Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 176: Encirclement and Suppression of Shenzhi Cult

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.


Weapons room.

Everyone had just finished practicing, and they were standing in twos and threes with their backs against the wall to rest, or sitting on the ground to rest.

Lin Zichen sat cross-legged by the window by himself, silently practicing the blood tempering technique.

A few minutes later.

He slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a deep breath.

Then an idea struck, and he called up the body tempering progress bar to check the progress.

[Four times quenching: 100%]

[Quenching meat four times: 26%]

[Four times of bone quenching: 0%]

In just over ten days, the body tempering progress increased from 12% in four skin temperings to over a quarter in four flesh temperings.

The quenching efficiency is extremely high.

The efficiency is higher than the previous three quenchings.

It all depends on the blessing of high-level blood rejuvenation pill.

All I can say is that it’s different if you have resources.

It's still more than half a month before school starts.

If you are more diligent, I feel like you have a chance to complete the four body temperings before the start of school.

Then, strive for the first five Body Tempering Masters in your sophomore year.

No, it’s not about fighting for it, it’s about taking things step by step.

Judging from the current body quenching efficiency, it is basically a certainty that the first five body quenchings will be completed in the sophomore year.

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

"Xiaochen, you're sweating a lot. Drink some water to replenish your fluids."

Shen Qinghan came over with a bottle of sports drink, unscrewed the cap and handed it to him.


Lin Zichen reached out to take the drink and drank it in big gulps.

Shen Qinghan took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from his face virtuously.

Seeing this scene of feeding dog food in public, the eyes of the boys around him were full of envy, and they also wanted to have such a considerate girlfriend.

Well, thoughtfulness is just one of them. It is best to be as beautiful as Shen Qinghan.

"Everyone, come over here. I will give you a brief introduction to the place of origin, as well as the specific arrangements for the actual training tomorrow."

Lu Tianrong stood on the martial arts platform and shouted to everyone.

Lin Zichen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

After staying in the military area for so many days, the most anticipated part was finally here.

Then he quickly stood up and walked to the foot of the martial arts platform with Shen Qinghan.

Within a moment, one side of the martial arts platform was filled with people.

Everyone was standing under the martial arts platform in a slightly chaotic manner, waiting for Lu Tianrong to come to the source of popular science.

Seeing everyone coming over, Lu Tianrong didn't waste any time.

He immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned on the big screen above the martial arts platform.

After just a few clicks on the phone screen, a video was displayed on the large screen above the martial arts platform.

It is a popular science video about the origin.

Lin Zichen raised his eyebrows.

He thought it was the instructor's oral science popularization, but he didn't expect it to be a video.

A little more professional than expected.

I glanced at the progress bar and saw that it was only less than 5 minutes long.

It's so short, no wonder it's a simple science popularization.


The popular science video starts playing.

Lin Zichen watched the whole process carefully and did not miss any frame.

The video is divided into four parts.

[Part 1, where is the place of origin? 】

The environment of the origin is similar to that of Earth.

There are animals, plants, mountains and seas, the sun and the moon.

The difference is that the resources in the source land are far more abundant than those on the earth.

There are a large number of natural and earthly treasures with extremely high evolutionary value.

Can give birth to creatures with higher levels of life.

Therefore, the animals and plants in the source area are larger in size and slightly weird in appearance, looking like fantasy creatures in movies and television works.

Also, the sun and moon in the origin look different from those on the earth.

Mainly reflected in the color.

The sun and moon in the origin are redder in color, which makes them look weird.

The mainstream view is that the reason why the resources in the origin are richer than those on the earth is inseparable from the sun and moon in the origin.

After reading this first part, Lin Zichen had a preliminary understanding of the origin.

To put it simply, the origin is a perverted version of the earth.

The resources inside are more abundant and the creatures are more powerful.

[Part 2: Is the origin a blessing or a curse for humans? 】

For now, the Origin is more of a "disaster" than a "blessing" to mankind.

Moreover, it is far greater than.

The trouble is that the intelligent creatures in the origin have been trying to invade the earth and carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on the earth.

The so-called intelligent creatures in the origin are mostly various humanoid beasts - orcs for short.

The way the orcs invade is to use the root system of a special space-type plant to open up a biological passage connecting the two worlds.

Then enter the earth through the tunnel and carry out a one-sided invasion.

Currently, there are 44 known biological passages between the two worlds on Earth.

Among them, Kyushu Kingdom, where Shanhai City is located, accounts for 9 of them, covering provincial areas such as Kyoto, Nanjiang, Dajiang, and Gaohe.

Now that we’ve talked about the misfortunes, let’s talk about the blessings.

The blessing is very simple, that is, human beings can enter the origin through the biological passage between the two worlds, obtain more abundant evolutionary resources, and evolve into higher-level creatures.

[Part 3: What is the current situation of mankind? 】

Unfortunately, the current situation of mankind is not optimistic.

To sum it up in four words, internal and external troubles.

There are people stabbing people inside, and creatures from the outside are invading. The situation is quite serious.

The main reason for this situation is that the strength gap between humans and origin creatures is too large, almost one-sided.

Human beings can survive to this day, thanks to the protection of the world force.

Under the suppression of the world force, the strength of the creatures from the origin will be greatly reduced when they come to the earth.

The stronger the strength, the more it will be reduced.

On the contrary, when human beings enter the source area, they are suppressed by very little boundary force.

Moreover, the stronger the strength, the less suppressed it is.

But there is bad news. For some unknown reason, the suppression effect of the world force on the earth on the creatures in the origin is getting weaker and weaker.

It is decreasing year by year.

As time goes by, there is a high probability that one day it will completely lose its suppressive effect.

Because of this, a small number of humans believe that humanity has no future and choose to judge their race as adulterers.

[Part 4: How can humans save themselves? 】

Humanity's current self-rescue policies mainly include the following three.

1. Occupy the entrance of the biological passage and establish strongholds on both sides of the entrance to prevent the source creatures from entering.

2. Enter the source area to obtain evolutionary resources and strengthen yourself.

3. Clean up the human traitors and alien beasts on the earth.

These three policies may seem like few words, but they are very difficult to implement, and a large number of people die every year.

These martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the future of humanity.

55% are gene fusions.

11% are mechanical modification people.

34% are ordinary people, mainly security guards and ordinary soldiers.

The reason why gene fusions account for the highest proportion among martyrs is because the battlefields of gene fusions are basically in crisis-ridden places.

The living environment in the source area is extremely harsh, and the casualty rate during missions there is extremely high.

It can be said that human beings can still live relatively safely on the earth today, mostly because of the genetic fusions carrying the burden in the origin.

This is also why gene fusion people can have a transcendent status on earth.

They are all earned through contributions.

Of course, one of the reasons is its own strength.

that's all.

The popular science video about the origin has finished playing.

After reading it, Lin Zichen felt that he had opened the door to a new world and was full of curiosity about the place of origin.

Unfortunately, the popular science video is too short, only less than 5 minutes, which is not enough to watch.

"Okay, the video ends here."

Lu Tianrong turned off the big screen above the stage, looked at the people in the audience and said, "If you have any questions, you can ask questions now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Zichen raised his hand to ask a question.

Unfortunately, Lin Zichen was a step too late and was beaten by Zhang Kai from behind.

I saw Zhang Kai asking: "Instructor, didn't you say that you can't take photos in the source? How was this popular science video produced?"

Lu Tianrong replied: "This popular science video from the source was not filmed. The images in it were all created on a computer using 3D modeling technology."

"I see."

Zhang Kai nodded.

After seeing him finish asking, Lin Zichen immediately raised his hand and asked: "Instructor, what are the general evolutionary resources in the origin?"

Lu Tianrong replied: "All kinds of exotic flowers and fruits, exotic animal meat, animal cores, energy ores, etc."

"Beast core?"

This was the first time Lin Zichen heard this word.

None of the books I had read mentioned the existence of animal cores.

"You don't know that animal cores are normal."

Lu Tianrong explained: "This is an energy core that can only be bred by high-level origin creatures and above. Whether it is genetic reagents or mechanical equipment, animal cores are required in the production process."

Lin Zichen nodded, indicating that he understood.

In the following time, he asked many questions about the origin.

for example:

What is the strongest creature in the Origin?

How big is the origin?

What are the similarities between the intelligent creatures in the Origin and humans?


Lu Tianrong answered Lin Zichen's questions very patiently.

But due to his limited knowledge of the origin, he couldn't answer most of the questions.

Humanity's exploration of the origin is still at a very ignorant stage.

Many questions are still a mystery and full of unknowns.

Lu Tianrong is just a small leader in the local military region, and his knowledge of the origin is a little more than what is in the popular science video. It is normal that he cannot answer Lin Zichen's questions.

"Okay, it's almost time. The question-and-answer session is over."

After Lu Tianrong finished speaking, he continued: "After ten days of practice, everyone must be familiar with using the weapons in their hands."

"So, starting from tomorrow, we will go out for practical training."

"The purpose of practical training is to cultivate everyone's team capabilities."

"After watching the popular science video just now, everyone must know how dangerous it is inside the source."

"In a place like that, if you are a lone wolf, you will basically die, so you have to form a team."

"You have to take advantage of the fact that you are still young and have not yet entered the source to shine, and you must quickly train your team skills on Earth in advance."

Lu Tianrong continued: "Tomorrow's special training, your mission is to destroy a branch of the Shenzhi Sect in Shanhai City."

"About this branch cult, the information I have learned so far is that the leader of the branch cult is a secondary gene fusion person, integrating the shadow night cat gene and the ghost shark gene. The biological level is as high as the ordinary ninth level of great perfection, which is far from the advanced level. It’s just one step away.”

"In addition, there are more than a dozen cultists whose biological levels range from ordinary fourth level to ordinary eighth level."

"It is a huge challenge for you to wipe out such a force."

"However, as long as you cooperate well, you can completely destroy it."

At this point, Lu Tianrong's voice rose in vain: "Do you have confidence!"

"Yes!" x20

Everyone in the audience shouted in unison.

Lu Tianrong nodded with satisfaction, and then said to everyone: "We will gather at the playground at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's all have a good rest tonight."

After saying these words, he turned around and left the weapons room without staying for a moment longer.

After he left, the weapons room immediately became lively.

Everyone is discussing tomorrow's actual training.

There is excitement.

There is tension.

Can't wait.

After discussing aimlessly for a while, everyone quickly gathered together to discuss the battle plan.

Among them, someone proposed to choose a captain to lead the whole team.

After all, it is a team of up to 20 people. If there is no one to take charge of the conversation, the fight will definitely be chaotic.

"I propose that Brother Chen be the captain. Do you have any opinions?"

Luo Yongjian shouted in a loud voice.

When other people heard this, they all said:

"No comment."

"I don't have any objection either."

"Brother Chen, you are the most powerful among us, and I will be counting on you tomorrow."

Everyone agreed that Lin Zichen should be the captain.

After all, having a big fist is the last word. Letting Lin Zichen be the captain is popular and there is no reason to object.

In response, Lin Zichen smiled and said: "Since everyone has elected me to be the captain, I will try my best to lead this team. I will ask everyone for your support and cooperation."

"No problem, I'll definitely cooperate!"

"Must support!"

"With Brother Chen leading the team, this mission is secure!"

Everyone expressed their support from the bottom of their hearts, without any objection.

Lin Zichen's powerful strength displayed on the martial arts stage ten days ago conquered each of them and gained their recognition.

PS: There is one more chapter, about two o'clock.

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