Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 618: Decisive battle

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After the white light mass had accumulated huge energy, it finally exploded, and the surging aura of surging aura rushed to the surroundings.

The storm swept through and people stood unsteadily, but the first thing everyone opened their eyes was not to care about the horrible aftermath. They tried to look into the air.

At this time, You Lei's Thunder System star body had already been shot out of its prototype, and Lu Chen's fist blasted a big hole in his body. His body was already mutilated, and even his internal organs were gone.

"You, you... why are you so strong! Human race can't be so strong!"

Lu Chen didn't speak.

You Lei's body fell from midair, and Lu Chen was not much better, falling at the same time as You Lei.

Lu Yi couldn't take care of that much anymore and rushed to her brother's room.

Seeing the old man in the game cabin, Lu Yi covered her mouth in horror.

At this time, Lu Chen's seven orifices were bleeding, black burn marks appeared on his arms, and his body trembled!

In the eyes of others, Crazy God's killing of You Lei was already quite remarkable, but only Lu Yi knew how severe Lu Chen's physical injury was at this time.

This is reality, not nine days!

"Brother!" Lu Yi cried and threw herself outside the game cabin.

It was this cry that made Lu Chen, who had almost passed out, gradually wake up.

During the fall, Lu Chen saw the Flame Demon family. Devine threw himself in his mother's arms, crying and couldn't bear to look again, the flames of the fire demon's **** eyes were wide and his face was heartbroken.

If they fainted like this, they would definitely die!

So, he can't lose yet!

"Lu Yi... don't open the hatch..." Lu Chen said weakly, "I can't go offline now, and my battle is not over yet!"

For nine days, Lu Chen's eyes widened fiercely, turned over in the air, and landed on the ground.

[Please note that your physical damage has reached 48%, your life limit has been reduced by 48%, and skills such as Shattered Void, Nine Steps to Void, and Force Split Huashan are no longer available! 】

48% of the physical injury is not too high for Lu Chen, but since it was caused by an attack, it is normal for the body to become unconscious after suffering such a fierce attack.

However, it would be troublesome if many skills could not be used, including several of Lu Chen's usual skills and ace skills.

"Old Kuang, you are not dead!" The Flame Demon looked at Lu Chen in shock.

"You crow's mouth, I can't die!" Lu Chen shook his head, and when he turned his head, he was already killed like several other zhongtian generals.

"It's all such virtues, and dare to come and die!"

At this moment, a blade of light smashed directly from a distance, cutting off the execution platform tens of meters high, and at the same time stopping Lu Chen.

Everyone looked in the direction of the knife light in shock, where a tall man tore off his cloak.

"Great, great general!"

The Holy War Demon Sovereign stepped onto the execution platform, Shen Sheng said to the other six zhongtian generals, "I have lost two capable generals, you still need to command the army, you can't lose more."

Even if the great generals are personally strong, not one person can turn the tide of the battle in the nine camps. These eight generals also shoulder the task of commanding. If you lose too much, even if you win the soloist in the end, it is definitely It's not worth the loss!

"I am the only one who is crazy, now you are at the end of the crossbow, do you still want to resist?"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Big Heaven will be so calculating. I will dare to come on stage until I am seriously injured. Tsk tsk tsk, really brave."

"You think your aggressive strategy is useful to me. On the battlefield, I have to do whatever it takes. I have only one goal, to win, whether it's a battle between the nine camps or a battle with you."

"Only the victor is qualified to protect what he wants to protect. What's the use of the loser even if there are countless glory?"

"As a great general of the Demon Race, everything is focused on the interests of the Demon Race. It doesn't matter what you say to me!"

Lu Chen wanted to ridicule the Holy War Demon Lord, but when he heard his words, he put away his frivolous mentality.

The Holy War Demon Lord may be his mortal enemy, but he also has the determination to guard the Demon Race. If he is a Demon Race, there is such a big heaven who will sit in the town, and he should be extremely at ease.

"Only I am crazy. Your fight with me has nothing to do with personal grievances, but our position is different." Said the Holy War Demon Lord, "I think about the safety of my people, and you are just trying to be strong. It's selfish desire, you are not qualified to compare with me!"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, "Although you don't know me very well, at least you are considered an admirable opponent."

"Very well, this battle, I will do my best!"

"Do your best? With your current state, there is no chance to win if you do your best!"

"What if I win?"

The Holy War Demon Lord smiled slightly, "Win? Don't say you win, if you can take my trick now, I will admit that the Flame Demon has no judgement!"

Behind him, the Flame Demon's eyes widened, this sentence meant too much to him.

He was originally a person who cared very much about glory, so he gave up everything for Lu Chen, and if the condemnation of the family can be eliminated, Aisha and Divine will no longer be controlled by others!

Lu Chen smiled, and that was exactly what he was waiting for!

"Old Yan, it looks like you have a chance to comeback."

However, everyone can tell that Lu Chen is seriously injured now, and the strength of the great general is even more unfathomable. Under such circumstances, they only bet on one move. Naturally, it is a head-on collision. I alone will almost die!

"Old crazy, don't worry about me, don't bet with him, no one can catch his trick! Not even your broken void!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "How do you know if you don't try, this is your only chance, you won't need to wander around with me in the future."

"Uncle Mad, don't bet! The trick of the Holy War Demon Lord is too terrifying, you can't follow it now." Divine looked sadly at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen turned and walked over, and took out the Eye of the Dark Gods from his backpack, "Divun, this time I was in a hurry, and Uncle Mad has nothing to give you. Although the quality of this magic weapon is only dark gold, it is very easy to use. Uncle will give it to you."

"Uncle Mad..."

"Remember, skills are dead, people are alive, you will definitely be stronger than your dad in the future!"

Divine shed tears sadly, "Uncle Mad, you, do you have to go?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Didn't your father teach you that men should have their own responsibility? Uncle Kuang also thinks it should be the same."

"Old mad!" The flame demon was heartbroken, "I am the one who caused you! If you hadn't walked with me in prison, you wouldn't develop into what you are today."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and patted Balrog on the shoulder, "Whatever they said, I joined the army if they wanted me to join? Instead, I should thank you for showing me that every race has its own beliefs. Every race, there are people like you who can be good brothers!"

"In this battle, I am not fighting for you, but for my own beliefs!"

"Sister-in-law, if I win, take care of Lao Yan!"

After that, Lu Chen turned around and stood in front of the Holy War Demon Venerable again.

The Holy War Demon Lord slightly narrowed his eyes, "The humble human race, it is not easy to get to your point. As a respect for the strong, I will not show any mercy. I will use my strongest blow to end your life. !"

Lu Chen coughed several times and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth.

Lifting his head, Lu Chen's eyes were close to the green light and loudly, "Holy War, you are wrong, humble? No, Human Race is not humble!"

"Compromise is the root of humbleness!"

"And I will never compromise!"

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