Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 182 The fox-eared girl who crushed everyone

The fox-eared girl appeared suddenly.

When she appeared in front of the car out of thin air, many people in the car were stunned for a moment, thinking they were dazzled.

"Instructor, there is someone in front!"

Seeing that the speed of the car did not slow down at all, Shangguan Yueying, who was sitting behind the driver's seat, shouted a reminder.

However, Lu Tianrong not only did not apply the brakes, but instead accelerated and rushed over.

In this desolate mountainous area, a girl with animal ears suddenly appeared in front of the car and blocked the road. At first glance, it seemed that she was coming with bad intentions.

Stopping is just asking for trouble.

Maybe even seeking death.


It was accompanied by an elongated sound that broke through the air.

The military bus carrying 21 people drove straight into the fox-eared girl blocking the road at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour.

At this moment, everyone in the car thought that the fox-eared girl was going to be knocked away.

Or the fox-eared girl is so physically strong that she can directly hit a huge military bus and stop it.

But when the car hit the fox-eared girl, an extremely strange scene happened!

The sturdy military bus actually passed directly through the body of the fox-eared girl!

Like passing through air, it penetrated through the past smoothly!

The people in the car were stunned for a moment, unable to understand the scene before them.

After a moment of reaction.

Everyone expressed doubts one after another and started talking.

"Is there a fox-eared girl in front of you just now?"

"Yes, I saw it too."

"The car obviously hit me, but why didn't it hit that fox-eared girl?"


"If one person saw it, it might be an illusion, but all of us just saw it, so it can't be an illusion."

"Is it a mirage?"

"This doesn't meet the conditions of a mirage."

Everyone was puzzled and full of doubts about the strange scene just before their eyes.

Lin Zichen said nothing, frowned slightly, and kept glancing outside the car.

At the same time, the five senses were turned to the maximum to see if they could find the figure of the fox-eared girl.

As soon as the fox-eared girl appeared, he immediately used his mental power to sense her and peek at her biological level.

As a result, I was surprised to find that the opponent did not have any biological pressure on him.

Not only that, there wasn't even the breath of a living thing, like a dead thing.

This is so unreasonable.

Lin Zichen felt uneasy about this.

Shen Qinghan on the side was equally uneasy.

She held Lin Zichen's hand and asked with worry: "Xiaochen, what happened just now?"

Lin Zichen shook his head: "I don't know either."

After saying that, he asked Lu Tianrong in the driver's seat in front: "Instructor Lu, do you know what happened just now?"

Lu Tianrong's biological level is relatively high and he has lived a long time, so he may be able to judge something.

However, Lu Tianrong didn't understand what happened just now.

Faced with Lin Zichen's doubts, he could only answer like this: "I don't know what happened just now. The only thing I can be sure of is that the moment the car hit me, the moment I was closest to the fox-eared girl, I can’t sense any signs of life in that fox-eared girl.”

Hearing what Lu Tianrong said, the expressions of several people in the car changed slightly.

Among them, Shangguan Yueying looked frightened: "You said...it can't be that one, right?"

"What that?"

"She wants to say that the fox-eared girl we just saw is a ghost."

Ma Xi said lightly.

Although there are alien beasts, genetic fusions, and mechanically modified humans in this extraordinary world, the concept of ghosts still exists in the minds of many people.

Many people will instinctively feel scared when they hear ghosts.

Even if he is a powerful gene fusion person or a powerful mechanical modified person, he is still afraid.

In fact, many stories about ghosts are too scary and scary to listen to.

Maybe only those who often watch ghost movies or see a lot of blood can be unafraid at all.

"You're just kidding. It's such an age. We even have mechas, and we're still talking about this."

Zhang Kai said with a look of disdain: "You top students in college are not as well-educated as me, who didn't go to high school."

Shangguan Yueying frowned and said: "Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are many things in this world that cannot be explained scientifically. It's better to believe that they exist than to believe that they don't exist."

Zhang Kai was speechless: "I'm afraid you got into this university through the back door through connections."


Shangguan Yueying was so angry that her chest heaved.

Lin Zichen listened to the argument between the two and found that Zhang Kai had changed a lot and was no longer a licker.

When he was in junior high school, Zhang Kai licked the goddess very vigorously.

Now I don’t look like I’m licking a dog at all.

Most of them have become mechanically modified people, and their social status has risen with the tide. Usually, more women throw themselves into his arms, licking him like a licking dog, and licking him into the role of master.

Some didn't think about this for a while.

Lin Zichen quickly put his thoughts back and continued to look outside the car.

The same goes for everyone else in the car. They all looked outside the car uneasily, searching for the figure of the fox-eared girl.

Except Zhang Kai and Shangguan Yueying.

These two were thoroughly fucked.

They kept arguing about whether there are ghosts in the world, trying to convince each other.

He completely forgot about the sudden appearance of a fox-eared girl.

After all, the fox-eared girl only appeared for a brief moment and disappeared quickly.

After a while, it didn’t feel that profound anymore.

During this period, many people were pulled in by Zhang Kai and Shangguan Yueying to express their opinions on whether there was a ghost or not.

Most people think not.

A few people remain neutral.

Some people think so.

Seeing that most people believed that there are no ghosts, Zhang Kai said with a stern expression: "The minority obeys the majority. Everyone believes that there are no ghosts in the world. Xiaoyingzi, just admit that you are a feudal superstition."

Shangguan Yueying was extremely angry.

Just when she wanted to say something to refute Zhang Kai.

At the very back of the car, someone with a sweet voice retorted on her behalf: "This sister is right, there really are ghosts in the world."

Hearing this unfamiliar voice, everyone immediately looked back following the sound.

Then he discovered to his horror that the fox-eared girl who had suddenly appeared in front of the car had run into the car at some point!

At this time, the fox-eared girl was sitting alone in the last row of seats, with her legs crossed and her chin in one hand, looking at everyone in the car with a smile.

Lin Zichen looked at the fox-eared girl, feeling very frightened.

How did the other party appear in the car?

And after being in the car for so long, he didn't even notice her presence?

Even Lu Tianrong, whose biological level is as high as the sixth advanced level, couldn't notice it?

The biological level of this fox-eared girl is probably far higher than the advanced sixth level!

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen felt uneasy in his heart.

the other side.

Seeing the fox-eared girl in the car through the rearview mirror, Lu Tianrong's heart skipped a beat, and then he quickly and calmly slowed down the car and parked it on the side of the road.

Then, he immediately got up from the driver's seat, turned around, stared sharply at the fox-eared girl in the last row of seats, and asked, "Who are you?"

While saying this, he was ready to take action at any time.

The reason why he didn't take action immediately was because the fox-eared girl was too weird to judge her strength, so taking action was extremely risky.

Instead of taking action immediately, it is better to communicate with the other party first and see what the other party's purpose is.

It would be best if it can be resolved peacefully.

Facing Lu Tianrong's question, the fox-eared girl smiled sweetly: "I'm not a human being."

not human? !

Could this fox-eared lady really be a ghost? !

Are there really ghosts in the world? !

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

The fox-eared girl continued: "However, you are not a human being. You just had the heart to drive such a big car and hit a girl. It's so inhumane."

The moment she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly lit up with a strange purple light.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Tianrong, who was being watched by her, suddenly became sluggish. He looked like an elderly man with dementia, standing still with a blank look on his face.

He was mind controlled.

Without the fox-eared girl's instructions, she would have been standing motionless like this.

"Get out of the car."

The fox-eared girl gave this instruction to Lu Tianrong.

The next second, Lu Tianrong obediently walked towards the car door and left the car under the surprised eyes of everyone.

After witnessing this scene with their own eyes, almost everyone who was still in the car looked desperate.

Even the instructor was easily dealt with.

It's over now...

Everyone thought that the fox-eared girl was a member of Shenzhi's religion and was coming to persecute them.

At this moment, everyone's face was ashen, as if they had seen their own miserable future.

Just when everyone felt so in their hearts.

But the fox-eared girl said: "Everyone except Lin Zichen, please get off the car and leave. I have no interest in you."


Just let us go?

Everyone thought they had heard wrongly and felt unbelievable.

After a moment of reaction, he immediately got out of the car and left, for fear that the fox-eared girl would regret it.

Except for Lin Zichen, a total of 13 people left, and 6 chose to stay.

The five people who stayed behind were Shen Qinghan, Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian from the same school, Zhang Kai from the Machine God Group, and Zhao Yuanzhong from the military region.

None of these people could think of abandoning Lin Zichen.

In response, Lin Zichen said calmly: "She is here for me. You all should get out of the car."

For him, the few people who stayed were a burden, and it was a wise choice to let them leave.

"Take care of yourself."

After Zhao Yuanzhong said that, he turned around and left.

Whether he could leave just now or not, whether he chose to stay or not, could already show his attitude.

The attitude has been made clear, it’s time to leave.

Zhang Kai did the same and turned around and left.

Li Moyu, Luo Yongjian, and Ma Xiwei hesitated for a moment.

After thinking about it, I felt that I couldn't help Lin Zichen by staying, so we finally got out of the car and left together.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Qinghan was the only one left.

She held Lin Zichen's hand tightly, unwilling to separate from him.

The fox-eared girl glanced at the two people's tightly held hands, then looked up at Shen Qinghan, and said with an unhappy look on her face: "Sister, why are you holding my bed slave's hand?"

She has regarded Lin Zichen as her own property, only for her to play with and have fun, and no one else can touch it.

Shen Qinghan said nothing and held his hands tighter.

For a moment, she wanted to take action against the fox-eared girl in front of her and control her energy and blood.

Fortunately, in the end, reason defeated impulse and did not choose to take action.

This fox-eared girl can easily deal with even a high-level sixth-level instructor.

And he was just an ordinary sixth-level ant. Once he angered the fox-eared girl, the consequences would be disastrous.

Shen Qinghan knew this very well.

Lin Zichen was worried that Shen Qinghan would be in danger if he continued to stay here, so he let go of her hand and said:

"Hanhan, get out of the car."


"Obey and get out of the car."


Shen Qinghan didn't get out of the car, pursed her thin lips and said nothing.

When Lin Zichen took a risk and lured the masked man away alone, she was so worried that she wanted to cry, and she felt so regretful.

Now, she finally reunited with Lin Zichen, and she didn't want to be separated from Lin Zichen again.

I'm afraid that this time after separation, I won't be as lucky as before and can reunite with Lin Zichen.

Seeing that Shen Qinghan refused to get out of the car, Lin Zichen frowned.

Just when he was about to force his childhood sweetheart, who had lost her mind and became more emotional than rational, to push her out of the car to get her out of danger.

The fox-eared girl in front of him was the first to attack Shen Qinghan.

With a sudden thought, Shen Qinghan was lifted up in the air, and then violently thrown out, causing her to crash through the car window and fly out.

The impact at the moment of impact was huge.

The glass of the car window exploded, and the fragments scattered all over the floor.

The whole car shook.

Lin Zichen clearly felt the force of the impact and immediately looked at Shen Qinghan outside the car with a worried face.

Seeing that Shen Qinghan's clothes were only slightly scratched by broken glass and he was fine, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

outside the car.

Shen Qinghan got up from the ground.

With tears in his eyes.

She wanted to get back to the car and be with Lin Zichen.

But after calming down and thinking about it, I realized that doing this would do no good except make things uncontrollable.

So he stood outside the car and looked at Lin Zichen with red eyes, praying in his heart that nothing would happen to him.

"Qinghan, don't lean so forward."

Ma Xiwei came up and pulled Shen Qinghan away from the car.

The fox-eared girl in the car looked murderous but not serious.

However, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

No one can guarantee that when the fox-eared girl sees Shen Qinghan being so annoying, she will find her an eyesore and then choose to kill her.

Ma Xiwei pulled Shen Qinghan aside and said to her rationally:

"There is nothing we can do now. The only thing we can do is not to anger the enemy and wait quietly for support to arrive."

"I know, I know everything, but, but I can't do it..."

Shen Qinghan's voice sounded like crying.

While saying these words, she kept looking at the situation in the car with worry, fearing that Lin Zichen would disappear from her eyes the next second.

At this time, Luo Yongjian, who also stayed at the scene, came up with a puzzled look on his face and said, "It's been so long since our accident, why haven't the rescuers from the military region arrived yet?"

"There are probably people in the military region who are causing trouble."

Li Moyu came up and analyzed: "Our actual combat training this time is confidential, but Shenzhijiao can plan in advance. I don't believe that no one in the military region has raped."

"Even, maybe there is someone among the special trainees."

"So don't expect rescue or anything like that. It won't be possible for a while. The traitors in the military region will definitely find ways to delay it."

"As for asking for help elsewhere, don't even think about it. I just tried it. The signals here are blocked and I can't contact the outside world at all."

"The only thing we can count on now is Principal Yuan who is caught in a big battle over there."

"Hope she can successfully defeat her opponent and then come to our rescue."


After hearing Li Moyu's analysis, both Ma Xiwei and Luo Yongjian fell silent.

Shen Qinghan did not remain silent. She clasped her hands and prayed softly: "Master must win, Master must win, Master must win..."


The three people on the side did not know the relationship between Shen Qinghan and Yuan Dongzhi.

Listening to her shouting about "Master" one by one, the three of them felt like they knew some terrible secret.

Not counting Lin Zichen, at this moment, they were the only four people who were still at the scene.

The special trainees from Beijing University, Jishen Group, and the Military Region quickly left the scene as soon as they got off the bus, running faster than anyone else.

They were afraid that the fox-eared girl in the car would regret it and not let them go.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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