Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 181 The fox-eared girl appears like a ghost

Ninth Elder!

The moment he saw the rickety masked man, these three words immediately came to Lin Zichen's mind.

The masked man, who had become a puddle of flesh, cried out for help to the so-called Ninth Elder before his death.

The masked man in front of him, with a stooped figure and white hair shawl behind him, looked very consistent with the image of the Ninth Elder.




Suddenly, several vines burst out.

It instantly wrapped around Lin Zichen, restraining him in place and unable to move.

Lin Zichen frowned, and immediately burst out with energy and blood to break free from the shackles of these vines.

But I found that no matter how much energy and blood burst out, I couldn't break free.

The vines on the body look very slender, only one finger thick.

But its strength is much higher than those thick vines controlled by the masked man before.

This means that the biological level of the rickety masked man is much higher than that of the masked man!

Lin Zichen suppressed the panic in his heart and looked at the rickety masked man in front of him warily.

The body is stooped, the skin is dry and wrinkled, and the hair is gray.

No biological pressure is felt on the body.

The mask on his face has a very conspicuous clover pattern engraved on it.

Lin Zichen's heart sank when he saw the clover pattern on the mask.

The biological level of the leader of the branch sect is ordinary ninth level Dzogchen, and the mask is engraved with a leaf of grass pattern.

The masked man's biological level is advanced level six, and the mask is engraved with a double-leaf clover pattern.

The rickety masked man in front of him has a clover pattern engraved on the mask.

what does that mean?

This means that the opponent is very likely to be a rare powerhouse!

A strong man of the same level as Yuan Dongzhi!

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen felt a little desperate.

No matter how much you hang yourself up, no matter how good you are at leapfrogging and killing.

With a biological level of only ordinary ninth level, there is no way I can defeat a rare level powerhouse.

"It really surprises me that a genius like you can appear on this earth."

"What kind of parents are needed to give birth to a human being with physical strength comparable to that of an alien?"

"If there is a chance in the future, I have to go and meet your parents."

The rickety masked man said with a slightly hoarse voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, a thought occurred to him, and his whole body instantly lifted into the air.

Then he lifted Lin Zichen up from the air and wanted to take him back to the headquarters of Shenzhi Sect.

It's over...Lin Zichen's face was ashen.

at this time!

A water jet struck from the side at high speed!

With a harsh sound breaking through the air!

With a few swish sounds, the vines on Lin Zichen's body were cut into several sections!

at the same time!

Dozens and hundreds of cone-shaped water columns mixed with the power of rich energy and blood shot towards the rickety masked man like bullets.

There was a dull sound of popping popping.

The body of the rickety masked man was instantly shot through by the water column and turned into a hornet's nest, and the whole man fell to the ground like a bird with broken wings.

As he fell, Lin Zichen, who had lost his mental support, also fell with him.

The moment of landing.

Lin Zichen adjusted his falling posture, touched the ground with his feet first, and landed safely.

The rickety masked man whose body was full of blood holes fell heavily to the ground, splashing large amounts of fallen leaves and dust.

Lin Zichen instinctively looked towards the rickety masked man.

Then I was surprised to find that there was no figure of the rickety masked man there.

Some are just a dead tree full of holes.

Before he could even react what was going on.

From a towering tree in front, a somewhat unexpected old voice suddenly came:

"Yuan Dongzhi, why are you here?"


Lin Zichen looked along the sound.

Immediately, he discovered that the man in the rickets mask who had been penetrated by the water column was now standing intact on the top of the towering tree in front of him, looking up at the front with deep eyes.

Then follow the line of sight of the rickety masked man.

Lin Zichen saw Yuan Dongzhi wearing a blue and white porcelain cheongsam.

At this time, Yuan Dongzhi was floating gracefully over a stream.

There is a water column rising to the sky beneath your feet.

A pair of cold beautiful eyes reflect a very domineering gaze.

The aura is extremely strong.

"From the moment Lin Zichen shined in the military area, I knew that your Shenzhi Cult would definitely be unable to sit still, so I have been guarding him secretly, waiting for you to take action."

Yuan Dongzhi said lightly.

After hearing this, the man in the ricket mask laughed and said, "Do you want to follow the plan? That's interesting."

After saying that, he then said calmly: "Let Yao Heling come out. I can deal with you two little girls by myself."

"Oh, arrogant."

Yuan Dongzhi sneered: "Do you think it's still the same now?"

"Now I am no longer weaker than you."

"There's no need for Yao Heling at all."

As soon as he finished speaking, the water column under Yuan Dongzhi's feet grew dozens of times in vain, and countless water jets and water thorns separated from it, filling the sky in an instant.


Just listen to this sound.

The next second, the water jets floating behind Yuan Dongzhi were all aimed at the rickety old man in front of him, and in an instant they were shot out like thousands of arrows.

"Wake it up for me!"

The man in the ricket mask shouted loudly, and summoned countless vines from the forest at his feet to rise into the sky, blocking all the incoming water jets and water thorns.

Then, he immediately controlled these vines to attack Yuan Dongzhi, covering her with a force that covered the sky and the sun.

With a thought, Yuan Dongzhi condensed a 40-meter-long water jet from the towering water column at his feet. He clasped his hands and swung it violently, splitting the covering vine net into two in an instant.


The ground beneath the ricket-masked man suddenly shook violently.

In the next moment, dozens or hundreds of giant trees uprooted themselves from the ground, waving vines all over the sky and rushing towards Yuan Dongzhi.

It was like gods and Buddhas descending from the sky, and the scene was extremely shocking.

During this period, the entire coastal forest was shaken and rocks were shattered.

Birds and beasts fled outside like crazy.

For a moment it seemed like the end of the world was coming.

When gods and gods fight, mortals suffer.

Lin Zichen saw that something was wrong and immediately turned around and ran away, fearing that he would be affected by the fierce battle between the two rare-level experts.

But before he could run a few steps, he suddenly remembered the puddle of meat on the ground that he hadn't yet swallowed.

So he quickly turned back, stretched out his hand to touch the puddle of meat, and thought: Devour!

[You have swallowed a large amount of the life source of the "Wood Elf\

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