Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 897: The man in the mountain

Having obtained the soul deeds of the Seven Beasts and the dragon blood crystal from the WoW lair, Lu Chen temporarily left the WoW lair.

He still didn't believe in WoW's words, and even if what they said was true, Lu Chen would not fuse dragon blood in front of them.

Among the mountains of the country, a long river winds and converges into a huge lake.

There is a private house next to the lake. It was supposed that there had been orions living here before, but at this time the house was already in a mess. It seemed that the monsters fled when they invaded.

Lu Chen lived here temporarily.

A few days ago, Xueer sent a voice transmission, and the seven countries have readjusted their border arrangements. Now the territory that Lu Chen has drawn for the aborigines has become independent.

Shuang Ling, the saints led the aborigines to build a simple border fortress.

In addition, the spiritual vein mine has also been spread, and now the seven kingdoms are in short supply of spiritual stones. Although they are greedy for this huge spiritual stone mine, no one dared to pay attention to the spiritual stone mine. They just sent delegations to negotiate purchases.

It seems that the spirit vein mine hasn't started operation, and it is no longer worrying about selling it.

Lu Chen put away the fishing rod and looked at the fish basket. It was another day full of harvest.

Looking at the lake in front of him, Lu Chen was thoughtful.

"Little guy, I won't stay in Fifth Heaven for too long. If you don't show up again, we won't even have a chance to say goodbye." After that, Lu Chen shook his head and went home with the bamboo basket.

Returning to their residence, Lu Yiyi and Xiao Min cleaned up their homes, although the small earth house looked warm despite the leaks.

Lu Yiyi has fried a few dishes, and there are bowls and chopsticks on the table. Lu Chen's main course is missing.

As a Jiuxing chef, Lu Chen cooked a few black fish, and brought them to the table.

Rhubarb, Xiao Maotuan, and Xiao Beast went out to play, Lu Chen didn't bother to call them, after all, they couldn't be called back.

At this moment, the fence in front of the yard was pushed aside, and a man walked into the yard with a smile, "I said, Lu Chen, your days have become more and more comfortable, so many dishes..."

Lu Chen raised his head strangely, but when he saw this person, Lu Chen was stunned.

"Man in the mountains!"

The visitor brought a bamboo hat, but Lu Chen recognized him at a glance.

Although they hadn't seen each other for a long time, Lu Chen felt that the mountain man was always by his side.

On the eve of the decisive battle between the Four Heavens and Taiyin Youying, it was the people in the mountain who asked Lu Chen to go to the Stardust Waterfall to practice and understand the spiritual energy.

The mountain man took off the hat, put it on the table, and sat down unceremoniously, "Come here, let me taste your craft and see if your cooking can match the wine I brought."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, put a plate of fish on the table, and sat down.

The mountain man added a chopstick and stuffed the fish into his mouth, shook his head and tasted it, suddenly his eyes widened, "Well, the fish is thin and not rotten, and the soup tastes just right, which is really good."

"Where is the wine?" Lu Chen smiled.

"Sure enough, I am worried about my wine, I can tell you, my wine is called Xianrenzui, and one cup is 100 spiritual power! One pot will cost 1 million spiritual stones!" The mountain man said sorely.

"A cup of 100 spiritual power?" Lu Chen frowned slightly, and then said, "You wait for me."

He trot, took out two big bowls from the room and put them in front of the mountain man and himself, "I don't use a cup to drink for a rough person like me. Use this and fill it up!"

Looking at the two big bowls for soup, they looked like small pots, and the mountain man shook his hands with the hip flask, "Such a good wine, you drink with this? My pot is not enough for yours. Basin!"

"Tape wool has to take your time, you'll be bald with just one shot!"

Lu Chen didn't speak, but waited with a bowl.

That pot also has 2000 spiritual power!

"Hey, you guy! Come to see you, I have to pay for the travel expenses, and I have to post millions of spirit stones!" The mountain man glared at Lu Chen, took out another pot, and gave both of them the big bowls. It's full, "I can tell you, you drink slowly! It's really expensive!"

As soon as we meet, people in the mountains lose blood.

"Why don't your dragon blood blend?" The mountain man asked casually, "Afraid they lie to you?"

Lu Chen was holding vegetables, "This thing looks very weird, you said I killed their boss, they also gave me dragon blood, I received a little bit frustrated."

"It's really not without reason that your kid can live up to now. Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. But they didn't lie to you. It is indeed the blood of the Dragon God, but this drop of dragon blood exists in the form of crystals with a high concentration. With your current body fusion, I'm afraid it will be too much."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "When will I be able to merge?"

"The physical strength of a monster is seven or eight times the lowest spiritual strength. You can reach 15 times after the original crystal is strengthened. It stands to reason that as long as you reach the level of the emperor, you can try to merge, but your physical body is damaged... count the blood of all things. The bonus must at least reach the realm of the King of Humans."

"Oh, forgot that you are a wild road, you have not recognized your realm, right behind the great emperor cultivation is the human king realm. The human king realm cultivator can not be piled up by attributes, and must have at least one third-order artistic realm. Qualified to be the king of men."

Lu Chen unknowingly stopped his chopsticks, "Artistic conception?"

"The subtle aura, the absence of self, and the creation of the world are all already, but too low. For the Supreme Monster, it may be an unsolvable move, but you should also understand that if you meet a real strong person, you will break your Creating the world is as simple as breaking the resonance of the stars."

After speaking, the mountain man took out two tokens, put them on the table, and pushed them in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen picked up the token, raised his eyes and asked, "What?"

"You can choose one of the admission orders for the two colleges of Liuzhongtian. I can give you the token, but I can't say the specific difference."

Lu Chen nodded. After all, that was Sixth Heaven's thing, and even the mountain people couldn't disclose it.

Since the mountain man gave it to him, it must be useful. Lu Chen carefully put away the two tokens and didn't ask much about Liuzhongtian.

But the person in the mountain mentioned, "Boy, Sixth Heaven, you have to converge a little...Your time is actually not abundant. The opportunities and challenges in Sixth Heaven are unmatched by Five Heavens!"

Lu Chen wrote it down secretly.

Just after thirty, Lu Chen forced the mountain man to take out two pots of drunk immortals and got 4000 spiritual power.

"Okay, I should also go, and stay, I'm afraid I'm going to ruin my family." The mountain man stood up swayingly, the wine is indeed drunk by the fairy.

Before leaving, the mountain man turned his head and said, "Oh, you are still waiting for the little golden carp, it has gone to the sixth heaven. You have a lot of fate with it, so take it well."

"Hey, when will you come to me for a drink?"

"Wait for a year's work!" In a blink of an eye, the mountain man has disappeared.

Only Lu Chen was left on the wine table.

He knew that in addition to giving tokens, the most important thing for the people in the mountains was to urge himself.

Go to Liuzhongtian early, it seems that it is the fastest place to get stronger!

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