Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 14 Graduation from Elementary School

The six years of primary school passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan graduated from Sunshine Elementary School.

At the graduation ceremony, the two families gathered together for a group photo just like they did when their children graduated from kindergarten.

The only difference is that Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan have grown up a lot compared to six years ago.

The childishness on the face is getting less and less, replaced by the youth and vitality that only boys and girls have.

"Hanhan, how can you be so beautiful? You are getting more and more beautiful every year. It makes Aunt Xin's heart melt."

Zhang Wanxin looked at Shen Qinghan in front of her, who was taller than her shoulders, and her eyes were filled with a mother's love for her daughter.

Although Shen Qinghan is not her daughter, she has already regarded Shen Qinghan as her daughter.

Lin Yansheng said with emotion: "Children these days are growing so fast. They are only in the sixth grade of elementary school and only twelve years old. They are almost as tall as adults."

What he said was mainly about Lin Zichen.

At this time, Lin Zichen's height seemed to be almost the same as Zhang Wanxin's, with a height of over 1.6 meters.

You know, I just graduated from elementary school.

After finishing middle school and high school, and growing six years later, he will have to be at least 1.8 meters tall.

In Lin Yansheng's time, he was basically one of the best in the class.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng on the other side also lamented how fast their two children grew up.

Among them, Xu Meng said with a smile: "Looking at the two children in front of me, I always feel as if they were babies yesterday and have grown into little adults today."

"Yes, time flies so fast." Shen Jianye said with emotion, holding Xu Meng's waist.

"Xiaochen, Hanhan, you two come closer."

Zhang Wanxin held a SLR camera in her hand and shouted to Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan in front.

Hearing the sound, Shen Qinghan reached out and pulled Lin Zichen next to him, almost standing hand-to-hand.

"Come on, Eggplant!"

As Zhang Wanxin sounded.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan exchanged gestures at the same time, with a smile that was half childish and half green on their faces.

After taking dozens of photos in a row, Zhang Wanxin let go of the childhood sweethearts and turned around to admire her photography skills with the three parents behind her.

Afterwards, I completely lost myself in the compliments of "The photo was really good", and my face was full of pride.

"Xiao Chen, you grow up so fast. When we celebrated our tenth birthday in fourth grade, we were still the same height. Now, only two years have passed, and you are half a head taller than me."

Shen Qinghan stood in front of Lin Zichen, standing on tiptoes to compare his height. She found that she was half a head shorter than him, and she couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

Lin Zichen stretched out his hand to touch her head and joked with a smile: "It's okay. In three years, maybe I will be a head taller than you. Then in three years, I will be a head and a half taller than you."

"Don't be too proud." Shen Qinghan slightly pouted her rosy mouth and said, "Maybe I can come back from junior high school and be a little taller than you like I was in the third grade of elementary school."

Lin Zichen smiled and said nothing. He lowered his head and carefully looked at the 12-year-old Shen Qinghan in front of him. Suddenly, he felt like an old father watching his daughter grow up.

The smiling baby girl who loved to urinate, the little loli who slurred her speech, and the little girl who bounced around all those years ago have grown up into girls with crisp and sweet voices without even realizing it.

Like a lark, full of agility and liveliness.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

Shen Qinghan waved her hand in front of Lin Zichen with clear eyes.

Lin Zichen smiled and said, "Nothing."

Shen Qinghan looked playful: "You must think I'm pretty, right?"

"Hanhan, you are really beautiful." Lin Zichen nodded sincerely.

Shen Qinghan didn't expect him to answer so honestly. Her face immediately turned red and she quickly put it aside and said, "If you think it's pretty, just look at her more."

Lin Zichen smiled and said nothing, thinking that the young girl back then was now blushing and shy. She had really grown up and was about to regain her youth.

Soon, the graduation ceremony came to an end.

As always, the two families found a nearby restaurant to have dinner together to celebrate.

But it’s different from when I graduated from kindergarten.

This time, there were a few more gentle middle-aged men wearing glasses in the hotel box.

They are all principals of several prestigious middle schools in Shanhai City. They came here today to recruit Lin Zichen to register for their school.

No one invited them.

They insisted on entering the box themselves.

It's not their fault for not being polite.

The only reason to blame is that Lin Zichen has performed too well in the past six years.

I have won almost all the awards that can be won in the city.

Moreover, they all ranked first and never failed.

Such magnificent results made him the most talented primary school graduate in the history of Shanhai City, and he was the favorite in the eyes of every middle school principal in the city.

Under the lobbying of several principals, Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin were both moved.

No matter which middle school offered the conditions, they looked very tempting, which made it difficult for the couple to make a decision for a while.

Finally, Zhang Wanxin looked at Lin Zichen and asked in a gentle voice: "Xiaochen, which school do you want to attend junior high school?"

"I can do either. It depends on where Hanhan wants to study."

Lin Zichen left the choice to Shen Qinghan. He didn't care which school he went to for junior high school. Anyway, he could push him wherever he went.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng who were standing next to him felt a little flattered when they heard this.

Shen Qinghan's grades are very good, but he can't go to every middle school.

Especially in the prestigious middle schools where the principals here are, Shen Qinghan can only step on the line at best, and may fail in any minute.

But at this moment, because of Lin Zichen's words, Shen Qinghan suddenly became eligible for selection, which made Shen Jianye and Xu Meng feel a little overwhelmed.

"Wanxin, I think it's better to let Xiaochen decide this matter by himself."

Xu Meng looked at Zhang Wanxin and said, giving the choice back. She felt that letting her daughter make the decision would be too stressful and their family could not bear it.

Zhang Wanxin said with a smile: "It's okay. Xiaochen will only go to the same middle school as Hanhan anyway, so you can let Hanhan choose the one she likes."

After saying that, she looked at Shen Qinghan, smiled affectionately and said, "Hanhan, you can choose which middle school you want to go to. This is what Xiaochen asked you to choose."

"Aunt Xin...I, I don't know."

Shen Qinghan didn't know how to choose, so he finally handed the choice back to Lin Zichen and said, "Xiaochen, it's up to you to choose."

Seeing that everyone was embarrassed to choose, Lin Zichen had no choice but to come by himself.

He looked at the principal of Shanhai Middle School opposite and said in a polite voice: "Principal Chen, I have a request, that is, I must be in the same class as Shen Qinghan. Do you agree?"

"Yes, of course!" The principal of Shanhai Middle School smiled broadly and nodded in agreement.

Not to mention they are in the same class, even if they are given a separate class for the two of them and equipped with the best teachers in the school, the principal of Shanhai Middle School can agree with his eyes closed.

Geniuses are so popular.

After Lin Zichen made his decision.

The principals of several other schools also left wisely and did not stay to disturb the two families' celebration.

The principal of Shanhai Middle School stayed to say a few words, and soon left conspicuously.

As the two parents toasted to celebrate.

Lin Zichen had an idea and opened his achievement task to check the progress.

[Achievement: Dominate nine years of compulsory education]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - the weak eat the strong]

[Title: Kindergarten Kid King (lit), Primary School Leader (lit), Junior High School Bully (not lit)]

I finally made it to graduation from elementary school!

Finally going to junior high school!

As long as you light up the last [Junior High School Bully] title, you can get the long-awaited biological attribute [The weak and the strong]!

Lin Zichen felt excited for the first time in a long time. He thought that as soon as he entered junior high school, he would immediately show his absolute strength to crush the whole school. In the first stage of junior high school, he would light up the title of "Junior High School Bully" and gain biological attributes as quickly as possible. [The weak eat the strong].

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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