Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 147 My Brother Chen is invincible

It's almost 9pm.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan arrived at the Shanhai City Public Security Headquarters and were warmly welcomed by the security officers.

Because of the news storm before the college entrance examination, most citizens in Shanhai City knew Lin Zichen.

I know that he is the second best candidate in the college entrance examination in Nanjiang Province.

Therefore, he was greeted with a smile and a warm attitude throughout the whole process.

What does it mean to be ranked second in the college entrance examination?

That is the existence that will definitely become "仌" in the future!

Who dares not to give a warm welcome?

Listening to the security guards shouting one after another, Shen Qinghan really wanted to tell them:

——The situation has become smaller. My Xiaochen is not only the second best in the college entrance examination, but also the freshman king of Shanhai University!

She thought, just being ranked second in the provincial college entrance examination could make the security guards so enthusiastic. Then if they knew that Lin Zichen was the freshman king of Shanhai University, wouldn't they be shocked and dumbfounded?

Gee, that picture is beautiful just thinking about it.

Unfortunately, the information barriers on the inner campus of Shanhai University are too high.

People inside rarely go out, and people outside can't get in.

The double superposition resulted in the fact that most people outside did not understand the situation inside, and it also caused Lin Zichen's newbie Wang Bige to not be reflected outside the school.

"It feels so uncomfortable. I really want to use a loudspeaker to promote Xiaochen..."

Shen Qinghan murmured in his heart.

Ever since she was little, she has been Lin Zichen's number one fan. One of her favorite things is to see Lin Zichen appear in public, and she feels as if the men in my family are awesome and honored.

She felt a little uncomfortable when she saw that Lin Zichen had the opportunity to show his holiness in front of others, but did not show his holiness in front of others.

"I have a godson named Luo Yongjian. He is the number one scholar in Dajiang Province. He is also a freshman this year. He is a student in the gifted class. Do you know him?"

The captain of the security team who was responsible for leading the team tonight, a middle-aged man with white hair on the temples and a Chinese character face, looked at the two people with a smile and asked.

The champion of Dajiang Province, Luo Yongjian?

Lin Zichen felt very familiar when he heard it. He recalled it carefully and found out that it was a challenger who was kicked away by him in the trial at the beginning of the school year.

It was that muscular boy who had just stepped onto the martial arts stage and was kicked away before he even finished his results.

While Lin Zichen was recalling these, Shen Qinghan on the side said to the captain with the Chinese character face:

"Yes, I know him. Luo Yongjian's strength ranks among the top five in the genius class. He is good at using swords and is especially popular with girls. I often see girls chasing him."

Shen Qinghan was very impressed by Luo Yongjian.

However, it's not because he is strong and handsome.

It's because this person is too pretentious.

Tiantian wears ancient white clothes and carries a long sword on his back. He dresses himself up as a swordsman from a martial arts novel. He also likes to walk around in shows like a model. It's hard not to be impressed.

Many girls think he is handsome like this, but Shen Qinghan thinks he is too conspicuous and silly.

I think it's better for Lin Zichen to be low-key at ordinary times and occasionally come out to show his holiness in front of others.

The captain with the Chinese character face didn't know what Shen Qinghan was thinking. Hearing what she said, he couldn't help but smile: "It seems that my godson is quite famous in Shandong University. Even the students of your martial arts academy know him."

He knew that Lin Zichen had joined Tianren Pavilion and was now a student of the Martial Arts Academy, and thought that Shen Qinghan, who was also with him, was also.

Lin Zichen didn't bother to explain. He smiled and said politely: "He is indeed famous. Many people know him."

"If you are strong, you will naturally become famous."

After saying that, the captain with the Chinese character face then said with regret: "It's a pity, classmate Zichen, you are so talented. If you didn't join Tianren Pavilion, you could still enter the gifted class and be classmates with my godson."

"Really, listen to my uncle's advice, quit Tianren Pavilion as soon as possible, and change your major to the School of Evolution."

"That damn Tianren Pavilion has killed many geniuses over the years since its establishment. It would be a waste of life to stay there for even one more second."

The captain with the Chinese character face is used to being a small leader in the security team, and he likes to preach.

Now I saw that Lin Zichen was still a student and not very old, so I couldn't help but pretend to be an elder and lecture him.

Lin Zichen disagreed, but did not speak to refute. He just smiled politely and said nothing.

Seeing that he remained silent, the Chinese-faced captain also realized that he was meddling in his own business.

Once this person reaches middle age, he tends to lose control of his mouth and likes to preach to his younger generations.

You have to change this habit in the future, otherwise you will easily offend people...

Thinking about it, in order to ease the awkward atmosphere at the moment, the captain with the Chinese character face smiled and changed the subject: "By the way, I invited my godson to participate in tonight's operation to let him gain practical experience. I guess the others will be here soon." ”

"When he arrives, you can take the opportunity to participate in the operation with him, take the initiative to add him on WeChat and make friends with him."

"My godson is quite approachable, and he likes to come to the aid of others when encountering injustice. If an old student bullies you in the school in the future, just tell him and he will definitely take action."

The captain with the Chinese character face had heard about Shanhai University's tradition of the weak and the strong, and knew that the old students on the inner campus liked to bully the freshmen.

But they bully the weak and fear the strong, and only bully students in ordinary classes.

Like the future stars in the gifted class, the old students will not bully them.

After all, the future stars in the genius class are destined to have a bright future, and the old students are afraid that if they offend these geniuses now, they will be retaliated by the grown-up geniuses in the future.

"Godfather, I'm here!"

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

Just when the captain with the Chinese character face was talking about his godson to the two of them, his godson appeared.

He appeared at the door of the hall as a hero in flowing white clothes. As soon as he entered, he shouted "Godfather".

In an instant, everyone in the hall looked at the door in unison, and their eyes fell on the young man in white who was carrying a sword at the door.

Upon hearing such a call, the captain with the Chinese character face immediately left the tea area and walked quickly to the door with a smile on his face.

The boy in white said "godfather" very loudly just now, which was his special instruction.

What I said before about asking my godson to come over for exercise was a lie.

The real purpose is to show off to colleagues in the headquarters that he has a godson who is the provincial champion, so as to gain benefits in the workplace.

As long as his colleagues all know that he has a godson who is provincial champion, his career will be much easier in the future.

His men will fear him even more.

People at the same level will not dare to go against him or compete with him for fear of offending him.

The leader will show favor to him and in turn curry favor with him.

After all, the provincial champion is no joke, he will definitely become a high-ranking "仌" in the future.

Compared with Lin Zichen, the second best person in the college entrance examination, he is even more "faint".

Most of the people in the security headquarters are ordinary people, but no one dares to offend such "仌".

"This Fang Feixiong is really lucky. If he has a godson who is provincial champion, he will become more powerful in the headquarters in the future."

"Back then, I blocked a gun for my brother and almost gave myself away. Now that my brother's son has become successful, I must repay him."

"Business Chen often targets him, and half a year ago he found an excuse to deduct a month's bonus from him. Do you think that Bue Chen will be in bad luck in the future?"

"It goes without saying that you will definitely be retaliated against."

"Bu Chen will have a hard time in the future. Fortunately, I am usually kind to others and have never offended Fang Feixiong."

The moment the boy in white appeared, many security guards in the hall began to whisper.

While envying the captain with the Chinese character face to gain power in the headquarters, he also did not forget to rejoice in the misfortune of the captain with the Chinese character face and his sworn enemies.

Listening to the whispers around him, the Chinese-faced captain felt proud in his heart.

He looked at his godson beside him and asked with a faint smile on his face: "Xiaojian, I heard from your dad that you evolved to the fifth level of normal a few days ago, which is really amazing."

"Fortunately, it's just normal evolution speed."

Luo Yongjian put his hands behind his back and smiled calmly, just like the extraordinary hero in the martial arts TV series.

The captain with the Chinese character face smiled and said: "This speed is not normal, it evolves too fast. At your evolution speed, it is estimated that you will be able to evolve into an advanced creature by the second semester of your junior year."

When he said this, he deliberately raised his voice for fear that his colleagues around him would not hear him.

My colleagues were very envious when they heard this, and they also wanted to have a godson who could hug him.

If you don’t have a godson, you can have a godfather and a godmother, even an old baby.

Unfortunately, most people are not so lucky, so they can only think about it.

Feeling the envious glances from his colleagues, the captain with the Chinese character's face almost raised the corners of his mouth, feeling extremely happy.

Luo Yongjian on the side was so happy that he almost couldn't breathe.

He has liked to show off since elementary school.

Show off at school.

Show off in the community.

Showing off on the street.

Wherever you can show off, he will be there.

He likes the heroes in martial arts TV series because they have high character and can show off their coolness.

In fact, the reason why he became the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Dajiang Province was because the obsession deep in his heart to show off drove him to keep moving forward, giving him the motivation to exercise every day.

As the number one scholar in Dajiang Province, he can show off wherever he goes and attract attention from others, which greatly satisfies his vanity.

"By the way, Xiaojian, in addition to you, there are two freshmen from Shandong University participating in tonight's operation. There is a very beautiful girl among them. I will take you over to get to know them."

The captain with the Chinese character face said to Luo Yongjian beside him.

Um? Are there any beautiful girls?

Luo Yongjian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately raised his hand to tidy up his long flowing hair, then puffed up his chest skillfully, and couldn't wait to show off in front of that beautiful girl.

Pretending to be cool in front of beautiful girls is something every teenager loves to do.

It's nothing more than a pretense of difference.

Soon, the captain with the Chinese character face and Luo Yongjian walked into the tea area at the corner in front.

The moment he showed his face, Luo Yongjian skillfully released some biological pressure, blew his long flowing hair slightly, and appeared as a swordsman with flowing long hair.

Immediately, he looked at the two people sitting in front with an indifferent smile, trying to show off in front of the beautiful girl his godfather just mentioned.

However, as soon as he took a look, before he had time to put on a cool stance, he froze on the spot, confused.

I wipe it!

It's actually Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan? !

This is so cool!

Luo Yongjian was extremely embarrassed. His face was full of discomfort for a moment, and he didn't know how to face the two people sitting in front of him.

"Xiao Jian, let me introduce to you. This is from Nanjiang Province... huh? Xiao Jian, are you feeling unwell? Why do you look wrong?"

The captain with the Chinese character face was just halfway through his words when he suddenly noticed that Luo Yongjian's expression was very unnatural.

Luo Yongjian raised his hand and scratched his hair, and smiled awkwardly: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect to see two acquaintances here, so I was a little surprised."

Hearing what he said, the Chinese-faced captain was also surprised: "Do you know them two?"

"Yes, I know you."

After saying that, Luo Yongjian turned around and introduced the captain with the Chinese character face: "This beautiful girl is the number one scholar in Nanjiang Province and a classmate in my class. The boy sitting next to her is the freshman king of Shandong University this year."

What the hell? !

The new king? !

The captain with the Chinese character's face suddenly widened his eyes, thinking that he had heard wrongly.

The security guards who were closer around him were basically as confused as him.

Seeing that his godfather was confused, Luo Yongjian explained: "You may not believe it, but Brother Chen single-handedly defeated the entire genius class in the trial at the beginning of the school year, and directly won the title of Rookie King by crushing him. The leaders in the school were shocked.”

"real or fake?"

The captain with the Chinese character face was full of disbelief.

How could Nanjiang Province’s second-place finisher in the college entrance examination become the freshman king of Shandong University?

When did Nanjiang Province become so awesome?

This is no joke!

The security guards who were nearby also had expressions of disbelief on their faces, thinking that Luo Yongjian was joking and teasing everyone.

"Really, Brother Chen is so frighteningly strong that the students in the genius class are no match for him. Everyone thinks he is the strongest freshman king in the history of Shandong University, and he is the best at all!"

Luo Yongjian shouted Brother Chen one after another, his face was full of conviction, and he had no intention of competing with Lin Zichen.

Although he likes to show off, he is very cool in his heart.

Knowing that the light of fireflies cannot compete with the brightness of the bright moon, I have the wisdom not to humiliate myself.

Seeing that his godson looked serious and didn't look like he was joking, the captain with the Chinese character face was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole in the ground.

Lin Zichen is the strongest freshman king in the history of Shandong University.

But just now, he didn't know how to preach in front of Lin Zichen, and even said that his godson could be Lin Zichen's backer.

What a shame! It's so embarrassing!

Seeing the surrounding security officers looking over in shock, Lin Zichen felt something was wrong, and immediately refuted the rumors: "This is an exaggeration. In fact, I was only in better condition that day, and I barely won the title of Rookie King." , It’s the result of the right time, right place, and right people. If I do it again, I probably won’t be able to do it.”

He was afraid that these security guards would become more and more exaggerated and spread his name to the whole country.

By that time, I am afraid that I will be targeted by pagans all over the country, and I will not be able to live in peace in the future.

Luo Yongjian is not a fool. When Lin Zichen said this, he immediately followed up and said: "Haha, I was exaggerating just now. In fact, Brother Chen, the rookie king, got a bit of luck. It was because of the fierce fighting within our genius class. , consuming each other, and in the end the fishermen benefited from the fight between the snipe and the clam."

This Luo Yongjian is quite good at observing words and emotions...

Lin Zichen looked at Luo Yongjian and put such a label on him in his heart.

in the coming time.

Several people in the tea area started chatting without a word.

Throughout the whole process, Lin Zichen downplayed the fact that he was the rookie king and was very awesome. He kept saying that he was just getting an advantage, for fear that the security guards would go around saying he was awesome and bring him unnecessary trouble.

Luo Yongjian and Shen Qinghan were very smart, and they both knew how to cooperate with him and help him downplay the fact that he was the rookie king and was very awesome.

Just chatting and chatting.

A blink of an eye.

The time came to 11 o'clock in the evening.

It's time to set out to catch the drug dealers.

The security officers participating in the operation tonight were all heavily armed and drove to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Shanhai City to destroy the drug dealer's den in one fell swoop.

Before departure, the captain of the security team distributed a set of bulletproof equipment to Lin Zichen and the three of them and asked them to wear it.

Shen Qinghan put it on obediently.

Lin Zichen didn't need it, so he said no.

Luo Yongjian originally wanted to wear it, but when he saw that Lin Zichen didn't want to wear it, he stopped wearing it.

Although he is not as awesome as the Rookie King, he is still the top pick in the province, and he is really not qualified to wear bulletproof equipment.

Anyway, the biological level is as high as ordinary level five. As long as it is not shot in the head by a heavy sniper rifle, its life will not be in danger.

There's no reason not to pretend like this.

Later, we will let the mortal police officers see the power of the students from Shandong University’s genius class!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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