After testing the effect of [Quick Self-Healing].

Lin Zichen did not swing his sword from the palace to test his bold idea.

Instead, he went out to the institute.

Start a new day of studying blood quenching techniques.

As soon as Lin Zichen walked into the research institute, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan surrounded him and asked him about Catwoman's mission.

On Saturday night, Liu Chuanwu saw Ma Zhenhe going to Director He, who manages the task system.

Seeing that the two of them had a disagreement, they started to quarrel.

In the end, it was even more direct.

There was a big fuss.

The reason for such a big fuss was that the information on the Catwoman mission that Ma Zhenhe's daughter took was seriously wrong.

Catwoman's real strength is ordinary ninth level, but the mission says ordinary sixth level, which is three levels short. She almost killed Ma Zhenhe's daughter. Ma Zhenhe was so angry that he quickly went to Director He to settle the score.

Director He also had a bad temper. He said it was normal if there were errors in the task. He was dissatisfied with Ma Zhenhe for making a fuss, so he started fighting with him after arguing.

Afterwards, Liu Chuanwu returned to the research institute to share this interesting story with Song Yuyan, and then learned from Song Yuyan that Lin Zichen had also accepted the Catwoman mission and completed it, which greatly aroused the curiosity of the two.

"Zi Chen, Catwoman's biological level is as high as the ordinary ninth level, and your biological level is only the ordinary sixth level. How did you complete this task?"

Liu Chuanwu couldn't think of the explanation.

Song Yuyan, who was on the side, thought of how she had said that she would accompany Lin Zichen on a mission for free, without any credits afterward, but Lin Zichen declined.

In this regard, she guessed: "Zi Chen, do you have any powerful relatives in your family who accompany you on that Catwoman mission, so you can kill the Catwoman whose biological level is as high as the ordinary ninth level?"

Faced with the curiosity of the two people, Lin Zichen said truthfully: "No one helped me, I killed the Catwoman alone."

"Your biological level is only an ordinary sixth level. How did you manage to kill an ordinary ninth level Catwoman alone? Are you sure you are not joking?"

Liu Chuanwu was full of disbelief, thinking that Lin Zichen must be joking.

But when I thought about it seriously, I felt that Lin Zichen didn't seem like someone who could make such a joke, and he suddenly became confused.

"Did you set a trap?"

Song Yuyan thought for a while and felt that if Lin Zichen was not joking, he should have set a trap, using the trap to defeat the weak.

However, Lin Zichen said to her surprise: "No, the whole process was one-on-one, and I killed her purely by physical strength."

He said this very calmly, but the two people listening were not calm.

Killed Catwoman purely by physical strength?

What's the meaning?

Could it be that you are still hiding your strength?

Liu Chuanwu suddenly thought of this, and his breathing became a little rapid and asked: "Zichen, you won't tell me that you are actually hiding your strength, right?"

"Well, it's hidden. In fact, my real strength is ordinary ninth level."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Zichen's eyes narrowed, and he instantly released a biological pressure as high as ordinary ninth level, causing the hair of the two people in front of him to fly.

This, how is this possible? !

Feeling the powerful coercion emanating from Lin Zichen, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan were stunned. They were both dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Lin Zichen's biological level is actually as high as the ordinary ninth level? !

He is just a freshman who has just started school!

This is not scientific at all!

Looking at the two people who were stunned on the spot, Lin Zichen said calmly: "Actually, as early as the summer vacation, I had already completed the first tempering of my body, and now I am in the process of the second tempering of my skin."

In front of Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan, he felt that there was no need to hide his body tempering progress.

After all, this is just one of many trump cards, and it is an inconspicuous one.

If the advantages of exposing this trump card outweigh the disadvantages, then you can definitely expose it in exchange for benefits.

After getting along with each other these days, I got to know Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan somewhat.

Lin Zichen felt that the two of them had good character and were trustworthy. He thought that exposing his body tempering progress in front of the two of them would be harmless.

Advantages: In the future, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan can help him research the acupoints.

Harmless place: Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan will definitely not expose his body tempering progress to outsiders, and will ensure that only the three people in the research institute know about it.

In short, today's showdown is the result of Lin Zichen's careful consideration over the past two days over the weekend.

"The body has been tempered once?!"

Listening to what Lin Zichen said in the showdown, Liu Chuanwu was stunned.

After a moment of reaction, he became excited and laughed loudly: "Haha, the emperor is worthy of his hard work, and the emperor is worthy of his hard work!"

"My years of persistence, Liu Chuanwu, have finally paid off!"

"Zi Chen, as long as you are here, the pure-blooded humans will be able to achieve great success. When the time comes, your name, as well as the name of Tianren Pavilion, will surely shock the world!"

At this moment, Liu Chuanwu felt like he was in a dream.

After many years of painstaking research on pure-blood human beings, no significant progress has been made until the family fell into ruin and his wife and children were separated.

Finally, many years later, I met a peerless genius who was extremely suitable for the blood quenching technique!

With such a peerless genius leading the way, pure-blood humans will surely shine on the earth and become mankind's most powerful salvation weapon!

This is it - God rewards those who work hard!

After a moment to calm down.

Liu Chuanwu looked at Lin Zichen and said with a smile on his face: "Zichen, your physical talent is really exaggerated. If you didn't have any source power in your body, I would have suspected that you were a stranger in the source land."

"A stranger in the origin?"

Lin Zichen felt that he had heard some extraordinary information.

Liu Chuanwu explained: "Since there are alien beasts in this world, there must also be aliens. However, aliens are generally in the origin, not on the earth, and we cannot encounter them at all."


Song Yuyan on the side looked surprised and said: "Is there really a stranger?"

Although she had joined Tianren Pavilion for ten years, Liu Chuanwu had never told her about it.

For a moment, she felt that she was being treated differently. Lin Zichen told him this as soon as he came, but I have been in the institute for ten years and he didn't tell me. How partial!

"Dean, what is source power?"

Lin Zichen caught the key word and was full of curiosity about it.

Liu Chuanwu stroked his beard and replied: "Yuanli is a unique energy of origin creatures, similar to qi, blood and spirit."

Similar to Qi, blood and spirit?

Lin Zichen asked again: "How can the source power be used, and what are its specific effects?"

Liu Chuanwu said: "I can't answer this now. After all, I have only come into contact with two strangers in my life."

Song Yuyan said with some confusion: "Dean, where did you meet the stranger? Your biological level has been stuck at the ordinary ninth level, and you can't enter the source at all."

"Sister Yan, do you have any requirements for entering the source land?"

"Yes, the standard set by the above is that if you want to enter the origin, the biological level must start at a high level, otherwise you will be cannon fodder."

"I see."

Lin Zichen nodded and gained new knowledge.

Song Yuyan looked at Liu Chuanwu and urged: "Dean, you haven't told us where you met the stranger."

Liu Chuanwu replied: "I met them all on the earth. One is the female apprentice that my ex-wife took in ten years ago. The other one was met in a mysterious super-ancient ruins where the blood quenching was discovered. That super ancient ruins of magic."

"Encountered in the ruins?" Song Yuyan raised her eyebrows and said, "It's not a dead body lying in the coffin, is it?"

"He is indeed lying in a coffin."

After speaking, Liu Chuanwu then told the two of them with a solemn expression: "These secrets I told you today must not be spread to outsiders. They must be kept secret. Do you understand?"

Song Yuyan patted her proud chest and assured: "Don't worry, Dean, I'm very tight-lipped and I've never revealed any secrets."

"Well, I believe you."

Liu Chuanwu nodded, looked at Lin Zichen, and warned him more solemnly than before: "Zichen, regarding your strength, don't be too exaggerated at this stage, or too far beyond the world's recognition, otherwise you will definitely Being targeted by heretics brings unnecessary danger.”

"Even in schools it's still dangerous."

"Today's paganism is so pervasive that no one can tell whether there are pagans among the top human beings."

Liu Chuanwu said, giving an example: "More than forty years ago, there was a vice president of Beijing University whose true identity was a heretic. When he led a team into the source area, he designed a trap to kill everyone in the team, which almost caused the death of Beijing University. I was devastated during my freshman year, and it took me almost ten years to recover.”

Song Yuyan was a little surprised when she heard this: "I am a native of Kyoto. Such a big thing happened in Kyoto University, but I didn't even know about it."

"You don't know what's normal. This matter was suppressed very hard back then. If there were no information channels, it would be impossible to know."

After saying that, Liu Chuanwu looked at Lin Zichen again and suggested to him: "Zichen, if you want to take on tasks that suit your ability and earn credits in the future, just use your Sister Yan's number to do so."

"Your sister Yan's biological level is the same as yours at the ordinary ninth level. Use her number to take on missions. You can fully display your strength in the mission without worrying about your strength being exposed."

"When you break the shackles of the ordinary level as a pure-blood human and evolve into an advanced creature, I will find you a backer who can protect you. Then you can perform to your heart's content and become a blockbuster."

Lin Zichen: "Okay, I understand."

Song Yuyan was very curious and asked: "Dean, you have mentioned this backer many times, who is this person?"

Liu Chuanwu: "It's not convenient to say this now. You will naturally know when Zichen breaks the shackles of the ordinary level with a pure-blooded human body in the future."

After listening to the conversation between the two, Lin Zichen looked at Liu Chuanwu and said, "Dean, do you have any information related to the origin? I want to know more about the origin."

Whether it is alien beasts, aliens, or pagan religions, they are all inseparable from the place of origin.

This made him full of curiosity about the origin.

Liu Chuanwu shook his head: "I have no information in this regard. Everything about the origin has always been confidential."

"My current understanding of the origin is basically from my ex-wife and some records in the ruins."

"But you don't have to rush to understand. Before the biological level evolves to a high level, it is useless to know more about the origin."

"Because you can't enter the origin, the knowledge you have about the origin is of no use at all."

"For now, you only need to know this. For us, most of the creatures in the origin are enemies. These enemies have been trying to invade the earth. As for why they want to invade the earth, some strong people have speculated. There are things on earth that these origin creatures want.”

After saying this last sentence, Liu Chuanwu's cell phone rang in his pocket.

As soon as the phone was connected, a charming female voice came from inside.

He sounded like he was in his early forties.

Liu Chuanwu walked aside and chatted with the woman on the phone, laughing and talking.

After not chatting for long, he hung up the phone and came back and said to Lin Zichen and Song Yuyan: "An old friend of mine for many years invited me to have dinner at her house. I won't stay in the institute any longer. If anything happens, I will contact you via WeChat."

After saying these words, he left the institute in a hurry.

"The dean is working really hard. He went to help Tianren Pavilion raise investment again."

Seeing Liu Chuanwu leaving in a hurry, Song Yuyan couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Zichen had no emotion, silently walked to the sofa in front and sat down, lost in his thoughts.

Alien beasts, aliens, paganism, source power...

All of the above elements are inseparable from the origin.

What kind of existence is the origin?

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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