Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 620: Victory or defeat

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Li Muhua led a group of military doctors to Lu Chen's villa.

Li Muhua also looked anxious, but he was still calm.

"Lu Yi, don’t worry, the medical team is coming, and there are still a lot of equipment. As long as Lu Chen comes out, you can receive the best treatment! However, we can’t just open the hatch at will. Chenbrain replenishes the damage, so it’s troublesome... I didn’t expect that the battle in the Four Heavens could affect reality so obviously. Let’s take a look at how Lu Chen was in the live broadcast.

"Brother, don't have an accident..." Lu Yi couldn't help but tears down.

Now they can only learn about Lu Chen from the live broadcast.

In the 300 live broadcast rooms, it was already surprisingly quiet at this time, and there was still chaos on the screen.

The head-on collision of the two superpowers, losing all their power, has directly caused the collapse of the Demon Fortress!

After two full minutes, the picture finally became clear.

What people saw was only one ruin. As for the execution platform, it no longer exists.

"My God, what destructive power is this! It's terrible."

"Where is the mad god? Is he still alive?"

"Please, you must live, whether you judge the clan or not, if you dare to break into the demon clan alone to save your friends, I will convince you!"

Lin Hai’s coffee had been spilled on the ground, he put the tea cup on the table, and walked to the big screen with others.

"Lu Chen, you must survive. I believe you will not judge your clan. I know what kind of person you are! Please... don't die!"

The Iron and Blood Great Wall beside Lin Hai has a heart hanging in his throat, "You can't die, you are the hope of all of us!"

"Old Kuang..." The Flame Demon stood up struggling and rushed into the ruins with his family.

"Old crazy, don't die! Your life is so hard, you will definitely not die, right!" The flame demon looked around, and Aisha and Divine worked hard to remove the broken bricks.

Not far away, a strong arm pushed the stone away.

All eyes are on that hand.

"It's a great general! He is still alive!"

The Holy War Demon Lord pushed away the stone that was pressing on him, and staggered up from the ruins.

Green blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, his left arm is missing, and a big hole is directly shot out under his left rib.

"Da Tian Jiang!" Bajia and others rushed over to help him, but Da Tian pushed him away without saying anything, his eyes kept staring not far away.

The Flame Demon had both broken his arms, but following the gaze of the Holy War Demon Lord, he seemed to feel something, "Aisa, Divine, come on, there!"

Aisha and Divine rushed over and opened a few thick stone pillars on the ground. Under the ruins, there really was a person lying alone.

"Uncle Mad!" Di Wen hurriedly pulled Lu Chen out of it.

"Old crazy!" The Flame Demon rushed over, "Aisha, look at his situation!"

Aisha probed Lu Chen's breath, and looked at the Flame Demon incrediblely, "There is still a sigh of relief! It's just that her injuries were too serious and she passed out."

The flame demon's chest undulated violently. He stood in front of Lu Chen, staring at the Holy War Demon Venerable, "If anyone dares to come over, I will fight with the flame demon!"

"And me!" Devine stood beside his father, clenching his fists.

The Holy War Demon Lord looked at these two people lightly, "Blazing Demon, you didn't read the wrong person!"

The Flame Demon looked at the Demon Lord in a puzzled way.

The devil's condition is not good, his face is dim, blood is constantly leaking from the corners of his mouth and ears, especially the injuries under his left ribs, which can be almost fatal!

"In order to save a demon clan, he was able to achieve this level. It has proved who he is." The holy war demon venerable voice was weak and his eyes did not leave the dying person.

"From the moment his eyes became clear, I already knew that what this person saw in his eyes was different from ours."

"Perhaps in his eyes, there is no race, no enemy or friend. What he has been doing is just guarding his beliefs."

The Holy War Demon Lord suddenly laughed, with a hint of self-deprecating, "The Nine Heavens of Yang Yang, I am just a trivial existence among all living beings, but what I did not expect is that there are people who refuse to compromise with this heaven and earth! And he, It turned out to be the weakest human race!"

After all, the Holy War Demon Lord looked at the shadow stone in the sky.

"Earth people, you should be proud of you for having such a warrior!" After speaking, the devil bowed his head, turned and staggered away, "Blazing Demon, your family's reputation is restored! If you have any medicine, give him quickly, don't Let him die!"

The Flame Demon was dumbfounded, how did things suddenly become like this.

"Holy war, wait! You mean, your duel just now, you..."

The Holy War Demon Sovereign stopped and took a deep breath, "I lost! He also has a blood lock skill that saved his life, but I... he deliberately missed it and saved my life!"

The audience was shocked!

The Demon Race was shocked, and the Holy War Demon Lord himself admitted that he lost? This man who had never been defeated by himself, was defeated!

Earth people are shocked, the mad **** won? But in retrospect, at that moment of life and death, the mad **** did not kill the killer, and deliberately let the demon lord his life?

Crazy God not only won the final duel, but also won the respect of the opponent!

Li Muhua almost went crazy, "My god, at that time, this guy actually released water? Isn't he crazy!"

"Why every time I watch him fight, I can scare people to death!" Li Muhua looked back at Lu Chen in the game cockpit. Through the **** glass window, the guy's chest was still undulating, indicating that there were signs of life.

"Morning, your kid will feel sick if we don't let us all have heart disease, right?"

Lu Yi was still worried about her brother's safety, "Then, are we going to rescue my brother now?"

At this moment, someone hurried in from outside the door.

This person, Lu Yi knew, was their guide, ID, "chasing light".

"Chasing light? You, you..."

Li Muhua was quite shocked. Lu Chen's house was protected by the military. The outside was guarded by military personnel. How could such a stranger come in? He didn't know until now!

Thinking of the safety of Lu Chen and Lu Yi, Li Muhua quickly pulled out his gun and pointed at the incoming person, "Stop! How did you get in?"

Looking at the muzzle of the black hole, the chasing light smiled slightly, "Since I can come in, do you think the thing in your hand is useful to me?"

Li Muhua frowned, "What do you mean? Is it possible that you can still be invulnerable?"

"Almost." Chasing Guang said leisurely, "I'm here to take a look at his situation and tell you by the way. Don't move him out of the game compartment now."

"In the game, it is forbidden to disclose the information of high-level Tianyu. There is no way, I can only tell you offline."

"In the Four Heavens, there are a lot of physical damage skills, and the Demon Lord’s Destruction World must be the same, but you don’t have to worry, since I am the only one who left a sigh of relief, for nine days, the Demon Lord has given up again, as long as he is playing. Healed within, the effect will be mapped to reality."

"With the current level of technology on the earth, you can't cure him at all, let him in the game, but he can recover."

After hearing the chasing light saying that Lu Chen is okay, Lu Yi was a little relieved, but she looked at the chasing light again, "No, you are here. Could it be that you are a human being on earth!?"

The chasing light shook his head helplessly, "I'll explain this later, I'm just afraid that you can move that kid's body casually, this time you can only choose to show up."

"Remember, Tian Xing's warning is still to be listened to, don't just remove others from the game device! Okay, I'm going, put your gun away, it may not be as fast as me!"

After all, Chasing Light left the room in the blink of an eye.

Li Muhua and Lu Yi glanced at each other.

"Well, is this guy still a human?"

Lu Yi frowned, "I don't know, but I think that the game can be withdrawn, maybe, maybe, it should be a human..."

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