Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 175 The fox demon steals the house

Leaving the weapons room, Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan to the special training room downstairs.

At this time, the door of the special training room is locked and not open to the public.

However, this is not a problem for Lin Zichen.

With just a few moves, he quickly cracked the code lock on the door and sneaked in easily.

"Xiaochen, wouldn't it be good if we came in without permission like this?"

Shen Qinghan was timid, her pretty face full of worry.

I was afraid that if I sneaked in, I would be discovered and punished.

Lin Zichen: "Don't worry, I came in just to use the blood and spirit chambers here. Even if I'm discovered, it won't be a big deal."

Sneaking in just to use the blood and spirit chambers?

Shen Qinghan thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to secretly test your limits?"

"You guessed it right, so smart."

Lin Zichen smiled and snapped his fingers.

Shen Qinghan suddenly became interested and said in a curious voice: "Xiaochen, you are so strong, I don't know what your limit will be?"

"Level 11? Level 12? Even level 13?"

"Well, it must be very high!"

Shen Qinghan has full confidence in Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "You think too highly of me. It's enough to have level 11. Level 13 is the advanced fourth level. I'm not that strong."

Shen Qinghan looked admiring: "Level 11 is super powerful, equivalent to the second-level advanced level. As far as I know, the student council president seems to be at this level. He is a senior and you are a freshman. You are simply invincible."

"It's so sweet. I'll have to taste it when I get back to the dormitory tonight."

Lin Zichen smiled and pinched Shen Qinghan's lips.

After that, he stopped wasting time and quickly came to a stop in front of a blood chamber.

He was in no rush to get in and test it.

Instead, by using the method of releasing mental power, the monitoring of this location is blocked first, and the network of the Qi and Blood Chamber is also disconnected.

After all this was done, he went into the cabin for testing.

The physical body that has been tempered three times can reach the level of advanced second-level strength.

If you change it to the training intensity of the Qi and Blood Chamber, it would be level 11.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen adjusted the training intensity to level 11 on the display screen and clicked to start training.

Level 11 training is very intense.

But he felt no discomfort throughout.

Totally able to withstand it.

You can even do deep squats in the Qi and Blood Chamber.

Very at ease.

Since the training intensity at level 11 is stress-free, let’s try level 12.

Soon, Lin Zichen increased the training intensity to level 12.

When the number on the display turned to 12, the pressure in the cabin suddenly increased.

Compared with the strength at level 11, it is more than 10 times greater.

Although Lin Zichen was mentally prepared, when the pressure suddenly surged, he was still bent down under the pressure, as if he was carrying a five-fingered mountain on his back, and his whole face was full of pain.

[You are experiencing severe qi and blood turmoil, qi and blood +78+76+81+82+79...]

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds...31 seconds.

Good weight!

I can’t stand it anymore!

Lin Zichen held on for 31 seconds and felt that the blood vessels in his body were about to explode. He had to reach out and click on the display to terminate the test.

Level 11 is stress-free, and level 12 can last for half a minute.

Such data shows that the physical strength is infinitely close to the advanced third level, otherwise it would be impossible to survive in the 12th level Qi and Blood Chamber for half a minute.

Overall, very good.

Lin Zichen was very satisfied with the strength of his physical body.

After all, the biological level is only the ordinary ninth level, and the physical strength is already as high as the advanced second level.

There is no reason to be dissatisfied.

After testing the physical strength.

Lin Zichen wasted no time and quickly entered a mental cabin for testing in the same way.

He has always had a clear understanding of the strength of his physical body.

As for mental strength, he was a bit vague and didn't know what level it belonged to.

Therefore, he was very cautious during the testing process.

Start with level 8 intensity and slowly increase it one level after another.

In the end, the measured limit was level 10.

During this period, I tried to challenge level 11, but I couldn't even survive for just 3 seconds, and I almost fainted in the mental cabin.

At this point, the test results are considered confirmed.

The physical strength is the advanced second level, which is infinitely close to the advanced third level.

The mental strength is at the advanced level.

Lin Zichen had already expected this result.

After entering college, I have been practicing the blood tempering technique with high intensity, and my physical strength will of course be higher.

On the other hand, I have rarely done math problems or read books since I entered college.

But it doesn't matter. In the future, if you eat more meat from strange animals related to mental power, your mental power will soon improve.

Besides, in fact, the mental strength up to the advanced level one is much more valuable than the physical strength close to the advanced level three.

After all, the improvement of mental strength far exceeds the improvement of physical strength.

The mental strength of many advanced creatures is only around the fourth level.

The more powerful ones are just like ordinary ninth level ones.

It is no exaggeration to say that for advanced creatures that possess advanced first-level mental strength, their level must start at least at the advanced seventh level.

at the same time

Shanhai University.

Inner campus.

A charming girl with a pair of fluffy pure white fox ears on her head and a similarly white fox tail behind her was walking slowly in the living area while looking at everything curiously.

Everywhere she passes, she attracts the attention of passers-by.

"That girl is so beautiful."

"She's so good-looking. I feel like she's comparable to Shen Qinghan in the freshman class."

"It's strange, how come I've never seen such a good-looking girl before?"

"Isn't it someone who had plastic surgery?"

"The tail behind her is so white, and her ears are so fluffy. It feels so good to the touch. I don't know what kind of alien gene it has been fused to."

"Even Zhou Xueba, you can't recognize the gene of an alien beast. It must be an extremely rare alien beast."

The passers-by around were talking about the girl and were curious about her identity.

The girl ignored the comments of passers-by and kept looking at everything around her the whole time, interested in every plant and tree on the earth.

During this period, several boys tried to pick up girls.

These people were full of confidence when they went there.

But when they stopped in front of the girl, they all became mute for some reason.

Before he could say a word, he turned around and left with a dull expression.

Finally, under the gaze of passers-by, the girl walked into a supermarket.

"Boss, are the grapes in front of you sweet?"

In the supermarket, the girl asked while standing in front of a fruit shop.

The female boss was very enthusiastic: "It must be sweet. If it's not sweet, I won't charge you."

"Forget it, I like sour grapes."

After saying that, the girl looked at the peach behind the female boss and said in a very pleasant voice: "Boss, are the peach behind you sweet?"

The female boss smiled all over her face: "It tastes sweet and sour. It must suit your taste. Can you buy some to try?"

The girl shook her head and said, "No, I like sweet peaches."

"Beautiful women have such a unique taste..."

The female boss couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth slightly.

Soon, the girl pointed to the loquat under the female boss and said in a playful tone: "Boss, are the loquats under you sweet?"

The female boss's tone was no longer so enthusiastic, and she had lost her smile and said: "My loquats are sour and sweet. They have any flavor you like, do you want them?"

The girl waved her hand: "I don't like eating loquats, so I'll just ask."

The female boss’s face was instantly covered with black lines.

Does this make you angry?

His temperament is not calm at all.

Not interesting...

The girl lost her interest in teasing, and gracefully stretched out her delicate green hands, picked up a large bunch of bananas, put them on the scale, and said with a sweet smile:

"Boss, how much is it?"

"18 yuan."

The female boss glanced at the weight on the scale and looked annoyed.

The girl conjured a brand new hundred-dollar bill out of thin air as if by magic, handed it generously to the female boss in front of her, and said with a charming smile: "No need to look for it."

All this money was given to her by the divine envoy of Shenzhi Sect.

The divine messenger not only gave her money, but also patiently taught her a lot of common sense so that she could integrate well into the human society on earth.

"Beautiful and majestic!"

The female boss accepted the hundred-dollar bill with a smile on her face, and all her dissatisfaction with the girl disappeared in an instant.

Selling things on the inner campus has this advantage.

We often meet students who are either rich or expensive and spend money like water without giving change.

"Boss, where is Building 8 of Zhongyuan?"

The girl asked in a sweet voice while eating a banana.

The voice sounds delicate and a little squeaky, which can make one's bones soften.

The female boss said with a smile: "When you go out, turn left and walk for more than a hundred meters, you will see a canteen. The building diagonally opposite the canteen is No. 8 Zhongyuan."

After learning the location, the girl turned around and walked out of the supermarket.

Looking at the girl's leaving figure, the female boss couldn't help but feel a little confused.

How could you not know where Building 8 of Zhongyuan is?

Isn’t he a student of Shandong University?

Well, they are probably relatives brought in by some school leader... the female boss thought to herself.

Building 8, Zhongyuan.

Dormitory 603.

The girl stood in front of the dormitory door, used her mental energy to feel inside, and found that no one was there.

Where did it go?

Is it over there at the Pure Human Research Institute?

Thinking about it, the girl jumped down from the corridor and landed lightly on the ground.

Then he walked towards the school road and asked a random passerby: "Classmate, do you know where the Pure Human Research Laboratory is?"

"Here, over there, let's walk. First go straight for about 500 meters, then go to the right... and then we'll be there." The boy stammered and gave the girl directions.

The girl was so beautiful that he felt a lot of pressure to speak.

Not long after.

The girl found the Pure Human Research Institute.

She stood at the door and used her spiritual power to sense it.

Then, her slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Not in there either?

Where did he go?

That person told me clearly that he worked on the front line between the dormitory and the research institute every day.

Just go ask the people inside...

Thinking about it, the girl walked into the research institute unhurriedly.

She came all the way behind Song Yuyan, who was doing research in the research room, and asked softly: "Hello, do you know where Lin Zichen is?"

Song Yuyan, who was concentrating on research, was startled when she heard voices suddenly coming from behind her.

Then he stood up suddenly, turned around and stared at the strange girl in front of him, and asked warily:

"Who are you?!"

"How did you get in?!"

"Who allowed you to come in?!"

Song Yuyan was panicking and was ready to take action at any time.

With a biological level as high as the ninth level, she didn't realize when the girl appeared behind her just now, which made her feel horrified.

Seeing that she was emotionally unstable, the girl didn't bother to communicate with her normally.

A strange purple light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Instantly taking control of her consciousness.

Then, the voice asked softly: "Where is Lin Zichen?"

"At the Nanjiang Provincial Military Region Headquarters."

Song Yuyan replied with a dull expression.

The girl continued to ask: "Where is the headquarters of the Nanjiang Provincial Military Region?"

"have no idea."

"who knows?"

"The dean may know."

"Who is the dean and where is he?"

"The dean is having a good time with his old friend. He should come to the institute tonight or tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then I'll come over again in the evening."

After saying these words, the girl left the research institute with enchanting steps.

With her departure.

Soon, Song Yuyan, who had just been controlled by her, gradually regained consciousness.

"What's wrong with me?"

Song Yuyan looked around in confusion, completely unable to remember what had just happened.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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