Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 133 Skilled hunters often appear as prey

Dream Bar, second floor.

Under the leadership of the senior who was fused with the devil dog gene, Ma Xiwei and her senior quickly went up to the second floor of the bar.

"Where is that woman?"

Ma Xi lowered her voice slightly and used "that woman" to refer to the word "Catwoman" so as not to alert the enemy.

The senior didn't say anything, but pointed at a girl in the corner in front of him.

Ma Xiwei followed his direction and saw a girl who looked like a college student.

The girl was dressed very conservatively, not showing her breasts or legs. She was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses that looked very student-like. She was sitting in a corner by herself, somewhat reservedly.

It looks like it's the first time I've been to a bar, and I feel very introverted.

"Are you sure it's her?"

Ma Xiwei confirmed to the senior.

The girl in the corner doesn't look like the slutty catwoman introduced in the mission.

If nothing else, his face must have been carefully disguised.

But out of caution, we have to confirm.

The senior confirmed: "The biological smell emanating from her body is exactly the same as what I smelled from Catwoman's personal belongings in the security department. It can't be wrong."

Ma Xi nodded slightly and whispered: "It's not too late, let's go over and fuck her now."

The senior and the senior made an OK gesture, and immediately separated into three groups with her, moving naturally towards the girl in the corner.

Within a moment, the three of them had already approached the girl's surroundings, completely blocking her escape route.

Just when the three of them were about to attack the girl, the girl who had been looking at her phone quietly suddenly raised the corner of her mouth in contempt.

The next moment, she jumped up, smashed the glass behind her and jumped off the building to escape.


Ma Xiwei shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the three of them jumped out of the window at the same time, chasing after the escaping girl.

"No, that Catwoman is too fast, she can't catch up, she's going to lose her!"

After chasing for less than a few hundred meters, Ma Xiwei felt a little helpless.

The senior said: "It's okay, I can keep tracking her scent. As long as she stops for a moment when she thinks she is safe, we can catch up with her immediately."

Ma Xiwei said while running: "Brother Ming, Sister Shan, you two are faster than me. You catch up first, and I will slowly catch up behind you."

"Okay, then the two of us will catch up first."

After saying these words, the senior student, whose biological level was as high as the seventh level, accelerated and chased the girl.

In just a few seconds, Ma Xiwei was thrown tens of meters away, and the two of them could not be seen.

People coming and going on the street greatly affects the view.

However, this did not prevent Ma Xiwei from keeping up.

Because the three of them all wore positioning watches on their hands, Ma Xiwei only had to follow the positioning and run.

About five minutes later.

Ma Xiwei finally caught up with the two.

At this moment, the two people were waiting for her at the entrance of an old street.

It's not that they are waiting, but that the two of them have lost track.

The senior looked at Ma Xiwei and frowned: "The Catwoman's scent disappeared and was covered by a certain smell. Now it's difficult for me to locate her location based on the smell."

When Ma Xi heard this, he immediately took out a bottle of reagent from his body, handed it to the senior and said, "Brother Ming, I have a bottle of genetic amplification potion here. Drink it and see if you can regain the smell of Catwoman."

"Let me try."

The senior reached out and took the reagent.

Just when he opened the bottle cap and was about to drink the reagent, he suddenly smelled Catwoman's scent again.

Although it's very light, you can definitely smell it.

"Weiwei, we don't need to waste this bottle of genetic enhancement potion."

The senior smiled, handed the reagent in his hand back to Ma Xiwei, and continued: "I smell the scent of Catwoman again, just inside the street."

"Let's go in then. Let's go in quickly."

Ma Xiwei was afraid that the catwoman would run away again, so she urged him a little impatiently.

Soon, under the leadership of their senior, the three of them went deep into the old streets, and finally came to a stop in front of a remote old alley.

According to the source of the smell, the catwoman is hiding inside at the moment.

The three of them took a look into the alley and saw that there was domestic garbage everywhere that emitted a stench.

It is estimated that some unscrupulous residents are too lazy to go to the special garbage station to throw away garbage, so they choose to throw it into the nearby alley.

"It really stinks in there."

The senior frowned and said: "No wonder I suddenly couldn't smell Catwoman before. I guess it was masked by the smell of garbage in the alley. Then I waited until my nose got used to the smell, and then I slowly recognized the cat again." The smell of women.”

Ma Xiwei: "Let's go in and find Catwoman. Let's fight quickly."

The senior sister agreed: "We have to do it quickly. It stinks inside so much. Staying here for a second longer will be torture."

After a brief exchange of words, the three of them immediately set off deep into the alley.

Then, guided by Catwoman's scent, the three of them saw the girl with glasses they had been chasing before on a dead end in the deepest part of the alley.

At this time, the girl with glasses was standing with her back against the wall, quietly playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

The senior looked at the girl with glasses and said, "She's quite good at hiding. She hid in an alley full of garbage and almost lost us."

"If I really want to run away, do you think you can really catch me?

The girl with glasses put away her phone, turned her head to look at the three people who blocked the alley, and said with a faint smile: "The more skillful a hunter is, the more he likes to appear as prey, don't you all?" Don’t you understand this?”

After saying this, the girl took off her glasses and threw them away.

Then, a pair of thick cat ears grew on the top of the head at a speed visible to the naked eye, and several slender cat whiskers also grew rapidly on the face.

In just a short moment, the girl who was full of student atmosphere just now turned into a wild-eyed catwoman.

The biological coercion emanating from his body has also been raised to the ordinary ninth level!

Ordinary ninth level? !

Feeling the powerful biological coercion emanating from Catwoman, the three of them were surprised, then turned to panic, and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

This Catwoman hides her strength!

The biological level is not the ordinary sixth level described in the mission, but as high as the ordinary ninth level!

This task is simply impossible!

"Humph, want to escape?"

Catwoman sneered in a contemptuous tone.

Then with a little strength in his calves, he jumped up into the air and passed over the heads of the three people fleeing in front.

Then, it landed in front of the three people with a "dong" sound, blocking their only escape route.

"So handsome."

Catwoman stared directly at the senior, and couldn't help but stick out her tongue and lick her lips and said: "This handsome boy, from the moment you came into the bar, I have been craving for you."


As soon as Catwoman finished speaking, Ma Xiwei took out a cigarette bomb from his arms and slammed it on the ground, exploding into a large cloud of purple-blue smoke.

When living things inhale these purple-blue smoke, their biological activity will be greatly reduced, causing the perception of the five senses to be greatly weakened.

Whether it's killing enemies or escaping, it has a very good effect.

Under the cover of smoke.

Soon, Ma Xiwei and three others covered their mouths and noses and fled out of the alley.

After completely leaving the alley.

The three of them stopped.

The senior looked frightened and said: "It's so dangerous. It was really dangerous just now. No wonder Catwoman was able to live freely in Shanhai City for such a long time without being caught. It turns out she was hiding her strength."

The senior said with lingering fear: "Weiwei, call Dean Ma quickly, explain Catwoman's situation to him, and ask him to contact the relevant school leaders quickly to correct the damn Catwoman mission."

"I, I will fight now."

Ma Xi's lips trembled slightly, and her hands trembled slightly as she took out her mobile phone to call Ma Zhenhe.

But before the call could be made, she somehow thought of Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen also accepted this Catwoman task.

With his strength, if he encountered Catwoman and had no self-defense tools, he would definitely be dead.

"No, I have to remind him!"

Thinking about it, Ma Xiwei quickly opened WeChat, found Shen Qinghan's avatar and sent her a voice chat invitation.

She didn't have Lin Zichen's contact information, so she could only contact Shen Qinghan first, tell Shen Qinghan about Catwoman, and then ask Shen Qinghan to contact Lin Zichen.

It was true that she hated Lin Zichen, but she knew in her heart that strictly speaking there was no deep hatred between the two, and they would not go to the extent of refusing to save him.

the other side.

In the alley.

Catwoman escaped from the purple-blue smoke and retreated to a smoke-free place, and her five senses quickly recovered.


She angrily kicked the wall in front of her and cursed angrily: "Damn it, the cooked duck flew away!"




After kicking the wall in front of her three times in a row, Catwoman felt that she had almost vented her anger. She quickly evacuated without staying in the alley for too long.

His whereabouts have been exposed. If he doesn't leave quickly, there is a risk of being surrounded and suppressed.


As soon as Catwoman came out of the alley, she was suddenly stunned.

She was on the old street ahead and saw a very handsome boy walking towards her.

This boy's appearance is more than ten times more handsome than the senior next to Ma Xiwei just now.

"So handsome!"

Catwoman swallowed greedily, and a perverted smile full of animality suddenly appeared on her face: "It was a blessing in disguise, but you met me, so you can only blame your bad luck."

After muttering these words to himself.

Catwoman could no longer restrain her inner impulse, and immediately rushed towards the boy as fast as possible, dragging him to a deserted place to enjoy himself.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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