Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 898: Tower of Chapterel!


The shadow stone of the mad **** decisive battle has been sent back, and it has quickly become hot news on the Internet, and the video views on major websites have been at the top for several months!

"This is the main body combat. Doesn't it mean that the mad **** is already so strong in reality?"

"The mad **** is too good, kill the Four Heavenly Kings of Warcraft and the Supreme of Warcraft in seconds, and one person will deter tens of millions of Warcraft army!

"I can only say that, fortunately, we have a mad god! Now I have more and more confidence in Chuang Jiu Tian."

People increasingly worship solipsism, regardless of national boundaries and races. At the same time, after seeing the soloist's power against the sky, almost everyone's desire to improve their strength has become stronger and stronger!

At this time, the Earth United Front Alliance is holding an emergency meeting.

Those five heavenly powerhouses had already reported the matter of the original gods.

Now, a golden mountain is in front of the people on earth, which is very important to the earth!

"The Guidance Plan has now shown its effect, and now we need to send more people to the Fifth Heaven to start mining the original sacred mine."

"Especially the Talisman Formation, the Dongyue Kingdom has already contacted. As long as we have enough Talisman Formation Masters to go to the Fifth Heaven, they will send someone to instruct us on how to make the cash.

"It's great! We finally have our own resources! With mineral veins, our development speed will be dozens of times faster than now!"

"By the way, Mr. Lu's personal safety must be foolproof!" The representative of the United States emphasized that his proposal was quickly approved by representatives of other countries.

"Yes, Mr. Lu is the guide of the entire planet. Without him, we would not have been able to get to where we are today. His personal safety absolutely must take precedence over all criteria."

The representative of the Chinese military, the Jagged Great Wall frowned.

They have never neglected Lu Chen's safety. The community where Lu Chen lives is now almost a military base. What kind of concept is this...The hundreds of thousands of the best troops are always protecting his safety.

However, it is not a cliché to mention it again by representatives of various countries!

Almost no one on earth can threaten Lu Chen's safety, but...in nine days!

Five heavens can be interstellar!

Players are currently unable to view their own world coordinates, unless they bring people in, otherwise they don't have to worry about others knowing the coordinates of the earth.

However, everyone knows that Lu Chen will definitely go to Sixth Heaven next.

One heaven and one heaven, who knows what the sixth heaven will look like?

What will happen if Lu Chen’s game cabin is destroyed? This should be what they are worried about!

"We are already strengthening our defenses, and we will protect his safety at all costs! At the same time, we also hope that countries can contribute advanced weapon systems to help us protect the safety of the crazy gods!"

"It's our duty!"


After spending a month in Buzhou, the aborigines and regional countries are developing steadily.

The first transaction of the mineral vein has been completed, and it is naturally sold to Dongyue Country. Taking into account the relationship between the Yao Emperor and Lu Chen and the protection of Dongyue Country before, the price is only the original price.

It is possible that only Dongyue State has this kind of treatment, and the prices of the other six countries have been directly increased to eight times the previous price!

According to this situation, it is estimated that Dongyue Nation will develop faster than the other six nations.

This is what Lu Chen would like to see. The strength of Dongyue Nation can just help the original country through the early stages.

"It's almost time to go." Lu Chen put away the fishing rod, "Xiaolu, Xiaomin, pack up, ready to go."

The little beast **** swallowed five beast pill queens, and grew up quite a bit, now he looked like a 13 or 4 year old boy.

He likes to wear a white dress. He didn't know who he learned from, because he didn't look like Lu Chen at all.

He helped Lu Yiyi and Xiao Min pack things up.

Little Mao Tuan and Rhubarb, Xiao Yuan didn't know to help at all, and ran around the yard.

"Boss, where are you going?" Lu Yiyi asked while packing up the herbs.

"Tower of Babel."

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, the three little guys suddenly rushed to Lu Chen's side, looking eager to try.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Knowing that you are in a panic, it's time to go to Sixth Heaven."


Half a month later, in front of a huge tower soaring into the clouds, Lu Chen stopped.

In the Tongtian Tower, there seemed to be a faint voice, and gradually, the faint voice turned into a loud rumbling.

It seemed that the guy inside also felt that Lu Chen was coming, and started to feel helpless.

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, "Are you waiting to be anxious? Don't worry, I'm coming!"

After all, Lu Chen stepped into the Tongtian Pagoda.

This is already Lu Chen's fifth floor entering the Tongtian Tower, and the space here is far beyond the previous four times.

It is not so much a tower here, as it is a starry sky.

It was dark before, and there was a little starlight around him so that Lu Chen could see the surroundings, but could not see the walls and the ground.

In front, there is an area that is extremely dark, as if light cannot travel here, just like a black hole in the universe.

Suddenly, the "black hole" opened his eyes, and a pair of huge green pupils turned to Lu Chen's direction.

Then it stood up.

It turned out that it was not a black hole, but its body, because the nest was there before, and it looked dark, just like a black hole.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. Is this celestial boss a black dragon?

However, on the other side, another area hidden in the "starry sky" has changed.

"Guan Tianmu!" Lu Chen opened his Tianmu directly.

From this look, Lu Chen discovered that there are four giant beasts here!

After seeing these four behemoths, Lu Chen was shocked!

Let alone the other three, but one of them is the Supreme Monster, Ying Long, who was killed by Lu Chen before!

"This...this is the Yinglong I killed? Why is it here!" Lu Chen's mind was in confusion.

At this moment, behind the black dragon, a figure walked out slowly.

Lu Chen could see that his whole body exuded a terrifying aura, it seemed that he was not a real human being, but he was just a metamorphosis.

"I am the only one crazy, you finally came."

"Yes, it's the Yinglong you killed, but...now it's my puppet." The man smiled slightly.

"There are also these three, the green ancestral dragon, the candle dragon demon king, and the ancient Kui Niu king. You should have seen them in the murals of the Warcraft family. They are all former Warcraft Supreme.

The man had a calm tone and a laid-back expression, "I set the tradition of the Warcraft clan for them. The purpose is, you should already know it by now."

The man walked towards Lu Chen with a smile.

"Do you think everything is over? Hahaha, you are so innocent and cute. Do you think the oracle's predictions are groundless?"

"Fifth Heaven's calamity is solved, but your dead knot has not been solved yet!"

"So, the game has just begun!"

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