Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 183 Fierce battle with the fox demon! The collision of body and spirit!

in the car.

Lin Zichen faced the fox-eared girl alone, with a solemn expression on his face.

He used [Danger Sense] to peek at the opponent's biological level, and found that it was only an ordinary ninth level.

The method is so weird, could this be an ordinary creature?

This is completely counterintuitive.

Nor is it biological.

So...is it a disguised biological level?

The more Lin Zichen thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

The unknown is always unsettling.

If he could know the strength of the fox-eared girl, he wouldn't be so uneasy even if the opponent's biological level was as high as rare.

He's just worried now.

The fox-eared girl in front of him was even stronger than Yuan Dongzhi.

If this is the case, today may be a very unlucky day.

"Little bed slave, there are only two of us left in the car now."

The fox-eared girl stood up and left her seat, walking slowly towards Lin Zichen, smiling charmingly as she walked.

She was wearing a long purple silk dress, revealing a pair of naked feet that could be held.

The loose sleeves of her skirt swayed as she walked.

The steps underfoot are light and silky.

It looks like a purple butterfly dancing gracefully, which is pleasing to the eye and extremely beautiful.

Seeing the fox-eared girl walking barefoot, Lin Zichen felt a little confused.

Isn't she afraid of getting her feet dirty?

Just thought so.

The next moment, he was surprised to find that the fox-eared girl was floating.

If you look closely, you can see that her naked feet are actually a little distance from the ground.

About half a centimeter or so.

It's hard to spot if you don't look carefully.

In response, Lin Zichen frowned slightly, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

The fox-eared girl in front of her was not wearing any shoes.

But the feet are still white and clean, without a trace of dust.

What does this mean?

It means that the other party has always been in a suspended state and never fell to the ground for a second.

How much mental power does it take to keep your whole body suspended in the air?

Can Yuan Dongzhi's mental strength be as strong as hers?

Lin Zichen had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more powerless he felt.

The fox-eared girl in front of her was extremely powerful, so strong that she couldn't even think of resisting.


The fox-eared girl walked up to Lin Zichen and said in a soft voice:

"Little bed slave, why are you frowning all the time? I won't eat you, so relax."

While listening to these words, Lin Zichen could smell a faint floral fragrance.

It emanates from the fox-eared girl.

It smells very comfortable, making people intoxicated and wanting to get closer.

There's something wrong with this floral scent, it feels like it has an aphrodisiac effect...

Lin Zichen came back to his senses from the scent of flowers, took a step back, and asked as calmly as possible:

"What does bed slave mean?"

When asking this question, he was ready to take action at any time.

If the fox-eared girl does anything strange, he will take action without hesitation.

Although there is a high probability that you will not be able to beat the fox-eared girl, you still have to try to find out.

What if we can win?

What if the opponent is only mentally strong and physically weak?

Everything is possible.

After all, there are creatures with extremely strong mental power but extremely stretched bodies.

Many strange beasts that specialize in spiritual power have the weakness of being weak physically.

"What I mean by bed slave is literally a slave on the bed. He is responsible for pleasing me on the bed and being sucked by me."

The fox-eared girl smiled and continued: "Your powerful physical talent and handsome appearance are all in line with my requirements."

"Especially with the physical talent, it is simply unbelievable that you can kill a high-level sixth-level warrior with an ordinary ninth-level body."

"With such a powerful physical talent, the essence contained in it must be very sweet and delicious, and you are qualified to be my bed slave."

Suck the essence?

What's this?

Lin Zichen realized something was wrong and asked, "Are you a gene fusion person, a strange beast, or a strange person?"

Before that, he thought that the fox-eared girl was a genetic fusion with the genes of fox-like alien beasts.

Now, he realized he might have been wrong.

The other person is probably not really a human being.

At least not from Earth.

It is very likely that it is a transformed alien beast, or a legendary alien living in the origin.

However, the fox-eared girl's next answer was somewhat unexpected.

I saw her sitting sideways on a seat, lazily crossing her legs, tapping her small and exquisite feet seductively, and smiling seductively:

"I am neither a gene fusion nor an alien beast nor an alien."


Lin Zichen was a little confused.

Neither is this, nor is that, what is that?

Could it be possible that he is a pure-blooded human like himself?

But this girl has animal ears and an animal tail, and she doesn't look like a pure-blood human.

The fox-eared girl continued: "I am half-Earthling."

"Half Earthling?"

Lin Zichen didn't quite understand what he said.

Soon, he thought of something and asked the fox-eared girl: "Are you from the place of origin?"

"So smart, you guessed it right."

The fox-eared girl smiled and said: "I do come from the Origin, but don't worry, I am different from other creatures in the Origin. I have never wanted to invade the Earth, and I have no ill intentions towards the people on Earth."

"Because I also have the blood of half the people on the earth, and I am half a person on the earth."

"Strictly speaking, the earth is half of my hometown."


Lin Zichen: "Are you a human-animal hybrid?"

The fox-eared girl corrected: "It's not a human beast, it's a human fox, a fox of a demon fox."

"Beasts are a collective term for non-intelligent creatures."

"My mother can speak human words, was able to carry me for ten months, and is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Do you think she is a beast?"

After saying that, the fox-eared girl sighed softly: "My mother is obviously so good, but my father, a creature from the earth, doesn't cherish her at all. He uses my mother's love for him to plot against my mother, defrauding her of money and sex, and causing big problems. My mother lifted up her pants and disappeared."

"As my daughter, I have never even seen him in all my life."

"It's also my mother who is infatuated and believed in the man's sweet words."

"In my opinion, men are only worthy of being bed slaves, with their masters tying their necks with a collar."

As she spoke, the fox-eared girl conjured a collar made of animal skin out of thin air.

Then, with captivating beautiful eyes and a charming smile, she asked: "I've been so honest with you, are you willing to wear the collar I carefully prepared for you and be my bed slave?"

Pulling things out of thin air?

Lin Zichen felt a little incredible when he saw the fox-eared girl suddenly conjuring an animal skin collar out of thin air.

Subconsciously looking at the fox-eared girl's hands.

Look to see if there is a ring on it.

No ring.

The ten green-white fingers were all empty, without anything to wear.

It’s not the storage ring in the online novel of the previous life...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen asked: "What will be the consequences if I refuse?"

"The consequences of refusal..." The fox-eared girl smiled sweetly: "You have no reason to refuse, and you have no qualifications to refuse."

Lin Zichen was silent, and then said: "Then let me think about it."

He didn't have the confidence to win against the fox-eared girl.

The only option is to delay and wait for the military to come for support.

And, waiting for Yuan Dongzhi to defeat the Nine Elders of Shenzhi Sect.

"Delaying for time?"

The fox-eared girl smiled: "Give up, people from the military region can't come."

"By the time they get here, the daylilies will be cold."

"Otherwise, why do you think I would spend time telling you so much?"

The fox-eared girl flipped her hair in front of her forehead and continued: "Rather than forcing others, I prefer others to do it willingly."

"If you are willing to be my bed slave, I can guarantee you that the Shenzhi Cult will never dare to make any plans for you again."

"Even in the future, I will have to call you "Sir" when I see you."


"I really need to think about it."

Lin Zichen bit the bullet and did not reply, trying to delay as much time as possible.

The fox-eared girl stood up from her seat, stood in front of Lin Zichen again, and said softly:

"Take a good look at my peerless face that will captivate the entire country."

"Look at my graceful figure."

"Do you know how many male creatures in the origin are hungry for my body?"

"Are you sure you don't want to be my bed slave?"


Lin Zichen looked at the fox-eared girl in front of him and looked at her carefully.

There are a pair of furry fox ears on the top of the head, and the hair hanging down on the shoulders is soft, silky and shiny.

Her skin is fair and delicate, her nose is small and straight, and her cherry mouth is rosy and translucent, which is particularly delicate.

The eyes are a pair of watery peach blossom eyes, the eyelashes are very long, the pupils are light purple, they have an inexplicable attraction, which seems to be able to capture the heart and soul, making people unable to take their eyes away just by looking at it. .

There is a conspicuous tear mole under the corner of the right eye, which adds a touch of charm to this attractive little face, exuding a unique charm.

Looking further down, what comes into view is a simple purple silk dress.

The long skirt is very loose and not slim fit.

But even so, the figure under the skirt is still visible to the naked eye, and the curves are very full.

Generally speaking, the fox-eared girl's appearance and figure are not inferior to Shen Qinghan's.

They are two different types of beauty.

Shen Qinghan is innocent with a hint of playfulness, plus a bit of age-appropriate lust. She is not really lustful, but is curious about both sexes as she gets older. At the same time, her figure is getting plumper, but she still retains a full sense of girlishness. She is the innocent and lovely sister next door.

The fox-eared girl in front of her has only one attribute of desire in her body. She has a charming face, a plump and round figure, and a sweet voice, which gives an extremely obscene feeling and makes people full of lustful reveries. She is a sexy and tall neighbor. My sister.

"looks good?"

The fox-eared girl asked with a half-smile.

Without waiting for Lin Zichen to answer, she stretched out a finger and gently placed it on Lin Zichen's lips, saying in a particularly seductive tone: "Become my bed slave. You can enjoy my body every day from now on, and you can also gain from it." Unexpected benefits.”

"What's the benefit?"

"When you become my bed slave, you will naturally find out in the future."

After the fox-eared girl finished speaking, she asked: "How about, do you want to be my bed slave?"

Lin Zichen showed hesitation: "Let me think about it."

At this moment, he felt a little aggrieved.

If you are strong enough, you won't need to pretend to hesitate and delay time, waiting for others to come to the rescue.

Instead, he could attack the fox-eared girl directly and knock her to the ground with one punch.

Unfortunately, the strength is still too weak.

You can only dominate in school.

As soon as you come outside and encounter powerful and high-level enemies, you can only be submissive.

Seeing that Lin Zichen was still reluctant and was still delaying time by saying that he had to consider or think about it, the smile on the fox-eared girl's face faded a lot, and she said with some displeasure:

"I'm obviously so charming, why don't you agree?"

"I understand, it's because of the sister outside the car, right?"

"If that's the case, then I'll kill her."

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the fox-eared girl suddenly disappeared.

By the time Lin Zichen reacted, she had already appeared behind Shen Qinghan like a ghost, waving her snow-white fox tail and wrapping it around Shen Qinghan's neck.


Only a crash was heard.

Lin Zichen didn't even want to leave, but chose to ram straight through the iron cover of the military bus. He shot out of the car like a bullet in an instant, and killed the fox-eared girl at the fastest speed.

Before the fox-eared girl could tighten her tail to strangle Shen Qinghan's neck, he had already rushed to the fox-eared girl's side, and with the majestic power of qi and blood, he punched her in the head.


It was accompanied by an elongated sound that broke through the air.

Lin Zichen's fist, which was so fast that it turned into an afterimage, passed directly through the fox-eared girl's head.

Just like how Lu Tianrong drove a military bus and hit the fox-eared girl before.

Nothing was touched.

It just felt like passing through the air.

After that, the fox-eared girl disappeared, as if she had never existed.

"what happened?"

Lin Zichen couldn't understand the scene in front of him.

While he was wondering, Shen Qinghan on the side said with a worried face: "Xiao Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"You asked me what happened?" Lin Zichen was confused about this, looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "I was saving you just now."

Shen Qinghan was equally confused: "Save me?"

At this time, Li Moyu looked puzzled and said, "Zichen, what are you doing?"

"Why did you suddenly rush out of the car out of nowhere and punch your Qinghan in the back like a ghost?"

"Are you planning to kill your wife to prove your truth?"


Ran out of the car for no apparent reason?

Lin Zichen realized something.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded faintly from behind him:

"The lower body is really cruel. My physical body is only at the level of an ordinary ninth level. If I were hit by your punch, I would probably die on the spot."

It was the voice of a girl with fox ears.

It came from the military bus behind me.

Lin Zichen looked back immediately.

Then it was discovered that the fox-eared girl was in the car the whole time and did not get out of the car.


I didn't just get a fake body.

But he was possessed by illusions, and all he saw were hallucinations.

After thinking about this.

Lin Zichen suddenly frowned, and the expression on his face became extremely solemn.

He has never encountered such a formidable enemy.

Just release a little mental power, you can play with people in the middle of applause.

"I was just playing with you."

The fox-eared girl walked out of the car with a playful smile: "Now, I really want to kill your beautiful sweetheart."

The moment she finished speaking, her figure blurred, and dozens of identical clones were instantly generated, killing Shen Qinghan in front of her.

This time, Lin Zichen was not in a hurry to take action.

He knew it very well.

If your mental strength is not as strong as the fox-eared girl, then no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

Because it is impossible to tell whether the target is real or fake.

If you want to win against the fox-eared girl, you must increase your mental strength.

The [Higher Spirit] obtained earlier is now time to put it to use.

Hope it's useful...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen had an idea and used the [Higher Spirit] that he just remembered.

The moment [Higher Spirit] takes effect.

He felt that his entire head was instantly empty and became unprecedentedly peaceful.

Then, dozens of clones of the fox-eared girl in front of him began to disappear one after another.

In just two seconds, no one was left.

Then, within the field of vision, only a girl with fox ears was seen sitting on the roof of the military bus, watching with interest the panic of several people below.

I saw my true form!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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