Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 157 Nine-tailed Demon Fox

With the promotion of his first two acting performances, Lin Zichen's acting career is booming.

in the next period of time.

Basically, we can receive more than ten orders every day.

In the first few days, I still had to beat people.

When they got to the back, when the bullies saw that he was coming to fight for them, one or two of them were so frightened that they knelt down on the spot.

He quickly apologized to the client and said that it was all his fault in the past.

He promised Lin Zichen that he would never dare to do it again.

I worked like this for almost half a month.

Lin Zichen became famous.

Many people say that he is the light of justice in the school, who vigorously rectifies the bad habits in the school and restores the harmonious atmosphere that the school should have.

There are also a few people who are slandering him, saying that he is just a businessman who only earns credits and is not worthy of the evaluation of "the light of the righteous path".

Whether it's a good review or a bad review.

Lin Zichen didn't even care.

He only cares about the credits he earns.

At noon that day, Li Chuxin came to have dinner.

After finishing her meal, she collected business information in the living room and reported the data to Lin Zichen.

in the past half month.

Lin Zichen took a total of 233 agency orders.

Among the bullies in these lists, the highest strength is the ordinary seventh level, the lowest is the ordinary third level, and the average is the ordinary fourth level.

Generally speaking, the strength is not strong.

In addition, it is worth noting that a large number of these bullies have one characteristic in common.

That is, they all have a backer who serves in the student union.

"It's this kind of person who is neither above nor below in terms of strength. He loves to bully others everywhere because of his background. He embodies the idiom of bullying the weak and fearing the strong. It's so disgusting."

After reporting the data, Li Chuxin couldn't help but curse.

Lin Zichen smiled and said nothing.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is an essential part of biology.

This is perfectly normal.

"Zi Chen, I have been threatened by many people from the student union recently, including ordinary ninth-level people. They told me that if I continue to engage in this agency business, I should be careful when I go out in the future."

Li Chuxin said with an uneasy expression.

After speaking, he continued: "Under your supervision during this period, bullying is almost invisible in the school now."

"Since there are not many orders left, why don't we just accept them when they are good and stop this agency business."

"So as not to offend the student union to death."

Li Chuxin was frightened by the threats and no longer wanted to engage in this agency business.

Although she could earn credits by doing this business, she was afraid that she would lose her life by earning credits.

It's better to stop in time.

Lin Zichen said disapprovingly: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Those people in the student union are actually just verbally scaring you."

"If they really dared to take action, they would have done it long ago and wouldn't have told you so much."

Lin Zichen continued: "But if you are worried, then don't do it. There is no need to worry yourself all day long because of this and affect your life."

Hearing what he said, Li Chuxin fell into a tangle.

Are you wondering whether you should continue or not?

After probably struggling for a few minutes.

She made a decision in her heart, looked up at Lin Zichen and said:

"Forget it, let's keep going. I didn't want to give up the business that I finally started with great difficulty. That would be a pity."

Soon, the time came to 2 p.m.

Lin Zichen went out to the research institute.

Shen Qinghan and Li Chuxin stopped by and went to the teaching building of the Evolution College for class.

The genius class is the evolution class 1.

As soon as Shen Qinghan entered the classroom, he saw a pig-headed man wearing white clothes, carrying a long sword, and long hair flowing behind him.

She took a second look and realized that the pig head was Luo Yongjian.

In response, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Ajian, why are you so bruised and swollen?"

Luo Yongjian: "I fell while walking."

Ma Xiwei, who was at the next table, didn't give him any face and exposed it on the spot: "This fool imitated your fiancé and went to fight in the contemporary world, but he was beaten by people from the student union."

So miserable...

Shen Qinghan wanted to laugh a little, but didn't dare to laugh, for fear of hurting Luo Yongjian's poor self-esteem.

Can anyone do this kind of thing?

If you don’t have the strength, you can’t do it.

Only my family, Xiaochen, has the capital to do it.

Seeing that Ma Xiwei had exposed it, Luo Yongjian stopped pretending and began to curse:

"Damn it, this stupid student union, just beat me if you don't want to beat Lin Zichen!"

"You only bully the weak and fear the strong. What kind of thing is that?"

"When I grow up in the future, none of them will be able to escape, and they will all be settled later!

"Hey, it hurts me so much!"

Luo Yongjian spoke so excitedly that he accidentally pulled the wound on the corner of his mouth, which was so painful that he almost burst into tears.

Ma Xiwei had a very venomous tongue and said with a murderous heart:

"It sounds like you are the only one who can grow. If you can grow and become stronger, the people in the student union can also grow and become stronger. The most important thing is that your talent is not much better than that of the people in the student union. I am afraid that you will never be able to settle the score for the rest of your life. It’s better to give up on this idea.”


Luo Yongjian wanted to refute, but found that he couldn't refute anything.

Because Ma Xiwei is right.

His talent is not much better than other geniuses. Even if he grows up in the future, his strength will probably be the same, and he will not be able to settle accounts with the people in the student union.

So how can we find someone from the student union to settle the score?

You can't just accept this loss...

Luo Yongjian fell into thoughts.

After about a few seconds, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said to Ma Xiwei:

"That's not easy. I can't take revenge on the student union, but Lin Zichen can. At worst, I'll ask Lin Zichen to be my substitute and let him beat up the people in the student union."

"You asked Lin Zichen to fight on your behalf?"

Ma Xiwei also smiled, looked at Luo Yongjian like a fool and said: "If Lin Zichen doesn't change to gene fusion in time, he is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself in the future, and he will be settled by the people of the student union. You still ask him to do it for you? Really?" funny."

Hearing Ma Xiwei's words, Shen Qinghan felt unhappy.

She really wanted to tell Ma Xiwei that Lin Zichen could defeat the student union right now without the need for genetic fusion.

It's a pity that I can't tell it, I can only hold it in my heart.

I hope Xiaochen can evolve into an advanced creature as a pure-blooded human soon, and then surprise everyone...

Shen Qinghan thought silently in his heart.

Research Institute for Pureblood Humans.

As soon as Lin Zichen walked in, Song Yuyan complained to him: "Brother Zichen, you haven't been to the institute for a long time."

"busy recently."

"What kind of agency business are you busy with?"


"It seems like you've been working on it for half a month. How many credits have you earned in total?"

"Less than 3,000 credits."

"so much?!"

Song Yuyan was shocked.

Then, he was extremely envious and said with a regretful look on his face: "I can actually make money like this. If I had known, I would have started an agency business, and I would have lost 3,000 credits."

At this time, Liu Chuanwu walked out of the research room inside and said speechlessly: "Come on, you are a mentor, how can you fight today?"

"That's right."

Song Yuyan reacted.

Liu Chuanwu walked to Lin Zichen, stopped in front of him, and said to him: "Zichen, you can make a lot more money by playing on behalf of others, but if it doesn't last long, you can only make the initial amount."

"If you want to earn credits stably in the long term, one is to reach the top list, and the other is to become the president of the student union."

"Only these two items can continuously bring you a lot of credits."

After speaking, Liu Chuanwu added: "Oh, there are also off-campus tasks, but this is not a suitable task that can be received every day."

Can you earn credits in the long term by being the student council president?

Lin Zichen keenly grasped this important point and asked Liu Chuanwu: "Dean, what do you think of the student union president?"

Liu Chuanwu: "The student union president gets a monthly subsidy and can earn 500 credits a month."

"500 credits?!"

Lin Zichen opened his eyes wide in shock.

He couldn't understand why just a student union president could get so many credit subsidies every month.

Liu Chuanwu saw his doubts, smiled and explained: "Being the president of the student union is not as easy as you think. It's not just sitting in the office drinking tea and reading newspapers."

"The main work of the student union president is basically carried out at the source, which is very dangerous."

"With such high subsidies, it's normal."

After Liu Chuanwu finished speaking, he continued: "When you evolve into a high-level creature as a pure-blooded human body, have a strong backer to protect you, and can show your strength without any scruples, you can also find a student council president to act as a leader. That way, you can train yourself and get high subsidies, the best of both worlds.”

Lin Zichen: "Dean, what exactly does the president of the student union do at the source?"

Liu Chuanwu: "This brings me to my blind spots in knowledge. I am just an ordinary ninth-level old man, and I am not qualified to know many things."

Seeing what he said, Lin Zichen didn't ask any more questions.

He planned to ask Shen Qinghan to ask Yuan Dongzhi after he returned to the dormitory in the evening.

Underground in Shanhai City.

Twenty thousand meters deep.

In a vast underground palace.

Thanks to the efforts of the old masked man, the biological channel connecting the source of No. 36 has finally become more stable, and the alien beasts from the source can begin to be transmitted over.

However, for the time being, only exotic beasts below high level can be transferred.

Because it is a newly opened biological channel, it lacks various reinforcement measures and the upper limit of its endurance is not high.

If advanced creatures enter inside, it will easily cause the biological passage to collapse.

It would take decades to slowly strengthen it before it could transmit more powerful beasts.

"The biological channel is about to start transmitting, everyone be prepared."

The old masked man reminded the three-eyed giant and the giant alien rat king behind him.

When the Three-Eyed Giant and the Rat King heard this, they immediately cheered up.

Today is the first time to use this biological channel. There is a risk of failure, so you must concentrate.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may be dragged into the biological passage that failed to open and be torn apart.

Seeing that the Three-Eyed Giant and the Rat King were ready, the old masked man took out a strange branch and gently inserted it into the biological channel that had been stable for several days.


Close your old eyes.

There was a mysterious spell in his mouth.

Sprinkle blood into the biological passage.

Carve runes around it.

After such a mysterious operation.

The elderly masked man paused, then suddenly opened his eyes the next second and shouted:

"Open it for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the biological passage in front of him immediately tore open a hole.

All of a sudden!

A large amount of rich vitality surged out from inside.

Moisturizing every corner of the underground palace.

At the same time, frightening sounds came from the biological passage.

There is the roar of the magic-eyed giant ape.

There is the call of a violent eagle.

There was the sinuous crawling sound of a ghostly black snake.

As these sounds got closer and closer, various strange beasts soon emerged from the biological passages.

The strength of these alien beasts is not strong, they are all ordinary alien beasts below high level. They were controlled by the Three-Eyed Giant and the Rat King as soon as they came out, and they waited for arrangements honestly.

This cross-border transmission probably lasted the whole night.

A total of more than 300 ordinary beasts were transmitted.

More than 50 animals died during the transmission.

For a biological channel that has just stabilized for a few days, this transmission mortality rate is considered very low.

This biological channel is quite successfully connected.

"Shut it!"

Seeing that more than 300 ordinary alien beasts were transmitted through the biological channel and began to experience unstable fluctuations, the elderly masked man immediately chose to close the channel.

After the channel is stabilized again, the next transmission will be started.

Under the control of the elderly masked man.

Soon, the opening of the channel began to slowly close, stopping cross-border transmission.

Just when the opening of the passage is about to be completely closed.

Two delicate white jade hands suddenly stretched out from the passage and suddenly tore open the opening that was about to close.

"Lord God Envoy, what is going on?"

The three-eyed giant was confused and looked at the old masked man with a puzzled expression and asked.

The old masked man was also confused. He had opened biological channels more than ten times before, and this was the first time he encountered such a strange situation.

After a moment of reaction.

The old masked man said solemnly to the Three-Eyed Giant and the Rat King: "You two quickly mobilize the energy and blood in your bodies and prepare for a fierce battle."

Upon hearing this, the Three-Eyed Giant and the Rat King immediately mobilized their energy and blood to prepare for battle.

At this time, a girl wearing a silk dress, animal ears on her head, and nine tails behind her slowly walked out of the biological passage.

The girl has a graceful figure, a very beautiful face, and a pair of pink eyes. She has a charming charm that captivates people's hearts. Just one look at her can make people fall in love with her and be unable to extricate themselves.

"Is this the legendary Earth?"

The girl looked at everything in the underground palace with pure and lustful eyes, and murmured this in a soft and enchanting voice.

When she said this.

The elderly masked man, the three-eyed giant, and the rat king opposite all had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

Nine-tailed demon fox!

It’s actually the legendary nine-tailed demon fox!

Why does this powerful existence appear here?

It's just a newly connected biological channel. Why can it accommodate such a powerful existence? !

what is happening? !

The girl saw the confusion in the three people's eyes and explained elegantly:

"It's just a clone of me. It won't cause this newly connected biological channel to collapse."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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