Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 135 Living Dead Slug Album

Sunday night.

After Lin Zichen had dinner at home, under the watch of his parents, he took a Didi and went back to Shanhai University with Shen Qinghan.

Originally, his parents said they would drive the two of them, but Lin Zichen felt that it was a waste of their parents' time to go back and forth, so it was better to spend some money on Didi to get it done.

Arriving at school, I just entered the dormitory door.

The school app on the mobile phone sent a message that 300 credits had been credited.

It is a reward for completing Catwoman's mission.

The reward was originally only 50 credits. The reason why it was increased to 300 credits was because Director He, who was in charge of the mission system, learned that Catwoman's biological level was not the ordinary sixth level, but the ordinary ninth level.

Of these 300 credits, 200 credits are the rewards that ordinary ninth-level tasks should have.

The extra 100 credits are compensation for Lin Zichen.

"The school's mission system is really unreliable. Fortunately, you are strong enough, otherwise you would have been tricked to death by this Catwoman mission."

As soon as she saw the credit payment information on Lin Zichen's mobile phone, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but complain.

Lin Zichen agreed: "It's really a scam. You have to be more careful when accepting tasks in the future."

Shen Qinghan: "One mind is not enough, you have to leave 99 minds."

Lin Zichen smiled: "Indeed."

After saying that, he continued: "By the way, if there is a suitable task in the future, I will take you to complete it together, let you see the blood, and exercise your xinxing."


Shen Qinghan agreed without even thinking about it.

As long as Lin Zichen wants to do something, she will support it unconditionally.

in the coming time.

Both of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room playing with their phones.

Lin Zichen browsed the news for a while, then quickly clicked on the credit mall in the school app and directly placed an order for 90 pounds of living dead slug meat, hoping to open the living dead slug album early tomorrow morning.

In the past, I was worried that buying too much exotic animal meat would look abnormal and attract others' attention, so I thought about placing orders for 10 kilograms every once in a while, placing orders 10 times, and slowly adding up to 100 kilograms.

But now that I think about it, this is too much trouble and unnecessary.

I just bought 100 kilograms of exotic animal meat. In fact, there is nothing unusual at all. No one will care.

Or maybe I am too worried and add unnecessary worries.

"Do you have any exotic animal meat that you want to eat? I'll place an order for some."

After buying the live-dead slug meat, Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan and asked.

The nutritional value of exotic animal meat is extremely high, and eating it will greatly help evolution. Shen Qinghan's body is so weak, so she needs to buy more exotic animal meat for her to eat.

"Let me see."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he opened the credit mall on his mobile phone. After browsing for a while, he said, "Let's buy the violently carved meat. One credit can buy 6 pounds. It can be kept in the refrigerator for several days."

She was still a little reluctant to give up the credits, so she only bought cheap exotic animal meat.

Lin Zichen: "Okay, then I'll place an order for the ruthless carving of meat."

"Don't place the order, just let me place the order. I still have the 90 credits you gave me."

After saying that, Shen Qinghan placed an order directly in the credit mall.

She likes Lin Zichen, since they are all family members living under the same roof anyway, and the credits are shared by everyone.

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly, the doorbell in the house rang.

When Lin Zichen heard the bell, he immediately sent out his senses to see who rang the doorbell.

Then he discovered that it was Ma Xiwei standing outside the door.

What is she here to do?

Something about Catwoman's mission?

With this question in mind, Lin Zichen got up and left the sofa to open the door.

Shen Qinghan also followed.


The dormitory door opened.

Ma Xiwei, who was standing outside the door, said politely to the two of them: "I'm sorry to bother you so late."

"can I help you?"

Lin Zichen asked in a calm voice.

Ma Xiwei didn't waste any time and asked straight to the point: "I'm curious about how you completed that Catwoman mission. Can you tell me a little bit about it?"

"not very convenient."

"Oh, don't bother me then."

After Ma Xiwei said that, he turned around and left without asking any questions.

Shen Qinghan hesitated and shouted to her: "Xiwei, um... do you want to come in and have a cup of tea? There is tea brought from home in my dormitory. My mother roasted it herself."

"Next time, I'll have something else to do."

After saying these words in a nonchalant manner, Ma Xiwei quickly disappeared at the top of the stairs.

She lives in dormitory 501 below, not at home with her parents.

Because she feels that living with her parents is a bit annoying, and it would be more free to live by herself.

"Xiaochen, I feel that Xiwei is a nice person. We can have more contact with her in the future."

Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen and suggested.

She has a good impression of Ma Xiwei and wants to have a good relationship with this aloof dean's daughter.

Because that night, Ma Xiwei specifically told her on WeChat that the Catwoman mission information was wrong and asked her to convey it to Lin Zichen. This incident directly made her favor Ma Xiwei.

Lin Zichen nodded and said, "That's good. If you want to, you can invite her to your home more often. She lives downstairs anyway."

After saying this, the two quickly returned to the house.

Seeing that the time was almost up, we went into the training room to exercise together. One was doing strength training and the other was doing secondary skin tempering.

After exercising and taking a shower, both of them felt a little hungry, so they went to the kitchen to cook noodles.

Both of them exercise a lot every day, get hungry easily, and need to eat multiple times to replenish energy.

Before long, the noodles were cooked.

The two of them sat face to face at the dining table eating noodles.

While eating, Shen Qinghan stretched his feet towards Lin Zichen under the table, teasing him skillfully.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Zichen reached out and grabbed Shen Qinghan's restless little foot, looked up at her and asked.

Shen Qinghan smiled with her beautiful eyes: "I'm not doing anything, I just want to tease you. I've seen the female protagonists in the learning videos often tease the male protagonist like this."

"Why are you getting more and more dirty?"

"It's not dirty. I call it fun. Just tell me whether you like it or not."

"I still like it."

Lin Zichen let go of the small and delicate white jade foot in his hand and said with sincerity.

Hearing this answer, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but feel a little proud. Then, while teasing him with her feet, she said playfully: "I saw in the learning video that the female protagonist would get under the table and tease the male protagonist. I'll be in the mood one day. Okay, I’ll get under the table and let you experience what it’s like to be the hero.”

Lin Zichen said nothing, pretending not to care and smiled, but in fact he was filled with anticipation.

This little dirty girl Shen Qinghan is getting better and better at playing, and she has won his heart.

The next morning.

After Shen Qinghan finished breakfast, he went out alone to go to the teaching building for class.

Lin Zichen stayed at home, waiting for the 90 pounds of dead slug meat he ordered last night to be delivered to his door.

He saw on the school app that the dead slug meat would be delivered at about 9 a.m.

So I thought about opening the album of living dead slugs to see what biological attributes I could get, and then go to the research institute to learn the words on the blood tempering technique.

8:43 am.

That 90 pounds of dead slug meat was delivered to my door.

Also delivered to the door were the 6 kilograms of violently carved meat that Shen Qinghan bought.

After putting all the violently carved meat into the refrigerator.

Lin Zichen couldn't wait to open the box containing the living dead slug meat and devour it as soon as he thought about it.

[You have swallowed a lot of the life source of "living dead slugs\

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