the next great Tianshuai!" Another person also said.

"This guy hides so deeply, if it weren't for a fight against solipsism, I really didn't know he was so strong! Now we shouldn't need to make a move."

The flame demon's eyes were about to split, and under such an attack, I alone was mad for fear that it would not survive.

"Old crazy!"

After all, the demons are super-powerful races, their foundation is far beyond the human race, and the demons have been passed down for thousands of years. In reality, they have already possessed a very strong physical body. perfusion.

"Uncle Mad!" Devine was so nervous that he dared not watch the battle, "Don't die..."

On Earth, countless people have forgotten to continue to send barrage after seeing this scene.

A certain guide suddenly issued a message.

"Crazy God... to die!"

Lin Hai is holding a cup of coffee in the Huaxia United Front Command Center.

"Although I don't like to drink this thing, but to say refreshing, the effect of coffee is better." Lin Hai looked up and saw the picture in the video.

At this moment, his whole person was frozen, the coffee in his hand had been turned out, but he did not respond at all.

At this time, his eyes were fixed on the screen.

"Lu Chen!"

The Thunder Forbidden Zone is not a domain or enchantment skill, but such a range control skill, which can control the solitaire under the action of the chaos domain.

The current madness for me is like a target, suspended in mid-air, unable to move, and after the whole person of the alien race has absorbed an unknown amount of lightning, a large amount of energy has been gathered and turned into lightning and shot towards Lu Chen.

No one doubts You Lei will miss this move...

People are only wondering about one thing now, whether I can survive!

Lu Chen's body was stuck tightly, as if some force field was forcibly pressing his body.

Seeing that the opponent's ultimate move had come, Lu Chen's double-colored eyes were about to explode with golden and green light.


More than 30 avatars suddenly appeared, one by one blocking Lu Chenzhen.

Thunder has arrived!

Starting from the first avatar, Jinglei Mie Shenzhan was silent, but penetrated their bodies at a very fast speed.

"How much damage can your clones offset? Naive! Give me a break!"

In the blink of an eye, the clones are killed collectively!

When he arrived in front of Lu Chen's body, he saw a pair of hot eyes, "Broken Void!"

With a loud bang, the two powerful skills, at this moment, completely collide head-on!

Tian Tian exploded a white ball of light, and the after wave of surging energy was too late to spread outwards, and rolled into a huge ball of light, engulfing both of them, and the bright light stabbed everyone's eyes.

All the blank screens in the Earth Live Room!

"Brother!" Lu Yi's voice was hoarse, and the older brother was next door. She didn't dare to scream too loudly, but she couldn't help it!

With a bang, the coffee cup in Lin Hai's hand fell to pieces.

Lin Hai said blankly, "Lu Chen... are you still alive?"

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