Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 123 True Genius

On the martial arts stage.

Ma Xiwei kept attacking with full firepower, while Lin Zichen kept dodging without any pressure.

Seeing that she could not attack Lin Zichen, Ma Xiwei lost her balance.

The moves he used to attack Lin Zichen became more and more clumsy, and they basically focused on attacking key points.

Either insert an eye, or cut off the leg.

Lin Zichen dodged hundreds of attacks in a row. He felt that he had almost collected the characteristics of the Shadow Night Cat gene fusion person, so he stopped wasting time with Ma Xiwei and raised his hand to aim at her face and punch her in the face.


Just listen to such a collision sound.

Ma Xiwei was suddenly punched, and his entire face was deformed.

Then, the whole person was carried out of the martial arts platform by the huge impact, and fell to the ground with a "plop". He rolled for more than ten times in a row, and did not stop until he crashed into the crowd.

Lin Zichen didn't use too much force with this punch.

Ma Xiwei just flew out of the martial arts platform and did not faint directly.

Soon, with the help of two female freshmen from the genius class, Ma Xiwei sat up from the ground with difficulty.

At this time, her beautiful face, which had been punched, had become swollen due to internal bleeding, and her original oval face had turned into a pig-head face.

Many freshmen in the ordinary class laughed out loud with gloating after seeing it.

Even the two female freshmen from the gifted class who were supporting her couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths after seeing her pig-headed face, as if they wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

This is such a big change.

One second she is a charming and cold goddess, and the next second she has a pig-headed face that is too ugly to look at. It is hard not to make people laugh.

Ma Xiwei heard laughter coming from around her and knew her face was swollen.

The first time she asked a girl in her class who was supporting her, she asked for a mobile phone and used the screen as a mirror to see how her pretty face looked.

"Me, my face!"

When he saw that his face was swollen into a pig's head, Ma Xiwei, who had always been expressionless, first screamed with excitement, and then burst into tears on the spot.

She is beautiful, has a good family background, and has good academic performance. She has been praised by people around her since she was a child.

The boys around her will turn into licking dogs when facing her, trying every means to please her, just to win her favor.

However, Lin Zichen punched her in the face without mercy, directly disfiguring her beautiful face and instantly breaking her psychological defense.


Seeing that his precious daughter was broken, Ma Zhenhe was so anxious that he immediately jumped down from the corridor on the second floor and rushed to his daughter to check the injuries on her face.

The injury wasn't serious, the bones were fine, it was just swollen.

But the bad thing is that my daughter’s body cannot take medicine not long after the gene fusion.

This swollen face can only be reduced naturally by the body's recovery mechanism, and it will take a long time to fully recover.

And letting a girl bear an ugly pig-headed face for a long time, especially a girl who has been used to being pretty since childhood, is simply more uncomfortable than killing her.

Thinking of this, Ma Zhenhe, who loves his daughter so much, suddenly turned red with anger. He raised his head and glared at Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform, and asked him loudly:

"Lin Zichen, look what you have done!"

"Spar as normal."

Lin Zichen replied calmly.

Ma Zhenhe continued to question loudly: "Then you have to slap me in the face?!"

Lin Zichen frowned slightly, feeling that Ma Zhenhe was a bit unreasonable.

Too partial.

Is this a spoiled girl who is so spoiled that she loses her mind?

"Lin Zichen!"

In the crowd, there was a male freshman from the gifted class who wanted to win Ma Zhenhe's favor. He pointed directly at Lin Zichen on the stage and loudly condemned: "You even hit girls, and they only hit girls in the face. Are you still a boy?" ?”

Hearing this condemnation, Lin Zichen didn't even look at the stopwatch that was about to reach one minute. He jumped off the martial arts platform and walked to the freshman boy in the genius class and stopped in front of him.

Then, he raised his hand and punched him in the face, smashing his face into a pig's head.

I can’t cure the dean of the School of Evolution, but I can’t cure you, a freshman?

After beating up the male freshman in this genius class.

Lin Zichen jumped back to the martial arts stage with a slight jump, looked around the stage and said: "In the journey of evolution, there is no distinction between men and women, only strong and weak."

"well said!"

Li Moyu stood in the corridor on the second floor, looking down at Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform below, and said with approval: "Throughout the evolution, we should only distinguish between strong and weak!"

After saying that, he jumped up and landed on the martial arts platform with a "dong" sound.

At this moment, everyone at the scene turned their attention to the No. 1 pick in Kyoto.

"Brother Yu, torture him severely!"

"Li Moyu, you have to avenge Weiwei!"

"Brother Yu, you are already the hope of the whole village in the genius class, you must win!"

The freshmen in the gifted class shouted again, their voices several times louder than before.

Ma Xiwei lost, and Li Moyu was the last remaining member of the genius class. If he lost again, the genius class would really have no face to see anyone in the future.

Hearing the cheers from the class, Li Moyu felt a little refreshed.

He had been waiting for this moment in the corridor on the second floor for so long.

Wait until all the members of the genius class are in despair, then you can make your debut again, so that you can show off your biggest and best pussy!

Thinking about this, Li Moyu stood with her hands behind her back, looked at Lin Zichen as if she had come before, and said with a pretentious smile: "Lin Zichen, Lin Zichen, I didn't expect that you are also a master of pretense."

"I deliberately pretended to be an ordinary second-place finisher in the college entrance examination, and then when the trial started, I punched the provincial top scorer in front of everyone, shocking everyone."

"I have to say, it's a bit level."

"Unfortunately, this is destined to be my wedding dress for the next person to appear as a saint."

"Because, not only are you hiding your strength, but so am I."

The moment he finished speaking, Li Moyu's eyes narrowed!

The next second, the muscles all over his body swelled rapidly, bursting open the clothes on his body, revealing an extremely exaggerated body.

At the same time, his eyes glowed scarlet, revealing a wildness full of violence.

When this is all done.

The biological coercion emanating from Li Moyu has broken through the shackles of the ordinary fifth level, and has successfully evolved to the ordinary sixth level, which is intimidating to the freshmen.

Gene fusion person?

Li Moyu is also a gene fusion person?

Moreover, the fusion is still the magic-eyed giant ape gene!

When they saw Li Moyu's scarlet eyes, all the school leaders in the corridor on the second floor opened their eyes wide with surprise on their faces.

The Demon-Eyed Giant Ape is a terrifying beast whose biological level can evolve to a rare level when it reaches adulthood.

If you want to fuse the genes of rare alien beasts, your physical strength must reach an advanced level.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to withstand the backlash of rare-level alien beast genes.

At this moment, Li Moyu was in front of him. His biological level was still at the ordinary stage, but he had successfully integrated the genes of the Demon-Eyed Giant Ape. This was simply evil.

The Li brothers in Kyoto are the real geniuses.

Both Ma Xiwei and Lin Zichen were destined to pale in front of him.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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