Three months later, the army of Warcraft launched its first large-scale attack from the west of the White Lion Country!

An army of 700,000 monsters lined up in the wilderness with a long battlefield. At a glance, it was dense and frightening.

The army of Warcraft is personally led by the black unicorn, with a huge momentum, and the sword points to the city of the Seven Kingdoms-the defensive city of Liger!

The Seven Kingdoms had already received the news, and immediately deployed their forces to gather two million immortal cultivators in Liger City!

At the same time, the array mage strengthened the defensive array day and night!

Among the seven gods, the ice god, the lion king, and the ghost three war gods personally led their troops to fight!

The battle was about to start. The army of Warcraft first destroyed all kinds of traps in front of the city at a very small price, and then the army of Warcraft swarmed to Liger City.

The three war gods smashed out of the city, millions of gods and demons launched a desperate fight!

The battle lasted for five days and five nights, and the Seven Kingdoms continued to mobilize a large number of immortal cultivators to make up for the defensive troops whose soul and body had run out of time.

In the end, the defenders participated in the battle reached 7 million!

The defenders killed 500,000 enemy troops at the cost of 2.7 million people, almost completely annihilating the army of Warcraft.

This battle successfully defended the city of Liger, and the death ratio of both sides dropped from one to eight at the beginning to almost one to five now, and the loss was greatly reduced.

A guard is leading people to clean up the battlefield. The corpses of these monsters can enhance equipment and enhance their strength. You must not miss it.

However, when a banquet was being held in the rear to celebrate the victory of the war, he discovered a problem.

The casualties on the warcraft army are all around the 5th round of warcraft, and the casualties of high-level warcraft are less than 50,000!

To know the strength of a Rank 6 monster, it can be worth several Rank 5 monsters! Forget it, in fact, the loss of the Warcraft army is not as serious as expected.

On the contrary, on the defending side, 2.7 million people died in battle, almost all of whom were at least major repairers, and many of them still repaired! You know, the major masters and the earth cultivators are actually quite strong in the Seven Nations.

There are hundreds of millions of defenders, in fact, monks, monks account for half!

In this way, the victory of this battle is not so perfect.

Less than five days after the first battle in Liger City, the army of Warcraft came again.

This time the number of Warcraft army surged to 3 million!

After learning this news, the defending army hurriedly dispatched troops, the defensive army totaled 20 million! Vow to guard the Liger City.

But at this moment, news suddenly came from the Great Wild Arctic, that an army of 5 million monsters suddenly appeared from the polar sea and raided Aurora City, the gateway city of the Arctic!

Since this time the World of Warcraft is by water, it is almost impossible to predict in advance, and it takes time for the seven countries to dispatch troops. In a hurry, only 15 million troops were collected!

At present, the two sides are fighting each other, with the lowest ratio of deaths reaching one to five, while the Aurora City defenders only have three times the opponent, and the situation is urgent.

The Seven Kingdoms hurriedly deployed their troops to support them, and only hoped that the defenders of Aurora City could hold on for more time!

However, even if the Aurora City defended the city firmly, but on the side of the warcraft army, the two heavenly kings, the corpse kun and the candle dragon, were more than 5 million powerful beasts with more than 5 ranks, and their strength far exceeded the previous ones.

The Warcraft army is on a fierce offensive, and it is absolutely necessary to take the Aurora City at any cost.

"Hold, you must also hold Aurora City if you die!" The Arctic Cathay Pacific king glared and stood on the city wall. "If the Aurora City is broken, the Warcraft can go down a hundred miles south and deep into the hinterland of the Four Desolate Countries!"

"King Thai, the enemy is crazy, we can't stop it!"

"It's hard to stop the unity of soul and body, when will the reinforcements arrive?"

"We won't be able to change if we don't come again!"

"Seven gods, why are there so many beasts here, the seven gods haven't come!"

The king of Thailand's eye canthus is about to split, reinforcements? It will take at least a day for reinforcements to arrive! But in the face of such a fierce attack, there is no time to wait for reinforcements!

The Aurora City was raided without any warning in advance, and even the Seven Gods could not come in time!

Now, they can only survive on their own!

At this moment, a huge monster with a human face and dragon body in the distance rose into the sky, with a candle in its mouth, and the fire was bright and dark. The sky and the earth seemed to be bright and dark with the fire.

"No, the candle dragon is here! Don't look at the candlelight! Close your eyes!"

Candle Dragon has activated the skill.

"The sun and the moon shine!"

At the time of the battle of life and death, not everyone has the observing eye and spiritual energy, how could most people close their eyes at this time!

Suddenly, the candle fire in the candle dragon's mouth suddenly lit up, and the world seemed to be illuminated by strong light!

Several cities a hundred miles away from Aurora City, you can see a corner of the horizon, and suddenly the light shines!

Under the bright light, countless people's eyes were directly blinded!

"My eyes! My eyes can't see anymore!"

"The aura is chaotic, and the skills cannot be used. This is blinding and chaos!"

At this moment, someone heard a low voice, "Millennium corpse poison!"

"Corpse poison, come and help me detoxify! I have a corpse poison!"

"It's the corpse Kun! It was activated while the candle dragon sun and moon were shining!"

At this time, the pharmacist cannot protect himself, how can he detoxify so many people!

The King Tai himself was okay, he had gods eyes and avoided the sun and moon candles, but when he opened his eyes, in just a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of people had been massacred!

After a while, the bodies of these hundreds of thousands of people quickly turned purple-black, dead but not stiff, their bodies stood up again in weird forms.

After just standing up, they turned to kill the defenders!

"Yes, it's corpse poison! No, the great defense formation can't stop these resurrected dead corpses!"

The addition of dead bodies quickly made the battlefield more chaotic.

A moment ago, he was a teammate, and once he died, he quickly became an enemy! Moreover, the defense formation simply couldn't prevent these resurrected dead corpses, they directly rushed into the formation, and frantically slaughtered those magicians who maintained the defense formation!

The army of Warcraft was originally based on low-level Warcraft as its vanguard, but it has now become those dead bodies!

The defensive line of defense is almost destroyed!

The king of Thailand stood on the city wall, watching the guards getting fewer and fewer, more and more dead bodies, and behind the dead bodies, there was an army of monsters.

The corpse kun and the candle dragon are waiting for the opportunity...

It seems that he has seen that the overall situation is gone...

"The Four Heavenly Kings of Warcraft...The power is so terrifying, killing hundreds of thousands of people instantly..." King Tai said quietly.

Aurora City... can't keep it...

"The generals listen to the order, the city is here, and the city is dead!" After leaving a sentence, the Thai king moved into the enemy line!


In just one month, after taking the Aurora City, the warcraft from north to south, the army is like a broken bamboo, and several important cities have been broken.

The Seven Kingdoms had to narrow their defenses again, forming a small defensive circle with Dongyue Kingdom, Great Wild East Pole Kingdom, the North of the Western Kingdom, the northeast of Penglai Kingdom, the northwest of the Nether Kingdom, the northwest of Buzhou Kingdom, and the west of the White Lion Kingdom.

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