Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 197: Extraordinary Genius! Luo Qianxue!

Everyone was shocked by Lin Zichen's mental strength.

It was hard to imagine that a freshman could have a mental strength as high as the advanced second level without the fusion of exotic beast genes.

It was simply shocking.

As a legendary strongman, Ye Yongsheng was only slightly surprised by Lin Zichen's high mental strength, and was not as shocked as others.

He had lived for thousands of years and had been guarding the source for many years. During this period, he had seen countless top geniuses.

Among them, he had also seen many rare geniuses like Lin Zichen who were different from ordinary people.

He was not shocked by seeing them.

Not to mention, he, who could evolve into a legendary creature, was a top genius that was rarely seen in a thousand years.

His performance when he was young was only better than that of Lin Zichen now.

"Lord, I'm hiding my abilities because I'm afraid that if I perform too well, I'll attract a crazy attack from the pagans."

"If they only attack me, it's fine, but I'm afraid they'll implicate my family."

"I can't afford the consequences..."

Lin Zichen risked making Ye Yongsheng unhappy and expressed his concerns.

He said this to Ye Yongsheng not to refuse to show his strength, but to seek shelter.

In other words, you can show me your strength, but can you provide me with protection?

He had experienced the madness of the Shenzhi Cult.

And he had just experienced it not long ago.

He urgently needed to find a backer to protect him.

Ye Yongsheng understood what he meant, and said calmly: "Since I told you to show your strength without reservation, I will naturally guarantee the safety of you and your family."

"I can't guarantee it in the source, but in the land of Jiuzhou, if I say to protect a person, no one can hurt this person."

"Therefore, you don't have to worry about safety, just show your strength."


"I understand, Lord, I will show my strength to the maximum extent and let you know the upper limit of pure-blooded humans." Lin Zichen said respectfully.

When he said this, he was a little worried.

Ye Yongsheng only said that he would guarantee the safety of him and his family, but he didn't say how to guarantee it specifically.

Is it to send someone to be a personal bodyguard?

Or take the person to a safe place?

Or what other operations?

Ye Yongsheng didn't say any of the above protection methods, which made it difficult for Lin Zichen to feel at ease.

But no matter how worried he was, Lin Zichen didn't dare to ask.

He felt that he might have offended Ye Yongsheng by telling him about his concerns.

If he asked Ye Yongsheng how to provide protection, it would be a bit of a death wish.

Most leaders are very reluctant to have their subordinates question their words.

Lin Zichen could imagine a picture.

If he asked Ye Yongsheng how to provide protection, Ye Yongsheng's psychological activities would probably be like this:

——I am a deputy state lord. I will protect you if I say so. You asked me how to protect you. Are you questioning my ability?

Ye Yongsheng didn't know what Lin Zichen was thinking about at the moment.

He looked at the male secretary next to him and said, "Xiao Zhang, add this classmate Lin's WeChat and send him the list."


The male secretary responded, walked quickly to Lin Zichen's front, took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and added him as a friend.

Then, he sent him a document.

The file name is - List of Extraordinary Geniuses.

List of Extraordinary Geniuses?

What is this?

Lin Zichen curiously clicked on the list, and immediately a bunch of names came into his eyes.

After counting, there were 28 names in total.

He looked through all the names on the list, and felt very unfamiliar, none of them were recognized.

No, there was one that he knew.

The name he knew was "Luo Qianxue".

Lin Zichen was deeply impressed by this name.

Because this person was Shen Qinghan's senior sister who had never shown her face, and was Yuan Dongzhi's eldest disciple.

At the same time, it was suspected to be the white-haired girl who was a transfer student in the second grade of elementary school - Bai Xue.

Lin Zichen remembered that this girl named Luo Qianxue seemed to be in the source now.

So... all the people on this list are in the source?

Are they all geniuses unknown to the world?

While Lin Zichen was thinking about this, Shen Qinghan, who was standing next to him, came up curiously and looked at the list on his phone with a pair of bright peach blossom eyes.

The names on the list were all unfamiliar, and Shen Qinghan didn't recognize any of them.

Her social circle basically overlapped with Lin Zichen's.

She probably didn't know anyone Lin Zichen didn't know.


Luo Qianxue?

When Shen Qinghan saw this name on the list, her slender and beautiful eyebrows raised slightly.


My cheap senior sister is on this list.

Is she a genius of the alien level?

What level is an alien level genius?

Is she comparable to Xiaochen?

Shen Qinghan was thinking.

At this time, Ye Yongsheng said: "The people on the list are the top young talents in the country. Only those under 30 years old are eligible to be selected."

"The geniuses who can be selected on this list are rare in a century. They all have legendary appearances and have the potential to evolve into legendary creatures."

"These alien level geniuses are the main fighting force of the earth to counter the source."

Ye Yongsheng paused and asked: "Do you know anyone on the list?"

"No." Lin Zichen shook his head.

"That's right, you don't know them."

Ye Yongsheng continued, "Almost all of these people on the list were sent to the source for intensive training before they were old enough to go to school. They are not on the same track as geniuses like you who follow the education system."

Lin Zichen wondered, "Can you withstand the backlash of the boundary force at such a young age?"

Ye Yongsheng said calmly, "There are always exceptions. Ordinary people can't bear it, but it doesn't mean that geniuses at the level of aliens can't bear it."

Lin Zichen fell into deep thought after hearing this.

What level of existence is an alien-level genius?

Compared with me who was born with a plug-in, who is stronger and who is weaker?

And what about the aliens themselves?

What level of strength do these natives living in the source have?

At the same time.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan both opened their eyes and mouths at the same time, their faces full of disbelief, and they felt a shock in their hearts.

Both of them are ordinary creatures, and they have never entered the source, so they don't know much about the situation at the source.

However, the two of them knew that if the creatures on Earth entered the source, they would be attacked by the boundary force of the source.

And it was clear that the creatures on Earth who entered the source had to be at least advanced in order to better withstand the boundary force of the source.

However, the extraordinary geniuses that Ye Yongsheng mentioned just now were not even old enough to go to school, but they could withstand the boundary force of the source. What kind of freaks are they? !

On the other side.

Compared with Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan, Yuan Dongzhi had no emotional fluctuations on her face, and her face was as calm as a calm surface without wind.

Her eldest disciple Luo Qianxue was on the list, which made her understand the extraordinary geniuses on the list and knew the existence of such people.

Based on this, when she heard about these so-called extraordinary geniuses from Ye Yongsheng, her heart was not shaken.

"Lord of the State, Li Yijin, the genius of Jing University, and the mechanical genius girl of the Jishen Group, are they much different from the extraordinary geniuses on the list?"

Lin Zichen asked curiously.

Ye Yongsheng said calmly: "There is no comparison. The two people you mentioned are not at the same level as the extraordinary geniuses on the list."

There is no comparison?

Lin Zichen was somewhat surprised by Ye Yongsheng's answer.

For a long time, he thought that the genius of Beijing University and the mechanical genius girl were the ceiling of human talent besides him.

After all, these two people are so famous that they can often be seen in various news reports.

Among them, many reports will give these two people various eye-catching titles.

For example -

The strongest genius on the surface.

The peerless duo.

The hope of all mankind, etc.

The titles look more exaggerated than the other, making people think that these two people are the ceiling of the earthlings.

But the truth is that this pair of earthlings who have been marketed for many years are not even qualified to compare with these extraordinary geniuses on the list.

Ha, this is a bit humorous.

"Student Lin, I sent you this list of alien-level geniuses to tell you that this world is big, there are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heaven. Don't limit your horizons to Earth."

Ye Yongsheng took a sip of tea and continued: "Many of the top geniuses you know are at best a big ant in the source land, inconspicuous and unable to make any waves."

"It can be said that geniuses on Earth are not geniuses, and geniuses in the source land are geniuses."

"Your talent currently looks quite good, reaching the level of aliens."

"But, it is only reached in the early stage."

"As for the later stage, it depends on your subsequent performance, and the focus is on the degree of improvement."

"So, from today on, show your strength and talent well, and strive to reach the standard of entering the list of alien-level geniuses."

"Once you are on the list, you can enjoy evolutionary resources that you can't imagine."

Ye Yongsheng put down the teacup in his hand, and said in a calm voice: "These resources are enough to push a creature with an upper limit of ordinary level to rare level."

Hearing this, Lin Zichen's eyes lit up.

It can push the creatures whose upper limit is ordinary level to the rare level where Yuan Dongzhi is now.

How many resources will it take to do this?

To enter the list!

Must enter this list of alien-level geniuses!

Lin Zichen thought so in his heart, and said with determination: "Governor, next I will show my strength and talent to the maximum extent, and strive to enter the list of alien-level geniuses as soon as possible, so as not to disappoint you."

Disappointment? Not exist.

With the plug-in, I will definitely enter the list of alien-level geniuses and obtain the unimaginable evolutionary resources mentioned by the deputy governor.

"Look forward to your performance."

Ye Yongsheng said without any fluctuation in his voice.

After speaking, he moved his sharp eyes like eagle eyes from Lin Zichen to Shen Qinghan beside Lin Zichen.

At the moment when his eyes were cast.

Shen Qinghan in front of him suddenly became nervous.

Being timid by nature, she did not dare to make any eye contact with the deputy governor in front of her. She immediately lowered her head timidly, looking at her toes that were almost completely blocked by her full chest.

She was too timid. When facing the deputy governor with a strong aura, she did not even have the courage to look directly at him.

Seeing her acting so timid, Ye Yongsheng could not help but wonder, "You are so talented, but you are timid. I am really curious, how did you develop this character?"


Shen Qinghan did not say anything, but just buried her head lower silently.

Seeing her so nervous, Lin Zichen had to explain for her: "Governor, she was bullied by her classmates in school when she was a child, which left a psychological shadow, so she is more introverted and timid."

"I see."

Ye Yongsheng nodded.

Then, he looked at Shen Qinghan, who was lowering her head, with interest, and said in disbelief: "There are exotic animal genes in her body, but no fusion has occurred, but it is controlled."

"Also, there are obvious signs of tempering in her tendons, bones, blood and flesh. It seems that she has practiced blood tempering and is a pure-blooded human."

"Your physique is really special. Even if it is put on the list, it is one of the rarest."

After saying that, Ye Yongsheng shook his head again and said: "It's a pity that the biological level is too low. It has obviously been tempered once, but the biological level is only ordinary sixth level. This talent is a bit unsatisfactory."

Shen Qinghan was surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect that his special physique would be seen by this deputy state lord at a glance.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan on the side suddenly opened their eyes wide, and their faces were instantly filled with shock.

What? !

Zi Chen's little wife didn't fuse the exotic animal genes?

She is a pure-blooded human?

How is this possible? !

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan were both confused and puzzled. They wanted to ask Shen Qinghan what was going on right now.

But due to the inconvenience of the current situation, they could only keep it to themselves.

They thought that they would "interrogate" Lin Zichen's young wife after Ye Yongsheng left.

Ye Yongsheng saw the shock on the faces of Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan, and realized that Shen Qinghan was hiding her abilities just like Lin Zichen, and did not reveal her strength.

In response, he looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "Little girl, perform well with your childhood sweetheart, show your potential as much as possible, and strive to be on the list."

After saying this, he picked up the research results on pure-blooded humans, stood up and walked out of the institute.

He stayed in the institute for more than ten minutes. Whether it was Lin Zichen or pure-blooded humans, they all understood it. It was time to leave.

Sitting in the position of deputy state lord, there are many things to deal with every day, and not a second can be wasted.

"Lord of the State, I'll see you off!"

Seeing Ye Yongsheng was about to leave, Yuan Dongzhi quickly stood up to see him off.

Seeing this, the others also stood up and followed to see Ye Yongsheng off from the institute.

This is a deputy lord of the state, one of the top few people in the country, and he must not be neglected.

All due respect must be given.

Soon, under the eyes of everyone, Ye Yongsheng and his secretary left on a plane.

After that, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan, who had been holding back for a long time, immediately looked at Shen Qinghan and asked her what Ye Yongsheng had just said to her. What was going on?

What do you mean she didn't fuse the genes of the alien beast?

What do you mean she is a pure-blooded human?

What is going on?


PS: Putting out the bowl, asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes!

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