Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 128 It’s better to rely on yourself than to rely on others

Leave from the stadium rooftop and return to the dormitory.

As soon as Lin Zichen entered the door, he saw Shen Qinghan exercising in the training room.

The air conditioner was not on and I was sweating profusely.

For convenience and comfort, Shen Qinghan did not wear underwear when exercising. The soaked clothes clung to her body, perfectly showing off her graceful figure, which was very tempting.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

The baby girl who was photographed peeing in those days has grown up into a charming little beauty with perfect looks and figure without even realizing it.

Looking back now, it feels like she suddenly grew up as soon as her eyes were closed and opened, and it felt unreal as if she was playing a nurturing game.

Some of them sighed for a while.

Soon, Lin Zichen sat down on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and browsed the mall on the school app, which is what the old students often call the credit mall.

Genetic reagents, metal equipment, high-tech props, etc. were all just glanced at, focusing on the meat of exotic animals.

I watched it for about half an hour.

Lin Zichen's eyes finally fell on the living dead slug meat.

He had seen this kind of exotic animal meat in a shopping mall before the college entrance examination, selling for 100,000 yuan per catty.

In the credit mall, it only costs 8 credits per pound.

It's equivalent to a 20% discount, which is much cheaper.

If nothing else, this should be a preferential price that only Shandong students can enjoy.

There are now a total of 769 credits.

If you pay 8 credits per pound, you can buy 96 pounds.

You can use the money to buy the remaining 4 pounds in a shopping mall outside.

In this way, the album of living dead slugs can be opened.

I don’t know what biological attributes can be obtained...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen was about to place an order in the mall to buy 96 pounds of live-dead slug meat.

Just when he was about to submit the order, he changed his mind and felt that this was not appropriate.

A new student suddenly used more than 700 credits to buy live dead slug meat. No matter how you look at it, this behavior is abnormal and will definitely attract the attention of others.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is better to buy them separately.

Buy some every once in a while.

This time, I’ll just buy 10 kilograms first.

After thinking about it, Lin Zichen spent 80 points and placed an order for 10 pounds of alive slug meat.

After doing this, he took out the Qi and Blood Pill given by Liu Chuanwu.

There are 10 in total.

Each one is as big as a soybean, bright red in color, and exudes a faint fragrance.

Lin Zichen picked one up and put it in his mouth to taste it. It melted in his mouth and turned into a warm current flowing into his body. He felt warm.

At the same time, a digital prompt message popped up in the void.

[Qi and blood +108]

Did you just add so much energy and blood?

This improvement effect is not as good as running a few kilometers to increase the energy and blood with the blessing of the biological attribute [use it or lose it].

Eat for Hanhan.

Her creature level is low, so the improvement effect should be good for her.

Just as Lin Zichen was thinking this, Shen Qinghan just walked out of the training room.

She was holding a pair of fruit headphones that were still playing music. She walked to Lin Zichen and stopped, panting a little: "When did you come back?"

"I came back half an hour ago."

Lin Zichen took out a Qi and Blood Pill and handed it to her, then said: "Here, take a Qi and Blood Pill and see the effect."

Shen Qinghan took the Qi and Blood Pill and ate it without thinking.

After about a few seconds, her body began to sweat wildly, her face was red, and she looked very hot.

"how does it feel?"

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan and asked.

Shen Qinghan said with some surprise: "My body feels so hot, and the qi and blood in my body have become much fuller. Xiaochen, the effect of this qi and blood pill is so good!"

"That's good. You can take the remaining 8 Qi and Blood Pills. You can only take one pill a day."

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I just ate it, and the effect was average for me. It was a waste."

"Oh, that's it."

Shen Qinghan nodded and took a small bottle handed over by Lin Zichen.

Looking at the 8 Qi and Blood Pills in the bottle, she bent her eyes and smiled and said, "Giving both credits and Qi and Blood Pills, I feel like I am being taken care of by the sponsor's father."

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "If I want to take care of you, you will take care of me. I will live in your dormitory now."

"Then we support each other." Shen Qinghan smiled and then asked, "What do you want for dinner later? I'll cook it for you."

Lin Zichen thought for a moment and said, "I'm a little tired of eating every day. Let's make some Tommy Rice and a plate of cold cucumber. What do you think?"

"Okay, just put it on me and you can eat it in half an hour!"

Shen Qinghan patted his chest in assurance.

Then, she took off her clothes and walked to the bathroom.

I just worked up a lot and sweated a lot. I had to go to the bathroom to take a shower, change into clean clothes, and then go to the kitchen to cook.

After meal.

The two of them sat on the sofa and read a book, studying various esoteric evolutionary knowledge in depth.

I watched it for about two hours. After the food in my stomach was almost digested, I went into the training room to exercise.

Shen Qinghan is doing strength training.

Lin Zichen sat cross-legged on the ground for the second time to temper his skin.

It was almost 11pm.

The two finished their exercise, took a shower together, and went to bed in the room.

But instead of going to bed and sleeping, he lay on it and chatted.

"Xiao Chen, your performance in the opening trial today was too exaggerated. All the so-called peerless geniuses in my class were stunned. I guess they are still doubting life at this moment."

"Not really."

"As for that."

Shen Qinghan's hands were very restless, and while massaging Lin Zichen skillfully, he said: "I just checked the school forum, and you are all being discussed in it. Many people have been hit by you."

"Not only the freshmen, but also the old students. Many sophomores, juniors, and even seniors said that they couldn't challenge the entire freshman class. They said that you are just a strange beast in human skin."

"Also, I also saw someone posted a group on the forum. The name of that group is 'Chen Shen Support Club'. This is another fan group of yours."

When talking about this, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but said with envy: "From kindergarten to university, you always have a large number of fans chasing you. This feeling of being admired by many stars must be great."

Lin Zichen: "Too many fans is actually a problem in many cases."

Shen Qinghan said disapprovingly: "It only bothers me when I have experienced too much. For someone like me who has never experienced anything, if one day I can be praised by the stars like you, it will definitely be great."

Lin Zichen: "Your gene fusion fitness is as high as 21%. You will definitely be praised by the stars one day in the future."

"I think so too, and I hope this day comes soon."

As he said that, Shen Qinghan felt his hands were a little sore, so he stopped what he was doing, with a pair of watery peach blossom eyes, and said to Lin Zichen: "Well... I was watching the learning video on your phone before, and I saw what was inside. The female protagonist massages the male protagonist with her feet. It seems quite comfortable. Do you want to experience it? "


Lin Zichen said without thinking.

After all, he is the one being massaged. He just needs to lie on the bed and enjoy it with his eyes closed. There is no reason not to try it.

Soon, Shen Qinghan started to massage Lin Zichen with his feet a little clumsily.

This was her compensation to Lin Zichen.

After all, she got 90 credits plus 9 Qi and Blood Pills from Lin Zichen in one day.

If she didn't compensate Lin Zichen properly, she would feel like she was being taken care of by Lin Zichen.

She doesn't like this unequal relationship.

What she likes is a relationship where both parties give.

Time passed like this minute by minute.

About half an hour later.

Shen Qinghan stopped massaging his feet.

It was mid-September, and the weather was hot. She had been prone to sweating since she was a child, and now her body was covered with a layer of sweat.

Especially those white and tender feet, which were already sticky.

"I'm sweating a lot. Do you want to take a bath together?"

Shen Qinghan took out a few tissues, wiped himself and Lin Zichen clean, and then suggested to Lin Zichen.

Hearing the sound, Lin Zichen sat up from the bed, grabbed her waist and picked her up. He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He smiled and said, "In return for the massage you gave me just now, I will give you a bath now." Back rub.”

the next day.

Lin Zichen got up early to make breakfast.

It's very simple to make, just a piece of bread, a sausage, an egg, and a glass of milk.

Not long after, Shen Qinghan walked out of the room sleepily.

After she finished washing and eating breakfast, he went out and went downstairs with her, and then went his own way.

Come to Pure Human Research Institute.

Lin Zichen walked into the living and leisure area and saw Song Yuyan doing yoga inside as before.

"Good morning, Newcomer King."

As soon as she saw Lin Zichen coming, Song Yuyan stopped doing yoga, sat cross-legged on the mat and greeted him with a smile.

Lin Zichen smiled back: "Good morning, Sister Yan."

"Come, come sit here with Sister Yan. Sister Yan wants to have a good chat with you." Song Yuyan smiled and patted the side, asking Lin Zichen to sit down next to her.

Lin Zichen walked over and sat down.

He knew what Song Yuyan wanted to talk about, and it was nothing more than the trial at the start of school yesterday.

"I heard from the dean that your biological level is actually the ordinary sixth level, and you have also learned how to temper meat?"

Song Yuyan asked with bright almond eyes.

Lin Zichen nodded: "Yes."

Hearing his answer, Song Yuyan said with disbelief on her face: "Oh my God, Zichen, you are such a genius. Really, compared to you, I, the second best person in Kyoto, am like a waste."

As she said that, she became a little excited and said: "With your joining, the pure-blooded humans will definitely be able to make something famous together. When the time comes, our Tianren Pavilion will shock the whole world and change the world's perception!"

"Okay, let's work hard together." Lin Zichen turned his gaze to one side and said.

The collar of the dress Song Yuyan wore was so low that the groove could be seen.

The two chatted for a few more words.

Soon, Lin Zichen got up and left the living and leisure area and walked straight to the research area.

Going inside is not to do research, but to study the text on the blood quenching technique.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan have been studying for many years, but they have not been able to understand the content of the blood quenching technique.

Lin Zichen felt that it was definitely unreliable to rely on them, and he had to rely on himself.

Once he learns the words on the blood quenching technique, he will definitely be able to research the results faster than Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan.

After all, the effect of the biological attribute [Heavenly Wisdom Root] is no joke. When researching this kind of thing, it can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

No, doing twice the result with half the effort is still too conservative.

Be bold and get twice the result with half the effort!

PS: There is one more chapter, which will be updated at about three o’clock.

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