Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 13 Birthday Promise

"Why are you two coming back later than usual today?"

"I stayed in the classroom for a while, so I came back a little late."

At the door of Shen Qinghan's house, Lin Zichen explained to Xu Meng who came out.

Xu Meng nodded, didn't ask any questions, and asked him to go home early so as not to worry his parents.

Before leaving, Lin Zichen glanced at Shen Qinghan.

Seeing that Xiao Nizi's condition was much better, he turned around and returned to his home with confidence.

Regarding what happened in the alley today, he had already made an agreement with Shen Qinghan, saying that it was a little secret between the two of them and could not be known to a third person.

The giant alien rat thing was okay.

The main reason is that when he severely injured the male and female couple who had bad intentions, the combat power he displayed was too exaggerated and completely inconsistent with his age.

If others find out, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

At this stage, Lin Zichen just wants to maintain his personality at the level of a little genius.

In this way, you can obtain certain privileges and educational resources in school, and make your parents proud.

And then that's pretty much it.

Any more and it won’t be appropriate.

It will greatly affect the current rhythm of life, making it impossible for you to evolve quietly.

arrive home.

After a meal.

Lin Zichen did nothing, just sat in front of the TV and waited for the evening news.

I hope the security team can work harder and try to make what happened in the alley public to the public tonight.

About ten minutes later.

Lin Zichen finally got the news report he had been longing for, which was about the giant alien rat that appeared in the alley in the afternoon.

The content of the report was more detailed than he expected.

Two videos from different perspectives were released.

One is the third perspective shot by a drone from above.

One is a first-person perspective of a face-to-face fight between a mechanical cyborg and a giant alien rat.

Lin Zichen watched from two perspectives.

The mechanically modified man seldom took the initiative to attack at first, but kept a distance and dealt with the giant alien rat.

Do not enter the attack range of the giant alien rat, nor let it leave the purple-blue smoke.

It didn't take long before the giant alien rat, which was originally moving quickly, gradually became sluggish, looking as if it was anesthetized.

Obviously, those purple-blue smoke can reduce the combat effectiveness of giant alien rats.

When the giant alien rat's combat effectiveness was almost reduced, sharp blades grew out of the outside of the robot's arms, and he began to take the initiative to engage in close combat with the giant alien rat.

The fight lasted nearly seven minutes.

In the end, the giant alien rat's throat was sealed with a knife, its heart was penetrated, and it fell to the ground dying.

"The level of this mechanical transformation person should not be high."

After watching the video, Lin Zichen came to this conclusion.

He had previously searched for videos about the battles between mechanical cyborgs. They were all about cannonballs washing the ground and lasers clearing the area. The destructive power was extremely spectacular and ferocious.

But at this moment, the mechanical transformation man seen on the news station was using poison to deal with the enemy for a long time, slowly wearing the enemy to death, and his expressiveness seemed to be much weaker.

While he was thinking about this, his parents, who had just cleared the dining table and washed the dishes, came to the living room and sat down.

As soon as the couple saw the news on TV, their faces were filled with surprise.

"What's going on? Isn't this the giant alien rat that attacked Yinghai Kingdom some time ago? Why do we also have it in our country?" Zhang Wanxin looked worried.

Lin Yansheng also frowned, looked at Lin Zichen aside and said, "Xiaochen, don't walk to and from school by yourself during this period. Dad will pick you up and drop you off."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Wanxin on the side said: "No need, the school just sent a message saying that classes will be suspended for half a month due to the appearance of giant alien rats in the old city."

Suspension of classes for half a month?

Hearing the news, Lin Zichen frowned slightly.

He realized that the matter of giant alien rats might not be that simple. There were probably other giant alien rats in the old city or other nearby places.

Otherwise, classes would not have been suspended suddenly for half a month.

Lin Zichen thought about it carefully and found that something was not right about what happened in the alley yesterday.

The cyborg appeared too quickly.

Not long after the giant alien rats came out, the mechanical transformation man arrived at the scene to kill them.

It's like knowing in advance that the giant alien rat is in the old city, or that it has been tracking the giant alien rat, and can quickly rush to the scene to deal with any movement.

Forget it, this isn't something I should worry about.

I don't listen to what's going on outside the window and focus on practicing and evolving at home. This is what I should do.

However, it is possible to have a proper understanding of the giant alien rat...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen left the living room and walked into his parents' coding room, searching for information related to giant alien rats on the computer.

It was learned that strange beasts like giant alien rats can reach up to three meters in length when they reach adulthood.

And the average biological level after adulthood is as high as ordinary fifth level.

Ordinary fifth level?

Fortunately, when I encountered a giant alien rat in the alley yesterday, my first reaction was to run away instead of fighting it to the death. Otherwise, I would probably have its head bitten off now...

Lin Zichen felt scared for a while.

"No, I haven't exercised hard enough. I have to increase the intensity of my exercise..."

With renewed urgency, he quickly left the coding room and ran to the room upstairs to begin an intense workout.

[You are doing weight-bearing push-ups, Qi and blood +2, arm muscle strength +2, chest muscle strength +2, push-up proficiency +1]

[You are doing weight-bearing squats, qi and blood +2, leg muscle strength +2, squat proficiency +1]

[You are doing weight-bearing sit-ups, Qi and blood +2, abdominal muscle strength +2, sit-up proficiency +1]

time flies.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, childhood sweethearts, celebrated each other's ninth birthday.

To be precise, it is Shen Qinghan's own ninth birthday.

Their birthdays are one day apart. In order for them to celebrate their birthdays together every year, their parents made a special agreement to take turns celebrating each other's birthdays.

Last year it was Lin Zichen's birthday, so this year it was Shen Qinghan's birthday.


The two families gathered for dinner at Shen Qinghan's home to celebrate his birthday.

The two birthday children carefully prepared birthday gifts for each other.

Shen Qinghan knew that Lin Zichen liked reading, so he bought a set of books related to mechanical modifications, genetic fusions, and alien beasts for him.

Lin Zichen gave Shen Qinghan a handmade hairpin.

Made of pure wooden material, hand-polished and carved, with Shen Qinghan's name engraved on it and her favorite dandelion engraved on it, the appearance is very exquisite.

"Xiaochen, this hairpin is so beautiful, I like it so much!"

Shen Qinghan was very surprised. He did not expect to receive a gift made by Lin Zichen himself.

She couldn't wait to put on the hairpin and looked at the mirror happily. The more she looked at the hairpin on her head, the more she liked it. She liked it so much that the set of books she gave seemed a bit cheap.

Compared with gifts bought with money, gifts made by yourself are more meaningful and valuable.

"Xiao Chen, how about we give each other gifts we made ourselves for every birthday in the future?" Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen and suggested.

Lin Zichen smiled and said, "Okay."

"Xiao Chen, when did you learn the art of making handmade wood products? How come your mother doesn't know about it at all?"

Zhang Wanxin felt a little sour in her heart when she looked at the exquisite wooden hairpin on Shen Qinghan's head.

Lin Zichen explained: "I usually stay in my room without coming out. I spend a large part of my time making handicrafts."

This is a lie. He often stays in the room and does not come out. He hides in and exercises intensively.

As for the craft of handmade wood products, I just found a video online last week, watched it carefully, and then learned it.

This is the power brought by [Heavenly Wisdom Root].

"Mom, actually I also made a wooden hairpin for you. When I get home after celebrating my birthday, I will give my mother a surprise."

Lin Zichen saw the bitterness in Zhang Wanxin's heart at this moment, so he leaned over and whispered in her ear.

When Zhang Wanxin heard this, the bitterness in her heart was instantly wiped away, and a sweet smile appeared on her face. My precious son still knows how to be filial to his mother.

After the birthday celebration is over.

Lin Zichen returned to his home and lay on the bed with the lights off, but he was not in a hurry to sleep. Instead, he looked at the ceiling quietly with the faint moonlight outside the window, lost in his thoughts.

Regarding the giant alien rat incident that occurred last month, he has been paying attention to the follow-up, and wants to know why giant alien rats appear inexplicably in the old city.

However, the official side has never been able to give a clear explanation, and it remains a mystery until now.

Fortunately, the giant alien rat only appeared once that day, and it never appeared again, and life returned to peace.

"I hope the appearance of the giant alien rat was just an accident and not a conspiracy."

This world is not as peaceful as in the previous life. There are alien beasts looking at it outside and pagans making trouble inside. This makes it difficult for Lin Zichen not to think too much.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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