Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 124 The outcome is decided

It’s over!

I'm afraid I'll lose my underwear now!

In the corridor on the second floor, Liu Chuanwu looked at Li Moyu below with a deathly expression.

When he saw Li Moyu's eyes glowing with a strange red light and realized that he was a gene fusion of the Great Ape with Demon Eyes, Liu Chuanwu felt that his eyes were a little black and his heart was twitching.

1900 credits!

That’s 19 million yuan!

If you want to pay back so much money at once, you will definitely not be able to save your kidney!

Unlike Liu Chuanwu, the other school leaders breathed a sigh of relief at this moment and all smiled.

Just seeing Lin Zichen knocking out Ma Xiwei with one punch, they all thought that they and others were doomed and wanted to make a fortune for Liu Chuanwu.

Unexpectedly, an even more talented Li Moyu appeared halfway through, and the situation instantly reversed.

All we can say is that the Li brothers in Kyoto are powerful.

His talent in gene fusion is far beyond that of his peers, so much so that even his peers can't see the taillights of their cars.

"Is it the magic-eyed giant ape gene?"

Zhou Xuehong, the president of the student union, looked at Li Moyu on the stage with some surprise.

He had always felt that Li Moyu was not simple.

After all, his brother is Li Yijin, the genius of Peking University, and as his younger brother, Li Moyu is definitely not far behind.

However, he never thought that Li Moyu could fuse the genes of the giant ape with magic eyes.

Li Moyu's biological level is only ordinary, but he can withstand the backlash of the magic-eyed giant ape's genes. This physique is really powerful, so powerful that it is a bit shocking.

His brother Li Yijin is highly talented and can fuse the genes of multiple alien beasts in a short period of time, but the genes he fuses are all ordinary-stage alien beast genes.

As the younger brother, Li Moyu's talent is that he can fuse the genes of extremely high-level alien beasts.

The genetic fusion talents of the two brothers, one is quantitative and the other is qualitative, they are strong in different directions.

But the same thing is that both of them are extremely powerful, so powerful that they eclipse most of their peers who are also geniuses, making it almost impossible to compete with them.

"The more talented these two brothers are, the better."

"The more talented they are, the greater my sense of accomplishment will be when I step on them in the future..."

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuehong smiled silently.

In the National College Student League at the beginning of this year, his skills were inferior and he lost to Li Yijin.

At the beginning of next year, he will defeat Li Yijin on the same martial arts stage and win the title of the number one college student in the country.

He has full confidence that he can do this.

Under the martial arts platform.

Shen Qinghan and Li Chuxin, best friends, got together at some point and were talking and laughing in the crowd.

When she saw Li Moyu on the stage suddenly transformed into a muscular man, exuding a biological pressure as high as ordinary sixth level, Li Chuxin was stunned.

In reality, she has never seen such a powerful peer.

The most powerful person she has ever seen with her own eyes is her best friend's childhood sweetheart - Lin Zichen.

But the appearance of Li Moyu at this moment directly broke her cognition and allowed her to meet more powerful peers.

In particular, this person of the same age also has yellow hair and looks like a gangster, which is in sharp contrast to his current strength.

"Hanhan, in which province is this little yellow guy in your class the top student? Why is he so strong?"

After regaining consciousness for a moment, Li Chuxin held Shen Qinghan's arm and asked with curiosity on her face.


Shen Qinghan was a little confused: "This little yellow guy you're talking about just came on stage as a freshman representative to introduce himself before the trial started. Don't you recognize him?"

"I didn't want to listen to the nonsense said by the school leaders on the stage, so I kept wearing headphones and playing with my phone."

"I see."

"So, in which province is this little yellow-haired top student?"

"He is the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Kyoto."

"The number one scholar in Kyoto?!"

Li Chuxin's eyes widened suddenly, her face full of shock.

Is this little yellow guy the number one scholar in Kyoto?

What the hell?

Why did the number one scholar in Kyoto choose to come all the way to Shandong University instead of studying at Kyoto University, which was stronger and closer?

Li Chuxin was puzzled, but he didn't worry too much about this and quickly sighed:

"Oh, Zichen is so unjust. The number one scholar in Kyoto should have been at Jingda University, but instead he came to Shandong University. Otherwise, Zichen would have been the new king of Shandong University. It's such a pity."

Shen Qinghan smiled and said nothing as he listened, feeling a little excited in his heart.

Don't you think highly of Xiaochen?

Just wait and see, Xiaochen will knock out the No. 1 pick in Kyoto with one punch, guaranteed to shock your jaw!

Under the martial arts platform.

A surveillance blind spot with few people.

Lu Gang and Wang Shujie were both looking down at their watches at the moment.

On the narrow screen of the watch, there is a small piece of text that has just appeared. It is so densely packed together that it makes people feel numb.

For an ordinary person, this would have to be magnified with a magnifying glass to see clearly.

But both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie had their eyesight strengthened during the summer vacation. Even if the text on the screen was only the size of gravel, they could still see the content clearly.

[I just put a high-level magic seed in the park outside the school. I still put it in the same place. You two remember to come out and get it. Later, you can find an opportunity for Li Moyu to eat this high-level magic seed. 】

After reading the content of the message, both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie's expressions changed.

Among them, Lu Gang replied to the other party: [Then Li Moyu is the young master of the Li family in Kyoto. Is it too risky to let him eat the magic seed? 】

He felt that as the young master of the Li family in Kyoto, Li Moyu would not easily compromise with the organization even if he had eaten the demon seed, and would most likely make things worse.

And by that time, he and Wang Shujie will definitely be found out and retaliated by the Li family in Kyoto.

After a moment, the other person replied: [The background of the organization is far more powerful than you think. The mere Li family in Kyoto can be destroyed with a snap of a finger. 】

Lu Gang asked curiously: [What is the specific background of the organization? 】

The other party replied: [Ask less, do more. 】

After reading this message, Lu Gang looked up at Wang Shujie and asked with lip language: "Ajie, do you want to do it?"

Wang Shujie replied with lip language: "Do you think we still have a choice?"

Lu Gang: "How about... let's go find Principal Yuan. Maybe she has a way to solve it."

Wang Shujie: "She must have a way to solve it, but it's hard to say whether we can still be alive afterwards."

Wang Shujie: "Besides, I think there is nothing wrong with joining the organization. At least we are much stronger now than before and have more potential."

Wang Shujie: "The most important thing is that I agree with the organization's philosophy. Being a human being cannot save the people on earth."

Lu Gang: "Yes."

After a simple lip communication, both of them finally decided to follow the organization's arrangements.

Magic-eyed giant ape gene?

On the martial arts stage, Lin Zichen raised his eyebrows, full of interest in Li Moyu in front of him.

He heard the voices of the colonel's leaders in the corridor on the second floor and learned that the alien gene that Li Moyu had fused was the gene of the Demon-Eyed Giant Ape.

He had read about strange beasts like the Demon-Eyed Giant Ape in books when he was a child.

This is a strange beast with full strength and defense, but slow speed.

Adult individuals have an average biological level of advanced.

A small number of powerful individuals can have biological levels as high as rare.

Overall, it is an extremely powerful and terrifying alien beast that can eat giant alien rats as snacks.

Although the biological level is only ordinary, but he can integrate the genes of alien beasts with biological levels up to rare level into his body, this is really a bit unbelievable for Li Moyu...

Lin Zichen was thinking while carefully observing Li Moyu in front of him.

At this time, Li Moyu had fully activated the magic-eyed giant ape gene in his body.

The body size has increased by half compared to before it was activated.

All the muscles on his body are bulging.

The proportions of the lines are comparable to those of the Hulk.

His whole body was full of explosive power.

Lin Zichen also noticed something. It was also on the martial arts stage that he started activating the alien gene. Li Moyu's activation speed was much faster than Ma Xiwei's.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Li Moyu activated the magic-eyed giant ape gene in his body.

Then, he quickly transformed into a big muscle tyrant full of explosive power, breaking through the creature's pressure to ordinary sixth-level creatures in one fell swoop, possessing strength comparable to ordinary sixth-level creatures.

From this point of view, Li Moyu is much stronger than Ma Xiwei.

Li Moyu, who is fused with the genes of the Demon-Eyed Giant Ape, is worthy of data collection.

"Lin Zichen."

Li Moyu on the opposite side spoke.

He stood with his hands folded across his chest, leaning on his transformed height of over two meters, looking down at Lin Zichen and saying: "Ma Xiwei is very strong, and he and I can be called the two most outstanding freshmen of Shandong University."

"But in fact, the gap between her and me is as big as a day."

"You can kill her with one punch, and so can I. Moreover, I can kill her more easily than you."

"I don't know if you will be able to behave as smoothly as you did just now when you face me next."

"I think it shouldn't be possible."

"Because, the next person who can handle it with ease will be me, Li Mo... Buzz!"

Before Li Moyu finished speaking, a sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in front of him.

It was Lin Zichen who moved!

He didn't want to listen to Li Moyu's chatterbox, so he took a step forward and punched Li Moyu's chattering mouth, intending to use his fist to interrupt this little yellow-haired chatterbox.


Facing Lin Zichen's sudden sneak attack, Li Moyu cursed on the spot and quickly turned sideways to avoid the incoming punch.

My reflexes are pretty good, and I can dodge my punch at normal sixth-level speed...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen punched Li Moyu again, this time at the normal seventh level.

At this time, Li Moyu was still in the process of dodging the first punch. Faced with Lin Zichen's second punch that almost didn't pause, he couldn't react and dodge at all.

Just listen to a "bang" sound.

Lin Zichen's fist hit Li Moyu's face hard, causing his face to deform instantly, leaving a clearly visible red mark.

He didn't punch too hard with this punch, he only used the same force as when he hit Ma Xiwei's face before.

Thanks to this, Li Moyu did not fly backwards, but only took two steps back.

At the same time, his face was not swollen, but he was so painful that he covered his face with one hand and grinned.

The defense is very strong, and it feels like it is at a relatively high level among ordinary sixth-level people...

Lin Zichen looked at Li Moyu in front of him, who was covering his face in pain, and silently commented in his heart.

"You don't have martial ethics when you play sneak attack."

Li Moyu said while touching the half of his face that had been punched, while narrowing his eyes and staring at Lin Zichen.

Suddenly receiving such a punch from Lin Zichen, he felt a little embarrassed, so he became a little angry.

But soon, he grinned and said: "Now, I have been very energetic. I am afraid it will be difficult for your fist to attack me."

Lin Zichen didn't respond. He just flashed in front of Li Moyu again, raised his fist and smashed him in the face to test his reaction speed again.

This time, Li Moyu was prepared and his reaction speed was indeed much faster.

At the same ordinary seventh-level speed, Lin Zichen punched 52 times in just 10 seconds, but only hit 9 punches, which bruised the corners of Li Moyu's mouth.

Corridor on the second floor.

The school leaders were all watching the showdown on the martial arts stage carefully.

Everyone looked surprised when they saw Lin Zichen's punch speed of 5 punches per second.

"Lin Zichen's speed is too exaggerated. It looks faster than Ma Xiwei who has fused with the Shadow Night Cat. I don't know how he practiced it."

"It was very fast, but unfortunately, it didn't cause much damage to Li Moyu. The winner of this duel between the two has been decided."

"It is true that Li Moyu is not as fast as him, but Li Moyu has thick skin and extremely high defense, and can always resist his punches. On the contrary, if he was punched by Li Moyu, he would probably collapse on the spot. land."

"Yes, the fault tolerance rate of the two is completely different. It seems that this year's Rookie King is Li Moyu."

After analysis, the school leaders all felt that the duel was over and Li Moyu would become the new star.

Among them, Ma Zhenhe immediately looked at Liu Chuanwu next to him and said with a stern expression: "Dean Liu, I'm afraid you will lose your pants this time."

Liu Chuanwu ignored him and just frowned tightly, hoping that Lin Zichen would be smarter and not confront Li Moyu head-on, but instead use a roundabout way to fight a war of attrition.

In this way, Lin Zichen might still have a chance of winning.

PS: There is one more chapter, about two o'clock.

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