Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 196 Challenge all kinds of geniuses! Show the upper limit of pure-blooded humans!

Soon, Lin Zichen followed Liu Chuanwu into the office.

Shen Qinghan and Song Yuyan followed him in.

Liu Chuanwu sat down at his desk, turned on his computer, clicked on a video folder, and played the video he shot in an underwater ruins 20 years ago.

Lin Zichen stood behind him, watching the video playing on the computer screen.

At the beginning of the video, what caught Lin Zichen's eyes was an underwater cave.

The radius looked more than one meter.

Located in a coral reef.

The area around the cave was bare, not even a seaweed could be seen, and the existence of the cave could be discovered as soon as it passed by.

Soon, the picture began to go deeper into the cave.

About ten seconds later.

The picture changed from the narrow cave tunnel to a spacious cave.

The cave was empty and there was nothing.

There was only a huge mural.

The content of the painting is a woman whose face cannot be seen clearly, lying sideways in a giant shell in an elegant posture. In the open space in front of her, there are a large number of strange sea creatures kneeling.

Lin Zichen glanced at the woman in the picture.

Although her face is not clear, judging from her graceful figure, her appearance should be quite good.

After looking at the woman.

Lin Zichen's eyes fell on the sea creatures in the picture.

After looking around, most of them are unknown.

The only ones that can be recognized are a mermaid kneeling in the middle, a dragon kneeling in the middle and back, and a snake woman kneeling in the front row.

The snake woman's hair is all small snakes, and her lower body is a long snake body. She looks very weird, a bit like Medusa in ancient Greek mythology.

The picture stayed on the mural for a few minutes, and then turned to a stone on the side.

On top of the stone, a bracelet made of pearls and shells lay quietly.

This bracelet is exactly the one Lin Zichen is holding at the moment.

Soon, the video ended.

The picture freezes two seconds after the bracelet is found.

The video is only 5 minutes and 20 seconds long.

It is short and weak.

After the video is played, Liu Chuanwu said to the people behind him: "I stayed in this underwater ruins for more than an hour, but the video only recorded this much."

"It's not that I didn't record it, but the video equipment had some problems, and the subsequent more than an hour of footage was not recorded."

"When I found this, I was already home, and I couldn't go back to make up for it."


"Dean, where is this underwater ruins?" Lin Zichen asked.

Liu Chuanwu paused and said, "It was in Shuangri Bay in Shanhai City, but it has disappeared now."

Lin Zichen didn't understand: "What do you mean by disappeared?"

Liu Chuanwu: "I didn't record enough videos the day before, so I went to the sea to make up for it the next day. As a result, I found that I couldn't find the cave entrance, and even the coral reef."

"At that time, I asked many old fishermen who had been fishing in Shuangri Bay for many years, and the answer I got was that there was no cave entrance at all, let alone coral reefs."

"I suspected that I had accidentally entered some different space, just like the person in Peach Blossom Spring, who accidentally entered the peach blossom forest and could not find the entrance to the peach blossom forest after coming out."


"Is it so weird?" Lin Zichen frowned slightly and fell into deep thought, trying to use his known scientific knowledge to explain this phenomenon.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't explain it.

While Lin Zichen was thinking.

Shen Qinghan on the side stared at the bracelet in his hand.

For some reason, Shen Qinghan found that she cared a lot about this bracelet made of pearls and shells.

This bracelet was obviously very ordinary, but she just wanted to see it and wanted to reach out to touch it.

Lin Zichen noticed her gaze.

Seeing that she had been staring at the bracelet, he guessed that she was curious, so he handed the bracelet to her and said, "If you want to see it, take it and see it."

"Oh, then I'll take a look."

Shen Qinghan took the bracelet.

The moment she touched the bracelet, she felt the palm of her hand cool and comfortable, like holding a cup of cold milk tea.

She was a little confused about this.

This bracelet had been held in Lin Zichen's hand for so long, and under the influence of body temperature, it should be warm.

Why did it feel cold when it was held in her hand?

This was not in line with common sense.

Shen Qinghan just thought about it and didn't get too entangled.

Soon, she looked at the bracelet curiously.

The more she looked at it, the more attractive it was.

From being ordinary at the beginning, it gradually became exquisite and beautiful, and its value soared.

Then, an inexplicable desire to possess the bracelet in my hand arose in my heart.

However, this desire did not last long, and was overcome by reason in just a few seconds.

"No, why do I care so much about this bracelet?"

"It's so strange..."

Shen Qinghan, who woke up, looked at the bracelet in his hand, full of doubts.

Seeing that she seemed to like the pearl and shell bracelet very much, Liu Chuanwu smiled and said, "If you like this bracelet, take it. Anyway, it will be used as a sundry item in the institute."

"Is this really okay?"

Shen Qinghan was a little flattered.

This bracelet is an ancient artifact in the ruins and has great research value.

Even if it is simply used as an antique for collection, it can probably be auctioned for a lot of money.

It's too generous to just give it away like this.

Lin Zichen saw that Shen Qinghan seemed a little embarrassed to accept it, so he said to her, "Since it's a gift from the dean, then you should accept it."

"Oh, then I'll accept it."

Shen Qinghan was no longer reserved and accepted the bracelet as Lin Zichen said.

Then, she looked at Liu Chuanwu a little stiffly and said weakly, "Thank you, dean."

"Hey, don't be so polite. You are Zichen's fiancée, so you are one of us. Come to the institute often in the future to add some popularity to the deserted institute."

Liu Chuanwu smiled kindly.

Shen Qinghan nodded: "Yes, I will."

At this time, Lin Zichen's mobile phone vibrated.

He took it out and saw that it was Yuan Dongzhi who called on WeChat.

Because there were other people at the scene, Lin Zichen took the phone to the corridor outside to answer the call out of courtesy.

As soon as the call was connected, Yuan Dongzhi's cold voice came from the phone:

"Zichen, the deputy state lord in charge of the source base asked to see you, where are you now?"

Deputy state lord?

Hearing these three words, Lin Zichen was very surprised.

The country he was in was called Jiuzhou.

The state lord was the most powerful person in this country.

And the deputy state lord, especially the deputy state lord in charge of the affairs of the source, needless to say, his status must be second only to the state lord.

He was a big man who was below one person and above ten thousand people.

The biological level started at least at the legendary level.

He was the most powerful among the countless creatures on Earth.

Yuan Dongzhi had told Lin Zichen that with his performance in the military training and the importance that the Divine Planting Sect attached to him, he would soon attract the attention of some bigwigs in the country.

But Lin Zichen never dreamed that he could actually attract the attention of a deputy state lord.

This really proved the saying - the big thing is coming!

He calmed down a little.

Lin Zichen said, "Principal Yuan, I'm at the Pure Human Research Institute now."

"It just so happens that the deputy governor also wants to visit the Pure Human Research Institute. You just wait there. He will be there in about half an hour."

After that, Yuan Dongzhi asked, "Is Liu Chuanwu in the institute?"

Lin Zichen: "Yes."

Yuan Dongzhi: "Tell him to prepare the research results on pure-blooded humans and summarize them for the deputy governor. Try to be brief and don't talk nonsense."

Lin Zichen: "Okay, I got it."

Yuan Dongzhi: "Well, that's all I have to say. I'll hang up now."

"Okay, goodbye, Principal Yuan."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he did not hang up the voice, but silently waited for Yuan Dongzhi to hang up.

When he was talking to someone, he almost never took the initiative to hang up the call, and always let the other party hang up.

Soon, Yuan Dongzhi hung up the voice and ended the call on his own initiative.

Lin Zichen put away his phone, left the corridor and returned to the living and leisure area.

As soon as he came back, Song Yuyan teased him, "Zichen, why did you run out after receiving a WeChat voice message? Did a girl come to see you?"


Shen Qinghan felt nervous when she heard this.

Although she believed in Lin Zichen very much, she felt inexplicably nervous when she heard Song Yuyan say this.

It was really because Lin Zichen was too popular with girls. There were so many little fans of him that even the high-ranking fox girls in the source wanted to take him away as a bed slave.

This made Shen Qinghan, who lacked self-confidence since childhood, feel really insecure sometimes, worrying that Lin Zichen would be abducted by other girls one day.

Lin Zichen noticed Shen Qinghan's strangeness and guessed what she was thinking.

But he didn't say anything about it and didn't comfort Shen Qinghan.

He just said to everyone calmly: "It was Principal Yuan who called me just now."

Liu Chuanwu raised his eyebrows: "Yuan Dongzhi? What does she want to see you for?"

Lin Zichen: "Principal Yuan said that the deputy governor in charge of the source base will come to the institute in half an hour."

After hearing this, Liu Chuanwu's eyes widened: "Who are you talking about?!"

Lin Zichen: "Deputy governor, the deputy governor in charge of the source base."

"Ah?" Liu Chuanwu was puzzled: "Why would such a powerful person want to come to my broken research institute?"

"Principal Yuan said that the deputy governor asked to see me and wanted to come to the research institute by the way."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he continued: "It should be because I performed too well in the special training, and the Shenzhi Church attached too much importance to me, which attracted the attention of the deputy governor, and then attracted his attention to pure-blooded humans."

"Is that so?"

Liu Chuanwu touched his chin.

Lin Zichen: "Dean, Principal Yuan asked you to prepare the research results of the institute on pure-blooded humans in recent years, and to summarize them briefly and report them to the deputy governor."

Without waiting for Liu Chuanwu to respond, Song Yuyan on the side excitedly said: "Dean, that's great!"

"We have been studying pure-blooded humans for so many years, and finally a big shot is willing to pay attention to it!"

"Finally, the bitterness has paid off!"

Song Yuyan said, looking at Lin Zichen with a smile on her face, and sighed: "Sure enough, the pure-blooded human has to rely on top talents to promote it."

"The dean and I have been promoting it for so long, not to mention that there is no result at all, and we are treated as rats crossing the street."

"But since you joined, life has improved all of a sudden. Even the deputy governor, who is second only to the first person and above ten thousand people, has begun to pay attention to the pure-blooded human."

"This is really as unreal as a dream."

As Song Yuyan spoke, her eyes began to moisten uncontrollably.

She devoted her best ten years of youth and her future life to the research on pure-blooded humans.

During this period, the research progress has been unsatisfactory, and there is almost no future.

This made her feel extremely desperate.

And the appearance of Lin Zichen finally gave her hope.

It gave her the opportunity to prove herself.

Prove that she is not just like everyone else.

Prove that she is not a stupid woman with big breasts and no brains.

Prove that it was an extremely correct choice for her to give up the promising gene fusion path ten years ago and switch to the pure-blooded human path that only exists in theory.

The pure-blooded human path is destined to shine!

Moreover, it will not be long before this day comes!

"Yes, finally the bitterness has ended and the sweetness has come."

Liu Chuanwu listened to Song Yuyan's excited voice and couldn't help muttering this sentence.

He invested much more in the research of the pure-blooded human path than Song Yuyan.

Song Yuyan invested ten years of her youth, while he invested almost his entire life.

However, when the moment came that the pure-blooded human path might shine, he was much calmer than Song Yuyan.

Perhaps, this is what people often say: small joys are moving, big joys are calm.

"Yuyan, come with me and sort out all the research results of these years."

Liu Chuanwu said this and turned to walk towards the research room.

Song Yuyan didn't care about being excited when she heard it, and hurriedly followed him.

Lin Zichen knew that he couldn't help, so he didn't follow to take a seat, and chose to stay in the living and leisure area with Shen Qinghan to clean up.

But he didn't clean much, just simply tidied up the tables and chairs to make the environment look a little tidier.

It took a few minutes to simply clean up.

Lin Zichen had nothing to do, so he sat on the sofa and searched for the information of the deputy state lord on his mobile phone.

He used the special account given by Yuan Dongzhi to search on a special website.

For big figures like the deputy state lord, searching on ordinary websites will not find much useful information.

You need a special website.

This special website was given to Shen Qinghan by Yuan Dongzhi for learning.

The purpose is to let Shen Qinghan pay more attention to the internal information of this world and understand the world as much as possible.

However, Shen Qinghan has used this special website less than Lin Zichen.

Because Shen Qinghan prefers to listen to second-hand news from Lin Zichen rather than go to the website herself.

She uses Lin Zichen as an encyclopedia and asks him questions when she encounters something she doesn't understand.

And Lin Zichen himself doesn't object to this.

He thinks it's good to be Shen Qinghan's encyclopedia, which is equivalent to giving half of the effect of the biological attribute [Heavenly Wisdom] to Shen Qinghan.

Soon, the results of searching for deputy state lords on the special website came out.

There are three deputy state lords in Jiuzhou.

One is in charge of the source base.

One is in charge of the earth administration.

There is another one, who only has a lonely name in the character introduction, and there is no other introduction. It is unknown what field he is in charge of, which looks very mysterious.

There is no information about this deputy state lord even on the special website?

What does this person do?

Why is he so mysterious?

Lin Zichen was full of doubts.

However, he did not dwell on this point too much.

Soon, I turned my attention back to the deputy governor in charge of the source base.

Clicked on the person's profile.

I wanted to learn about his resume.

Name: Ye Yongsheng.

Position: Deputy Governor of Jiuzhou.

Date of Birth: Not included.

Achievements: ① Established multiple source bases; ② Promoted gene fusion; ③ Killed a legendary fire phoenix in the source flame valley; ④ Slightly...

Promoted gene fusion?

Why did a big shot who promoted gene fusion come to me, who is a pure-blooded human?

Is this a competitor coming to silence the enemy faction?

After reading the resume of this Deputy Governor Ye, Lin Zichen immediately had these thoughts.

Of course, it was just a thought, and he didn't think that the other party was really here to silence him.

He is a powerful deputy governor, a strong man who can kill legendary creatures. How could he be so idle to do this?

He probably thinks that there is room for development in the pure-blooded human race, so he came here to learn about this unpopular evolutionary path of pure-blooded humans and see if there is any possibility of promotion.

"Xiaochen, does this pearl shell bracelet look good on my hand?"

Shen Qinghan raised her right hand and put it in front of Lin Zichen, showing him the bracelet on her wrist.

Lin Zichen took a look and said perfunctorily, "Well, it looks very good."

After that, he lowered his head and continued to browse Ye Yongsheng's resume to get to know more about this Deputy Governor Ye.

Shen Qinghan felt Lin Zichen's perfunctory attitude and felt a little disappointed.

But she didn't show it, she just came forward, curious about what Lin Zichen was watching on his mobile phone that made him so focused.

When she and Lin Zichen were both looking at their phones seriously.

The bracelet on her hand was emitting a faint light.

The light was blue, flickering, coming from the mysterious runes engraved on the pearl shells.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan were still busy sorting out the materials in the research room.

At this time, Yuan Dongzhi had already appeared above the research institute with the deputy governor.

Lin Zichen sensed the arrival of the three people, and immediately got up from the sofa and went to remind Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan in the research room to come out to greet them.

As soon as he heard that the deputy governor had arrived.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan hurried out with a stack of materials and hurried downstairs to greet them.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan also went downstairs with them.

When the four arrived at the door of the research institute downstairs.

Yuan Dongzhi and others flying in the sky also happened to slowly float down.

There were three people in total, two men and one woman.

The woman is Yuan Dongzhi.

The men are the deputy governor and his male secretary.

Lin Zichen took a look at the deputy governor, who was a tall middle-aged man.

He had a square face and white hair on his temples, and his overall image looked very majestic.

As for the male secretary next to him, his face looked much kinder, and he wore a pair of glasses, giving people the feeling of a cultured person.

"This man can fly in the air, and his biological level is at least rare, why does he still wear glasses?"

"Can a strong man of this level have vision problems?"

"It should be just decoration..."

Lin Zichen thought about it in his heart.

While he was thinking about these.

Liu Chuanwu looked at the deputy governor Ye Yongsheng and said respectfully: "Governor."

Seeing this, the others also followed the tone and respectfully called the governor.

Everyone was very sensible and deliberately removed the word "deputy" when calling.

Ye Yongsheng said sternly: "I am very interested in the pure-blooded humans you are studying. Let's go to the institute to have a chat."

"Please come this way, Lord."

Liu Chuanwu walked in front to lead the way for Ye Yongsheng.

Ye Yongsheng put his hands behind his back and followed him into the institute with steady steps.

The others followed consciously behind him.


Went into the institute and took a tour.

Ye Yongsheng sat down on the sofa in the living and leisure area.

Song Yuyan was making tea at the tea table.

The others were standing on the other side of the tea table.

Ye Yongsheng said: "Sit down, don't stand, don't be so restrained."

Upon hearing this, everyone found a seat and sat down. They consciously did not sit next to Ye Yongsheng, leaving the deputy Lord alone in the main seat.

"Lord, this is the research result of the institute on pure-blooded humans over the years. Please take a look."

Liu Chuanwu handed the sorted materials to Ye Yongsheng with both hands respectfully.

Ye Yongsheng took the information and read through it at a glance.

In less than three minutes, he finished reading the thick stack of information.

Seeing this, Liu Chuanwu was ready to answer Ye Yongsheng's questions.

However, after Ye Yongsheng finished reading the information, he did not ask any questions.

Instead, he said in a deep voice: "When the pure-blooded human path first came out, I paid attention to it for a while."

"I paid attention to it for about ten years, and saw that the geniuses who took the pure-blooded human path were all mediocre without exception in the end, so I sentenced this evolutionary path that only existed in theory to death and determined it to be a dead end."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people who insist on studying this evolutionary path."

"And, they really have researched results."

"There is a sample who is very likely to break the ordinary shackles and evolve into a high-level creature with the body of a pure-blooded human."

As he said, Ye Yongsheng looked at Lin Zichen who was sitting in front of him and said to him: "I just came out of the source yesterday and heard about your amazing performance in the Nanjiang Provincial Military District and the attack on you by the Divine Plant Cult."

"Your amazing performance in the military region proves that the pure-blooded human race is worth studying."

"The importance that the Divine Plant Cult places on you proves that the pure-blooded human race may have something special, so much so that the Divine Plant Cult wants to take you away."

Ye Yongsheng picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and continued: "I just sensed your blood and spirit strength, which was so high that I was a little surprised."

"It is obvious that the biological level is only ordinary ninth level, but the blood and spirit strength can reach the level of advanced second level."

"Your appearance makes me curious about the pure-blooded human race."

"From today on, I hope you can show your strength to the maximum and no longer hide your shortcomings."

"As a genius of the pure-blooded human race, you constantly challenge the genius of the gene fusion and the genius of the mechanical transformation, let me see where the upper limit of the pure-blooded human race is."

When saying this, Ye Yongsheng's eyes, as sharp as eagle eyes, looked straight into Lin Zichen's eyes, revealing a strong force that could not be refused.

After hearing what Ye Yongsheng said, Lin Zichen's heart was slightly shaken.

This deputy state lord can actually see my blood and spirit strength?

[Natural camouflage] doesn't work on him!

I overestimated the effect of [Natural camouflage], a biological attribute, and underestimated the perception ability of a legendary strongman...

On the other side, the deputy state lord's secretary, Yuan Dongzhi, Liu Chuanwu, and Song Yuyan were all shocked at this moment, and looked at Lin Zichen with disbelief.

The biological level is only ordinary ninth level, but the blood and spirit strength is as high as advanced second level?

What's going on? !

The blood strength can be as high as advanced second level, and it can be explained by practicing blood quenching.

But what's the matter with this spirit strength?

You know, Lin Zichen is a pure-blooded human, and he can't improve his own spirit strength by fusing the genes of alien beasts.

In this case, how did he improve his spirit strength to advanced second level? !


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