Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 621: Primordial Demon Blood Pill

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In the territory of the Demon Race, in a wooden house, the Flame Demon sat next to Lu Chen, looking at Lu Chen who was unconscious.

"Cardi, your injury is also serious, go and rest." Aisha persuaded.

The Flame Demon shook his head, "I'm fine, why hasn't he woken up yet?"

Aisha shook her head, "The World of Destruction in the original awakening state is too strong, and she received such a fierce attack once..."

The same is 90% physical injury, several injuries and one direct injury 90%, obviously the effect is different.

"He originally had a high percentage of physical injuries. In that case, he launched a triple-strike of Shattered Void and suffered heavy damage. Even with the blood lock skill, he would not be able to wake up for a while."

"There have even been situations where there is no death in the game, but the actual body cannot bear it and becomes a vegetative."

The Flame Demon shook his head and said with a trembling, "Old Kuang, do you know? You won! You won! Even the holy war said you are the pride of the human race! Did you hear that? Please wake up! Me! Good brother..."


Earth, in Lu Chen's villa, a group of military leaders anxiously waited in the living room on the first floor.

"How is it going online?"

"They don't know Lu Chen's current state, but I am the only one who wins wildly, which makes them full of confidence."

"Lu Chen's situation must not be spread out, and strengthen the defense outside the community!"

"Already set up."

"Well, what did Tian Xing say? He said that Lu Chen is not life-threatening. Why hasn't he woken up after two days? At least we have to check his physical condition."

"Tian Xing only said that it could not be removed from the game cabin. In addition, we also sent people to try to find the whereabouts of the guides such as the chasing light, but there is no clue at present, and some experts even suspect that it is just some kind of projection."

"Impossible!" Lin Hai shook his head, "Chasing said that no information about Gaozhongtianyu should be revealed online, so he went down to tell Li Muhua that many family forces should also pass on their knowledge and information about Gaozhongtianyu through offline. , He should be on earth!"

"The guide admits that they are a human race, but they did not say that they are a human being on earth." The subordinates said worriedly.

"I know, fortunately, for the time being, they have no plans to intervene in Earth's offline affairs, except this time about Lu Chen. It seems that they are also very concerned about Lu Chen's situation."

"Now we can do very limited, the key is to see what the demon friend in the crazy **** game can do."


On the third day when Lu Chen was in a coma, an old woman came to the house of the flame demon.

"Magic?!" The Flame Demon saw the incoming person and hurriedly stood up, "You, why are you here?"

The old woman walked to Lu Chen's side with a cane, "The devil let me see this kid's injury."

"The Demon Lord..."

"Don't think of Demon Venerable too badly. He is also for the benefit of the Demon Race. What is rare is that this kid can be appreciated by Demon Venerable. It is really unprecedented."

In any case, as a well-known physician of the Demon Clan, the Flame Demon was anxious for the witch to check Lu Chen's situation, and quickly gave up his seat to the witch.

"I haven't woken up for three days?"

"Yes, I have been by his side. For three days, there was no reaction at all, and the physical injury did not improve."

The witch nodded, "That's right, there was originally such a serious physical injury, a powerful attack broke out, the injury was added to the injury, and the destruction of the world was severely injured. He is really dead!"

"In other words, Human Race, a race that has entered the Nine Heavens from the First Heaven Territory, is facing the ever-increasing degree of synchronization of the realization of the Nine Heavens. He has the courage to fight like this, which is considered courageous."

"Magic, can you save him? If he doesn't wake up again, I'm afraid of him..."

"I'll try." The witch stood up and took out a pill.

"this is?"

"Don't worry, I won't harm him. I'm a transferred doctor and don't use poison. The doctor is kind, even if he is a foreigner, I will treat him equally."

The flame demon naturally knows this, and the witch has won the current status as a pure doctor, which makes people admire the old man even more.

"No, I mean, this pill seems familiar to me."

The witch smiled slightly, "Did you get all the theory classes you took when you were a kid? You don't know this medicine, but you can make it to this day."

"Ancient Devil Blood Pill!"

"Devil blood? This...this is the elixir containing the blood of the ancient demon race. Although the effect is amazing, isn't it only effective for the demon race?"

The magic woman explained, "I have seen his battle images. The nine changes of gods and demons...Ang, he should only have mastered the six changes of gods and demons, and he must have a magical nature to cultivate. Since he can use them, I conclude that his The body is different from ordinary humans, and should be able to accept the effects of the Ancient Demon Blood Pill."

"Are you sure?"

"Not sure, but do you have a better way?"

The Flame Demon was speechless for a while, and if he wanted to heal the disease, he was a layman at all.

At this time, Balrog finally did not stop the witch from feeding the medicine.

With a sip of water, the ancient Demon Blood Pill was fed into the mouth of the ego mad, the witch quietly watched the reaction of the ego mad.

Not long after, the fingers twitched.

The witch smiled slightly, "Fortunately, I didn't look away. This guy can absorb the ancient magic blood. Now it depends on what percentage he can absorb."

"Magic, does it make any difference what percentage is absorbed?"

"If he absorbs more than 30%, he can wake up. Then you will take care of him normally, and his injury will slowly recover. If he can absorb 50%, he will recover quickly. If he can absorb 60%... ah, What I said about this, the general demons can only absorb about 40%, and talents can absorb more than 50%. After all, he is a human race. Even if his body is different from others, he can absorb 30%, thank God."

The ancient Demon Blood Pill is extremely precious, and I didn't expect that the Holy War Demon Venerable actually let the witch bring this elixir, and the Flame Demon thanked the witch and sent it out.

When she came to the door, the witch took out a wooden box, and when she opened it, there was a long silver needle, about two or three centimeters away, with a scale on it.

"By the way, this is the Devil Blood Silver Needle. You can insert this needle into the skin under his wrist regularly to detect the absorption of Devil Blood Pill. If you cannot absorb 30% within two days, go to the fortress and find me."

"Yes, witch." The flame demon respectfully and carefully put away the wooden box.

"Now I can take a test on him when I go back. I have to go to see the injury of the Demon Venerable, hey, the Demon Venerable is also very injured."

"Respectfully send the witch."

Back in the room, the Balrog hurriedly called Aisha. Before his arms grew out, he asked his wife to do the test.

The silver needle was inserted into Lu Chen's wrist, and a black gas appeared on the silver needle and climbed quickly.

20%, 30%, 50%...80%!

Aisha looked at her husband in shock, "This...Are you sure you heard it right? The average demons can only absorb 40%?"

The Flame Demon leaned in front of the Demon Blood Silver Needle, his face leaned in front of the Silver Needle, and carefully checked, "Is it inserted upside down? Do you want to reinsert it?"

"It's definitely not the opposite, if it's not the problem with the silver needle, then your brother has a problem!"

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