Dongyue King City, at this time has become the resident of the Seven Nations League.

Dongyue Hall, the monarchs of the seven kingdoms, the heavenly masters of all countries, and the seven ancient gods gather here.

"The strength of the Warcraft army this time is even more terrifying than during the first battle between Gods and Demons!" Spectre frowned, "I think the current line of defense is still too big, and it needs to be reduced in order to dispatch the defenders."

Shenshan said, "The strength of the Four Heavenly Kings of Warcraft is indeed stronger than before! The point is, that guy hasn't appeared yet!"

Speaking of "that guy", the hall became extremely quiet for a while.

Warcraft Supreme! Still never appeared! However, the Warcraft army has been defeated by the defenders!

The Nether Demons couldn't help it, and said, "Seven Gods, your destiny is the Seven Destiny Formation. Within a month, we have lost tens of millions of defenders!"

Luo Chen frowned slightly, his gaze swept towards Monarch Youmo, "What? Are you questioning us?!"

"He is not questioning, now we have lost again and again, if we don't fight back, we will lose in this battle!" Luo Yao said sternly.

The ice **** snorted coldly, "The power of the Seven Destiny Array is amazing. Do you know why the World of Warcraft does not dare to appear? It is afraid of our Seven Destiny Array! We can only use the Seven Destiny Array once in a short time. Once we use it in advance, When the Warcraft Supreme appears, who will deal with it! Order immediately to shrink the line of defense!"

Luo Yao stood up and said angrily, "What about the aborigines!"

The seven gods turned their heads to look at Luochen, and the Lion King snorted coldly, "Emperor Yao, have I heard you wrong? Now that the war is raging, what are you talking about the aborigines? The animals were thrown away, so why ask! "

"They are not livestock! They are also human!" Luo Yao said angrily.

The Lion King got up angrily, "Kong Luoyao! Pay attention to your attitude when talking to me! Don't think that you are a mere monarch and dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

"They are human? What are you kidding! If you insist, the League of Seven will not mind losing one burden!"

Luo Yao suddenly came.

Now no one can do without the Seven Nation Alliance. If Dongyue Nation is kicked out of the alliance, the result is self-evident, and it will be destroyed in the first place.

The old monarch handed over Dongyue country to her, how could he let Dongyue country be subjugated...

Dongyue Tianshi secretly pulled La Luoyao's sleeve, "Yao Emperor, don't conflict with the Seven Gods..."

After weighing it repeatedly, Luo Yao could only hold back his anger and sat down.

Luo Chen snorted coldly, "Now only our seven gods can save the fifth heaven, do you still have any doubts about us?"

"Then I want to ask you, if you don't believe us, who do you believe? Do you believe in the original god?! I told you that the original **** is rebirth, and even his sense of meaning has dissipated!"

In the first battle between the gods and demons, the original **** severely inflicted the supreme warcraft!

Unfortunately, this time there is no longer the original god.

"I'll say it again, I don't want to repeat it again in the future, don't question the Seven Gods!"

Even the monarchs of the Seven Kingdoms have to bow their heads in front of the Seven Gods.

Finally, in accordance with Spectre's strategy, the seven defense lines once again contracted urgently!

The line of defense shrinks, and the aborigines who are scattered outside are once again helpless.

Two months later, Dongyue Country!

An aboriginal team desperately chased the far away defenders, but it was a pity how their feet could catch up with those immortal cultivators.

The attack of the Warcraft army is getting fiercer and fiercer. I heard some immortals say that the Warcraft army will soon launch a general offensive. Now the Seven Kingdoms have once again contracted their defense lines and are waiting for it.

Even Dongyue State, which had been working hard to protect the aborigines before, had to march quickly and obey the deployment.

Even Dongyue country can no longer protect the aborigines!

Soon, the Warcraft army will catch up with them, and only death is waiting for them.

A woman is holding a child in her hand and a slightly larger one.

She looked desperately at the far away defender, tears staying unsatisfactory.

For the sake of her children, she has migrated from the original Great Desolate Four Kingdoms to Dongyue Country. Originally, Dongyue Country would take care of them and give them a chance to live.

But now, even Dongyue Kingdom has left them behind.

Looking at the two children next to her, the woman whimpered with tears, and finally trembled to the older boy, "Ergou, mother... mother can't run... mother can't take you and Osmanthus away together... …"

She squatted and stuffed dozens of spirit stones in Ergou's hands, "These are spirit stones, which are very valuable. If you can survive in the future, you can use these spirit stones to have a good food and clothing. Don't show them to others!"

"Ergou, run quickly, you must keep up with the defenders, there is still a chance to keep up with them!"

"Mother!" said Ergou crying, "I am not going, I want to go with my mother and sweet-scented osmanthus!"

"Hurry up! You have good physical strength. One person might be able to catch up with them. One can live one!"

"No, mother, osmanthus, I..."


Behind him, there was a sudden rumbling sound, and the surrounding aborigines looked behind him in horror.

There are already dark shadows in the forest shuttle fast, and the Warcraft came so fast!

There was an exclamation all around, and everyone was madly running for their lives.

The woman was so anxious that sweat came out, "Ergou, you listen to my mother, go!"

"Do not!"

With a slap, the woman was cruel and slapped Ergou's face with a heavy slap, "Are you going to be **** off your mother! Mother please, go! If you don't leave, your mother will die in front of you!"

Ergou couldn't help but ran away crying. He ran for a while and looked back until he saw a large number of beasts pouring out of the forest.

A two-headed tiger pounced on his mother and sweet-scented osmanthus.

"Mother! Sister!"

However, his mother's eyes were surprisingly calm, as if he was relieved at this moment.

She quietly held the sweet-scented osmanthus, and gently straightened her hair, "Second girl, let's go find your father..."

"Mother, where's that brother?"

"He? My mother doesn't know, is it right or wrong to leave him here... What's the point of living in a world without hope."

The tide of beasts struck and rushed into the aboriginal people, suddenly a river of blood flowed.

The two dogs ran wildly, all fear and grief turned into strength, until the body was numb and exhausted, they still did not catch up with the defending army.

However, Xiao Xiao's goal was too small, and he was lucky to escape the hunt of Warcraft.

"Mother, sweet-scented osmanthus... why, why can't they bring us!"

"Why no one comes to us?"

While crying, Ergou took out an original order from his pocket.

This token originally didn't belong to him, but he picked it up from the roadside after all the original orders lost their effects.

Picking up this token, he regarded it as a treasure and carried it with him.

At this moment, he squeezed the original order and shouted at the token.

"The original god! The original god! Where are you? They all say that you are our hope and our god, but have you seen it! If you do, why not come to save us!"

In a rage, Ergou broke this decadent wooden sign!


With a click, the token in Lu Chen's backpack cracked!

This sound also awakened Lu Chen!

He slowly opened his eyes.

The world is in chaos, and the surrounding stars are shining, bright and dark.

Lu Chen stood up, swept towards a star with his finger as a sword.

In an instant, the starlight that could not be hit by any means split into two!

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Lu Chen said softly, "The half year has finally arrived!"

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