Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 148 The relationship between the Rat God Sect and the Shenzhi Sect

The outskirts of Shanhai City.

Several heavy armored security vehicles stopped in front of an abandoned factory.

As the car door opened, a group of heavily armed security guards rushed out and rushed into the factory in an orderly manner.

"The security guard is here, run!"

There was a burst of shouting in the factory.

Then, there was a fierce exchange of gunfire.

Drug dealers are well aware that their crimes are serious and that if they are caught, they will basically face the death penalty.

Therefore, they all raised their guns to resist, shooting wildly at the security officers who came to arrest them.

Either you die or I die.

Faced with the suppressive firepower of the drug dealers, the security officers chose to avoid the confrontation for the time being and were not in a hurry to confront them head-on.

Anyway, there are drones guarding the outside of the factory, so the drug dealers can't escape.

Unlike the security officers, Lin Zichen did not choose to avoid the edge temporarily, but directly braved the hail of bullets to kill the drug dealers.

Unlike the mortal vigilantes, his biological level is as high as the ninth level, and his body has been tempered. His body is extremely strong, and he can even resist heavy sniper rifles, and he is not afraid of ordinary firearms at all.

Seeing this, Luo Yongjian behind him gritted his teeth and followed suit.

After all, he is also the provincial champion, so he cannot be timid at this time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Seeing the two men coming straight towards them, the drug dealers suppressed them with firepower.

The bullets landed on Lin Zichen, as if they were hitting steel. They all bounced away. They could only break his clothes but not cause any harm to him.

In comparison, Luo Yongjian was miserable.

He failed to show off and was fucked instead. He was shot several times and his clothes were stained with blood on the spot.

Howling in pain.

I had to find a bunker to hide and avoid bullets.

At this time, Lin Zichen had already entered the drug dealer's side and started a one-man show of punching each other.

"This man is invulnerable and cannot be beaten!"

"No, don't kill me, I surrender!"

"Fuck you, I'll drag you down with a grenade and bury you with me!"


A desperate drug dealer blew himself up with a grenade.

However, when the smoke cleared, Lin Zichen was unharmed and expressionlessly killed the remaining drug dealers who were still resisting.

Seeing how brave Lin Zichen was, many drug dealers were so scared that they abandoned their guns and surrendered, not daring to resist anymore.

The remaining few were still resisting, fighting and running, looking for opportunities to escape.

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Lin Zichen stopped taking action against the remaining drug dealers and deliberately left this mess for Shen Qinghan to practice.

"As expected of the new king of Shanda, this body is too strong!"

Seeing that Lin Zichen defeated a group of gun-toting drug dealers with only his own strength, Captain Guo Zichen couldn't help but marveled.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he led the security guards behind him to kill them, pursuing the remaining drug dealers in a victorious pursuit.

Shen Qinghan also began to take action, using his ability to control blood from a distance to assist the security guards, causing those drug dealers who were still resisting to become confused and dizzy and fall to the ground.


Suddenly, a female drug dealer rushed out of a corner at an extremely fast speed, holding an alloy steel knife and slashed at Shen Qinghan's neck.

Shen Qinghan was wearing bulletproof equipment, and ordinary firearms had no effect on her.

However, the high-tech alloy steel knife held by the female drug trafficker is different, it can cut iron like mud.

As long as he can hit Shen Qinghan's neck with one knife, he can chop off her head with bulletproof equipment.

Facing the attack from the female drug dealer, Shen Qinghan reacted very quickly and ducked away immediately.

Then, with a thought, he controlled the blood and energy in the female drug dealer's body from a distance.

As a result, the blood and energy in the female drug dealer's body were confused, she fell into a dizzy state, and her whole body staggered.

Shen Qinghan remembered Lin Zichen's usual teachings.

You must not be merciful when killing the enemy.

The attack must be quick, accurate and ruthless.

As a result, the female drug dealer in front of her fell into a dazed state. Without thinking, she immediately swept her legs and kicked the opponent in the head.

This kick was delivered with all her strength and she didn't hold back at all.


Just listen to this sound.

The female drug dealer's head was kicked open and red and white splattered all over the floor.

Looking at the exploded head on the ground, Shen Qinghan felt psychologically uncomfortable. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands and found a bunker to hide, where he retched while hiding inside.

Her brains were flowing out. The scene was so bloody that she couldn't stand it.

Lin Zichen glanced at her, did not step forward to care, and let her retching.

This is the only way to grow up, and it is up to her to overcome it.

More than ten minutes later.

The arrest operation ended perfectly.

A total of 21 armed drug dealers.

Killed 16 people.

Capture 5 alive.

In contrast, among the security officers involved in the arrest, there were only three wounded, and no one died.

The reason why such a good result was achieved was mainly because of Lin Zichen's presence.

His strength overwhelmed everyone.

As soon as he takes action, it is a dimensionality reduction attack.

The drug dealers were killed one after another without even firing a few shots.

"how does it feel?"

Outside the factory door, Lin Zichen handed a bottle of water to Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan took the water and took off his bulletproof helmet, revealing a head of bright blue hair and a pretty face that was slightly red due to the surge of blood.

She first unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of water, and then said in as calm a voice as possible: "I felt fine when I was in the factory, but now that I'm outside, my legs feel a little weak."

"It's normal. The first time I did it was pretty much the same as you do now. I'll get used to it after doing it a few times."

"When is the next time?"

Shen Qinghan screwed on the bottle cap and asked with clear and beautiful peach blossom eyes.

She wanted to grow up as soon as possible, catch up with Lin Zichen's footsteps as soon as possible, and realize her wish as soon as possible to become the unparalleled twins with Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Shen Qinghan would take the initiative to do tasks to train himself.

All I can say is that I have really grown up.

"In half a month, I will take on a similar task and do it with you."


Shen Qinghan nodded.

At this time, Luo Yongjian, who had been shot several times and had bandages on his wounds, walked towards the two of them.

Seeing Shen Qinghan's blue hair, he was very confused and said:

"Shen Qinghan, why did your hair turn blue?"

He clearly remembered that Shen Qinghan's hair was black and shiny, so why did it turn blue inexplicably?

Shen Qinghan replied: "I am fused with the Blue Jellyfish King gene."

"Are you genetically fused?" Luo Yongjian's eyes widened and he asked in shock, "When did you perform genetic fusion?"

With a thought, Shen Qinghan put the blue jellyfish king gene in his body into dormancy, turning his hair back to black, and then said: "It didn't take long, it just merged some time ago."

"That's it..."

Luo Yongjian nodded, feeling a little frustrated.

He originally thought that he could become the third gene fusion person in the class, second only to Li Moyu and Ma Xiwei.

Unexpectedly, Shen Qinghan got the lead.

This beautiful girl really hides her secrets. She looks like a vase on the surface, but secretly she is an out-and-out genius. She really caught her.

Well, invisible pretense is the most deadly.

I learned……

Luo Yongjian was constantly thinking, and he learned a little trick from Shen Qinghan to show off.

While the three of them were chatting, the captain with a Chinese character came out of the factory.

He came to a stop in front of the three of them and said with a smile on his face: "Tonight's operation was completed so smoothly thanks to the support of the three of you."

"In return, I'll treat you to a midnight snack after the meeting is cleared."

"You can eat wherever you want."

"Thank you, the room team, for your kindness." Lin Zichen smiled and declined, "My girlfriend and I have something to do at the party and have to go back to school, so we won't stay for midnight snacks."

"Well, then there's nothing we can do about it."

The captain with the Chinese character face said regretfully and wisely did not invite him again.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at a female security guard in front and shouted: "Xiao Liu, classmates Zichen and Qinghan have something to go back to school later. You can drive them there."

"Yes, room team!"

The young female security guard said excitedly.

Being able to drive two top talents back to school is a wonderful job.

If you can develop a relationship with two top talents on the road, you will benefit a lot for the rest of your life.

It's true that she usually gives gifts to the captain with a Chinese character and often goes to the office to please him. Now the reward is here.

"Team Fang, we found a box of very strange seeds inside."

A security guard who was in charge of cleaning up the factory ran out all the way and stopped in front of the captain with a Chinese character face to report the incident.

Upon hearing this, the captain with the Chinese character face immediately followed the security officer into the factory.

Weird seeds?

Lin Zichen immediately thought of the demon seeds of Shenzhi Cult, and followed him into the factory to see what was going on.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan and Luo Yongjian quickly followed in.

In the factory.

Lin Zichen followed the security guard and stopped in front of a wooden box about the size of a shoe box.

The box contains half of the colorful mysterious seeds. Each seed has a strange shape, and something that seems to have blood vessels on the surface is squirming.

Familiar grotesque shapes.

The familiar peristalsis of blood vessels.

The appearance of these seeds is very similar to tree magic Gu species.

It seems that it really has something to do with Shenzhi Religion...

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen frowned slightly and felt something bad.

He was wary of the divine religion.

When he thinks of the words "Shenzhi Sect", he will think of the plot he was plotted against by Lu Gang and Wang Shujie some time ago.

On the side, the young female security guard who was going to send Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan back to school later expressed doubts about the strange seeds in the box: "Captain, are these plant seeds? Why do they look more like insect eggs?"

"It's plant seeds."

Captain Guozixian explained: "These seeds are probably related to Shenzhi Cult. Shenzhi Cult is a pagan religion that has been active in major universities recently. The various mysterious plants that have appeared in the city recently should be inseparable from this pagan religion." Open a relationship.”

Soon, he asked people to bring the five drug dealers who were captured alive and question them.

After some questioning, I found out.

Just two months ago, a mysterious masked man found these drug dealers and gave them a generous reward to spread these seeds everywhere.

After these seeds take root and germinate, within a few days they will develop into those mysterious and unknown plants reported in the news.

As for the purpose of growing these mysterious and unknown plants, the five drug dealers said they did not know.

"Not only is he selling drugs, he is also being treated as a rapist and something worse than a beast!"

After reading the drug dealer's story, Luo Yongjian couldn't help but curse.

After that, he raised his legs and kicked the five drug dealers in front of him, venting his anger from just being shot a few times.

Upon seeing this, the captain with a Chinese character stopped him slightly to prevent the five mortal drug dealers from being beaten to death.

During this period, Lin Zichen reached out and touched the mysterious seeds in the wooden box to see if he could swallow them.

The result is unfortunately, cannot be swallowed.

It seems that the species of tree demon Gu that can be swallowed should be a relatively special existence...

Some didn't think about it for a while.

Soon, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan left the factory and asked the young female security guard to send them back to school.

He was very curious about Shenzhi Religion, but he didn't want to have anything to do with Shenzhi Religion.

For the sake of safety, he will take the initiative to stay away from any cult and will not cause trouble for himself.

As long as you don't seek death, you won't die.

On the way back to school.

The young female security officer in charge of driving would talk to the two people in the back seat from time to time.

Want to get close.

See if you can add WeChat to get to know him or something.

Lin Zichen was relatively taciturn and didn't speak the whole time. Shen Qinghan was the one chatting with him.

The female security guard knows how to find topics to talk about.

First, he praised Shen Qinghan for being beautiful and cute, winning her favor. Then, as a close sister, he brought the topic to her relationship with Lin Zichen.

"Not long after college started, you two are already in love. Have you known each other before?"

"Well, we used to be childhood sweethearts."

"This kind of love that we grew up with is really enviable. I also have a childhood sweetheart and I like him very much, but we are friends now. I don't know how to express my feelings to him. I can add you on WeChat, Can you tell me about your experience with your childhood sweetheart?"


Shen Qinghan agreed without thinking.

The female security guard was very happy when she heard this. She quickly gave her phone number and asked Shen Qinghan to add her on WeChat.

Lin Zichen listened to the entire conversation between the two and knew that the female security guard wanted to have a relationship.

However, thinking that adding a female security guard's WeChat account would not be a bad thing, Shen Qinghan did not stop her from adding it.


When the security vehicle was about to leave the suburbs, Lin Zichen suddenly frowned.

Through the car window, he saw an unusually fat mouse on the roadside not far ahead.

This mouse was digging in the soil on the side of the road, and within a short time it dug a small hole.

Then, he spit out a strange seed with blood vessels on the surface from his mouth, and put the seed into the pit and buried it.

It seems to be sowing seeds.

Regarding the scene in front of him, Lin Zichen couldn't help but think about it and was extremely frightened.

The mouse that can help Shen Zhijiao sow seeds is obviously no ordinary mouse.

Instead of an ordinary mouse, three words immediately came to his mind - the Rat God Cult!

Has the Rat God Sect been wiped out?

And hooking up with the Shenzhi Cult?

etc! These two pagan religions both have the word "god" in their names. Are they branches of the same organization?

In just a short moment, Lin Zichen thought of a lot.

So, he asked the young female security guard who was driving the car: "Hello, can you contact the housing team for me?"



"Already connected."

The female security guard handed the walkie-talkie to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen took the walkie-talkie and told Captain Guozilian about the scene he just saw and his guesses.

After that, he put down the walkie-talkie and looked at Shen Qinghan aside, asking Shen Qinghan to tell Yuan Dongzhi on WeChat what he had just said to Captain Guozilian.

After doing all this, he has completed his mission.

He is not even a high-level creature. Considering his own safety, he can only do this at most.

As for the mouse he just saw on the roadside, he didn't want to take care of it, and he didn't dare to take care of it.

At this stage, he is just a freshman who has just turned eighteen. He is vulnerable to a behemoth like Paganism, and he does not dare to provoke him to death.

The only thing he could do was to completely tell the people who could handle the strange scene he just saw and his guesses, and let them solve it.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later.

Lin Zichen accepted a mission to arrest arms smugglers and took Shen Qinghan with him.

Those who engage in arms smuggling are all extremely vicious.

As soon as he saw someone coming to arrest him, he opened fire with machine guns without saying a word.

Just like the last time I chased drug dealers in an abandoned factory.

This time, Lin Zichen was still responsible for taking the lead.

The direct person didn't say much. He rushed over with a single step and effortlessly destroyed the opponent's main combat power, leaving a mess for Shen Qinghan to practice.

Compared with the last time, Shen Qinghan was obviously more skillful this time.

When she saw a scene that was even more bloody than the last time, she didn't cover her mouth and retched, and her psychological quality became much stronger.

Lin Zichen was pleased with this.

Three days later.

In order to exercise his ability to form a team, Lin Zichen asked Song Yuyan to do tasks to earn credits.

Song Yuyan readily agreed.

The two discussed it.

In the end, Song Yuyan used her mentor to receive a mission to kill the mechanical cyborg.

This mechanical cyborg was a ruthless criminal who robbed many banks. He killed many people during each robbery, and his strength was at the advanced level.

Lin Zichen and Song Yuyan are both ordinary ninth-level strength.


One is a complete body tempering.

One is the Second Tempering Body Dacheng.

The physical body is extremely powerful.

With complete preparations, if you join forces to become a high-level first-level mechanical transformation person, there is at least an 80% chance that you can win.

Even if you can't take it, you can easily escape.

The second day after taking on the mission.

Lin Zichen and Song Yuyan set off lightly to the location of the mission.

Then, it took three days to find the mission target and solve it easily.

Rewards five to five points afterwards.

Lin Zichen received 500 credits.

Two weeks later.

After the pleasant team-building experience last time, Song Yuyan took the initiative to find Lin Zichen on this day and offered to team up with him to do tasks to earn credits.

She fell in love with a mission to kill the Shenzhi Cult.

The target of the mission is an elder of the Shenzhi Sect, and the opponent is a gene fusion person who has just evolved to the advanced level.

If the two of them work together, they can easily kill him.

Moreover, it is easier than killing the last mechanically modified man.

However, when Lin Zichen heard that the target mission was to be an elder of the Shenzhi Sect, he decisively refused without even thinking about it.

He would not consider any mission related to paganism at this stage, for fear of being retaliated against later.

Although the family has now settled down in Shanhai University and can be protected by the school, the problem is that heretics are pervasive. Who knows if there are any heretics from the Shenzhi religion in Shanhai University?

Lin Zichen thinks there is probably some.

After all, the incident between Lu Gang and Wang Shujie was still vivid in his mind and he was always vigilant.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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