Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 129 The Disdain of the Student Union

Yi: Qi and blood.


Fuck: orifice point.

両: upper limbs.

Zhe: lower limbs.

Lin Zichen kept flipping through the translation materials in his hand at the speed of one glance and ten lines, learning the words on the Blood Tempering Technique.

After some study, it feels like studying classical Chinese from previous cultural classes.

However, it is more rare and simple than classical Chinese.

What era is this writing from?

Thousands of years ago?

Or...tens of thousands of years ago?

Lin Zichen was very curious about this.

What’s even more curious is that this blood tempering technique is so powerful, why has the inheritance been discontinued?

In the Age of Dharma Ending, will the environment in future generations be unsuitable for cultivation?

Just when Lin Zichen was thinking about these.

Song Yuyan, who had taken off her yoga clothes and put on martial arts clothes, walked in from the outside and said, "Zichen, people from the student union are looking for you and are waiting at the entrance of the institute."

"Find me?"

Lin Zichen was a little confused.

Song Yuyan lifted her bangs in front of her forehead and said in a knowing voice: "I feel like I'm here to invite you to join the student union. After all, you performed so well in the opening trial yesterday. As the strongest student organization in the school, the student union will definitely Want you to join.”

Hearing what she said, Lin Zichen felt that the president of the student union came here just for this matter.

However, he is not interested in the student union and does not want any status or position.

Song Yuyan saw that he was not interested and said with a smile: "Members of the student union get credit subsidies every month, and they usually have nothing to do. If you join, you will make money. I suggest you join."

Lin Zichen raised his eyebrows, is there a credit subsidy?

Okay, now I have to bring my talent to the student union.

Thinking about this, Lin Zichen hurried to the entrance of the institute to avoid making the people from the student union wait too long.

After arriving at the entrance of the institute.

What came into view was a group of men and women with extremely strong auras.

They are all old students, and the biological coercion emanating from their bodies, the lowest one has an ordinary seventh level.

Among them, the tallest one is the leader of the student union, Zhou Xuehong.

The biological coercion emanating from his body has broken through the ordinary category and entered the advanced category.

He is a truly advanced creature.

Seeing Lin Zichen come out, Zhou Xuehong introduced himself in a calm voice: "Hello, I am Zhou Xuehong, the president of the student union."

Although he had already introduced himself in front of all the freshmen yesterday, out of politeness, he still briefly introduced himself in front of Lin Zichen.

"Hello, President Zhou."

Lin Zichen responded politely.

Zhou Xuehong didn't like to waste time, so there was no small talk in this meeting, and he went straight to the point: "Yesterday you performed very well in the opening trial, which meets the student union's recruitment requirements."

"I am here just to invite you to join the student union, become the president's seed, and train you to be the future president of the student union."

“There are many benefits of joining the student union. You can enjoy special treatment or rights that ordinary students cannot enjoy.”

"For example, three meals a day are specially provided, you can participate in the school's large and small decisions, you can enjoy monthly credit subsidies, etc."

After saying this, Zhou Xuehong asked: "Are you interested in joining the student union?"

Lin Zichen: "Of course."

Zhou Xuehong nodded and said immediately: "You can join if you want, but there is a prerequisite. You have to give up the pure-blood human path and choose the genetic fusion path."


Lin Zichen frowned slightly, feeling puzzled.

Zhou Xuehong explained: "The student union only accepts geniuses with a future. You are very talented now, but if you don't go through genetic fusion, no matter how talented you are, you will be lost to everyone."

Lin Zichen disagreed: "I think pure-blood humans have a great future together and will not be lost to everyone."

"Pure-blooded humans have no future together."

Zhou Xuehong said with a tone that left no room for doubt.

Then, he added: "If pure-blood humans had a future together, Dean Liu and Teacher Song wouldn't be in such a mess now."

"President Zhou, do I have to undergo genetic fusion to join the student union?"


"Forget it, I won't add it."

After saying these words, Lin Zichen turned around and went back to the research institute.

No matter how many benefits there are to joining the Student Union, can they be better than joining Tianren Pavilion?

You have to give up pure-blood humans to join, so there is no need to join the student union.

Seeing Lin Zichen turning around and leaving after a disagreement, Zhou Xuehong was stunned.

He never thought that Lin Zichen would be so decisive.

The surrounding student council members were also surprised.

After he came to his senses, he started to curse one after another.

"This new king really has a brain problem. He still has to be a pure-blooded person. I'm afraid he will be brainwashed to the point of losing his brain."

"Take the Newcomer King and float it away."

"Such a stupid freshman will regret it many times in the future."

"If you wake up and want to join the student union by then, it won't be that easy."

"President, I have told you a long time ago that Tianren Pavilion's brainwashing is very powerful. There is no need to waste time looking for him."


Zhou Xuehong didn't say anything, just shook his head, and soon led everyone out of the entrance of the institute to recruit other geniuses.

A genius who only has talent but no future is not called a genius.

Instead, it’s called—waste material.

Since Lin Zichen is unwilling to give up pure-blood humans, there is no need to recruit him.

He didn't have high hopes at first, he just wanted to see if he could give it a try.

As a result, Lin Zichen didn't give him any chance and turned around and left after a disagreement.

All I can say is that Tianren Pavilion is too brainwashing.

There was Song Yuyan in the front and Lin Zichen in the back. Both of them had their brains washed away.

the other side.

As soon as Lin Zichen returned to the research institute, Song Yuyan asked him if he had joined the student union.

Lin Zichen told her what had just happened, and she was so angry that she spit out sweet things and cursed all the old antiques in the student union.

They are obviously young people in their twenties, but their thoughts are so old-fashioned. It is really hopeless.

It was almost 11 a.m., and Liu Chuanwu, who had not seen anyone all morning, finally came to the institute.

At this time, he had two dark circles under his eyes, his energy was listless, and he looked as if he had been drained.

Seeing his appearance, Song Yuyan couldn't help but feel moved: "Dean, you are so great. For the development of pure-blood human beings, you will not hesitate to sell your body day and night to attract investment. If pure-blood human beings achieve a breakthrough in the future, you Destined to go down in history!”

Liu Chuanwu's mouth twitched slightly as he listened.

Will you praise others?

Will you die if you don't add the words "selling your body"?

The addition of these four words has changed the meaning of the four words "famous in history".

Qing directly became a "brothel".

After a few curses in his heart, Liu Chuanwu looked at Lin Zichen and advised with a somewhat weak voice: "Zichen, you have to remember that women are obstacles on the road to evolution. They will knock your bones and suck your marrow. If you can do it without touching women, Don’t touch women.”

Lin Zichen smiled and said nothing.

There was no way he wouldn't touch women.

The love between men and women is human nature.

To a large extent, it is the nature of biology.

Suppressing biological nature will definitely be detrimental to evolution.

After he and Shen Qinghan break through the final step, he will play and sing every night, fully combining his physical strength with Shen Qinghan's special physique, and enjoying every moment of joy.

"By the way, Zichen, the school provides housing for the families of geniuses, and can even arrange internal work within the school. Do you want to bring your parents over to live here?"

After Liu Chuanwu finished speaking, he added: "A genius like you will most likely be targeted by heretics in the future, and your family will be easily implicated. I suggest you bring your parents to live in the school as soon as possible."

Lin Zichen: "I know the dean. I will go home this weekend and tell my parents about it."

Liu Chuanwu nodded and continued: "Give me your mobile phone, and I will help you get permission to take on school tasks."

Lin Zichen was confused: "Isn't this only available in the second semester of college?"

He had read the student handbook and learned about school tasks.

On the school side, various tasks are released on the student app every day.

Have the task of assisting on-campus tutors in completing their work.

They have the task of going outside the school to assist the security department in catching criminals.

There are also tasks such as going outside the school to eliminate heretics or alien beasts.

Completing tasks earns you credits.

As for these school tasks, freshmen cannot take them in the first semester. They have to wait until the next semester.

"You are so strong now. There is no need to wait for the first semester of college like everyone else. Start taking tasks now. Take tasks early and earn credits early. Don't waste time on becoming stronger."

As Liu Chuanwu said this, he helped Lin Zichen gain access to tasks on his mobile phone.

About two minutes later, he returned the phone to Lin Zichen and said, "I have activated it for you. Go to the task page at the bottom right of the school app homepage."

Lin Zichen took the phone and curiously entered the mission page to check the mission.

At this time, Song Yuyan said: "You, Sister Yan, and I will do tasks outside the school every week to earn credits. In the future, you can join me in participating in tasks, familiarize yourself with the task process, and accumulate experience in doing tasks."

Lin Zichen: "Then I'll trouble Sister Yan."

"What's the trouble? Don't be so open-minded. Seniors should take care of juniors. After a while, I will take over the task of exterminating strange beasts and take you to broaden your horizons."

Song Yuyan smiled, and then said: "Although you, Sister Yan, and I are incomparable to everyone, but that is only compared with the top geniuses, compared with ordinary people, you, Sister Yan, and I are still very strong, invincible to everyone below the high level, ordinary people I’ll fight as many monsters as you come.”

Lin Zichen smiled and said, "That's for sure."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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