Shanhai University, President's Office.

Yuan Dongzhi sat on a chair and had a video call with a close confidant from the family.

"Second Miss, during the recent period, Source No. 36 has been surprisingly calm. There has been no turmoil for several months. I don't know if the other party has given up on the passage here, or is plotting some big plan."

On the computer screen, a dashing woman with short hair was reporting to Yuan Dongzhi about the situation of Origin No. 36.

Yuan Dongzhi nodded and asked: "How has Qianxue been in the source land recently? Is she still getting used to it?"

"Very adaptable, growing extremely fast, almost evolving to the second advanced level."

"Well, it evolved faster than expected."

"Second Miss, who is Qianxue? Why is his physique so special? He is so special that he doesn't even look like a human from Earth. He is a different species from us."

"Don't ask questions you shouldn't ask."

"Yes, I'm sorry, Miss Second, it's just that I'm ignorant."

The woman in the video was a little panicked.

Yuan Dongzhi didn't say anything, just said calmly: "Okay, I have a student duel to watch here, so I won't tell you about it yet, you go and do your work."

After saying that, she ended the video call and turned on the surveillance camera at the stadium to watch the upcoming duel.

It was a duel between the 9th place mechanical student and the 8th place evolution student.

After spending some time watching the duel, Yuan Dongzhi couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he saw that the final winner was the mechanical student.

The Machine God Group is stronger than imagined.

The universality of mechanical transformation is more advantageous.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the mechanical transformation is, the limitations are still too great after all. It can only stay on earth and cannot enter the source.

Once entering the source, all electronic and mechanical equipment will malfunction, and no matter how powerful the mechanical transformation person is, he can only turn into a pile of scrap metal.

the other side.

After watching the duel, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan left the gym not long after.

A text about going to a research institute to learn the art of blood tempering.

One goes back to the dormitory for strength training.

Although they live together, they both have their own life schedules, and their lives are no longer as synchronized as they were before college.

time flies.

A few days later.

School is over on Friday afternoon.

The two went back to their dormitory, put on their schoolbags, took a Didi car and went home.

The school is very close to my home, and the online taxi arrived and stopped at my home in about an hour.

Zhang Wanxin had been waiting outside the door early.

When she saw the two people coming out of the car, she immediately greeted them with a smile on her face, saying that she had made some snacks at home and squeezed some juice, and asked them to come in and try it quickly.


Two families get together to have a meal.

Shen Qinghan transformed into a storyteller directly in front of the parents of the two families, and vividly described Lin Zichen's performance in the test at the beginning of the school year.

It was said that he could crush even the genetic fusionists with one punch, which shocked the school leaders.

The parents of both families knew that Lin Zichen had become the Rookie King for a long time, but this was the first time they knew about the process.

Hearing Shen Qinghan's description, the four of them were shocked.

Among them, Lin Yansheng joked: "Son, are you the legendary stranger?"

Many experts have speculated that since there are alien beasts in this world, there should also be aliens, but this speculation has never been confirmed.

Zhang Wanxin rolled her eyes at him angrily: "My son was born from my belly, why is he a different person?"

Lin Yansheng laughed sarcastically and said, "Aren't I praising our son for his greatness?"

Lin Zichen smiled while listening to his parents' conversation full of family atmosphere.

Later, I told my parents about the resettlement house.

He said that as he became more and more famous, he would probably be targeted by cults in the future, and for safety reasons, he asked his parents to move to the school.

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin are both freelance writers of novels. They write no matter where they live. They agreed to open the hotel without thinking, saying they could move at any time.

When Shen Qinghan saw this, he also asked Shen Jianye and Xu Meng to move to Shanhai University.

In terms of work, students on the inner campus of Shanhai University also have to take cultural elective courses, and their parents can be arranged to be cultural teachers at the school.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng thought it was good after hearing this, and said they would move to Shanhai University after handing over the work at the school.

The time came to 10pm.

Lin Zichen clicked on the Catwoman mission he had accepted on the school app to view more mission details.

Target codename: Catwoman, Juicer, Collector of Sticks, Disguised Woman.

Target strength: The biological level is ordinary sixth level and extremely fast.

Characteristics of the activity: They often appear in the red light districts of Shanhai City to seduce men, take them to remote and uninhabited places, have sex with them, and then torture them to death, cutting off props to carry on the family line and collecting them.

Note: The target is proficient in disguise, very cunning, and good at using various drugs.

Other content: slightly...

Looking at the contents of these tasks above, Lin Zichen finally understood why no one had completed this task for so long.

The location is too common and the enemies are cunning, making it really difficult to catch.

However, these are not problems for Lin Zichen.

With the blessing of the two biological attributes [Eye in the Sky] and [Danger Sense], he can completely search the various red light districts in Shanhai City.

As long as you search carefully enough, you have a good chance of finding your target.

10:10 p.m.

Lin Zichen specially changed his hairstyle and slightly changed his appearance in order to prevent others from seeing that he was the second best candidate in the college entrance examination in Nanjiang Province, so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

After that, he lied to his parents about going to bed early, but in fact he climbed out of the window and jumped from the second floor. He took Didi and went to the nearest red light district to conduct a carpet search.

After arriving at your destination.

Use [Eye in the Sky] to scan everyone within the field of vision, including men and women, because the target can use the disguise technique.

Use [Danger Sense] to sense everyone within the range and sense their biological levels, focusing on people with ordinary sixth-level biological levels.

"This man's eyes are so scary."

"What is he doing?"

"He's so handsome, but his eyes are a bit penetrating."

Everyone who is scanned by the Eye in the Sky feels like a mouse being stared at by an eagle, and will feel inexplicably flustered.

Several women saw Lin Zichen's handsome appearance and wanted to strike up a conversation, but as soon as they got close, they were all frightened away by the Eye in the Sky.

"Boy, who are you staring at?"

There was a tall, thick-set man who felt Lin Zichen's eyes offended him, so he immediately walked over to find fault with him with an unkind look on his face.

Lin Zichen didn't talk nonsense to the man, and directly released the biological pressure to stun him, then turned around and left this red light district, heading to the next red light district.

This red light district has been searched once and there is no suspicious target.

As for whether the target happened to come right after I left, and I missed it perfectly.

This is of course possible, but there is no way to avoid it. I can only hope that I have better luck and will not be so unlucky.

However, tonight's luck seems to be average.

for the rest of the night.

Lin Zichen searched 10 red-light districts in a row, but couldn't find even a single suspect.

By this time, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that it was already so late, he could only go home and sleep, and wait until tomorrow night to continue searching.

The next night.

Lin Zichen arrived at the red light district on time and started searching like last night.

I searched several red light districts but found nothing.

Just as he was about to head to the next red light district.

He bumped into an acquaintance.

It's Ma Xiwei from the genius class.

At this time, Ma Xiwei was accompanied by a man and a woman.

The man and woman seemed to be around 20 years old, and their biological levels were both ordinary seventh level. They should be seniors at Shanhai University, and they came specially to accompany Ma Xiwei to complete the Catwoman mission.


Ma Xiwei also saw Lin Zichen, and without giving him a good look, she slumped her face and snorted coldly, turned around and left with the two people beside her.

After she was far away from Lin Zichen, she immediately stopped and said to the two people beside her: "Lin Zichen also took over the mission of Catwoman. He will definitely come to find Catwoman this time. We must be faster than him, so that He drew water from a bamboo basket and came up empty-handed.”

"Put it on me."

The young man among the two said confidently: "I am fused with the devil dog gene, and my sense of smell is extremely sensitive. I can definitely find Catwoman before him."

Just after saying this, the young man's expression suddenly changed slightly.

He instinctively twitched his nose, and then said with a smile on his face: "I smell Catwoman's scent, it's in the bar across the street!"

Ma Xiwei heard this and said excitedly: "Then let's go over and catch Catwoman. Later we will escort Catwoman in front of Lin Zichen and make him angry to death!"

She was very upset about Lin Zichen swollen her face during the school trial. She would be angry with him if she could, and it would be best if she could disgust him to death.

Soon, the three of them hurried to the bar across the street to arrest Catwoman.

PS: There is one more chapter, which will be updated at about three o’clock.

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