Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 619: Strongest blow

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One move, determine the outcome!

In this battle, Lu Chen and the Holy War Demon Sovereign had not yet taken action, and their respective weapons were already ready to move.

The sky-breaking axe made a rare humming sound. Facing the opponent's provocation, the God and Demon Promise Sword seemed a little unhappy.

"What kind of weapons are these two weapons, my Immortal Wu unexpectedly fluctuates in attributes in front of these two weapons!"

"Skybreaking Axe is a semi-sacred weapon, we all know this, but what kind of weapon is in the hand of the only madman? How do you feel that Tiansha Axe wants to challenge that sword?"

"Is it an artifact? Impossible, there is no real artifact in the Four Heavens!"

The Holy War Demon Sovereign squinted slightly, this is the first time someone can make Skyshaking Axe so excited!

He snorted coldly and lifted the sky-breaking axe with one hand.

"Mowei·Ancient Awakening!"

With a bang, the body of the Holy War Demon Lord suddenly swelled several times, reaching a height of more than ten meters, and his body was full of demons, and his majestic body was like a war god.

"Isn't it, Datian will have magic power!"

"This is the first time I have seen Datian use magic power, his magic power can actually awaken the power of ancient demons!"

"Ancient Demon Race, that's the strongest Demon Race, and I'm the only one who will definitely be defeated."

The Heaven Breaking Axe in the hands of the Holy War Demon Lord also became several times larger, and his body was enveloped in black mist.

"Holy King's Heaven-Breaking Axe·Destroy the world!" All of a sudden, the world changed colors, dark clouds rolled, and the wind raged.

It's just the stage of accumulating power, this move to destroy the sky has already triggered a vision of heaven and earth!

There was a thunderous thunder, as if the sky was furious, angry at someone using such a disrespectful move to the sky and the earth!

The thunder exploded in the hearts of countless people, making everyone frightened.

"My God, the ancient awakened state is used to destroy the world, will the big sky be serious? The fortress protection mountain array is going to be destroyed!"

"I saw this trick 30 years ago. That time was when the Holy War Demon Venerable ran for the position of Great Heaven General. At that time, it was an unintentional demon decisive battle with the strongest demon in the same period. Everyone thought that the Holy War would lose. At the end of the game, the Holy War Demon Sovereign used the Ancient Awakening to cooperate with the destruction of the world and kill the unintentional evil spirits in a flash!"

"The semi-sacred weapon should be evolvable. Thirty years have passed. The Heavenly Shaking Axe has improved a lot in the four directions, and in thirty years, the strength of the holy war has long been different from what it used to be. Recruitment is not at the same level as before."

"Only I was mad in the battle with You Lei, and he almost fell. His hole cards should be almost used, and his body is damaged. I just want to ask, facing the great general, where did he have the courage to agree to the gambling battle! "

Seeing the moves of the Holy War Demon Lord, the players on the earth are already silly.

"This is the strength of the Four Heavens? My God, if it weren't for the opportunity to see the battle of the mad **** this time, I would never believe it! It's like a battle between gods!"

"Nine Heavens, where is the peak of strength?!"

"In this world, it's not right, it should be in this universe, except for gods, who can block such a terrifying move?"

"Crazy God..."

Lu Chen's black robe fluttered in minutes.

The demon clan great celestial general should already be at the peak of the strength of the four heavens.

And this trick to destroy the world, proves that the Holy War Demon Lord is indeed a real super power.

However, Lu Chen's expression was calm at this time, and the harsh environment around him could not shake his calm heart.

Unexpectedly, during the battle of life and death, he realized another state...

His hatred for the Great Heavenly General has faded away, and the Holy War Demon Lord is just performing his duties, so why should there be hatred.

Isn't the whole demons the same? Isn’t it the same for the ten thousand clan?

Putting his hands together on his chest, Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly. Suddenly, the Guantianmu flew out automatically and landed on his forehead.

"Sky eyes are open!" The Guantianmu on Lu Chen's forehead was raised!

At this moment, he seemed to feel the aura running in the surrounding wind.

After capturing these auras, Lu Chen took a deep breath and offset it with the opposite aura.

The wind around him stopped.

In the storm, only this side is the pure land.

"Nirvana is born again!"

Lu Chen skipped the death link and took the initiative to waste two opportunities for rebirth.

Around, the flames ignited, and Lu Chen's figure became blurred in the flames.

Opening his eyes again, the golden light and green mist in Lu Chen's eyes disappeared and the original clear eyes were restored.

"Huh? Crazy God's eyes have changed!"

"Is he still in a state of symbiosis between gods and demons?"

"It should be. It is impossible for him to fight Datian general without the strongest state. It's just that his state of mind has changed. When the gods and demons coexist, the double-colored eyes seem to be the expression of two emotions, but he seems to have controlled himself. mood!"

That person was right. In a decisive battle with the Holy War Demon Lord, it is impossible for Lu Chen to coexist with Gods and Demons!

The symbiosis of gods and demons is not a double-colored eye. It's like when Lu Chen sometimes gets angry, his eyes will have green mist, which is actually an emotional expression.

At this time, when his heart is still in the water, he can naturally control his emotions.

Of course, this is just a fighting state, a fighting mentality, a quiet heart, just can help him to be more stable in the battle, but can't help him win!

"Sura clone!"

Lu Chen's body first became three-headed and six-armed, and then quickly decomposed into three identical bodies.

"What kind of clone skill is that? It seems that it is no longer an illusion!"

"Impossible, how could there be such a clone skill! It should still be an illusion!"

Perhaps only in the presence of Zhen Guo Yanran and the others, can they see this trick, which is exactly the three heads and six arms of Asura.

Three real clones! After Lu Chen obtained the advanced magic treasure Shura relic of the relic Buddha beads, he obtained this rare clone skill.

Unfortunately, they did not have the opportunity to watch this live broadcast.

At the same time, the Holy War Demon Sovereign's power was completed, and the three Lu Chen stared at each other.

The final blow is coming!

"Break it for me!" The Holy War Demon Sovereign yelled violently, carrying the momentum of thunder, and at the same time attacking, activated the flash skill, and it was in front of Lu Chen in an instant.

"Regardless of your avatar, you will turn into dust in the world of destruction! Death!"

The three Lu Chen's expressions were almost exactly the same, their noses flared, their eyes widened, and their faces instantly hideous.

"Broken Void·Triple Combat!"

The Promise Sword was very depressed. He was already ready to fight, but in the end, the boss actually used his fists.

The three Lu Chen punches at the same time and blasted their opponents.

With a burst, the fortress wall a hundred meters away collapsed!

The shock wave generated by the collision of powerful forces is transmitted to the ground from the penalty platform under the feet of the two.

The whole ground shook violently, like an earthquake! Everyone, including the six surviving generals, must also use spiritual power and use means to stand firm in such a shock!

Aisha used a spiritual shield to protect the Lord Balrog and Divine, but they were the closest to the battlefield, and they were directly flew out by the aftermath!

The dark clouds in the sky were divided into two by people from the middle, and dispersed to both sides.

On the earth, Lu Yi only saw her brother in the game cabin, and he spouted a mouthful of blood, completely covering the glass window of the game cabin...

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