Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 158 Being targeted by the fox demon

January 14th, night.

Dormitory 603, Building 8, Zhongyuan.

in the living room.

Lin Zichen was sitting on the sofa browsing news on his mobile phone.

After reading 10 news items, 8 of them were related to strange beasts.

In recent days, for some unknown reason, the frequency of strange beasts appearing in Shanhai City has soared, and dozens of incidents of hurting people have occurred.

Combined with the sudden appearance of a large number of strange plants in the city some time ago, the citizens were panicked.

Why do these abnormalities appear in Shanhai City?

What happened to Shanhai City?

Has the official investigation been unable to find out the reason for so long?

Lin Zichen frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy about this.

While he was thinking about this.

Shen Qinghan, who was reading next to him, put down the book in his hand and looked at him and said:

"Xiaochen, the freshman competition is tomorrow. This is my first time to participate in such a formal competition, so I am a little nervous."

Her old habits returned.

It’s easy to get nervous.

This is a sign of lack of confidence.

I can't help it, I'm used to being mediocre in the past.

Even though he has become a top genius now, he still has the mentality of a scumbag in his heart.

Lin Zichen put his hands on her white and tender feet, rubbed them and said:

“It’s not what it used to be.”

"You are now the top genius in the school, and your strength far exceeds that of your peers."

"Tomorrow starts the freshmen game. You should be excited, not nervous."

"That's what I say, but I just can't help but feel nervous." Shen Qinghan said distressedly.

Lin Zichen comforted him: "It's okay. When I participate in more competitions and win more on the martial arts stage, I will naturally not be nervous."

Shen Qinghan: "Xiaochen, do you think it's possible for the two of us to become rivals?"

"It's possible, and it's a high probability."

"High probability?"

"Yeah, most likely."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he explained: "Your current strength should be only slightly worse than mine and Li Moyu. As long as you don't meet Li Moyu early and can advance smoothly all the way, you will definitely be able to meet me, even in the finals." It’s possible to meet.”

"What about Ma Xiwei?" Shen Qinghan said without confidence: "She is very powerful. I feel that I may not be her opponent."

Lin Zichen said disapprovingly: "She can't compare to you at all."

"Am I that powerful?"


After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he added: "Let alone Ma Xiwei, even Li Moyu may not be as powerful as you."

Shen Qinghan shook his head: "You are exaggerating. How can I compare to Li Moyu?"

"If you are comparable, don't underestimate yourself."


The two of them chatted word by word about the freshman competition.

Chatting and chatting.

Shen Qinghan took her feet away from Lin Zichen's hand, stood up and sat on his lap facing him, put her arms around his neck and smiled: "Suddenly I'm a little greedy, I want to taste the taste of 豼."

After saying that, she lowered her head and kissed Lin Zichen.

The kiss was very engaging.

Lin Zichen hugged her waist and responded to her enthusiastically.

[You are kissing someone, Qi and blood +1, kissing skills +1, XX flexibility +1]

I do not know how long it has been.

The two of them separated with some disordered breathing, recalling the beauty of the kiss they just had.

“It feels so good not to have to wear diapers.”

Shen Qinghan licked her lips, feeling the lightness of her lower body, and couldn't help but sigh.

Since enslaving the blue jellyfish king gene and mastering the ability to control water, she no longer has to worry about peeing her pants.

She still has the urge to urinate, but she can control the flow of water in her body and can hold it in easily. She doesn't have to clamp her legs like she did before when she had to urinate urgently.

"I think peeing your pants is not a shortcoming." Lin Zichen joked with a smile: "To be honest, I really miss you who wet your pants all the time."

"You are so perverted."

"You are a little filthy girl and I am a big pervert. We are made for each other."

"You're a little filthy girl, you're a big pervert. Not to mention, she sounds like a pair of peerless prides."

Shen Qinghan smiled and said.

After saying that, she looked into Lin Zichen's eyes and said in a coquettish voice, "Xiaochen, I want to eat popsicles."

"Then get up and I'll get it for you."

Lin Zichen pinched Shen Qinghan's buttocks and said.

Shen Qinghan has been fond of eating cold products since he was a child. Even in the winter when it is so cold that his hands shake, he still has one every few days.

When she was a child, her parents were very strict and wouldn't allow her to eat them. Now that she has moved out to live on her own, she bought a bunch of ice cream popsicles and put them in the refrigerator.

Go and get whatever you want, the main one is whatever you want.

"I don't want to eat the ones in the refrigerator. I'm tired of those. I want to eat other flavors."

Shen Qinghan did not stand up, but continued to sit on Lin Zichen's lap, leaning into his ear and speaking softly.

Lin Zichen raised his eyebrows: "You want to eat milk-flavored popsicles, right?"

“There is no better father than a wise daughter.”

Shen Qinghan smiled sweetly and playfully.

the next day.

Lin Zichen woke up from bed early.

Shen Qinghan was still sleeping soundly beside him, with his legs clamped on the pillow and a little drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, sleeping soundly.

Helped her wipe the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

Look at the pillow between her legs.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but smile.

Recently, his head has often been held by Shen Qinghan's legs like this.

Seeing Shen Qinghan holding a pillow like this, the image of himself being pinched appeared in his mind involuntarily, and he couldn't help but laugh.

It didn't take long.

Shen Qinghan also woke up.

She opened her eyes drowsily, looked at Lin Zichen with a sleepy face, and said in a lazy voice:

"Xiaochen, I dreamed of you."

“What did I dream about doing?”

Lin Zichen asked curiously.

Shen Qinghan did not rush to tell him, but took his hand and said coquettishly: "Kiss me and I will tell you."

Lin Zichen lowered his head and kissed her pink lips, and said, "Okay, you can tell me now."

Shen Qinghan licked his lips and said with a satisfied smile:

"You may not believe it when I tell you. I dreamed that we gave birth to a lovely daughter after graduating from college. We had different opinions on naming our daughter. We had a dispute and were clamoring for a divorce."

"Your dream is too outrageous."

Lin Zichen felt speechless when he heard this.

Shen Qinghan: "It's really outrageous. I initiated the divorce on my own initiative. After the divorce, I cried at home every day, but I refused to give in. But in reality, I am not such a person at all."

Lin Zichen: "Dreams are like this. They have bizarre attributes and the plot never follows logic."

Shen Qinghan sat up from the bed, held Lin Zichen's arm and said, "That's right, there is absolutely no logic at all. In reality, I won't argue for a divorce from you. I will decide the name of my daughter entirely up to you. "

"It's all up to me."

While combing her hair, Lin Zichen said in a gentle voice: "We must discuss the matter of naming the child with each other."

Just sat on the bed and chatted for a while.

Soon, the two got out of bed, washed up, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast together.

After finishing breakfast, we went out to the gymnasium to participate in the freshman competition at the end of the semester.


First floor.

When Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan arrived, there was already a sea of ​​people inside, and there were crowds of people everywhere at first glance.

There were almost no empty seats in the auditorium, they were all occupied.

I have to say that this annual freshman competition is quite popular, and many people pay attention to it.

Lin Zichen looked around and quickly led Shen Qinghan to the player waiting area in front.

He and Shen Qinghan were both contestants, so they had to go over there to sign in.

"The only thing missing is that you two didn't sign in. Come over and sign."

As soon as the two entered the player waiting area, a member of the student union who was in charge of signing in said to them in a cold voice.

Lin Zichen's agency business a while ago almost offended the student union to death, and many members of the student union were unwilling to give him a good look.

The "many" here are limited to male members of the student union.

For example, the female members should be Lin Zichen's fangirls, or Lin Zichen's fangirls, and they won't become little bitches just because their positions are opposite.

After signing in.

Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan's hand and found an empty seat to sit down, chatting and waiting for the game to start.

Didn't chat for a while.

Soon it turned into one playing with his mobile phone and the other looking at the contestants around him curiously.

The one playing on the phone was Lin Zichen, scrolling through the news with his head down.

It was Shen Qinghan who was sizing up the contestants. He was observing every potential competitor with his peripheral vision, trying to be prepared to know himself and the enemy.

Although Lin Zichen was very optimistic about her and said that her strength could rank among the top three freshmen.

However, she didn't have the confidence herself.

I'm afraid that the boat will capsize in the gutter of Wutai later and make me laugh.

Must be cautious.

Never underestimate any opponent.

After spending a few minutes and looking around, Shen Qinghan got the following information.

There are 128 contestants in total.

There are 99 evolution students, 28 mechanical students, and 1 martial arts student.

The only martial arts student was Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen and all members of the evolution class were directly qualified to participate without taking the exam.

The remaining dozens of contestants signed up for the auditions themselves and fought their way out with punches and kicks.

Shen Qinghan focused on observing the 28 mechanical students.

They are all students in Meishen's class.

The body is equipped with various alloy equipment provided by the Machine God Group.

The combat power looks extremely strong.

Shen Qinghan felt that if he accidentally capsized in the gutter of the martial arts platform, he would definitely be defeated by the mechanical students of the Mecha class.

More than half an hour later.

The freshmen game has begun.

In the first round, 128 will advance to 64, and half of the players will be eliminated.

In this round of duel, Lin Zichen matched with a boy from the ordinary class in the Evolution Academy.

When the boy saw that his opponent was Lin Zichen, his expression suddenly changed.

When you come up, you encounter the big boss, and you have to play hard!

Soon, the showdown begins.

Lin Zichen wasted no time and knocked the boy out with one kick, successfully advancing to the next round of duel.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan matched with a girl in the same class and won easily, advancing to the second round.

Second round showdown.

64 into 32.

Also eliminate half of the players.

This time, Lin Zichen matched with a girl from the genius class.

When the girl saw that her opponent was Lin Zichen, the "face-slapping maniac", she didn't even go on stage, and decisively abstained to protect her face, lest she be beaten into a pig's head and disfigured.

After learning the girl's reason for abstaining, Lin Zichen couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan matched with a boy from an ordinary class.

It was easy to win. You didn't even need to activate the alien gene in your body. You could just rely on your physical strength to defeat the opponent with one kick.

Third round showdown.

32 into 16.

Lin Zichen matched with a guy who was ranked second in the college entrance examination in the genius class and killed him instantly with one kick.

Shen Qinghan was matched with a top candidate in the college entrance examination, and it was an easy win.

Many people were amazed by Shen Qinghan's performance.

Before that, everyone thought she was a star in the gifted class.

Appearance is worthless.

I didn't expect it to be so strong.

After three rounds of competition, every game was an instant kill, and the real person should not be judged by his appearance.

Fourth round showdown.

16 into 8.

Lin Zichen married a boy from the Mecha class.

The opponent's arms were mechanically transformed into a pair of alloy steel arms.

There are firearms inside, sharp blades, and a lot of highly lethal high-tech equipment.

During the duel, Lin Zichen was in no hurry to kill the mechanical student instantly.

Instead, he stood still and let the mechanical student pour out his firepower at will, feeling the level of mechanical transformation of the Machine God Group.

Seeing Lin Zichen standing still, the mechanical student didn't waste the opportunity. He pointed the gun directly at Lin Zichen's vitals and started shooting wildly.

However, the ammunition was all empty and Lin Zichen was still unscathed. He was forced to admit defeat.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan also matched with a mechanical student.

She was not as powerful as Lin Zichen. She could not withstand bullets or dodge bullets. She was shot several times and blood suddenly poured out.

But fortunately, with the help of the living dead slug gene, he healed quickly without any serious problems.

In the end, he easily won the duel and advanced to the next round of duel.

And this time.

The time has come to 12 noon.

This concludes the morning game.

The remaining three rounds will be held in the afternoon.

However, the matching results for the next round of duels have already come out.

Lin Zichen married one of his subordinates who was defeated in the first-term trial, the champion of Yuntian Province-Lu Qizhi.

When Lu Qizhi saw that his opponent was Lin Zichen, his face turned pale and his heart dropped.

He originally wanted to compete in the semifinals.

There is no hope now, we can only fail in the quarterfinals.

On the other side, Shen Qinghan married Ma Xiwei and was under great pressure.

The biological levels of both of them are ordinary sixth level.

They are evenly matched opponents.

Whoever loses or wins is possible.

Shen Qinghan lacked self-confidence and felt that he had little chance of winning.

at the same time.

Shanhai City.

On the rooftop of a shopping mall building.

The fox demon girl stood at the edge of the wall, looking at the tall buildings around her curiously, feeling incredible.

The environment on Earth is completely different from the environment in the Origin.

They are two completely different worlds.

It was an eye-opener for her.

"By the way, your Shenzhi Cult has been rooted in the earth for so long, so you must have seen many handsome men. Do you have any recommendations?"

The fox demon girl looked at the elderly masked man beside her and asked.

She came to Earth this time just to find herself an Earth bed slave.

The old masked man was well prepared for this. He immediately took out a photo from his arms, handed it to the fox demon girl respectfully and said, "Fairy, this boy definitely meets your requirements. Not only is he handsome and extraordinary, he is also extremely powerful physically. Take a look."

The fox demon girl reached out and took the photo. When she saw Lin Zichen on it, her eyes lit up and she said with interest, "Tell me about his situation in detail."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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